How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -

He-s a serious smoker. Any suggestions? =.=
you can-t get him to quit only he can do it and even if he really wants to its a very hard thing to stop i am struggling with that myself. Just support him and love him if he tries and fails understand
A couple thoughts that may or may not work

Got one of those small picture machines or a digital camera and a printer

Make up some small pictures of you and a note

-Please quit for me- stick in his cig pack

Make a copy of this…

Copy online articles about second hand smoke and show him whats it-s doing to you

I quit a 5 pack a day habit but I did it on my own
i don-t know. if you figure it out, let me know, please. my dad has been smoking his entire life, and i-ve spent the last 13 years trying to convince him to quit.
Tell him you-ll start smoking hardcore if he doesn-t try to quit.
Try to ask him to light for the next cigarette always in different and not the usual time / the coffee, or after dinner as always was before/. Ask him try to limit those smokes 1 in every hour.After you can offer a glass of tomato juice, instead of the cigarette.One of my friend could quit with tomato juice, so he can do it too.He has to think about you too, that the second hand smoking is dangerous as well.Maybe he can buy some Nicorette gums, what helps to reduce or quit people smoking.Wish you luck!
It is great that you are thinking about your father and want him to quit smoking. There are a number of smoking cessation aids available.

Patches are good in reducing the nicotine craving but they do not do anything to reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomina, irritibility and restlessness. These symptoms appear in varying degrees in different people depending upon the length of time they have smoked. It is vital to reduce these symptoms in the early phase of quitting so that it helps the person in staying away from smoking.

There are a number of aids available, personally I would prefer a natural or herbal remedy for 2 reasons. One, such remedy has no side effects and second it is effective.

For further information visit the following source
nicotine patch. stage 1
I remember when I was little, like eight maybe, my dad smoked and I brought home one of those signs from when my class did a alk around the block. We were trying to get people to stop smoking and I showed it to my dad and soon later I remember he stopped, I always though that was why, I still like thinking of it that way. Maybe you could show your dad that it has really affected you, and you would really appreciate it if he stoped. Buy him the gum and put it in his pockets or something to show him you are serious. Anything to get him healthier.
either steal a cig and replace some tobacco with a firecracker or make a big fuss about how you want him to be around for your kids and hes killing himself etc.
How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -

How can make my dad quit smoking? -

Friday, September 25, 2009

How can make my dad quit smoking? -

He has been smoking since he was about 25 and he is 40 now. I really want him to stay healthy and I am embarrassed when he smokes haround my friends. He smokes in the car and we breathe it in. He is a really nice guy , not like some gangster or something. I tried writing him a note explaining that I don-t want to worry about him, or my family who is also breathing it in. he also smokes in the basement, his office, and it seeps throuh are old floors.please help. Nothing too fancy though.
You can-t make him quit. What you can do is make him feel guilty for polluting you and your friends lungs. Tel him you want him to be around when you get married, have kids, etc.
it will be very hard to make him quit,even though he knows what the consequences of smoking are,all i can say is tell him to try and quit since its affecting your health,and there are some ways to help quit smoking,look that up,hope i helped
How can make my dad quit smoking? -

Best ways to quit smoking? -

Best ways to quit smoking? -

Hey im 19 ive been smoking since i was 16 and now i smoke 2 - 2 in a half packs a day i really want to quit my breathing is getting really bad.
I know this may sound weird, but Bananas can help people trying to give up smoking. The B-6 and B-12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body-s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

So try eating some bananas :)
my ex-boyfriend had smoked since he was 8 and finally quit last year at 23 years old. he tried to quit for years. he committed the 40 days 40 nights. then continue to 3 months... 4 months... a year...reallly reallly committed. now hes been free of smoke for 2 years. im sure that he is still battling it. but he said it saved him money and time not to smoke. you need a reallly really very very strict self-discipline if you want to do the 40days 40 nights. :)
want to try it? hope it works :)
good luck.
Go to your healthcare professional and get a prescription for Chantix. It works really well and the only drawback is some initial nausea. Good for you to want to quit now while you are young. Good Luck!!!
check this website out helped me
Best ways to quit smoking? -

Quit smoking? -

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quit smoking? -

I have decided to quit smoking. are there any affective ways to help lessen the cravings after i quit?
as weird as it dad curbed his cravings by chewing on a licorish root. it-s basically a stick. i tried it, and it-s gross cuz i don-t like licorish...but if you do, give it a try
Chewing minty gum helps.
I smoked for over 30 years and quit 7 years ago. I used nicatrol nasal spray and then the step 2 patch to get off the nasal spray. I found that eating sunflower seeds in the shell helped with almost ALL cravings. From time to time I still crave a smoke (probably always will) but never enough to make me go get one and smoke again. If you are ready to quit you will, more easily than if you are not ready to quit yet. Good Luck!!:)
Carry a peice of straw and drag on it, shower 3-4 times a day and lots of fruit to help detox you system allso niacin and golden root may help.
the patches, or the gum
There are various options to help lessen the cravings when quitting smoking. The newest is Chantix. It is a prescription medication that blocks the receptors that nicotine binds to. Therefore, if you do smoke a cigarette, you do not get the same euphoric feeling. There is also Nicotrol nasal spray and inhalers that provide nicotine replacement. These also require a prescription. Zyban or Wellbutrin (same drug with different indications), which are prescription medications, are antidepressants that have been show to enhance a person-s ability to abstain from smoking. Smoking cessation products that do not require a prescription are all nicotine replacement products. These include patches (Nicoderm), gum (Nicorette) and lozenges (Commit). Joining a support group or having a friend that quits with you for support can also increase your chance of success. Other behavioral modification that are helpful: 1) Recognize and avoid situations that make you want a cigarette. For example, some people associate talking on the phone or their morning coffee with smoking. Another biggie is drinking alchol. 2) Ask friends or family members for their support by not smoking around you or better yet not to even bring their cigarettes. Also, if you ask to -bum- one, make sure they tell you no. 3) Set a quit date and prepare for it. Give up an area where you usually smoke one at a time. First don-t smoke at work, then add not smoking in your car, then not in the house, etc. The night before your quit day, throw out all cigarettes and smoking related items such as lighters, matches and ashtrays before you go to bed. 4) You know you make sure you have your cigarettes whenever you leave the house so start carrying something in place of your cigarettes, such as a water bottle, so you don-t get that feeling that you have forgotten something. 5) Place the money you would have spent on cigaretts in a jar and buy yourself a reward with it. Quitting smoking is not an easy thing! Many people have to make many attempts before being successful. Like the saying goes...Don-t quit quitting.
Pick up another hobby to fill the void in your life, such as drinking or crime.
When my friend wanted to quit I used some classical conditioning on him, everytime he would light up I-d take 5 bucks from him or so would his wife...if I wasn-t around, I told him hey if you-re so wanting to smoke losing 5 bucks will hurt you cause most packs cost about after 3 weeks he was scrounging for change...then it dawned on him how pathetic he had gotten......he all in your head though, you crave it cause it has been habit for you, so now you have to break the habit...don-t start chewing to compensate for not smoking, or drinking more...just find something to keep your mind off the smokes
There-s nicotine gum and products like that but if you-re just going cold turkey. I-d recommend staying out of situations where your most used to smoking. The times I-ve tried to quit, the hardest problem for me was when i-d go out with friends for drinks or on my breaks at work.
its mostly mental acctualy. they did a study and gave everyone a patch the ones that didnt have nicotene reported that it was easier to quite and they got less cravings then the ones that did. its the idea that the patch was going to help them that actualy helped them quite. they have websites for people like u where u can get support and help. i would say to go cold turkey and find something to ocupy urself with. even if u fail jeep trying and everytime u will get closer and closer to ur goal. good luck!
nicotine gum might help
I believe the add-on protocol (recommended by stop-smoking advocates) are a combination of patch WITH gum as needed. (Not to be confused with patch with cigarettes, which is dangerous)
Cantrix is a new med that is having success for people who are trying to quit. Look online for information about this new med.
After 6 months, its white-knuckle for the rest of your life.
Nobody likes a quitter.
Hello There,

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.

P.S. They do ship to Canada.

Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
gum,,, not patches it gives u odd nightmares,,,
Quit smoking? -

Former smokers: what is the best way for me to be supportive when my bf quits smoking? -

Monday, September 21, 2009

Former smokers: what is the best way for me to be supportive when my bf quits smoking? -

Right now he just talks about quitting smoking a lot. What can I do to help him really quit at this point? Later on, when he actually quits or cuts back, what can I do? He has been smoking a long time and I really want to help him stop.
Phillip Morris has a great link on their website (Quit Assist) to help those who are trying to quit smoking. It is full of clips from former smokers, and tips they used to help quit. I used that to help me. It was motivating to see all of the people who quit before me, and to see their success! One tip I applied to my endeavor was substitution. If I felt I needed a cigarette, I would just eat as much candy as I wanted to. I allowed myself to pick a candy and gorge on it for 2 weeks whenever I felt I needed a cigarette. Only for 2 weeks though. Post-smoking weight gain is a real struggle. I did not gain any weight after I quit smoking, thankfully! I drank a lot of water, and ate my candy, but that was it. I noticed after a week or so, I wasn-t eating as much candy as usual. Then after my two weeks were up, I stopped buying the candy too. It worked! Next month hubby and I celebrate our one year anniversary of being Smoke Free!

I also had a mantra! NOPE = Not One Puff Ever

And this is the smoking cessation timeline! it says what your body is going through since your last puff! it helped me stay motivated! I couldn-t wait to meet each milestone!!!

Smoking cessation timeline - the health benefits over time
A smoking-related death occurs somewhere in the world every 8 seconds
?In 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease, and the body temperature of your hands and feet increase.
?Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. At 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood decreases to normal. With the decrease in carbon monoxide, your blood oxygen level increases to normal.
?At 24 hours, your risk of having a heart attack decreases.
?At 48 hours, nerve endings start to re-grow and the ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
?Between 2 weeks and 3 months, your circulation improves, walking becomes easier and you don’t cough or wheeze as often. Phlegm production decreases. Within several months, you have significant improvement in lung function.
?In 1 to 9 months, coughs, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease as you continue to see significant improvement in lung function. Cilia, tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs, regain normal function.
?In 1 year, risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack is reduced to half that of a smoker.
?Between 5 and 15 years after quitting, your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
?In 10 years, your risk of lung cancer drops. Additionally, your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decrease. Even after a decade of not smoking however, your risk of lung cancer remains higher than in people who have never smoked. Your risk of ulcer also decreases.
?In 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack in similar to that of people who have never smoked. The risk of death returns to nearly the level of a non-smoker.
The best way for you to help ... is to relax and realize his mood may get nasty for about 10 days . He will be easily frustrated and easily angered . You must realize it-s about withdrawal ,not about you .If you want to help , just deal with it . let him be angry and short tempered don-t get into his s**t .
After about 10 days .. the physical withdrawal ends and he-ll have to deal with the psychological problems associated with staying away from cigarettes .
I found one problem particularly annoying . It was feeling that I could have one smoke when I was with my friends and it wouldn-t matter . WRONG ... It-s like alcohol , smoke one and it will suck you back in slowly .. So once he gets past that initial ten day withdrawal be sure he stays away from smoking COMPLETELY.
I went through hell trying to quit ... It took me 2 years after i had developed COPD with emphysema and chronic bronchitis . Finally with hypnotherapy I was able to quit . Good luck , it-s a truly hard addiction to break .. but it will be worth it. I beat the demon after 46 years of smoking ... he can do it while he still has his health.
Nothing really except be tolerant of some cranky-ness and have snacks on hand. A smoker can only quit when they are ready. When I quit I didn-t tell anybody about my plan to because I didn-t want anyone looking over my shoulder or having the feeling that I-d let anyone down if I couldn-t quit.

The first 3 days are the hardest. After a week or two I started to feel the benefits of not smoking. I felt clear and clean and food tastes SO good. I found a smoking cessation website about the withdrawal process and it was cool to read how over time my body was cleansing itself and letting go of the nicotine addiction. I also cleaned my car really good to get the smoke smell out and all the cigarette ashes that collect in the cracks. Maybe those things would be helpful to him also.
i smoked for over 30 yrs...i also smoke 3 packs a day..(seriously)..i started on the patch..its a 3 step process..i didnt get past the first step and i never lit a cig sense...that was 11 years ago...just watch out for a few temper fits...
get him nicotine gum and patch.
Former smokers: what is the best way for me to be supportive when my bf quits smoking? -

How do I get my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

How do I get my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

My boyfriend is only 15 years old and smokes. It started only with smoking -because he was stressed- but now hes doing it more frequently and in my opinion using stress as an excuse. I can-t stand him ruining his health like that. How do I get him to stop?
Offer him extra sexual favors...
Stop getting impressed by this - so called manly activity - of his. Avoid his presence when he smells. At his age the word - stress- should be alien to him. Pursue him to take exercise ,drink a glassful of milk twice. Keep watch on the company of friends he keeps. And above all be it known to you that yours is a passive role in rooting out this habit of his. His will power is a master key to his problem. Good Luck!
u can suggest him the tobacco pads which are available in market.they are kept on different surfaces of body.initially they supply the tobacco content to the body which he gets by smoking and gradually gets lower and makes him to quit these pads can be kept any where they can be hid from others.
Simple, act like you dont care about him and leav him as a trick. When he realizes what he is losing due to this, he-ll give it up.

What you could do is pull it out of his mouth and throw it away everytime you see him.

Limit his smoking day by day. you know, 2 max in a day. and then 1. eventually he-ll forget about it and won-t be dependant on it any more.
human beings are slaves to their habits ... to get rid off one you need to make sure that he indulges into some other habit inorder to take off his mind of it..why dont you share some quality time with him and relieve hin of his stressed existence? offer him a chewing gum instead..:-) very soon he-ll quit smoking..let him know the consequences of being a smoker
15 year old with stress?

Ive smoked since i was 15 im 26 now and i can never remember being stressed at 15.

You cant make someone quit, it dosent work like that. He will have to want to quit. If you make him then he will take it out on you everytime he wants to smoke and resent you for it.
You can-t. He-s got to want to quit, or it-s not going to happen.
Just like getting a drunk to stop drinking. Until they decide it is a problem? Nothing you do or say is going to change him, and the more you nag, the more fed up with you he will get.
im almost 19, me and my two best friends all smoke to some degree. i dont think he-ll stop unless either he replaces them with something else, or if he has a really good reason to quit.
so u might have to give him a really good reason. ; )
Unfortunately, he-s already aware of the same facts you are, and he-s decided he-d rather smoke. The only way he-ll stop is if he decides he wants to do it himself.
I read -the only way to stop smoking- by Allan Carr and stopped - 4 years this month.
Smoking actually causes stress - the only stress it alleviates is caused by the previous cigarette.
Cunning huh?
You can-t. He has to want to on his own.
tell him to quit or you-ll break up with him... and actually do it if he doesnt.
How do I get my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

How to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

How to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

i have been eating butterscotch disks all night.
i will not buy sweets except hard candy, but that s all i got!
any tips?
sugar free candy. You can get sugar free butterscotches, and there are baskin robin-s chocolate mint ones that are awesome. They help alot and have almost no calories.

Sugar free gum, non calorie drinks, air popped popcorn with no butter. baby carrots and celery sticks help too.

good luck.

oh, a friend of mine swore by frozen grapes, but they didn-t really help me.
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
smoking has no correlation with your weight
The trick is not to have any muffins, candy, sweets in the house.

Also, try to keep busy to keep your mind off it. If you want a cigarette-break from whatever you-re doing, go for a short walk instead.

Oh and don-t order any pizza :) It;s what killed me the previous time I stopped smoking. I-m much more successful this time around - no weight gain at all, as opposed to 11 pounds I piled on the first time round.
How to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

What is the best way to quit smoking drugs? -

What is the best way to quit smoking drugs? -

First off, congratulations for WANTING to get off drugs!!

As far as answering, there are a lot of ways, and it also depends on the drugs you-re on. The best ways are slowly lowering your dose (takes a long time sometimes), or going cold turkey (which is faster, but harder). Either way, the last thing is making the decision to quit, so you-ll eventually have to deal with the withdrawal.

For the most part, when you deal with withdrawal, you-ll just have to tough it out, but there are some things that can help cleanse out the toxins and may help to minimize some of the effects of withdrawal...
Drinking water will help to detox, and taking some supplements that work as cleansers may help as well. Specifically, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea (decaffeinated), Chlorophyll (fantastic cleanser), and even good amounts of fiber and water helps some people (although it-s not very comfortable for the lower level of detoxification you get).

All that being said, it-s likely that the symptoms should stop relatively shortly after your last pill (it-s never as long as it feels like it is). Your neurotransmitters don-t take too terribly long to scream for something they are addicted to after you stop.
Another important thing to note is that no matter how bad it gets, taking more of the drug will only make the withdrawal last longer and will be harder on you in the long run. Good luck, and congrats again!
The best way to quit smoking marijuana are you asking? elaborate.
Walking, water and determination. The best way to quit qould be cold turkey but keep yourself occupied like walken when you feel yourself get anxious or doing something to keep your mind off of it.

Good luck to you!
What is the best way to quit smoking drugs? -

How does the laser treatment to quit smoking work? where do you go to have this done? -

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How does the laser treatment to quit smoking work? where do you go to have this done? -

A low level laser (no stronger than a light bulb) is beamed onto certain pressure points and this said to help reduce the effect of withdrawal symptoms. This is similar in principal to other unconventional but more ancient methods such as acupuncture and reflexology.

When we smoke endorphins are released in the brain. This gives us a feeling of pleasure that we want to experience again and again. That is how we get hooked onto smoking. Laser therapy is said to release these endorphins, mimicking the act of smoking. Smokers have even said they walk out of the clinic feeling like they have just smoked a cigarette. This -nicotine mimicking- can last for as long as 9 months. It is said that cravings and withdrawal symptoms will be very minor during that time. The theory is that quitting will become much easier.

I don-t believe that this will help you to quit. There is no clinical studies that prove that this method works. It is sill very much in the experimental stage. The Smoking Products link below has more info on the subject.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking. For more information and to post your opinion about the products you have tried, visit the following website.

Good Luck and Good Quitting
How does the laser treatment to quit smoking work? where do you go to have this done? -

I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -

I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -

I quit on 3/4/08...cold turkey. And un-planned as well...just woke up thinking -I can-t do this anymore-...this year would-ve been my 10th year in September.

What changes will I notice over the next few weeks, months, etc?
Someone asked a similar question about a day ago. Here was one of the responses:
Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure drops and your pulse return to normal. The temperature of your hands and feet stabilizes.

After 8 hours, The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops.

After 24 hours, your chance to having a heart attack decreases.

After 48 hours, your ability to smell and taste improves.

After 72 hours, lung capacity increases. Breathing can become easier.

After 2 weeks to 3 months, your circulation improves, Walking becomes easier. Lung functioning may increase by up to 20%.

After 1- 9 months, coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath may decrease. Your cilia- those microscopic hairs that line your lungs- may even begin to re-grow and that can help clean the lungs and reduce your chance of infection.

After 1 year or just after 12 months down the road and you’ve cut your risk of heart disease in half.
you will gain weight. you will have withdrawals...
Well for starters you will be able to breathe better.Excercise better.Wont get sick as much.Reduces the risk of lung cancer. You should have more enery because the cigarettes were sucking the life from you.Your skin will look yonger.Teeth will start to turn white and not that yellow colour.You will be happier.You will save money at least 2,000 a year.You should see an improvement in the sight of your eyes.You will look more attractive.You wont cough as much.
I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -

How can I quit smoking and not gain too much weight? -

Monday, September 14, 2009

How can I quit smoking and not gain too much weight? -

Hi there, smoker since 17, am now 30, so about 13 years. I tried (and failed) quitting about 3 solid times. The last time was my best, 6 months, but I gained almost 25 lbs. How can I quit successfully and minize gaining weight? How much weight does one gain on average?
Don-t pick up eating as your -fill in- for lack of cigarettes. Chew gum or something. Most people eat alot more when they quit becuase they want something to occupy their mouth, but they aren-t hungry. Seriously chewing gum is the best bet.
Why would someone want to quit smoking anyway?
There-s nothing about quitting smoking that will cause you to gain weight. You are fulfilling one nervous habit with another. The only way to not gain weight is just to not eat so much! Exercise as well and practice healthy eating!
when you quit most likely your lungs will need a little rejuvenation so go for runs a few times a week start at half mile or so and work your way up. either way i-d rather die from obesity than lung/throat/mouth cancer. and watch the foods you eat, because more than likely (not to offend you) since you were allready smoking your other habits including the foods you eat are likely not to be that good.
goood luck!

the thing you need most is will power though. if you want to quit you actually have to want to. and if your gonna keep weight off you actually have to give it you all
Why don-t you try exercising? I know it-s tough since you-ve been a smoker for so long, but you-ll find that it gets easier and easier.
use your new found health to go fitness crazy.................good luck
average of 10 pounds (6 %), from 180 to 190 pounds (82 to 86 kg)....

Quitting is hard. Usually people make 2 or 3 tries, or more, before finally being able to quit. Each time you try to quit, you can learn about what helps and what hurts.

Quitting takes hard work and a lot of effort, but you can quit smoking.

Good Reasons for Quitting

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do:

* You will live longer and live better.

* Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer.

* If you are pregnant, quitting smoking will improve your chances of having a healthy baby.

* The people you live with, especially your children, will be healthier.

* You will have extra money to spend on things other than cigarettes.

Five Keys for Quitting

Studies have shown that these five steps will help you quit and quit for good. You have the best chances of quitting if you use them together:

1. Get ready.

2. Get support.

3. Learn new skills and behaviors.

4. Get medication and use it correctly.

5. Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations.

1. Get Ready

* Set a quit date.

* Change your environment.

1. Get rid of ALL cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, and place of work.

2. Don-t let people smoke in your home.
* Review your past attempts to quit. Think about what worked and what did not.

* Once you quit, don-t smoke—NOT EVEN A PUFF!

2. Get Support and Encouragement

Studies have shown that you have a better chance of being successful if you have help. You can get support in many ways:

* Tell your family, friends, and coworkers that you are going to quit and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes out.

* Talk to your health care provider (for example, doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, psychologist, or smoking counselor).

* Get individual, group, or telephone counseling. The more counseling you have, the better your chances are of quitting. Programs are given at local hospitals and health centers. Call your local health department for information about programs in your area.

3. Learn New Skills and Behaviors

* Try to distract yourself from urges to smoke. Talk to someone, go for a walk, or get busy with a task.

* When you first try to quit, change your routine. Use a different route to work. Drink tea instead of coffee. Eat breakfast in a different place.

* Do something to reduce your stress. Take a hot bath, exercise, or read a book.

* Plan something enjoyable to do every day.

* Drink a lot of water and other fluids.

4. Get Medication and Use It Correctly

Medications can help you stop smoking and lessen the urge to smoke.

* The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five medications to help you quit smoking:

1. Bupropion SR—Available by prescription.

2. Nicotine gum—Available over-the-counter.

3. Nicotine inhaler—Available by prescription.

4. Nicotine nasal spray—Available by prescription.

5. Nicotine patch—Available by prescription and over-the-counter.
* Ask your health care provider for advice and carefully read the information on the package.

* All of these medications will more or less double your chances of quitting and quitting for good.

* Everyone who is trying to quit may benefit from using a medication. If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, nursing, under age 18, smoking fewer than 10 cigarettes per day, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor or other health care provider before taking medications.

5. Be Prepared for Relapse or Difficult Situations

Most relapses occur within the first 3 months after quitting. Don-t be discouraged if you start smoking again. Remember, most people try several times before they finally quit. Here are some difficult situations to watch for:

* Alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking lowers your chances of success.
* Other smokers. Being around smoking can make you want to smoke.
* Weight gain. Many smokers will gain weight when they quit, usually less than 10 pounds. Eat a healthy diet and stay active. Don-t let weight gain distract you from your main goal—quitting smoking. Some quit-smoking medications may help delay weight gain.
* Bad mood or depression. There are a lot of ways to improve your mood other than smoking.

If you are having problems with any of these situations, talk to your doctor or other health care provid
I just quit well about 45 days ago. I used Chantix and I did not gain any weight. It is the best product I have used. You have to want it quit for it to work. My husband has tried it and it did not work but he did not try to quit.

Good Luck and Best Wishes.
Don-t eat and don-t smoke.
How can I quit smoking and not gain too much weight? -

I quit smoking and I am trying to eat healthier but I keep gaining weight. How do I stop it? -

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I quit smoking and I am trying to eat healthier but I keep gaining weight. How do I stop it? -

I quit smoking almost 3 months ago, I am gaining weight and have been going to the bathroom alot less. I am trying to eat a lot of fiber, prune juice, less carbs, green tee, alot of water and not eating after 7pm. Why am I still gaining weight? How do I stop it? Please help!
Jrop the burgers and the pizza. Insted pick up a salad.
From working with my clients, I have found weight gain after the cessation of smoking is more often than not, due to unresolved emotional factors.

We often use cigarettes as a distraction from anxiety and once we break that cycle, we feel frustration (often in the form of cravings) which our subconscious mind transfers to another form of distraction (such as alcohol or over-eating).

As Richard Bandler has said in the past -when a person holds onto what they cant see, they can get fat from eating a lettuce leaf-. Whilst I would go that far, I would suggest you look into your emotions.

I believe there-s a book called The Secret Language of Feelings that goes into it in much more detail if you are looking for more assistance.

Also, how much exercise are you getting?
Hey....Good job on quitting smoking...I cant stand that ****...

OK...go to the site in my sources and fill out the chart (takes 10 seconds)...This will give u the number of calories u need per day to stay the same weight...Subtract 500 from this number and stick to that number everyday to lose around a pound a week...Make sure u drink plenty of water like you are....excersize really helps to speed up the process...Eat 4-6 times per day..healthily and stick to the number of calories u need....Good luck and feel free to ask me anything if u need help :)
When you quit smoking your body needs to adapt to something else. Instead of you smoking and getting all the tabacco you are eating which is actually not making you gain weight the tabacco stopped you from gaining weight but now that there is not you will gain the weight.
Well first off, congradulation on quiting smoking. Dont try to eat healthy, simply eat healthy, Self disapline yourself. Exersise daily with cardio even if its walking and also weiight lifting... Make sure your not cuting your caloretic intake by more then 500 calories or else you will gain weight.
Your metabolism is probably slowing down from quitting smoking, but don-t worry!! It-s trying to build back up... Give it a little bit longer- and EXERCISE will definitely speed up your metabolism... Speed up your weight loss by walking every day for 30 to 45 minutes... :)
You need to replace one habit with another. Now just because I say habit, I don-t mean something bad. You need to start an exercise routine. This can be started no matter how old you are or what shape you-re in. Please check with a physician first, but you may be able to get some hints from this website

When you get the craving for a smoke ,you eat instead. You have to replace that habit with something else. Try sugerless gum, and a large glass of water just before a meal.
Since you quit, your body needs less calories. A pack a day smoker will burn 400 calories more a day. You have to cut more food out of your diet to lose weight.
I quit smoking and I am trying to eat healthier but I keep gaining weight. How do I stop it? -

Has anyone quit smoking cold turkey? -

Has anyone quit smoking cold turkey? -

None of the aids work for me. How about cold turkey? How do I get through it and what should I expect?
yes it is possible to quit cold turkey... as others have stated it can be a real bear as far as irritability... a lot of that depends on you!!.. many find it easier with nicotine replacement therepy (patches, gum ect) and others use zyban, or chantix.. best if consult a doctor, but possible without..

we call the first week clean -hell week- for a reason.. smytoms vary, from person to person.. appitite will improve, simply becuase food tasts better.. its not uncommon for newly quit people to put on a few -new quit pounds-.. that ususally stabilizes fairly quickly, and one can munch on carrot sticks, sunflower seeds, or even peanuts ..

some folks have insomnia, but others more commonly have a lack of energy, and many if circummstances allow take extra naps early..of course breathing better is its own reward, and you may get tingling sensations in extremitys from improved circulation..

one thing i have found helpfull, is the company of others, who are quitting, as well as those who have been succesfully quit.. there are Nicotine anonymous meeetings, both locally and on the net.. i have found them most helpfull in staying quit..
I did for about a year but cheated sometimes. Have you tried Zyban? I found that worked the best.

When quitting cold turkey I have found it helps to have other things to suck on. Pretzel sticks are great because you can hold them like a cigarette. I also like jawbreakers. Other ways I was able to cope was to do things which I never associated with smoking. Since I didn-t smoke in my bedroom or while reading, I spent a lot of time laying in bed with a good book.
My mother smoked 40 a day from the age of 20, and saw a programme on TV about poverty in Africa, realised how much money she wasted on cigarettes, and stopped in one day, without problems, at the age of 67.

Hopefully she sent some of the money she saved to help relieve poverty in Africa.

Think about how you could use saved money for the benefit of others, or for yourself, and just quit! You-ll not regret it!
I have but I am not sure you will like the answer.

I quit. I told myself if I could make it 2 weeks I could have one cigarette and I did. Then I went 6 weeks one cigarette. Then three months one cigarette. Then 6 months, one cigarette and after one year I actually smoked one cigarette.
I was a very heavy smoker and smoked since I was 12 years old. It was hard. Everyone says it-s not but for was hard.
I drank a lot of coffee telling myself it was what I craved. When people asked like they were shocked -you still feel like smoking?- I would say NO, ONLY WHEN I-M AWAKE!!!
But it did get easier and easier and it was worth it.
Yes, I did about 34 yrs ago. I drank a lot of water. Raising hand to mouth to drink water helped kick the habit. I did eat hard candy. Anticipated the difficult times, when having a drink, after eating, with coffee and had a lollipop ready for those times. I-ve seen some people keep tooth picks handy to have in their mouth too. Dentists don-t like it but it should be for only a short time. You-ll have times that you think you have it beat and it-ll sneak up on you again, so beware. I-ve finally stopped dreaming about smoking. That lasted many years after. good luck.
You know, you just really have to be ready. I stared at an ashtray and thought, gee that-s horribly gross. Honestly when you do quit, you are going to be so grossed out by smokers after awhile. I promised myself not to be like them, but it slowly happens. You never realize how much you stink, how much it affects other people. The only thing I warn you of is weight gain. Make sure you-re ready to start eating properly and getting enough physical activity. I-m working on taking off the weight I gained. But honestly, you will feel great after you quit.
Good luck.
I tried that some years ago and fired people that may not have deserved it. It actually changed my personality. This time i slowed down for a few weeks then stopped. I still use the gum but, I-m getting ready to stop it. I could feel the withdrawls.. Smoked 42 years..
I-m winning this time.
Belle is helping..
the answer is in the site in my sources
i did it was hard and no one wanted to be around me but you can get thru it
how can you smoke turkey it doesnt really make a good cigarette or does it
I did it 3 years ago. It is realdy hard for rirst 6 months. But you could do it. Be strong with your mind.
Good luck
Yes. It HURTS. Get the patch and wellburtrin to help.
Has anyone quit smoking cold turkey? -

I Quit smoking , best way to lose extra pounds? -

I Quit smoking , best way to lose extra pounds? -

Quit smoking 2 months ago, gained about 10 extra lbs, can-t seem to get it off even with eating less, working out more than I did before I quit?
Hi, guess what, I quit smoking 2 months ago too. Weird.

I don-t eat breakfast or lunch and have dinner really late. I know this doesn-t sound very healthy, but by the next day I feel thinner. I was up to 165 lbs. (my normal weight is 155) and I did this for two weeks and I lost the weight again, but sad to say right now I am yo-yoing. I certainly want to eat stuff and I tend to snack a lot to mask the cigarette urges, but there comes a point where you just realize you have to sit there and suffer because you-re not getting another cigarette. So, I manage the same with food. If I can sit through the cigarette cravings, I can manage the food cravings too.

I know you said you have been eating less, but not less enough. This is not going to be a preferred answer, I-m just saying that-s the only thing that works for me. I get lots of diet advice from people who have been unable to lose weight for decades, so . . .
did you try fasting? if not you will just have to be a 5 by 5 by 5
no junk eating at all, smaller portions and walk 2 miles a day. it works Tough, but it works. I lost 12 pounds in a week.
I know this is going to sound horrible, but I think it is impossible to loose weight that you gain from quitting smoking. I quit smoking and gained 12 pounds and I could not loose it. I went on every web site and bottom line when you quit smoking it slows your metabolism down, that is why you gain and can-t loose. I about had a fit. Unfortunately, I started smoking again, and guess what no additional activity and no dieting and I lost the weight. I guess the thing to do is loose about 15 pounds before you stop smoking and then quit and the extra 10-12 won-t matter. Good Luck!
Don-t eat fried foods. My sister recently lost a ton of weight in just 3 months by simply not eating fried foods.
its called EXERCISE! do it
I hear you. I quit smoking 3 months ago and I have gained over 10 pounds. I told myself that I was going to accept the weight and work hard to take it off. But I am in a big-time FUNK, and can-t get the energy to get off the couch.
I Quit smoking , best way to lose extra pounds? -

If one of your parents quit smoking how do they act the first week or so? -

If one of your parents quit smoking how do they act the first week or so? -

my mom recently started her first day w/o smoking and i wanna be prepared for her mood
I think you are probably a little prepared already!
It isn-t easy, so you can help your mom-s mood stay positive by praising her and saying nice things to her about her decision to quit. She could still be -edgy- so don-t hold it against her if she isn-t real pleasant to you.
not very good she is probably gonna go through withdrawal symptoms and that makes them really moody
crabby as crap
If one of your parents quit smoking how do they act the first week or so? -

I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -

I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -

Cold turkey! And take a 2 week vacation to alleviate any stressful situations.Try exercising more, and power walking to help sweat out the toxins from smoking. And don-t drink any booze during this time.And most of all think positive,and be proud of yourself for quiting!
start eating that stop smoking gum
You need to just stop smoking, don-t use nicotine patches, just stop completely. You need to get your self-statisfaction back.
good choice.....i support you...chew gum....
Here is what I did, and it has worked for 21 + years: I picked a date 2 weeks in advance, and then every time I smoked a cigarette in those 2 weeks I reminded myself why I needed to quit(cost to my health, cost to my pocketbook, how disgusting my teeth had become, how awful my clothes smelled, how dangerous it was to my infant son, etc.) When my -drop dead date- arrived I was really prepared to quit a habit that was 13 years in the making.
See a doctor and have him give you advice. Try everything he tells you.
An anti-smoking pill called Chantix worked for a co-worker of mine who smoked for 30 years.
I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -

I quit smoking but dream about it every night? -

I quit smoking but dream about it every night? -

I quit smoking 3 weeks ago and this past week I-ve dreamt about cigarettes every night. Just wondering if any other previous smokers had this happen. It makes me want to smoke when I wake up.
I-ve never understood the attraction of smoking. There-s so much that people KNOW is negative about it before they even start, so why do they?
I quit 25 days ago and have still dreamed about it twice. Not a fun dream, but its just a dream. I hope you are still quit.

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pick up sunflowers seeds and start eating them soon the salt will make u forget mabye .........
good luck. it-s very hard in the beginning and especially at the regular times you used to smoke, but it will get easier.
Congratulations on quitting. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Dreaming of smoking is totally normal when you quit smoking. You may even find that years later you still have an occasional smoking dream and you wake up feeling guilty like you really did smoke. For more information on quitting smoking go to
i think you should give you some more time to quit it. i mean you can help yourself in quiting it by using some medicines that would help you in this way- when you will take these medicines continuously , after some time youwould not feel the need to smoke . ask your doctor for this but this is not an allopathic treatment this is indian homeopathic medicine.believe me, it will work all the best.
The dreams will eventually stop. If you are having a hard time riding out the cravings, you should try the Commit lozenge (there-s also a generic brand of it at Wal-greens that is much cheaper). It helped me when I quit, and definitely cut back on the urge to start back up.
i quit to n sometimes feel like smokin but i promised my self won-t until one year...n i m true to my word so...but should hav promised i never would smoke...
I quit over a year ago and i still have that from time to time. Stay strong.
Congrats on the 3 weeks!

I had dreams when I quit.

Your sub conscious is trying every which way it can to get you to go back. Don-t do it. I-m sure you-ve had the -just one won-t hurt, then I can quit again- discussion with yourself. Don-t listen to that one either. The fallacy in that argument is that if you went back, you didn-t quit.

The dreams will stop when your body gets used to the fact that you-ve quit and you no longer crave the nicotine. It-s been 20 years and I don-t remember when that happened with me. I made up this phrase I would say every once in a while - -hours turn into days, days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years-. That got me thru some tough days. Lighting one up would erase the progress I-d made - this got more important as the time grew.

Good luck! It gets easier as the time increases.
I-ve dreamed about it a few times, but now when I smoke again, it just makes me feel worse. I think a big part is getting past a month. Then if you-re going to go back, smoke 1 swisher sweet.

It-ll make you feel horrible.
it just your body getting used to not smoking, you dream usually of things that happen in your life and your body knows you-ve quit smoking therefore you will dream of it. dont let the dreams get the better of you,maybe before you go to sleep your thinking of smoking, instead try and think of different things other than that, this might help you stop dreaming of it. Well done for quiting and keep the good work up.
I quit smoking but dream about it every night? -

I quit smoking for 2008. Now Im dealing with the weight gain. Is there a miracle metabolism fixer? -

I quit smoking for 2008. Now Im dealing with the weight gain. Is there a miracle metabolism fixer? -

I know all thew usual - exercise, diet. I don-t have patience for those these days.
I just want my old metabolism back.
Maybe if I started drinking coffee?
Hey, patience or not, exercise is your saviour because it-s the only natural metabolism booster that really speeds up metabolism fast.

Try cardio and weight training. The former kickstarts real quick your metabolism while the latter raises your resting metabolic rate (meaning you burn off calories even while resting.....) thru the muscle you build.

This article on how to increase metabolism might help you out:…

Some foods would increase metabolism but only to certain extent.

You might want to know about them too:…

Sorry Becky, best thing to do is stop the smoking craving when that goes deal with the weight, thats what i am trying to do.

So you want to replace one unhealthy vice with another? Here-s a good idea... Try running!
Green tea capsules are meant to help. Also eating little and often. PS- Congratulations on quitting smoking. X
Yes, it-s called working out
I quit smoking for 2008. Now Im dealing with the weight gain. Is there a miracle metabolism fixer? -

What is the most % way to quit smoking? -

What is the most % way to quit smoking? -

For my dad no one helps me
Perhaps the nicorette activestop program might help.
take the cigerttes from his and flush them
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
Have him quit cold turkey.

Tips from Amer. Lung Assoc.

Cut straws in 1/2. Suck on it. Smokers are used to taking in more oxygen than non-smokers.
Snack on celery - carrot sticks (size of cigarette);
Suck on sugarless hard candy;
Chew sugarless gum;
Play with pen;
Change habits IE: If used to having cigarette with coffee after dinner, change beverage or do without;
Do deep breathing: Inhale thru nose, exhale thru mouth, rest.
Do each for count of 3. Do for 5 minutes at a time.
Exercise:IE: walking.

If needed try acupuncture. It really works.

Good luck to your dad - you.
Well, first let me say that I wish your dad success. I quit about 13 years ago and I-ll tell you what I did: first, I surrounded my self with people who didn-t smoke. I quit cold turkey and it was really tough for the first three weeks, then it got gradually a little bit better and eventually, the urges stopped. I also used a straw to suck on instead of cigarettes and that helped a LOT. I know that nicotine patches help people but the highest success comes with ex-smokers talking to each other and giving support. I also avoided alcohol for months, because I used to like to smoke when I drank. I also really wanted to quit for my health, so I did. I am SO glad that I-m healthy and smoke free. Quitting smoking was one of my proudest accomplishments. Again, my best to your Dad.
What is the most % way to quit smoking? -

Has anyone ever quit smoking and never even felt like having a puff ever again? -

Has anyone ever quit smoking and never even felt like having a puff ever again? -

Me! I was ill in November 2007 (nothing smoking related but I was a smoker) and had the huge misfortune to spend some time in and out of hospital. During that time I saw many people suffering from respiratory diseases. I had just turned 41 and decided that smoking was a ridiculous idea - I just couldn-t bear the thought of having to spend any more time in hospital than absolutely necessary. And it dawned on me that by smoking I was increasing my chances of seeing the inside of that building by a massive percentage. I stopped then and there and haven-t had a single puff since. Give it up - you know it makes sense!
Several times.

I am now 3 years since the last time I smoked anything (it was an after dinner cigar in January 2006 at the grave of a soldier who died in the Battle of the Somme who had the same name as me and was related in some way)

I always never want a puff when someone lights up in my vicinity. I therefore stay away from places where people smoke. Luckily, there are fewer and fewer such places left, and my friends do not smoke either.
Erm!! does thirty seven years count?
That is my tally so far and it will increase for as long as I live.
P.S. I am in great shape at present all Hail And Hearty with the lungs of a Norse wind..
Yeah, it-s like an epiphany. You just light one up one day and say to yourself,- How disgusting is that?- and never do it again.
Yes i have stopped a year and half now and went to shop for some last night... I didn-t buy any! But nearly did. And had one at new year. Tho cravings very rare, they do happen.x Oopppssssss miss read that thought it said -FELT LIKE HAVING.- my bad
I still smoke but a lady i know, about 65 in age, smoked since she was ten, had a 80 a day habit just decided one day, this will be my last fag (cigarette) and has not touched one since!

lol F a G is a bad word!!!
Yes. Once I had stopped I developed an intense dislike of the smell of them within a matter of days. I still find the smell totally abhorrent.
My wife claims she never craves it. Living with an ex-smoker can be challenging sometimes when you still smoke.
I quit 5 years ago and never looked back since. It can be done.
Yeah. Looking back on it I don-t know why I smoked.
Has anyone ever quit smoking and never even felt like having a puff ever again? -

Anyone elses New Years Resolution to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Anyone elses New Years Resolution to quit smoking? -

So starts life back as a nonsmoker.. I hope. 12 hours in so far.

If so how are you doing it and how do you feel right now? I-m doing it cold turkey.. had a couple cravings after eating but so far so good.. and best yet I don-t have to step my cold butt outside to have a cig.

For those that are doing it also.. best of luck.
Ow Man,
having my last one then the patches come out lol,
well done on the 12 hours, feel darn proud..keep it going
and best of luck to you
O and -dont hope, know,-
you will crack it
Good for you. I hate it when people smoke. If you live in Illinois, it-s going to be hard to smoke anyway since the new law went into effect today.
I don-t smoke, but good for you.
Wow! I wish you good luck!
Nope. (As I light up another cigar.)
Anyone elses New Years Resolution to quit smoking? -

My chest hurts because i just quit smoking how can i make it go away? -

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My chest hurts because i just quit smoking how can i make it go away? -

i smoked about a pack every 5 days for about 4 years. and i have dry moth i stopped cold turkey
hang in there
your chest doesn-t hurt because you quit honey, it hurts because you were a smoker....
it will take awhile before the hurt clears up.

I know it-s hard - trust me.
drink lots of water - swish it around in your mouth.
drink juice too - if you are worried about calories, drink a sweetened drink powder or something.....ANYTHING to prevent you from lighting up again

You-re awesome--congratulations, long term I am sure your chest will thank you. Some people I know found that things like cinnamon candy helped them quit (I don-t really know why). I would try and find something else rewarding to do--eat somethings you really like, or get some new music, etc. It will take a little while for your body to get used to smoke free life.
The chest pain is not from a lack of smoking. Instead the smoking probably was the cause of the chest pain due to the blood vessels being constricted in your chest which causes a lack of oxygen which causes the pain. If you are suffering chest pains go to your medical provider.
Dont think about it and it will go away i promise
it will stop by itself with a little time. i smoked for 20 years and got to a point where my chest hurt almost constantly... after being stopped for a while it never does anymore..
It-s all natural. It-ll go away soon.
it is all focus, don-t focus on any of the habit that is craving your return, think out side the box give it to your doctor and say xannax, or Ny Quill or just do short breathes and stop trying for the big cigarette hits kind of feeling in your lungs, you have to remember the guy in you has been in to the habit for long time and you have to ignore the calls of desperation for the nico
Your chest probably hurts because you now have bronchititis aggravated by smoking.
The smoking probably masked the problem and you are only just now noticing it as you are looking for all those horrible symptoms everyone told you that you would experience when stopping smoking.
Your bronchi or lung pockets are inflammed and probably irritated from the nicotine that you have loaded up in your lungs over the years.
See a Dr who may want to give you a breathing test and prescribe an antibiotic.
I commend you on quitting cold turkey. I quit with the use of nicotine gum and that lasted 46 days. I restarted and made 30 days and started again. Today I am planning on quitting again,using up all of the nicotine gum that I have and finishing the process cold turkey because I have been told for years that this is the ONLY way to quit smoking.
The addiction to nicotine is comparable to the addiction of heroine and is a hard one to shake. . . .Hang tough and know that every day you have not smoking you have gained ground in beating the addiction.
Any chest pain should be talked about with a doctor.
You-re going to go through a period of withdrawal that will be very difficult. Stick with it and your symptoms should subside.

I-d recommend some deep breathing exercises to get your lungs into shape.

For example, take in mini puffs of air through your nose and count how many you can hold until your lungs are full, then let it out in mini puffs through your mouth, trying to DOUBLE the puffs out than in, but going until your lungs are almost completely empty (you should feel a sort of -squeeze- when they-re almost empty).

There are lots of books on deep breathing exercises, including one called Boost Your Metabolism which is great for lung exercises.

And... GOOD FOR YOU! Quitting smoking is a smart choice. Stick with it!

It will get worse before it gets better. Stick with it. Soon you will be feeling better.
Your body immediately starts healing after that last smoke. You will eventually feel better than you ever have in the last four years.
Stay hydrated! Try hard candies to keep your saliva glands working. As for the sore chest, there isn-t alot you can do for that. You could try a herbal expectorant, that will help your body let go of all the tar and junk you put in your lungs.

GOOD FOR YOU FOR QUITING!!! Thought I would add that :)
My chest hurts because i just quit smoking how can i make it go away? -

What is a good remedy to quit smoking? -

What is a good remedy to quit smoking? -

will power....n nothing else...n also spending time in places where smoking is not allowed....n oh drinking water should help too.
Prayer, and eats lots of health finger foods to satisfy the oral fixation. Change your routine, like if you usually smoke and drink coffee first thing in the morning....change to take a shower, eat breakfast and brush your teeth. Rearrange your furniture, buy new seat covers for your car....basically try to make your new environment look different so it doesn-t remind you of smoking. Get a new haircut....and limit time spent with others who smoke for a while, buy some whitening strips for your teeth and if you can afford it, go and splurge by getting your teeth professionally whitened. Change everything around that revolved around you smoking and PRAY like crazy. My best to you!!!
I have been one week without smoking and certainly not out of the woods yet! First of all and number one is you have to really want to quit and your will power is no. 1 to attain your goal.

Now you will have to eliminate some other habits that you really related to smoking. Like sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee with a smoke. Change your choice of drink with something like apple juice. Apple juice cleanses your body of impurities and smoking doesn-t taste very good with it, so it is a natural deterrent.

I have heard that eating licorice or chewing spearmint makes smoking yukky. So when you have the urge to grab a cig. stick a piece of licorice in your mouth and let it just sit there until dissolved, this really does help.

Who is the stronger of you? What you really want? Or well, next year and give in? NOT EASY! But if you really want to quit you will be able to master quitting.
You could try brushing your teeth often. The feeling of having fresh breath and clean teeth will deter you from smoking immediately after. =P Good luck!
Pls let me know if u r convinced with any answers u get.
How bout you dont buy smokes!
Chantix. It-s a pill. It has a 44% rate of succesful quiting.
i used chantix it costs alot, but not more than the cigs. it helped with the anxiety cigs were a form of self soothing 4 me but chantix really helped. you would need a prescription. also i exercised this allowed me to really feel my lungs become healthier. tootsie pops till i broke the oral fixation. ooh 44% that good placibos have a 33% suscess rate.
focus yourself in other things..... instead of picking a stick of ciggarette you should drink alot of liquids like juices or cokes. Do things you love....
Champix in Australia and Chantix in America are both the same actually and are supposed to have a success rate of 40%.

Perhaps a search for -quit smoking- + -natural ways- might be of interest.
What is a good remedy to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

There is no one best way. What works for one person will not always work for another. But you have to have the will and the want to to quit, or you will be wasting time and money. Some people swear by going cold turkey, others say the gum or patches work. There is even a pill the doctor can give you that may make you quit. Whatever you choose, stick to it, and if you slip up, don-t give up, just start to quit again. It takes some people many tries over a long period of time to finally kick the habit. Good luck!
by not smoking.
Just throw away the pack of cigerattes you have with you !! Cannot quit by reducing the number of smokes - you have to stop . Smoking is only physical dependence - there wont be any problem whatsoever ! Stay away from friends who smoke - they will never let you quit !!
Cold turkey.
Just make up your mind that you don-t want to be a smoker anymore and quit.
The key is that you are truly quitting because you truly want to...not because somebody else wants you to...not because of some vague sense that it might be bad for you...not because you feel guilty about exposing other people to second-hand smoke...YOU HAVE TO WANT TO QUIT!
It won-t be easy, but that is the best way.
You should see your Dr. It really depends on how much you smoked and how long together you guys can pick a solution because it isn-t easy to quit. I quit a few months ago and I still crave like mad. I used cranberry juice for the cravings at work and it helped alot more than I expected, but you will need lots of things to do for those times you usually smoked. Hope this helps. Good Luck
I carry an all natural herbal product that works great! I-ve used it myself, and have to say it-s taken a three pack a day smoker to quit cold turkey with out withdrawls. Check it out on Fill out our free repiratory form to get a customized product suggestion, info, and pricing.
What is the best way to quit smoking? -

I quit smoking and I have no energy, its been three months and I just dont feel any better, is this common? -

I quit smoking and I have no energy, its been three months and I just dont feel any better, is this common? -

Quiting smoking and lackof energy have nothing to do with eachother whether it be a day or a month. Possibly depression which could be a cause of lack of energy. But it could also be a coinsidence of a health issue that may have been masked while you were smoking. It is not uncommon for your body to ignore an issue (smaller)because it is under attack constent (smoking). Then when it can, it will start to fight what ever else may be wrong.

So with that being said.
Do you feel down (depressed)? That can take a while after stopping....cigarettes are our best friends for a long time and help us thru every situation and kicking those friend to the curb is though but needed..

Maybe time to just get in for a chec up and blood work just to be certain all is working great !!!
hey gone this far to take the step to make sure you are going to be healthy what is one more :-)

Then you rest easy !!!!
Keep up the good work !!
From a Buddy..when you want to light up
think of me :-0~ Drop it ! *-*
I quit smoking and I have no energy, its been three months and I just dont feel any better, is this common? -

Has anyone quit smoking and had horrible leg cramps due to nicotine withdrawal? -

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Has anyone quit smoking and had horrible leg cramps due to nicotine withdrawal? -

I smoked for almost 10 years and now that I-m trying to quit, I keep getting restless, painful leg cramps/aches. I chew nicorette when it starts up, but this only seems to help for a little while. Any thots? How long does this usually last? Does it ever go away?
See a doctor immediately, I stopped smoking 12 years ago and started with the same symptoms. a large patch of discoloured skin appeared on my left leg. It was diagnosed as Berger-s Disease, a circulatory problem caused by nicotine. I will lose my left leg below the knee within 5 years and my right leg within 10. I am sorry to bring such misery and despair onto the site but it is best you know before it gets worse. good luck
I quit smoking 3 days ago and the nighttime leg cramps started the first night! I assumed the 2 events were related, but couldn-t figure out how. Now I have been reading other people on different sites are having the same problem. What-s going on? What-s the physiology behind this?

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Physical withdrawal from nicotine is temporary, but it can be uncomfortable while it lasts. -Quitter-s flu- is a term used to describe this phase of smoking cessation because nicotine withdrawal symptoms often mimic a cold or a mild case of the flu. Understanding what to expect when you quit smoking and following the tips provided here for coping will help you move through this stage more easily.

The following list contains commonly reported symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Most people experience some of these, but rarely all of them. Each person goes through this phase of recovery from nicotine addiction a little differently. But for most people, these discomforts are short-lived. Check with your doctor if you-re concerned about a physical reaction you-re having to smoking cessation, or if nicotine withdrawal symptoms persist.
Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

* Cravings to smoke
* Irritable, cranky
* Insomnia
* Fatigue
* Inability to Concentrate
* Headache
* Cough
* Sore throat
* Constipation, gas, stomach pain
* Dry mouth
* Sore tongue and/or gums
* Postnasal drip
* Tightness in the chest
Has anyone quit smoking and had horrible leg cramps due to nicotine withdrawal? -

Are there any natural remedies to help quit smoking? -

Are there any natural remedies to help quit smoking? -

I-ve decided to quit smoking today - but rather than using nicotine replacement gum or patches I was wondering whether anyone knows any natural remedies that work just as well?

I haven-t just randomly quit I decided last week and decided today was the start!

Thanks :o)
I have been smoking for ten years now, and i never quit. I tried chantex pills, patches, gum everything nothing works. Cold turkey is the best way for you to quit, but you need tremendous will power. First you need to tell your friends and family that you may be a little more agitated for a while because you decided to quit. Then you need to get rid of all your lighters and things that remind you of smoking. Also try to avoid smokers and smoke pits. If you end up around smokers, sun flower seeds could help you because you have something in your mouth still. Also running is probably one of the best ways to get rid of that urge.
Other than willpower? : )

Well, I drank lots of water, sucked on a candy or chewed gum instead and enrolled in a gym to start exercising at least twice a week. You can also take up a sport, any sport activity like swimming, rock climbing or maybe biking. It took some time, but I was able to cut down from 3 packs a day to two, to one and then to just a few sticks until I finally could do without lighting one up a day. Although sometimes when I-ve had too many beers I still end up lighting a stick or two out of habit, but since I-ve also decided to cut down my alcohol intake to only during special occasions, I-ve been able to control that too. It-s ok if you fail at first, which is normal for former heavy chain smokers like me, just don-t give up trying and don-t expect to be able to quit overnight. Hope that helps and good luck.
It took me about 6 years to quit and I used the patches just to get me through the first weeks, then I only used them for a couple of days and I was quitting for between 3 and 9 months...
I just kept making excuses to have a smoke again and eventually I would succumb to my excuses and I would just go and buy a packet of rollies and I was back on the -gaspers- once again...

You must be mentally ready to quit and to stay quit, make a plan and stick to it, if you go back to smoking, well all is not lost, it-s just a set back, so plan, and quit again, that-s how it worked for me...

I have been quit and smell like I should for 3 years - 2 months in exactly 1 hour and 38 minutes, (that-s true)...

There is no easy way to quit, it comes from within you, not any drug..
Good Luck...
In Light... )O(
See this site to learn why the way to quit is to smoke a cigarette with more nicotine in it first. Then you can break your addiction to the 100 additives they add to make it impossible for you to quit.

Yep. Will power. Oh, and don-t forget self-control.
3 day hump.

Don-t smoke for 3 days.

...with willpower, u mean
Are there any natural remedies to help quit smoking? -

How can i Quit smoking? -

How can i Quit smoking? -

Here-s what I did. I picked a date like two months in advance. It was like October, and so I chose December 26th to be my non-smoker beginning. So, I smoked my guts out for two months. When I woke up on December 26th, I did not smoke again. You must mentally prepare yourself for it. Over the years I-ve heard people say things like -I-m trying to quit smoking-. Wrong. -trying- is not good enough. Just have your mind made up. I know we have all looked at oh say, drug addicts and said -If they just wouldn-t stick that needle in their arm!-. Same thing with cigarettes. Choose not to do it.
-Cigana is a healthier alternative to smoking. While regular contain tobacco and 4000+ carcinogens, Cigana contains just nicotine. Cigana looks and feels like a regular cigarette, provides the nicotine that smokers crave, without the harmful, cancer-causing toxins, ashes, smells or second hand smoke.-

I read testimonials on this product and they seem to be happy. I am not a smoker myself, but this could help you.
On October 5th it will be 3 years without a cigarette for me. I decided on that very day I would stop smoking. I had half a pack of cigarettes left and never smoked another one.

I had tried patches and inhalers and gums and nothing worked. I just had to want to quit. I loved smoking. But I hated my clothes smelling like smoke and other people smelling me too. I hated paying for smokes. So this is how I quit...

I said...-I quit.- And I did. I missed the motion of my hand coming up to my mouth so I carried around a bottle of water constantly. I must have drank 20 bottles of water a day in place of cigarettes. I lost over 15 pounds by drinking all that water.

I also missed all that private time I had before when I would go outside to smoke. So I walked the dogs a lot. Or pretended to use the bathroom.

But the secret for me was the strength to want to quit and the motion of hand to mouth. And I didn-t include anyone on my journey or complain about it. I just did it.

Good Luck. I know you can do it.
I am using the Commit Lozenges to quit and they are really helping me a lot. Whenever I feel like a want a cig, I pop a lozenge in my mouth. After a minute or two the physical urge goes away so that I just have to deal with the mental aspect of wanting one. I won-t say they make it -easy- to quit, but definitely -easier- for me.

Good luck!
I tried quitting for many years. I have finally accomplished it and have been smoke free for 9 years. To help others I wrote a Ezine article on how I did it.
theres patches you can put on urself
that make u stop
nd medicine nd stuff
How can i Quit smoking? -

Trying hard 2 make my boyfriend quit smoking. any suggestions? only genuine ones plz...its very imp!? -

Trying hard 2 make my boyfriend quit smoking. any suggestions? only genuine ones plz...its very imp!? -

my boyfriend has been smoking since the last 5-6 years...and i really want him 2 quit...he realizes the need 2 do so himself...and has tried several times...but is able 2 do so only for 2-3 days, after which the addiction takes over and he starts smoking again...plz help...want some good tips on how he can quit it permanently.

That will have loads of info.

That site will help anywhere you are.
evrey time he trys light a cig kick him in the balls e-ll get the message soon lol :P
If he is ready to take medicine then try Smoquit SR Twice a day Its effective
tell him that you refuse to kiss him
and his breath tastes like an ash tray.
yea i had problems quiting... so i tried and i just started to chew for a while and i didnt smoke... so just tell him to start chewing... and on the plus side it is also sexy
tell him about youyr -grandma- and said she died of lung cancer, and it was a very painful death.That scared my whole family and they stopped
Trying hard 2 make my boyfriend quit smoking. any suggestions? only genuine ones plz...its very imp!? -

How to quit smoking weed? -

How to quit smoking weed? -

i am trying to quit smoking weed and its really hard how can i do it and is it really possible to be addicted to weed ,also does NA work for weed? any one been in this situation ?
i smoked weed everyday in 2007 and about half way through 2008 and i would say yes, it is possible to get addicted to weed. what i did was start smoking less and less each week then smoke half as often as you do now then half as often as then and so on until you-re weed-free. i-ve been clean for the past 7 months. that might not sound like much, but it feels like a big deal to me. haha also, drink a lot of water while you-re started to smoke less.. it should help with the urge to smoke because, this is really gay.. but because it will feel sort of symbolic. it-s like you-re cleansing your body... i-m kind of a fag for saying that but that-s what it felt like for me ha
It-s basically impossible to become addicted to weed, but even if you somehow do get withdrawal symptoms they will be very brisk and mild.

What you are experiencing is psychological addiction. It can be a ***** but if you don-t have the weak mind of a woman and if you realize that its only psychological you can do it with less hassles.

I suggest dropping it cold turkey. Waiting a few weeks. And if you want to continue after that take it easy and smoke more casually. Cause in the end even if you don-t, tolerance becomes/will be a ***** and you wont get the good high anymore.
well weed really has no addictives in it. i smoke weed all the time and am finding it very hard to quit, but thats because im emotionally addicted. im only quitting because i get tested. but there is no way weed is actually bad for you. and if this subject really interests you a good book to read is the emperor wears no clothes.
i found it extremely interesting.
Well, I toked for 18 years and quit. I went through withdrawals for about a week and attended many NA meetings and still do 7 years later. Mind over matter my friend. How bad do you want to quit? You will make it if you really want to stop. There is life outside of weed.
-I am,- I said To no one there
And no one heard at all Not even the chair.
How to quit smoking weed? -

I need help to quit smoking? -

I need help to quit smoking? -

I used the patch for a while, though it made me sick. I also have an electronic cigarette that I smoke when I need to. But the urge of a real cigarette or black and mild is too strong for me sometimes. I haven-t gone back to smoking yet, so i-ve made a few slipups, and when I do, it tastes nasty, yet I still do it. Ugh.
Giving oneself permission to smoke one cig or have one puff ends up being just as it was addiction. (Been there so many times).

The patches do help despite some of the possible side effects. I personally had terrible itching and sweating underneath of them, but continued anyway until now. I-ve never tried the gum, but I hear it works well and you can just put it under your lip.

Chantix is not without side effects. But it does help to minimize cravings.

Take comfort in knowing that the longest urge to smoke lasts only 3 minutes, then is gone, and they come less and less frequently. But if you sneak once in awhile, they will surface more often. Can have a life saver or lolly handy for when they do surface.

Not smoking is a wonderful decision....particularly since tobacco has reached astronomical prices to purchase. You are doing the right thing for your health. And do talk with someone who has been quit for many years, and they will tell you that they still get the urge to smoke never goes away!! And they will add that they KNOW that if they smoke one cig, the addiction will be off and running once again.......

YOu can do this....and you do want to quit or you wouldn-t have posted this. It definitely takes some life style changes at first, like eliminating or changing the things that stimulate a cig response (take coffee black rather than with cream or have decaf, get up and walk after lunch, etc. do keep in mind that we used cigs as a reward system so need to find something satisfying like the life savers or lolly.

I don-t know about others, but a craving for me personally is accompanied by a terrible depression and it feels awful. It goes away with the craving, but feels awful at first. I haven-t had a craving in a few days now, thank goodness. Does take a lot of concious thought though.

Good luck and know that this too shall pass.

PS Chantix does not alleviate the cravings completely. There is no quickfix to quit smoking. Chantix is available with prescription, and doc will only give you 28 days at a time because it can have very serious side effects .
i had the champix off the doctor and it made me really ill,i was sick nearly every day includin continuous nausea,wasnt a nice feelin so i ad 2 stop,ive tryed the patches but still the urge is 2 much,i hear sum people have tryed hypnosis so think im goin 2 ave a go at that i will try nething

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hey ronin..

looks like others have pretty much told you whats out there.. just remember there is no wrong way to quit!!! good luck on your decision..

i can tell you this that regardless of your method of quitting, your chances for success will be greatly improved if you have a support group.. for me that has been nicotine anonymous .. i have been nicotine free for over 5 years now.. after 40 years of smoking.. meetings are available in many areas, as well as a number of voice meetings online.. once again good luck on your quit!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
i feel your pain. they have a drug on the market called Chantix and it takes the physical cravings from you completely. then it is just breaking the mental patterns. it is a miracle drug but you must get a prescription.
good luck
I need help to quit smoking? -

Should i quit smoking? -

Friday, September 4, 2009

Should i quit smoking? -

I-m 18 and I-ve been smoking for almost a year now and a few months ago I got a blood clot that started in my lung. It nearly killed me. They said my blood clot was mostly because of some type 2 blood disorder.
Smoking is always bad. You see, you got blood clot with your sputum. I guess not the time has come, you should seriously consider quitting smoking. You might develop emphysema, chronic bronchitis and carcinoma in your later age. Why spoiling the good life, that god has gifted you?? You are still young, so I suggest, that you should quit smoking at this time only. I am giving you few information, on why you should be quitting smoking:-
There are many good reasons why you should quit smoking....
1:- 20 mins after quitting smoking, your body temp, blood pressure, and pulse rate drops to normal.
2:- 24 Hours after quitting- Chances of heart attack decreases.
3:- 3 days after quitting- breathing becomes easier.
4:- 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting- Lung capacity increases up to 30%, Blood circulation improves, walking becomes easier.
5:- 1 year after quitting- Chances of lung cancer is almost zero
and excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of stroke-s.
6:- Chances of developing cancer are further reduced, and risk of coronary heart disease is same as that of a person who has never smoked a cigarette!!
You already know the answer to that question dont you...
yes you should quit and its easy to do! Read the book -the easy way to quit- by Allen Carr. I smoked for 30 years and thought I could never quit. But I have freed myself from this addiction and it has been so easy.
so the fact that you have a blood disorder and smoking prohibits the amount of oxygen to your blood, doesn-t give you a good reason?....

besides, it-s much easier to quit if you just started, the longer you wait the harder it will be!

i-m a smoker of more than 10 years and it-s hard as hell for me right now(it-s been two days)

get out while you can! run! run and actually breathe easy when you run! and frolic in beautiful meadow full of fresh air......ahhhhhhhhh
quit smoking its bad for you! not you alone but your future husband and other people around you who sniffs your 2nd hand smoke when your smoking! My dad acquired TUberculosis because He is a chain smoker and Now He Quits smoking and Got better
A history of pulmonary embolism and your asking this question?Even if healthy you should quit.Deep down you know that.
Stop smoking is the best remedy. I used to smoke 30 cigs a day, I have now cut down to 15, then it will be less and less until I stop. Wean yourself off them slowly if you have no willpower to stop altogether. I am going to see the nurse at my local doctors for some help and support and patches. Hope this helps.
i think ur answer is in ur question there is plenty reason there
Tobacco companies have your cash, You have there illnesses off there tobacco. THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU.
If I could say DUH in a nice way than I would
YES!! Definitely :) You will be sooo happy you-ve done it afterwards :) Are you taking a blood thinner or Asprin for the blood clots?

Check this out:

I know this may sound weird, but Bananas can help people trying to give up smoking. The B-6 and B-12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body-s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

So try eating some bananas :)

Some of the addiction is oral and normalacy... when you normally have cigarettes, that-s when you crave them... one of my friends would always have a ballpoint pen with her ... she would hold it in her hand like she would when she was a smoker... and if she had the oral craving, she would chew on the pen... sounds weird, but worked for her :)
YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! stop now.. your 18 years old.. see what it does to your body.. do you want to cough up blood clots.. Smoking can ruin your life.. stop smoking you can do it.
its a good idea to stop smoking as soon as you can no matter what state your health appears to be in.

Havent you seen how much smoking is bad for your health?

There is talk of people who smoke who later have health problems not receiving much help because smoking being seen as something the individual has done to themselves.
you know the answer to this Q but we can go through it for you.mild reasons -clothes stink of it,and breath and teeth get stained,dry sore throats etc-.,heavy reasons -this stuff can kill you ,heart desease,cronic lung disorders,kidney,stomach, throat cancers etc.,-what else do you need,maybe a good kick up the rrrrr.hope you do manage to stop it-s a dirthy habit,good luck
Some people would tell you to quit smoking but your the one that has to decide to quit and actually do it. No one else can do it for you. I think you have a good reason to stop.
hey hun... I definitely think that you should quit! I am not a smoker but my boyfriend is and the secondary smoke affects my so badly... i can only imaging what the primary smoke is doing to you guys. i have also seen pics of a smoker lungs...oh my word... it looked awfully! do yourself a favour and you body too... give it up! I know some friends that gave up smoking... they doing great now!!!!
Good luck Hun
Smoking is inhaling some poisons that gives you an sensation. But there is no disorder only those things that the reactive mind gives you. and this reactive mind can be erased and you as so many other people can live a well and happy live.
Yes, think of all your poor little epithelial cells crying out in pain every time you inhale the smoke and your alveoli getting gummed up with the tar reducing your oxygen absorption. You would be a lot healthier in the long term without smoking, smoking only causes further complications that you don-t need. Agree-s with pumped up, there is a low strength aspirin especially made to provide a blood thinner.
Has a smoker i am not one for giveing advice on the smoking side of things,would be abit of me calling the kettle black so to speak,but on your health side of things and the fact you already have been through a clot in your lung then i would say give it your very best attempt to stop

good luck
i would try now the longer you leave it the harder it is.
good luck
Oh God.... haven-t you given up smoking now also. And you are putting questions. Quit forthwith. Otherwise your existence will be question marked.
Should i quit smoking? -

I quit smoking for 4 months and my anger levels increased a lot? -

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I quit smoking for 4 months and my anger levels increased a lot? -

I quit smoking on July 1st and I noticed that my anger levels went through the roof. I was sooooo mad ALL the time. At the time I didn-t think it was from not smoking. Especially after the 3rd month, I really thought I just had increased anger. Anyway, it got really bad, and I started smoking again recently. Since then, my anger is GONE. Is it normal to have such high anger even after 4 months of not smoking? I-m taking Wellbutrin and working on quitting again (I started back up with the intent to quit again as soon as this semester ended).
i understand completley.i cant seem to kick the habit for the same reason.i allready have a temper,if i dont smoke i get worse.they have a strong patch you could try.something around 24mg
NRT (nocotine replacement therapy) just leaves you addicted to nicotine. At 4 months you should become more like the person you were before you ever took nicotine into your system. Visit the free all volunteer website to learn about how to quit smoking.

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Most peoples anger level goes way up when they quit smoking, but it seems to taper off after a few weeks and Nicotine is out of they system, Nicotine is a very complex drug, one of the very few that can affect us in 2 different ways. It can be a tranquilizer or speed us up, this is what I have read anyway. Every ones ability to quit smoking varies, just keep trying. Your doctor should be able to help you out with this! The truth is, quitting is really tough, if you aren-t highly motivated especially. My case was, quit or die, very motivated!
Good luck.
well ur stressed
Listen thats all an excuse ... If you quit smoking then you should-ve stayed focused and not started again! Your anger only coudlve increased because YOU WERE NOT READY to quit!!! If you were mentally physically ready to quit, nothing in the world would-ve made you start again! It will be harder to quit again UNLESS you are ready to not smoke anymore! GOOD LUCK
you are frustrated because you have to smoke,your body feels uncomfortable not smoking...use nicotine is much moer effective in quitting smoking
Its all mind over matter. My husband was the same always snapping at me and the kids. It was only after a huge argument that he began to control his anger he tends to stop himself from snapping at us. And no he hasnt had a smoke since. About 3 months now.
Kava Kava and Valerian will reduce thestress and frustration. Sam-e will address any depression (which may be triggering your anger). Good luck, I know you can kick it! I don-t smoke, but when I feel a tantrum coming on I down 3 or 4 Kava Kava - it calms me down.
i think it-s normal, but maybe you-re just thinking about stuff too much. after u start smoking again, you make yourself believe that smoking is what you needed but it-s probably not
I quit smoking for 4 months and my anger levels increased a lot? -

Do you have to quit smoking to have the lap band surgery? If so, why? -

Do you have to quit smoking to have the lap band surgery? If so, why? -

My mom had gastric bypass, and she had to quit smoking. She is having a knee replacement done this month,but doesnt have to quit. Im thinking about having the lap band done, but there is nothing on the webiste stating I have to quit. I have no problem doin this, b/c I believe it is for a good cause..but I am curious to why you have to quit for this surgery but not others.
It depends on the surgeon and the type of anesthesia being given. smoking robs the body of oxygen, therefore, during recovery it may affect breathing if given a general anes. and healing.
smoking deprives the body of 02....therefore recovery time is more...good luck on the surgery....
Do you have to quit smoking to have the lap band surgery? If so, why? -

What have you taken to quit smoking and your results? -

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What have you taken to quit smoking and your results? -

When I quit smoking which was about 15yrs ago. I didn-t take anything. I chewed alot of gum. ALOT OF GUM! I guess mine was more of an oral fixation than actually being addicted. It also helped that the manufacturers pissed me off by raising the price and I found out all the shitty things they do to keep you addicted. ( Anger always helps.) For a while I would crave one when I had a drink but after a while when I had a drink and I would take a drag off of someone else-s it would make me sick and eventually I didn-t want it anymore. I still crave one every so often when its summer and you smell a BBq, I always crave a beer and a cigarette. I never have one though. Just use your mind! You are strong enough to stay away from that crap, just stop believing that you aren-t!
smoke pot its a nature herb, it will stop that rush in your body telling you you need a cig, and pot aint addictive so you can stop that whenev

trust me I use to be a tobacco JUNKIE

now im all HERB Peace !
What have you taken to quit smoking and your results? -

Hi!! Im 23 yrs old.I tell myself i quit smoking after every pack i smoke. Next thing you know im at it AGAIN.? -

Hi!! Im 23 yrs old.I tell myself i quit smoking after every pack i smoke. Next thing you know im at it AGAIN.? -

I have been smoking for 7 years and ive tried to quit a million times. Im never going to quit trying to do that because im not a quitter. My question is How do i quit smoking when i think about it all the time? I also get this horrible feeling at my throat if i don-t smoke. How do i stop this feeling?
I have been there. You Can be a quitter but you just have to make it happen. The first 5 days are awful but then it gets better after that but you may have to live with the fact that you will never -get over it- You just have to work with it 1 day at a time. Good luck.
This is radical advice, but full proof. Take a cup full of urine, dip a whole pack in it one by one, let them dry over night. Then smoke the whole pack in one day, even as you are about to get sick smoke all 20 of them. The stink and the taste will stay with you for a while. The next day after that you will both crave a smoke and reject it at once. Tell your self that, yeah you can have a smoke, but only if you soak it in urine first. Before long you will not want a cig at all. I hope this helps! Good luck.
ok i was a heavy smoker for bout 8 years and now a non smoker for almost 3 years!!!

I wouldnt really recomend it but i was on the 21mg patches to begin with n put on 3 patches one night to stop me smoking wen out drinking with my friends.

i was really sick from it that night (drink didnt help) but had no patches for a week n no fags for a week as the thought made me really sick. a week later i slowly went back on patches n had the inhaler when times were really tough as it gave me the same feeling as inhaling a fag.

after a few months i only had the inhaler once in a blut moon. a year later i had 1 fag n felt really sick from it so now i know ill never smoke again coz id b sick from it.

like i said i wouldnt recomend a nic overdose like i did but stick to patches n inhaler as it works if u really want it to.

Good luck!!!!!!!
I hv quit the same ..jst 5 days back...
whn ever going to buy the cig pack.. go for smthin else of same price instead...n thn apreciate urself fr not smoking ...also start feeling healthier everyday......
checkout these facts.....

At 20 minutes after quitting:

?Blood pressure decreases
?Pulse rate drops
?Body temperature of hands and feet increases.

At 8 hours:

?Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
?Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

At 24 hours:
?Chance of a heart attack decreases

At 48 hours:

?nerve endings begin regrowth
?ability to smell and taste improves
I quit in June. I took Zyban (also called Bupropion) for 2 weeks. I smoked the first week and tapered off the second. Then the medicine started giving me a fever at night (which is not normal). I was one of the people that had fever as a side effect. So, I laid down the cigs and the meds. And I haven-t had a cigarette since. I may smoke like a chimney tomorrow, but I didn-t have one today. :) Good luck and best wishes! --
Hi!! Im 23 yrs old.I tell myself i quit smoking after every pack i smoke. Next thing you know im at it AGAIN.? -

Non smokers, why do you think you know best how to quit smoking? -

Non smokers, why do you think you know best how to quit smoking? -

I am a smoker and have tried 3 different times to quit since Aug 2006 and have acquired 30+days at a time but always let something or someone cause me to start up again. . . .I-m not done,I quit drinking 10+yrs ago and I-m GONNA beat this smoking deal as well.
I have gotten the advise from smokers ,those who have quit smoking and non smokers alike on how to stay stopped. . . Oh Boy!
Sometimes I think it is like you have been told by someone else,non smokers don-t know how addictive smoking is. It is compared to being addicted to heroine.
I think too that non smokers think they are smarter people. Not just because they never picked up smoking but smarter in general.
Alot of non smokers I have been around seem to be just very critical people and seem to just have that Holier Than Thou attitude.
Take a look at alot of those -non-smokers-. Some use dip,some smoke cigars,some smoke pipes and truth be know,in this day and time there ARE some of these -non-smokers- who partake of things other than tobacco. . .if you get my drift.
There are too those -non-smokers- who have their own vices. . . too much spending,too much eating,too much drinking etc and as they saying goes. . .-The first one without sin,cast the first stone-.
I wish I would have NEVER picked up cigarettes but the fact is that I did and I have to deal with that but that doesn-t make me the scum of the earth as non-smokers will try to make me feel like.
This is a Country with a guarantee of Personal Rights. . .as every day goes by,these -non-smokers- take more and more of the rights of us smokers and our rights are getting lesser and lesser and I accept that because of the health problems from second hand smoke etc but come one,smokers actually pay more taxes than the non-smokers because of cigarette taxes which in the State of TX just went up a $1.00pk so these people need to realize that they too get benefits from us -Scums of the Earth-.
When I am able to finally give up cigarettes I sincerely hope that as with alcohol I NEVER become one of those Self Righteous I Did it therefore you should be able to do it type of person. . . .NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ANOTHER! ! ! !
I smoked for over 55 years, I quit a 5 pack a day habit

Not to many smoke more than that and live

A you smoke how much?

Remeber too, Non smokers might have had a family member die
because of smoking

About 24% of the non smokers who have COPD are victims of second hand smoke
Because a lot of nonsmokers never smoked, they are unaware of how addictive it is.

I have never smoked, but I know that my husband has struggled with it and has been difficult to quit.
because we were clever enough not to start
Because I was a smoker !

There you go for more info :…

a lot of non smokers only know the facts, such as : Smoking is very harmful to your body and to others. Smoking Kills. Its dangerous -

But they don-t realize how addictive the nicotine is. It becomes almost all consuming, because you need it so badly.
Actually, I don-t think I know best. I-ve never smoked, so I don-t have a clue as to how to quit. I do have sense enough to know that smoking is an addiction, and all addictions are hard to beat.
because we dont smoke and dont indulge on that addiction
I know how to quit because I quite smoking after 18 years
Because I used to be a I am a non-smoker ;)
i dont know why but i do! I guess because we really care for the people and want them to quit
Non smokers, why do you think you know best how to quit smoking? -