How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -

He says he wants to quit, but he can-t. He-s been smoking since he was 15 (now he-s 47). He quit for three years in his late 30s, but started again and hasn-t been able to quit since. I-m afraid for him because his triglyceride and cholesterol levels are extremely high. What can he do to make quitting easier, what can I do to help?
I highly reccomend Chantix, available by RX from your doctor.
I don-t think that there is any magical way to get him to stop smoking. Smoking was a personal choice that he made, so only he can quit smoking if he wants to.

The best thing you can probably do is educate him about smoking and ways you think might help him. You can even point him to some places that specialize in this area:…

Like I said though, the decision to quit is ultimately his and HE is the one that has to do it. Don-t throw his cigarettes away because that will make him mad. You got to understand that he needs the cigarettes for at least another short time. Hardly anyone can quit cold turkey.
Try searching on websites or forums that discuss quit smoking. Hope you can get some good ideas. Or..

Here are some tips to help you stop smoking:-
-Throw away your cigarettes, ashtrays - lighters
-Break all habits associated with smoking e.g. if you have a cigarette after dinner, go for a walk instead
-Occupy yourself with activities when you feel the urge to smoke.

Most people stop on their own, but being a heavy smoker for many years, you may need help from doctors, clinics or organised groups.

That-s a tough one...

My parents had quit by first replacing the bad habit part of the addiction. This is the psychological part of smoking. For examples they chewed on straws for 3 months. There are a lot of replacements. Some people quit by eating a specific snack that for some reason eases their urges. Then once you find out the game plan you cut cold turkey. If that doesn-t work try hiring someone to follow him around and take away his cigarettes.
i dunno, i have the same problem but the best thing is to #1. try to be understanding of how much of a struggle quitting is and #2. keep positive encouragement, tell him to try this Chantix prescription to make it a little easier, it has a whole program and support line and stuff
I just saw something on tv about a series of shots you can get that is suppose to help to restrict whatever it is in your brain that makes you crave nicotine. It is a very new vaccine they are talking whether it is actually in use or just in the testing stages I am not sure...It wouldn-t hurt to check into this.
make him little notes everywhere, saying dad don-t do it. i know you can quit and i believe in you. something like that. you need to get him to believe that he can quit. because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. it may take some time but NEVER GIVE Up.

GOod LUCK to you and your father, i hope he quits ASAP
You can-t make him quit, he has to want to quit. Trust me, my dad has been smoking since I was like six years old. Thirty years and up man!
my dad smoked. we sort of forced him. not force force but force. lol whenever he took out a cigar we took it off him and threw it on the ground. after a few weeks he quit cuz he was wasting money. and of course health. hope i helped
tell him how it makes you feel, and how you want him to be around for everything that happens in your life and tell him you will help him w/ his cravings and watch so that he doesn-t light up.
my dad used to smoke also.
just have a talk with him and tell him how its affecting you.
Patch, gum, or another addiction like coffee
Nice question. I-ll check in now and then to see what suggestions others come up with because in the end it-ll all be up to him
steal a pack of his ciggerettes , un roll it, lace it with somme pcp and roll it bak up and give it to em
Let him know how you feel about it.
Tell him that you want him at your wedding someday
Tell him you are dying from some avoidable illness. See how HE feels!
start taking all his cigs and throw them away
guilt trip him?
How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -

Ive just quit smoking- should I let my body recover for a little before starting to exercise? -

Ive just quit smoking- should I let my body recover for a little before starting to exercise? -

What is mean is, I know that for the next few days I-m going to be feeling pretty low and coughing up a lot of the muck my body is clearing out.

I want to get fit, so should I start exercising right away or let my body grow used to not having any nicotine for a week or so first?

I think its best to excercise as soon as possible. Sweating will get those nasty toxins out, and you will feel great after a couple of weeks!!

Its great to hear that you-re not smoking and wanting to exercise!! :)
Congrats on the not smoking thing but you should start exercising right away.... slowly! and it will help keep you distracted from your craving too. Good luck!

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I agree with those above who say that you should start exercising right away. It might help with withdrawal symptoms. Just don-t overdo it. You can-t get fit overnight, and pushing your body to the limit first thing is a bad idea. Start with some light aerobics, like walking or slow treadmilling. Make it your goal to do at least 20 minutes three times a week - that-ll start helping right away, and, more importantly, it will get you into a routine. After a couple of weeks, up it to 5 times a week, and maybe add some weight training. Increase the workload, but only gradually. What they say is true: slow and steady wins the race.
exercise now its a great way to keep you off the cigs and youl feel miles better for it-i gave up a few years ago (sadly im back to square one now) and strangely didnt have any spluttering or coughing up of anything. Working out will be so good for you and certainly spur you on
well done for giving up im about to do it again also x
seriously - exercising can actually help you quit smoking - it battles the cravings and withdrawl symptoms. i read it in my gym magazine this morning. pretty cool.
just go slow, like start walking or go on the stationary bike instead of the marathon you are dying to run! hehe :)
you-ll be fine! congrats on quitting :)
start light excercise it will help your body to repair if you dont feel your pushing your self the drop and give me 50
No start straight away, the sooner the better. The more you force yourself into a big sweaty out of breath mass, the fitter you will be.
Yes, also drink alot of water so you can pee out your toxins and cleanse your body.
Do the excercise, it will help you mentally and physically overcome the cravings.............. Well done by the way.......
Ive just quit smoking- should I let my body recover for a little before starting to exercise? -

Can a pharmacist help me quit smoking? -

Can a pharmacist help me quit smoking? -

I want to quit smoking and I deffinately need help. However, it takes so long to get in to see my family doctor and I-m wondering if I could just speak to my local pharmacist and get the same answers?
Absolutely, there may even be a smoking clinic run by a pharmacist in your area. They can help with information, show you how to use the nicotine products, adjust usage to your level of smoking etc. The only thing you really need a physician for is if you want to try the prescription products.
A pharmacist can help you quit smoking,he will tell you about the products which may help you and give advise/info about this and maybe he now about a class/seminar about stop smoking groups.The mayor thing in this, is that you`re motivated,if not,nothing will help.
Wouldn-t it just be easier not to buy any more cigarettes and go from there?
Can a pharmacist help me quit smoking? -

If you have quit drinking alcohol and/or quit smoking cigarettes, How did you do it? -

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you have quit drinking alcohol and/or quit smoking cigarettes, How did you do it? -

It just doesn-t seem that I can quit either, no matter how hard that I try. What do you think is MY problem? I just want to be free of both of these vices. Thank You !!!!!
Well I-ve never smoked so I can-t help you there. However I used to drink. Quite heavily. I-ve been sober now for 6 years 5 months and 7 days. I did it the hard way. Cold turkey. I would suggest that you check into A.A. I never went myself but they-ve helped a lot of people. You could also talk to a doctor. There are many things you can do, however you must really want to quit. Otherwise nothing will help. I hope you are able to find something that works for you. Good luck.
I can help you with the quitting smoking. If you have alcoholism, you need to see a doctor for more info ASAP- alcholism is a disease, but smoking is an addiction. I quit smoking by weening myself for a few months until I was no longer smoking. The urge subsides every week until its so little of a craving that you can ignore it. Its a choice- you have to want to stop smoking and hate what its doing to you. Then you have to realize that your brain has learned to function with this drug and has to relearn how to function without it. So, smoke 1 less cig a day until you are smoking like, 1 cig every 3 days...then half a cig...then quit. The after a month or two when you are going crazy- its ok to have a few puffs to calm your body, but after that- you must stop completely. ALSO you must replace smoking with jogging. I used to run then come home and shower and have a cig and some lemonade. LOL. BUT, you have to start jogging to you feel your lungs burn - get that rush from natural adrenaline. I have jogged twice a day since I quit in December 05 and after my mercy puffs in March 06- I have not smoked cigs since. Hookah - Pot are ok, but not until you are really free from the nicotine addiction.
Well for me it came with age that I stopped drinking (in excess) and smoking. I just got jadded partying all the time and spending$$$. Smoking was the challenging one, but the way I quit was to just ween myself off. I made myself a plan and stuck with it. I only allowed myself 3 cigarettes per day at first(i was smoking at least 10 cigs-1 pack per day)1 when i woke up, 1 after lunch, one and then my last cig an hour before bed time. After a week my body got used to the lower doses of nicotene and I eventually dropped down to 1 cig a day after 2 weeks of 3 cigs a day. Yesterday I dropped the one cig a day! I have not smoked today and do not feel the urge even seeing this question does not make me want to smoke. The drinking will be the same too. I used to drink every night and party hard. I slowly limited my drinking, instead of drinking 8 hrs straight, now I just enjoy a glass or two of wine or beer, hell maybe even a cocktail once every 3 days. Hope this helps cuz I know it-s hard, but if I can do it You can DO it!! I smoked and drinked for over 13 yrs and I-m only 27 yrs old. Trust friends all party and they tempt me, I just choose to not hang out with them and they know why cuz I was upfront with all of them. I am now making new friends who are either sobber or in the process of becoming. I dont do AA meetings cuz I believe that I have the strength to quuit anything..Testing myself is to me a spiritual cleansing of sorts..GOOD LUCK !!!
u must have the strong will to reject these two bad habits.stay at home everyday even after work,eat sour plum n hack sweet with strong mint if u feel ur tongue is itchy.u w-d be ok if u can stand it more than 2 weeks.take care.
I was one of the lucky ones i was able to just put the cigarettes down ! good luck!
was smoking for 22 years threw cigarette simply , broke off the remaining 8 packs and quit for ever. now 17 years passed by grace of God never liked it again. drink i never exceeded one or max two a day
As far as smoking, you can-t quit unless you want to, I switched to the small cigars (ERIC ) I still smoke but a heck of a lot less. I know too many people that quit and ended up getting lung cancer. Alcohol: I will never recommend an AA program. Iv-e been 4 AA programs we were drinking as a in-patient status let alone out-patient. I quit when it was almost to late. Went to the hospital with a bad back, it ended up being Cirosis of the liver. The doctors gave me 3 mo. if I didn-t stop 6mo. to 3 years with a transplant if all went well. I quit cold turkey. I had a veraces bleed 9 mo later where I was legally dead for almost 9 min. that happened twice. I still have scar tissue on my liver, no tumors have developed, which usually happens. June 11th will be 9 years clean. just keep it in your mind : think of what you might miss and not what you missed. If I can do it anybody can.
First, know that you can never successfully quit more than one vice at a time--proven fact.

Pick one (alcohol is usually easier, unless you have been drinking morning, noon and night for many years--or if you-ve only been smoking for a very short time). If you can-t quit cold turkey, reduce the amount you drink daily, until you can stop without withdrawal. If your problem is severe, a doctor can help you with a prescription...

Be off the alcohol for at least a month before you start weaning yourself off the smokes. This is much more difficult for most people (unless they smoke very little, and have only been doing so for a short time). The American Heart Association and the Cancer sites have useful aids - check them out.

Good luck, I don-t do one of the above at all, and haven-t for years. The other keeps coming back to haunt me.
My friend used the patches to quit smoking, he said they really worked well. My boyfriend-s doctor gave him some kind of prescription pill to help him stop drinking, he said it did help to get rid of the craving.
For the drinking - try AA - you will have support from other people and it really helps!

For the Smoking:
I know this may sound weird, but Bananas can help people trying to give up smoking. The B-6 and B-12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body-s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

So try eating some bananas :)

Some of the addiction is oral and normalacy... when you normally have cigarettes, that-s when you crave them... one of my friends would always have a ballpoint pen with her ... she would hold it in her hand like she would when she was a smoker... and if she had the oral craving, she would chew on the pen... sounds weird, but worked for her :)
quit cold turkey... its hard but its the best. the first few days are critical. also keep yourself active when youre quitting it helps.
Smoking and alcohol are both very addicting and legal which makes it harder to quit.

If you can-t do it alone get help there are many programs and groups for both, but; maybe you should do one at a time, trying to kick both together may be your problem, try to stop drinking first, and when you succeed you can tackle smoking.

I-m sorry the way I quit smoking won-t help you. I quit a long time ago, I was very lucky, I just stopped, maybe it-s because I was never a heavy smoker, I feel blessed in that way. I truly wish you could do the same. I don-t drink.

I admire you for wanting to do this, I wish you luck.
You will have to be positive to leave these vices. As for drinking, there is Alcoholic Annonymous (an association found by the drinkers, who wanted to quite drinking).
I quit smoking using the pill -chantix- it worked realy good I-ve been quit for almost 2 mo.s now I still have urges but they are slowly going away.I smoked for 15 yrs.and couldnt believe I did the smartest thing I have ever done:)
You probably don-t really want to quit them, even though you think you do and know you should.

I quit smoking about 36 years ago, and did it cold turkey. I still like to drink a little beer, but don-t drink to excess. If I quit alcohol I would quit the same way I quit smoking. Cold turkey. I know I can if I want to.

You might want to try a support group. There are also some aids, such as gums and patches, that can help you quit. See your physician before using these. Don-t try quitting when you are under a lot of stress--the quitting will increase the stress and add to your problems.
Well, let-s start with the cliche answers first-
Go to AA(one of my personal favourites[*yawn*])
Go to rehab(not a bad option really)
Find something to live for(That one is a joke)
Go to a dr(yeah, good luck finding one that knows anything about the disease)

Ok, Now for a little reality. For me, I had lost my family, friends, money, prestige, self-respect... you name it- if I ever had it, it was gone. Then through an interesting turn of events(that I won-t get into for now), I ended up in a homeless shelter for two nights. Sleeping on the floor of a home-less shelter.... ME!!! I couldn-t believe where my alcoholism had landed ME. Well, sleeping there for two nights, eating whatever garbage the area business were kind enuff to donate, wondering if -those people- would steal my socks off my feet while I was sleeping. I found a bottom that I hope I will never have to see again. I was well informed on the AA plan of recovery by then(I had about 4 yrs in the halls), but that-s when I knew it was the end of the line for me. I HAD TO apply the principles and the plan of action I had learned in those meetings. For me, those two nights forged a bond between me and my maker that pray will never be broken. I thank God everyday for keeping me safe and for giving me that experience. I haven-t really thanked the girl that landed me there yet, but deep in my heart I know why she came into my life.

Ok, so now I-m about to start rambling, but thanks for posting this question. I needed to share that with someone. Hope it helps. Good luck friend.
Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dieing-
cold turkey. I am so proud of my self.
IGNORE The Cold Tukey IF You Are Addicted To The Alcohol And NEED It Daily ..

Cold Turkey Can Cause Alcoholic Fits Which Can And Has Ended In Death If You Are Regular Drinker And Stop Suddenly.

Seek Proffessional Help , As NOBODY Should Ever Tell You To Just STOP

Feel Free To Contact me If You Wish To Chat Or Ask Any Questions Please

I was given 6 months to live almost 3 years ago, and had to be taken off the booze safely with alcohol detox and with support, and now here to help others and also setting up my own project to assist with support and awareness on the TRUTH about alcohol and how to get PROPER help ..

Thank you - look Forward To Hearing From You

Take Care

Brian xxx
Well I never was a drinker but I smoked untill I had Larynx Cancer and had to have a Laryngectomee Operation I lost my voice and have to breath through a hole in my neck Guess I-m lucky I don-t have lung cancer Think about what your doing to yourself and put them down before its too late...Believe me it can happen to you too...
I quit smoking 7 years ago. They still smell really good, on days when things are tough, but I manage to stay quit. What I did was a combination of the things others have told you. I weaned myself down to what I thought a reasonable number of cigarettes per day would be: for me, it was five. I did that for a month or so, then got the nicotine patch and chewed gum like I was crazy for it (sugarless, of course). I chewed so much gum that my jaws were tired, but it worked.
The thing is, if you-re giving up one habit, then you should replace it with another. Smoking reflects an oral fixation, and there are psychological reasons why certain people smoke and why others have absolutely no interest. You and I are among the group of people who have an oral fixation. So you-ll want to be sure to satiate that desire for something in your mouth with something less toxic - that-s why I chose gum.
i quit both last year in feb. my solution was i stopped going to places where i would drink and or smoke . i excluded myself from tempting situations. it helped me i haven-t drank or smoke since then. the main thing is that i asked jesus to help me.
If you have quit drinking alcohol and/or quit smoking cigarettes, How did you do it? -

How can a paraplegic person with nothing to do all day be able to quit smoking? -

Monday, November 24, 2008

How can a paraplegic person with nothing to do all day be able to quit smoking? -

a paraplegic person means that his legs or lower extremities are a paralyzed. He-s a 43 yr. old man who started to smoke when he was 18 yrs old. He was shot in the back and as a result, half of his liver was taken away and it resulted to his permanent paralysis. He also can-t control his urine anymore and has been using a catheter for 3 years now.
There are options available for anyone to quit smoking. People who use nicotine replacement therapy (like patches or gum) are 2 times more likely to quit than people who quit cold turkey. Ask him to talk with his doctor about using one of these methods. Also, the smoker has to want to quit. You can encourage someone to quit smoking, but it won-t do any good if they don-t want to stop. There are also pharmaceutical methods (like chantix or wellbutrin), but they may not be an option for this person because of the liver issue. Like I said, have him talk with his doctor who can recommend a method that is suited for this patient.
If he-s smoking out of bordem, perhaps he could pick up a hobby... something like painting, drawing, reading, building models etc. that will keep his mind off the next cigarette.
How can a paraplegic person with nothing to do all day be able to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to Quit Smoking ? -

What is the best way to Quit Smoking ? -

What is the most successful formula ?
Perhaps you can find some useful tips in
The real desire to quit is the first step to quit. You will need to WANT to quit because you want to, not because you are being pressured by someone else. If you do not possess this true desire, you will fail.

Replace the smoking with another physical activity: A friend of mine likes crossword puzzles. Whenever he felt like a smoke, he filled in a few crossword answers. You can begin a book. Start a hobby to keep your hands busy. If you need to replace that oral addiction (hand to mouth) eat celery and carrot sticks or buy a supply of lolly pops.

Change the habits related to smoking: Avoid the store where you usually buy the cigs. Change your daily routine by driving another route. Put all ashtrays and lighters/matches out of sight and clean your car ashtray. During cig breaks at work, take a walk instead or do some research on something you always wanted to learn about. Most people smoke after a meal. Find another activity to keep you busy. Play with the kids, walk the dog, paint the woodwork. Keep busy. One by one, clean out every drawer and closet in your house. That-s some physical things to do to busy your mind.

For your chemical addiction: you will need to do research to see which drug will work best for your addiction.

Financially: Take the money you would normally spend on cigs and save it in a specific place. Add to the funds daily. And, I don-t just mean the cig cost. What else do you usually pick up while buying cigs? A coffee? A candy bar? A soda? A six pack? A friend stopped going to the convenient store where he picked up his cigs every morning. He not only saved the cost of cigs, he saved on all the other stuff he picked up at the same time. About $10.00 +/- a DAY!!
He also began either giving up those other things or bought them at the grocery store. Also, he kept busy in the morning, as he learned to make his own perfect cup of coffee at home.

Put a photograph of your loved ones where you can see them often. This should be a powerful reason for you to want to live long enough to enjoy life with them.

My mother died of lung cancer (smoking) 20 years ago when she just turned 49. Only someone who knows what it is like to loose a loved one over such a damning habit understands my pain. There are people dying every day over incurable diseases who are dying to live.
People who smoke are living to dye because of the hold this addiction has.
have a chat with your gp ask him for zyban, you will need a good check up first but it worth it, set a date tell your family and friends and follow the instructions. i tried it and half way through the course i did not want a cigarette. i had been smoking for 30 years and at least 20 per day and that was 2 and a half years ago. go for it, good luck.
I dont think their is a best way to quit, this would depend on your body and how it reacts to what youre trying to do.

Methods are comparing apples to oranges in imo…

That site contains success stories about how people managed to quit their addcition to nicotine
It might help find what youre looking for

Good luck
first you have to wanna quit smoking
second go cold turkey
third stock up on fruit,gum,water and healthy food but the main thing is you have to wanna quit.
For me, 36 years smoker, switching to e-cigarettes did it in 2 weeks painlessly.
Research them first look for forums etc.

Good Luck
never smoke in the first place and try replacing smoking with something you like to eat or drink
What is the best way to Quit Smoking ? -

I quit smoking over a year ago, but lately ive been having cravings. can you help? -

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I quit smoking over a year ago, but lately ive been having cravings. can you help? -

i-ve been around two people on two different occasions while they were smoking. normally i don-t do this, but one of the people is a very good friend of mine who recently started back up, and another is a good friend i haven-t seen in over five years. do you think the smell triggered nicotine receptors in my brain, and that-s why i-m having cravings again? what should i do? do i just avoid standing around people when they-re smoking?
maybe ur pregnant.
I quit smoking over a year ago, but lately ive been having cravings. can you help? -

My chest is clogged due to smoking, any suggestions except quit smoking? -

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My chest is clogged due to smoking, any suggestions except quit smoking? -

I smoke around 5 to 6 cigarettes daily. I work-out on a daily basis as well. But when I wake up in the morning, I feel like my chest is clogged by smoke. Any solution / tips to get rid of this chest clogging? I-m 24 and weigh 115 kgs.

Works pretty good to clear out the lungs
try breathing on the count of four ......inhale, hold, exhale and hold all on the count of four....n the counting is slow that is 4 secs per segment and 16 secs in wud be ideal if it is done in fresh air in a garden or similar....
continue smoking and increase the number of cigarettes quotas till the clogging turns into choking a permanent solution
Quit smoki...

Oh, okay. Pry your chest open with a knife and remove all the gunky stuff. That-s about as intelligent as smoking.
Short of quiting smoking. Get a lung transplant.
ok the best way is to quit smoking but its very hard because I am also one of them.
The other best way I can suggest is to drink Black Coffee with less sugar... this would reduce your urge to smoke as well after you smoke try to gragle you mounth or try to spit the saliva while smoking. hope this helps you in feeling fine...
If possible also do some pranayana yoga in the mornings to keep your lungs free
be merry
how about some ginger tea you could by ginger crystals or fresh ginger root and brew a tea not to helps break up the congestion and sooths the throat. my dad use to suck on a piece of root but it is strong tasting that way, so make tea and good luck!!! try and stop smoking would be think your chest bothers you now it will be brutally worse down the line...lung disease..
My chest is clogged due to smoking, any suggestions except quit smoking? -

Has anyone had the laser treatment to quit smoking? They say they have a 99% rate but I wonder!? -

Has anyone had the laser treatment to quit smoking? They say they have a 99% rate but I wonder!? -

Sounds like BS to me. I mean, the best smoking treatment in existence, Chantix, has only a 44% success rate. If lasers could produce a miracle cure don-t you think it would be news?

Anyway, screw the stuff about Chantix being -bad- for you. If you don-t have serious side effects it isn-t bad. A minority of people do, but most of us are just fine on it. The risk is well justified given the risk of smoking.
No I haven-t but there is a prescription of pills called Champix. Would be more economical I would think.
lazers r 4 hair removle
Has anyone had the laser treatment to quit smoking? They say they have a 99% rate but I wonder!? -

What % of smokers Actally quit smoking? -

What % of smokers Actally quit smoking? -

I was just wandering if any1 knew roughly the percentage of smokers who are actually able to quit?
I don-t know the percentage - perhaps specifiying where in the world, you are interested in , might help.

But I know the golden rule with quitting anything - you can fail 1,000 times, but you only need to succeed ONCE.
All of them! Not many dead people smoke, except those who are cremated!
16%, just a guess.
100% Just remember this quote It is very easy to stop smoking coz I stopped it so many times.
20% after about a month, only 5% after one year ;( is as addictive as cocaine
What % of smokers Actally quit smoking? -

Any tips to help quit smoking? -

Friday, November 7, 2008

Any tips to help quit smoking? -

I-ve been smoking for four years now, and I-ve had asthma my whole life. I know, not a smart thing to pick up. Anyways, what are some little things I can do that will help make it easier for me to quit?
And I don-t really want to hear about how bad smoking is, I already know. Thanks.
You have to value your health, your family, and your life over the comfort of smoking. Think about it. It smells bad. feels bad, everything about it is just bad. its just gross. I have never done it but the point was drilled home one time when I brought this gorgeous girl back to my house in san francisco. things got a little hot and heavy then I remember the taste... my god I wanted to throw up. not kidding. I was seriously like get out of my house. Anyways, here is a tactic I like using. I use it for being lazy but it can be applied to this too. Every time you even so much as THINK about having one, you have to discipline yourself, so say, go to the gym instead. Or do something creative or productive, try a new recipe, email your friends, etc. just stop. there is no -future date- to stop. Your last cigarette was... now. PERIOD. end of story. Throw them out this is your life you are talking about. Not a game.
I smoked for about 7 years and had tried to quit by cutting back and by the patches and gum and such but the problem with those is they continue to feed your addiction continue to feed your body nicotine so it doesn-t work.....I quit cold turkey about 2 years ago I knew I would be moody and want cigarettes so I went and got my favorite hard candies at the store and gum....I planned a weekend with nothing to I stayed in my room the whole weekend and tried to sleep it off would take a Tylenol with pm to help me takes 48 hours for nicotine to get out of your system completely.....if you make it that 48 hours everything else is just a mind control thing with you wanting them not a addiction issue.....I learned to stay busy and stay away from people that smoked so I wouldn-t be tempted to.....about a year ago I was under a lot of stress and bought a pack of cigarettes......well I tried to smoke one and it tasted awful so tried another and same thing....I ended up giving the pack away and couldn-t do it cause they tasted horrible....Good luck!!! hope it helps
1) Make smoking as painful as possible

If you have failed to give up smoking it’s quite possible that you have not attached enough pain to the habit and hence you keep going back to it. We will do allot in life to avoid pain so why not leverage this to help you quit. So have a think right now, what’s the most painful thing about smoking? is it the health problems or the smelly clothes? You need to decide. If you can’t find one try going to visit a few cancer victims and seeing how things turn out for smokers. Whatever it takes. Continuing smoking has to be as unattractive an option as possible.

2) Make the non smoking you very attractive

You also need to look at the benefits of being a non smoker. There are many but find whichever is the most attractive to you. Is it being able to see your kids grow up? Being able to run up the stairs? Whatever it is latch on to it and let it guide you. It will keep you off the smokes as you continue along.

3) Take action

Remember that nothing in life will get done until you make the decision and put things into place. You have to stop putting off the idea of quitting and finish up now. Allot of people put off so many decisions in life put putting this one off could kill you so decide that you want to be a non smoker today and be it.
hi rowan..

congratulations on your decision to quit... that-s a big deal, good luck on that!!! after trying to quit a number of times, what finally worked for me was getting involved in a support group... i am a member of nicotine anonymous and attend meetings both locally, and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome to attend while still smoking!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I recommend cutting down gradually until your quit date. I did this. I cut down to half a pack. I did this for three months. I smoked by the puff, not by the cigarette. I took only the amount of nicotine that was necessary to satisfy my urge to smoke and put the rest of the cigarette out.

After doing this for three months I quit cold turkey.

Now I-m eating more candy to distract me but its been 10 months. I have urges but they don-t last more than a second or two. If they-re lasting more than that then you-re concentrating on the cigarette. Don-t do it. Concentrate on something else.
u need to quit cold trukey....thats the best way...or u have to take some pills so if u take them u will not feel like a lot of videos on youtube....because on you tube people share their sucess stories....good luck to u...god bless u
buy the electronic cigarette water vapor gives you same feeling as a cancer stick without the cancer i quit cold turkey
Quitting smoking is a combination of factors. The most important one (IMO) is your comittment to quitting, no matter what. If you don-t really want to quit, and by that I mean, are you really ready to pay the price, (because there is a price...there ain-t no free lunch), and if the answer honestly is no, don-t waste your time trying.

Let me insert here, I smoked for 40 years, and quit cold turkey 16 years ago. Been there and done that. Terrible experience. Don-t want to do that again. And I-m not going to utter the old cliche, -if I can do it, you can do it-. Because that-s simply not true. What I did, and what you can do, are two entirely different situations. The potential is certainly there, which is to say, -it CAN be done. But what -can- be done has little to do with what -will- be done.

We lie to ourselves all the time. Because we are weak. We are human, and to be human is to have weak resolve, weak follow thru, weak sustainability, weak consistency, weak commitment. And an unwillingness to do what it takes to achieve a goal.

(I-m trying not to get -preachy-. I hate that...some goody two shoes demagogue looking down his holier than thou nose, telling you, he did it, now you do it. Not that simple by a wide margin)

If you-re like 99% of smokers trying to quit, you-re going to need help. Especially if you-ve been smoking longer than, oh,.....six months or so. Big Tobacco puts 4000 ingredients in every cigarette to get you hooked and keep you that way.. Nicotine gets the blame for most of it, and its not really the problem. Addictive? Yes. But it-s the other 3999 ingredients that do it to you.

Oh, and don-t buy into the theory that once you-ve quit for a month, your cravings are over. I had cravings 3 years after I quit. I used to tell anyone who would listen, I can start again today, and that was ten years after I quit. The stuff they put in cigarettes is incredibly powerful.

So how to quit, and make it stick? By now you know of or have tried the gum, the patch, the prescribed drug, yadda yadda yaddas. And they didn-t work. Why? A) you weren-t really commited to quitting, and/or, b) quitting smoking is quitting a -process- (my word). And you couldn-t handle not having the -process-. -

-Process- I define as, reaching for your cigarette pack, pulling one out, lighting it, taking a long deep drag, exhaling, and viewing the beautiful blue cloud of smoke. That-s what smoking is really all about...the -process-. So what does a patch give you...a reduction of nicotine. But what about the rest of the process? Your hands still don-t have anything to do. There-s nothing to reach for, after a meal, or getting in the car, or ordering a drink at a bar. The patch or the gum or the drug don-t offer anything that includes the rest of the -process-. Errrrggggh. Failure. Back to smoking.

There is a better way. It-s new, but its wonderful because it works. BUT ONLY IF YOU MAKE A SOLID COMMITMENT TO QUIT, NO MATTER WHAT. You better hear me, Tyrone. Don-t bullshit yourself, the public or anyone else. Do you, or don-t you, want to quit smoking?

-Yes-, you say? OK, let-s just see if its -yes- Are you willing to stop buying cigarettes today? Yes? OK, do it, you-ve ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR LAST PACK.(and have NONE hidden anywhere close by)

Are you willing to stop reaching for that pack in your shirt pocket, jeans, or purse? Yes or no? Don-t lie to yourself. Do you want to quit or not? I have an easy solution, but first you have to get your head around quitting. You either want to quit, or you don-t. There IS NO MIDDLE GROUND. If you have a built-in hedge, you are lieing to yourself. So let-s not waste each others- time.

Are we agreed, yes, you really, really want to quit? And will do what it takes (within reason) to get it done? OK, let-s move forward. Here-s the solution to the problem. And before you say, -that-ll never work- you damn well better try it. Because this works better than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else on the market.

If you-ve never heard of electronic cigarettes, it-s time to get up to speed. Invented by the Chinese 5 years ago, electronic cigarettes are emerging as THE solution for smokers to quit. Why? Lots of reasons. There is no tobacco in e-cigs. Therefore, none of the carcinogens, tars, and other addictive junk Big Tobacco puts in real cigarettes.

E-cigs look like real cigarettes, they -smoke- like real cigarettes, including the nicotine -hit- , the inhaling, exhaling, and the -smoke- (not really...looks like cigarette smoke but its actually harmless water vapor).

Propyline Glycol and Nicotine are the only two chemicals that matter in e-cigs. The nicotine has to be there, otherwise these things would never sell squat. But the important difference is, the user can select the level of nicotine they want to inhale (normally 0 to 16 mg). This is what enables the cigarette smoker to quit.

The -process- remains in place, but without the tars and carcinogens, and a
Any tips to help quit smoking? -

Does anyone know where i can get free quit smoking products like samples? -

Does anyone know where i can get free quit smoking products like samples? -

the tobacco industry-s websites!!!
Does anyone know where i can get free quit smoking products like samples? -

In order to quit smoking, is it easier to prolong the process or just go cold turkey? -

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In order to quit smoking, is it easier to prolong the process or just go cold turkey? -

Well, On Thursday, I smoked my last cig at 4:30pm and quit cold turkey, I used to smoke three packs a day. too much. I-ve been taking it one hour at a time. I-ve been cramming my mouth with suckers, chex mix, pretzels and everytime a craving comes it only lasts 3-5 minutes and I take a couple of deep until the craving is over and if the craving is too bad, I go outside into the fresh air and stand outside and take more deep breaths of fresh air. And I don-t dare give in to one because by giving in to one will lead to another. I-ve been cleaning everything in sight too. and keep reminding myself why I had quit in the first place. So far so good. I don-t think about tomorrow and I don-t think about later on today. I think about making it through this hour only and when the next hour comes up then it will be time to work on making it through that hour. Good luck to you!
If you want to quit, then quit and stop screwing around about it. Quit cold turkey; the best. Then when you feel the urge to smke, chew on something e.g.; carrots, cucumbers, cabbage or lettice anything that you like but try to avoid fatting foods..

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smokenders worked for me! took several weeks, but have not had cig in 24 years now...
You will have more success with a treatment plan. There is a new drug called Chantix that may help. Smoking is a physical and mental addiction. Get help it will go better if you do.
for me it was easier to go cold turkey
go cold turkey
I can guaranty there is no easy way. You will probably get a chance to try various ways because you would be lucky to quit the first time. But keep trying, the end result will be gratifying.
just ween yourself off of cigarettes, and instead chew gum when you want a smoke, it worked for me sometimes. i couldnt go cold turkey cause i got headaches from not smoking. try the nicorette gum they have or soemthing or ask your doctor about the stop smoking pills they have now.
Cold turkey
everybody is different. going cold turkey works for some, not others...its up to you and how much will power you have. good luck
In order to quit smoking, is it easier to prolong the process or just go cold turkey? -

I want to quit smoking? -

I want to quit smoking? -

I-m 31 years old and I-ve been smoking for many years. I know its bad for my health, so please spare me the lecture. What I want to know is how you quit. I-m hoping I can see someones else-s success and use their idea.
Find something to do with your hands, a project you can do anywhere. That you will want to finish. Knitting, Writing, or ring a friend when you want to smoke.
Use nicotine replacement or just go cold turkey. People who have smoked for 40+ years manage to give up, so can you! Good luck
There is some good advice on here. I smoked for 18 years and finally quit this past year. I used a combination of two things:
1) A support program to treat the nicotine addiction
2) Popsicles to treat the oral fixation (I know, sounds strange)

For me, it was finding the right support system to treat the nicotine addiction. Too many of the common gums and pills also contain nicotine, which is what we are addicted to. I found that CigArrest pills and gum are all natural, containing no nicotine to become addicted too. Thats where most companies get you - you become addicted to the nicotine in the gum and pills, so you buy more.
CigArrest does not contain nicotine, and worked well for me. You can get more information here:

As for the popsicles, whenever I craved a smoke, I ate a popsicle. That satisfied that craving for something in your mouth and was a nice treat to take my mind off of smoking.
Good luck
bingo.. you said the magic word i want to quit.. no lectures intended, but i tried every method out there... and finally acheived 5 yrears plus abstiance (still abstinate). with help from from both my local, and online nicotine anonymous groups... there is something about being with other nicotine addicts, and having a common problem, and a common solution that seems to make it doable...

you are welcome at meetings smoking or not.. lots of folks go to meetings still smoking, listen a while and then quit.. meetings happen in most larger citys,and there are a number of meetings online!!!

good luck with your quit, and even though im a firm believer in my involvment in the program, i really believe, theres not really a wrong way to quit...
I smoked for 35 years, and basically tried everything. Pills, patches, gum etc.
What finally worked for me was going for laser treatments. Very similar to acupuncture, but using a cold laser instead.
Along with the laser, I read a book by Allen Carr called the Easy Way to Quit Smoking. The book deals with the mental part of the addiction. By the time I was at the end of the book, I really didn-t want to smoke. I would definitely get the book and read it.
One last thing I did was join an online group of fellow quitters. Go to
When you feel like smoking drink some water and go for a walk!
Or have somebody help u or Council you I-m sorry but i have no success in smoking (because i don-t) go to your family member-s
about it they may be able to help.


Ashley :)
the answer is in my sources
As a last result we tried hypnotism, and it worked. I would suggest this as a last result!
I just quit smoking and it wasn-t easy. I had pretty much decided that I was going to quit this new years but I wanted to quit before the summer. My mom quit smoking which made me want to quit (she used the patch... she got them free from her insurance co.). I went to the doctor to have a physical and my doctor told me to quit. My doctor telling me to quit was the starting point. I had cut back a lot but that day i began marking on my hand how many I had. I had 11 that day - way more than I normally smoke. That was another step in the process. For the next 6 days, I cut back one each day. It took me 6 days to smoke a pack. I didn-t smoke for 18 whole days after I ran out. Last night I was around people who were smoking and it made me want one. On my way back home, I bought a pack. Took 2 drags and threw it out the window. Then ran water over the brand new pack and threw it away. Quitting smoking is a chain reaction! My sister is quitting now! Keep the chain going...
I want to quit smoking? -

Does coughing a usuall thing when you quit smoking? -

Does coughing a usuall thing when you quit smoking? -

Does coughing a usuall thing when you quit smoking? dry itchy throat occurs when u quitted smoking?
you-ll most probally be coughing for years now because smoking causes a breakdown of the mucous in the respiratory tracts now that youve stopped your body is guna try and cough it up.
I knew a man that would cough up mouthfulls of tar each morning
smokings rank
When I quit, (10 yr smoker, pack - half a day), I would cough in the morning, but it wasn-t a dry cough, they were always very productive with nasty phlemgh. Lasted about two weeks, I think, but it was only in the mornings.

If you-re concerned by it, talk to a doctor.

Good luck with the quitting!
I-m not sure, but congrats on stopping smoking! That-s a hard thing to do, good luck! :)
Does coughing a usuall thing when you quit smoking? -

What are some good ideas to help someone quit smoking? -

What are some good ideas to help someone quit smoking? -

chew straws. keep hard candy in your mouth. keep your mind active so you dont think about it
After smoking for about 40 years I quit smoking just by stopping it. I had cigarettes in my pocket and a lighter. By sheer determination, I said I will not smoke here after. Now it is more than 12 years that I have not touched a cigarette. You have to have firm determination to quit smoking. and then stop smoking. You will not smoke thereafter.
Change Environment.
What are some good ideas to help someone quit smoking? -

What can I do to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What can I do to quit smoking? -

I-ve been smoking for several years and to make matters worse I-ve been smoking menthols. What are some good resources, tips and help for me to just help me quit. I want to kick this nasty and really expensive habbit.
I have smoked for 10 years and acidently started reducing my intake of cig-s. How you ask. . . I saw a sign that said, -Free Message-, and I went in. There I got to try a message bed that has acupuncture and infa-red heating (plus more). After several tryies on this bed, I noticed that I would not smoke for 3 hours after I got a message. I turned to one of my -Quit Smoking- guides, and it reccommended messages as a tool to help reduce cravings.

I took it another step and tryied -Hypnosis-. I bet you-ve seen the adds. . . -Quit Smoking- through Hypnosis. So I went, participated in the hypnosis program, - bought the hypnosis tapes.

With hypnosis, I did not have migrain headaches like when I used the patch or Zyban, I did not pass-out cold for two days like when I tryed Cold Turkey, and I have not been an angy-tense-emotional person like all of past times I-ve tryed.

It-s been 10 days since I-ve had a cig. . . I go daily for my free message and while I get my message, I listen to my -Stop Smoking Hypnosis- Tape plus a extra Hypnosis tape (Deppression, Anger Management, Weight Loss, Memory Improvement, Relationship enhancement for Women, ect). You probably don-t realize that taking away the chemicals in cigaretts can make your memory decrease, or you get depressed. . . but this is part of the big factor of giving up the cig-s. . . This is part of the reason why you can-t give them up is because there are too many other emotions that stop you. . . So this is why I listen to the other tapes as well.

My hypnotic instructor told me to listen to the tapes 2-3 times a day for 21 days (each tape is 20 minutes long). So I spend 40 minutes to 1.5 hours a day practicing to quit smoking. Now, when I smoked, I had 15 cigs a day. Each cig took 10 minutes to smoke. So I spent 2.5 hours a day smoking. So I-ve actually gained time.

5 days after I quit, I found a pack of cig-s with 1 cig (my upside down lucky cig), and I was tempted for 1/100 of a second, and then smashed it and said- I am a non-smoker-.

So basically, my daily message-s and hypnosis tapes are working better than any past attempt I-ve ever tried! I wish you luck, and please wish me luck to stay a non-smoker. Thanks
Use the patch for starters it works! If you have acid reflux trust me do not try the gum. I ate the red and white peppermints that helped me with wanting something in my mouth and gave me the menthol like taste. Good luck!
when my first child was born , i quit without help, that lasted 2 years or so and I started again... and I have not been able to stop for more than a day at most. I truly believe its mental when your desire is great enough to quit, you will.
Go to a gym. Exercise more often.
This worked for me, and was relatively painless: 1) I allowed myself 19 cigs the first day, 18 the next, and so on down to one a day. If I relapsed, I would just extend that # to the next day. Toward the end, I would bum the 3, then 2, the one cig from a certain agreeable person. I kept score, then paid him back periodically. One can go for weeks on the same low #. Save those times for when you REALLY crave a cigarette. (During this time, your body is detoxifying decreasing nicotine dependency ... and you are saving money.) Then, when on -one- cig for a while, I said to myself -Quiting one cigarette is nothing-... and resolved not to smoke again. At today-s prices, I would also take the money you save and put it in a jar. (Silver dollars would be nice) Then invest it in a DRIP (Dividend reinvestment Plan)- Georgo
What can I do to quit smoking? -

Has anyone Quit smoking? And How long until you feel better? -

Has anyone Quit smoking? And How long until you feel better? -

I quit smoking cold turkey, and i am now on my 5th non smoke day. And i STILL feel like crap. I-m always tired, irreitable, and still craving. I read nicotine is out of the sysyem in 48 hrs so when am i going to start feeling better??? I think a couple of puffs would make me feel better.
A couple of puffs and you will be back at it again, trust me. Stay strong...everyone is different, but I felt horrible for a week and a half...a little better week 2, and then horrible again week 3 (worse than the first). Then however, it really started to get a little better...and better...and now wahlah, I don-t even think about it now (it has been 2 years). I heard people say that before and thought they were just different than me, but it is true. You eventually forget about it.

Stick with it no matter how bad it is, and soon enough you will be so glad you did.

I also found that was a good place to talk to others who were in my boat.
After a couple of weeks you will start feeling better.

I wish I could tell you different, but the addiction stays with you for decades. This is why most prospective ex-smokers fail. They believe that after they get over the initial habit they are cured and are totally unprepared for that craving three years later when they least expect it. Then they tell themselves that just one smoke won-t hurt....
26 years and counting. Cold turkey. One puff and your a smoker again. You-ll feel worse because you failed. I can-t say the exact moment I felt better but, you will. I smoked for 20 years.
Good Luck.
I quit smoking almost a year ago. I still have urges once in awhile. The key to quiting is replacing your urges to light up with something else. Take a anything to get your mind off the urge. The more you dwell on the urges, the harder they will be to get through. I know this sounds almost impossible, but try to do something that will make you forget about the urges.

Good Luck.
i quit smoking oct 3rd 2006

Week one - Headaches backaches muscle pain irreitable withdrawl 100%
week two - headaches were gone some of the muscle pain was gone cravings still 100% strong I started to drink more water. it helped
week 3 - could taste things better started new habit of drinking water on a regular basis that helped with all the pain and some of the cravings!
week 4 - i started to feel good inside.. still had cravings but they were more controlable then in the past. changed my mind set to work on new habits drinking water and starting to work out!

now i-m still going strong i cheated a few times...
well good luck!
I quit smoking a few years back and quit cold turkey! It was rough for awhile but soon after I could smell again! I didn-t stink of smoke and started exercising. I feel great now and don-t know how I ever smoked! Goodluck!
I quit smoking 3 yrs ago this past june 12th! Nicotine may be out of your system in 48 hrs. but it took me 2 weeks until I STARTED to feel better physically. Your lungs have already healed themselves by about 25% (I THINK!! is what I read). Don-t give up now!!!! Youv-e gone 5 days and that is AMAZING!!!!!!! Don-t you think?!!!!! Hang in there, you-ll start to feel better before you know it and then you will be on your way to better lungs and better health!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
I quit smoking over 20 years ago. It does take a few weeks for all the toxins to leave your body. You should feel better then. DO NOT smoke now! You are doing to well! Sick with it and you won-t be sorry! Although the day time cravings went away then I dreamed about cigarettes for years! I dreamed that I was buying and smoking cigarettes. The dreams were so realistic that I actually felt as if I had really smoked a cigarette.

There is nothing in this world that will make me smoke again. Especially since it was so hard to quit in the first place. Stay the course. I-m serious, you won-t be sorry. Think of all the money you are saving.
It took about 3 days for me to feel better and 3 weeks to stop having cravings everyday. I started smoking again after a few months when I was stressed out one day. I hope to try to quit again soon. Too bad we ever started, eh?
Oh, and a couple of puffs will just make you start again.
I don-t think the nicotine IS gone in 48 hours. I know it can be detected in a blood sample up to 5 weeks, give or take. So, hang in there! Don-t smoke, you-ll feel better in about a week. Then, you-ll feel better the rest of your life! (smoker for 20+ years)
I have now quit for about 4 weeks, it does get better I try to notice the good things like I don-t get out of breath real easily, I don-t always cough, I don-t smell bad. It does get better it just takes time. It is always helpful to have a huge reward after quitting for a year, you could put all the money you would have spent on cigarettes in a jar and buy yourself a new flat screen tv or something like that. The biggest thing is if you smoke just one cigarette you will be right back where you started and it will only make it that much harder to quit.
If you would really like to know what quitting cigarettes is like, go to and you will find the most honest answers and loving support you can find anywhere.
Has anyone Quit smoking? And How long until you feel better? -

No gimmicks, smart alec answers....need to hear from others that have quit smoking . What worked for u? -

Saturday, November 1, 2008

No gimmicks, smart alec answers....need to hear from others that have quit smoking . What worked for u? -

I have been a smoker for 28 long years, tried numerous times to quit. The longest I was able to hold out was 3 days. Out of my immediate family, only my 27 year old daughter doesn*t smoke,(Thank God) I*m getting on up in age, and have concerns for my health, as well as second hand smoke and it*s effect on my grandchildren. My bf isn*t a smoker ,he hasn*t said anything but I know that this concerns him. I*ve tried the patches...a no go..they caused me to break out in a rash. Tried the zyban pills once....couldn*t remember to take them.(I*m not a daily medicine type person). Tried going cold turkey....the withdrawals became so intense till on the 3rd day I gave in and lit one up. I have no health insurance and can*t afford financially to experiment with this new drug that they have out($110 for a month supply) Anyone having quit that can share How they did it, What worked for them would be greatly appreciated.
The best methods in my opinion is a reduction method. This means if you smoke a pack a day on the first day you remove 1 cigarette and throw it away (don-t store it for a rainy day) Stay with that for a week and the following week remove 2 so on and so forth. This method has worked for many people.

It works because it SLOWLY reduces your bodies need for the amount of nicotine. I have found people that have cut cold turkey fall off the band wagon more as those who also use the patch or gum. Also helps for you to set up a time limit on smoking such as stop smoking 2 hrs before you go to bed etc. Remember when the day is done and you have cigarettes left you have to throw that pack away don-t hoard unused cigarettes. While you will be wasting money throwing them away it-s not near the money you would spend on medication, hypnotherapy etc. I hope this helps.
Like you I tried patches but got a burning sensation and a rash. My doctor told me to switch brands and to try them in different places, which I did. I find they burn less on my thighs and only leave a small mark when they are removed, and lets face it, this far outweighs the negatives of smelly clothes/house/hair, having to nip out of places for a cig and the health problems and guilt about second hand smoke. I stuck with the patches but also used the inhaler when cravings got relly really bad, it worked!! I was on AT LEAST 25 a day. The main cravings really do go with patches, best thing is to keep busy. if you are worried about putting on weight, do what my mum did and buy a massive bag of sugar free lollipops, they give you that hand-to-mouth satisfaction and action without it being a biscuit or crisps!! Also did you know that just by having nicotine in your system you burn an extra 200 calories a day? So the best thing would be to simply reduce your intake by 200 calories a day (around 2pieces of bread/1 choc bar/2bananas) otherwise 200 calories a day over a week is like eating an extra full days food a week and leads to the misconception that quitting smoking MAKES you put on weight. Also, I used to have a cup of tea, toast and then a cig first thing in the morning, I found it so hard to have tea and toast without the habitual cig, so instead of craving the missing part of my breakfast (the cig) I changed my breakfast to cereal and juice, it worked wonders, do this for as many of your normal cig routines as possible and it will really make those cravings easier.
I certainly wish you luck, but I too am a long term smoker that would like to quit for health reasons. I-ve heard that nicotine is more addictive than heroin, but I don-t know. One time I almost made it...I started by only allowing myself 1 cigerette per hour. then every 2 hours and so on. I was down to 1 cigarette a day, but couldn-t bring myself to throw it away. Then going out with friends to the bar, the next thing you know I was bumming smokes, and finaklly got a pack. Now I smoke 1/2-1 pack per day. So like I said...good luck!
Being in the National Guard I have heard a couple different stories. I have heard to run when you want one. But what about those that can-t run? Others say chew gum. I always have people ask me for gum, and it cost about the same price. I have even heard of people that pinch themselves when they are fiending. I went cold turkey by being locked in a house for over a year. But when I had the chance, I was on it. You just have to find something that works for you. Sing a song, dance, read, anything to get your mind off of it. I hope this helps! Good luck
No gimmicks, smart alec answers....need to hear from others that have quit smoking . What worked for u? -

How did you QUIT SMOKING????? patces, gum, or maybe something else? -

How did you QUIT SMOKING????? patces, gum, or maybe something else? -

I so want to quit smoking, but i-m not strong enough. I have to small kids, and i want to do it for them, and for my health.
I don-t think i can do it without help, like patch or gum.
What helped you? How did you do it? I don-t think cold turkey is for me(i wish)...
Perhaps a web search for -quit smoking- + -natural ways- might be useful.
My doctor gave me a prescription of Wellbutrin, it is an anti depressant. It doesn-t help with the nicotine withdrawals, but it helps you keep a positive frame of mind, so you can maintain the willpower to continue.

It was 1 month yesterday since I had a cigarette. I just didn-t give myself the option of not succeeding. When the cravings got so bad I didn-t think of it as a cigarette will make this feeling go away, I thought of it as time will make this feeling go away. If I can just stay strong, it will go away and I will feel better. Smoking is not an option!!!!!
Call the Seven Hundreth Club and pray with them. My mom did it and hasn-t smoked in 33 years. Just believe you are healed and it will be done and everytime you need a smoke believe you are healed from your addition and never give up.
Natailya, I have helped many people quit smoking and the first thing you should do is stop panicking yourself about how bad nicotine withdrawal is. Most people do go through a bit of initial irritability and edginess-but so what? If you are tough enough to take care of small kids you can handle a few days of tension. Exercise and deep breathing can help relieve that stress and help prevent unwanted weight gain. The most important thing is just decide to quit and keep telling yourself it is worth any temporary-your health and happiness are worth at least that much. Good luck to you!
I know a few people who simply ate oranges when they needed a fix.
They said it actually works quite well.
I had a friend who smoked two packs of menthols a day... he had AMAZING success with Chantix... I-ve heard it doesn-t work for everyone... but he didn-t even want to smoke after a week. My father also had success with it. I think it costs around $130 or $150... worth a shot, I-d say! Good luck!!!
Cold turkey! You have to want to do it. I tried patches and nicotine substitutes. They didn-t work for me. There as a new drug out that is supposed to bind to the nicotine receptor site.
I don-t remember what it is called, but it is being currently advertised on television and in magazines.
When you quit, you will need to clear away anything that you associate with smoking. Remember that when you get a craving, it goes away in a few minutes. Drink lots of water (nicotine leaves your system in about three days).
You will probably feel edgy for a few days, but this is the time to distract yourself by doing different things than you would be doing if you were smoking. If you feel the need to eat as a replacement, keep some raw or steamed veggies around to snack on. Most people have a tendency to gain weight because of indiscriminate eating.
I quit smoking in June of this year, actually lost weight rather than gaining, and I feel great.

Best of luck to you!
will power. i did it for my son. I just looked at his picture every time i wanted a smoke, and though, you deserve a healthy mommy. worked like a charm.
My husband and I set a target date to quit, and we both worked our selves up to it, thinking about all the nasties of smoking, smell , breath, dirty ash trays, yuk. We used the patch for the first week, but not after that, buy we had each others support. I smoked for 27 years and its been 8 years since we quit. Hope it helps
I made it for three months on the patch, not nearly long enough. I have heard good things about that new one...Chantix. I know a guy who was a heavy smoker and he has not smoked for a month now and has no desire to. Plus my mom-s boss has not smoked in over a year now which is a huge milestone, she quit with the Chantix too! I-m going to ask my DR. about a prescription! Good Luck, Those kids are great motivators aren-t they?
Don-t cop out with - I-m not strong enough-. Just do not put a cigarette in your mouth. Nobody is forcibly moving your arm and hand.
i quit cold turkey for my kids...just think how healthy you will feel. its better to suffer with quitting than to pay for it later in uncle was diagnosed with cancer strictly caused from smoking...don-t just do it for your kids do it for yourself too!!!
How did you QUIT SMOKING????? patces, gum, or maybe something else? -

How to quit smoking!!? -

How to quit smoking!!? -

I can-t believe I couldnt find this question on here. I-m quitting, that-s it, I-ve gone about 4 weeks of partly not smoking for days, then having the odd one but this is it and I-d like to hear your experiences and what you found best? I know everyone-s diffierent and need to find their own way, but maybe I-ll get some good ideas on here. Patches? Help Groups? Gum? Anyone done it on will power alone?
hi Miss Loopy.

congratulations on your decision to quit its a biggie.

yeah i did that on again, off again quitting stuff for know what you mean..i smoked for over 40 years, and have been nicotine free for over 5 years now.. what ended up working for me was participation in a support group..

i attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings bot on line, and locally... on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and you can attend before actually attempting a quit.. good luck on quitting there is now wrong way to quit..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I don-t smoke and don-t want to since it-s bad for you and you can get lung cancer anyways it would be hard to quit since of all the nicotine and how it becomes addicting I would suggest never think about it find a Hobie or something to keep yourself occupiedd next to make sure your not tempted keep your ciggarets or what ever you smoke away from you like maybe have someone else hold on to them or better yet get rid of it in a plce you will never want to go back to just to get them
You have to WANT to Quit to Quit! Just do it I smoked for 33 years and I did it because I wanted to quit. you can not quit if you don-t want too! Everyone has the will power to do what ever they want we just have to do it. Just do it. It makes you fill so good when you do ...
quit it!!! try everything haha
How to quit smoking!!? -

Any one know a web site with good ways to quit smoking. Hate it but cant quit.? -

Any one know a web site with good ways to quit smoking. Hate it but cant quit.? -

This might help, I am bout to quit also,……

Lotsa data out there.
First thing you need to do is stop telling yourself (and others) that you can-t quit...sure you can! To say this is to set yourself up to fail before you even try. I quit smoking on 3/6/03 and I-ll tell you the secret to it. Break the habit and you will be cigarette free for life!! Withdrawls last only for about 7 days...the rest is habit. Break your routine...if you normally have a cigarette after eating, then get up right after you eat and do something wash the dishes...anything to redirect your attention and busy your hands. When your brain says -it-s time to have a smoke- you must firmly tell your brain NO and really mean it..then do something else. This does work! Good luck!
The shortest and least stressful way to quit is without drugs which prolong the process. Then the day you start your quitting process, just do it, no it, and keep doing it.

It helps to have some powerful guidance, and this website:
overdelivers. It has fast and effective ways to put in a new non-smoking program or habit into your brain. The physical addiction to nicotine is gone in 2-3 days, so the rest is habitual, and psychological. There-s lots of tips, info and free help at plus a great guaranteed course you can do to make the whole process easier on yourself.
It-s cold turkey or nothing! You have to have some form of self worth and will power to over come the addiction! All that crap they sell at the drug store is just making a lot of millionaires-billionaires!
I was a three pack a day smoker for many years until I could not climb the stairs in my home for lack of breath! That-s when it-s time to tell your self now-- or make the funeral arrangements! Haven-t touched a cigarette in 20 plus years!
Hypnosis worked for me. I still had cravings- maybe two or three over the first few days, but every time I had one it was no big -oh, my body wants a cigarette, but I-m a non-smoker so why would I have one?-
I-ve tried to quit before and I got so stressed out about how stressed out I anticipated being about wanting a cigarette. The hypnosis made me completely comfortable with the idea of just being a non-smoker.
Good luck!
If you have insurance, there is a pill that does work when trying to quit, called Chantix. Doctor has to write a prescription for it.
I tried to find some articles to help my smoker friends and came out with the given below. It links to 5 Best articles.
Any one know a web site with good ways to quit smoking. Hate it but cant quit.? -