Have any of yall used the new medicine out to quit smoking? -

Friday, September 28, 2012

Have any of yall used the new medicine out to quit smoking? -

and if so what was your experience like?
Yes! works wonders and no withdrawal. I quit on Chantix 2 months ago and it was a breeze. take drug for a full 6 months though. I also know 6 others who have quit using Chantix. The only side effects are initial nausea for about 10 days which disappeared when you ate something and constipation for about a week which also disappeared. Some people have no signs of constipation , but about 40-50% had mild nausea for about a week, which disappeared.
It is the best drug that I-ve ever used and it works!
Have any of yall used the new medicine out to quit smoking? -

Can anyone offer alternative ways to quit smoking? patch,gum,cold turkey all ineffective.? -

Can anyone offer alternative ways to quit smoking? patch,gum,cold turkey all ineffective.? -

All of the usual methods have not worked for me, and i-m real tired of doing this......
Most people try cigarettes at some point. the reason some people become addicted and can-t quit, is that about 2% of smokers have an imbalance of seratonin that gets an artificial boost through smoking. The reason this small group can-t quit no matter what they try is the simple fact that they need that seratonin boost to feel like themselves and that-s VERY difficult to give up. If you-ve tried everything, you may ask your doctor to prescribe a Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor, (an SSRI). These meds are called antidepressants, but they are NOT just for depressed people. They are also for people with compulsive habits, like smoking. It sounds like you easily fall into the category of smokers that would benefit from this approach in their attempt to quit using tobacco. Just ask your doctor and he will start you on an SSRI. There are numerous SSRI-s and there is really no certain way to know if the first one you try will be the one that will help you, but chances are very good. If the first one doesn-t quite do it, there are a few more to try. Each one takes about two weeks or so to kick in, but you-ll KNOW when you find the right match (usually the first one), b/c you-ll feel so much better and your cravings will subside substantially.
Good luck to you and congratulations on your first effective attempt to kick cigarettes out of your life and feel like a million bucks to boot. ;o) WTG!
Almost a doctor!! I also personally have a little anxiety (I-m a perpetual worry wart) so I-ve done a great deal of research on Serotonin and norepineophrine and their effect on anxiety and addiction.

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There is a product sold by Nutri Magic-- Find the nearest one and ask. In about 15-30 days, you will be smoke free
i got pregnant, I instantly quit smoking..works wonders
It doesn-t matter how you quit. It all boils down to self control. If you want to quit, then quit. Don-t give in to the temptation of cigarettes.
Yes its true you have to really want to. Find something to do with your hands. I used whole cinnamon sticks and held it like a cigarrette. I would chew on it I took them withme everywhere and I always had it in my hand or mouth in stead of smoking. Plus everytime I wanted a smoke really really bad. I would break up my routine by jogging. Routine is hard too. You smoke after you eat, or in the morning or whenever. It is a pattern and you need to break up the pattern and have other oral stimuli.
Have you tried Zyban?
You may want to start by cutting down first. It is very difficult to just stop cold. And because smoking satisfies an oral need, you may want to find something that replaces that aspect of it, such as sucking on lollipops. I have also heard many success stories from people that have been hypnotized. But remember, you really have to want to stop! You have to be ready, and you have to make the effort. To get extra motivation, think about how much better you will feel, how much better your senses will be, and how much better you will smell. Not to mention the lowered risk of diseases(but I-m sure you-ve heard enough about that). Good luck, and keep trying!
watch broke back mountain and think of them two in love and what they put in there mouth.
and think about how much practice you are getting with that cigarette.

sorry this is my dumbest answer yet
Cutting down doesn’t work. That’s only procrastinating. You just have to quit. When you want one,lol… just say no. It is really hard to wuit. But I have been cig free for alittle over a year and I started smoking when I was 12 and for the last five years was smoking 2 packs a day. Sometimes I still want to just enjoy a smoke. But I don’t do it. Whe ni smell it it bothers me. You just have to do it.
Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
This is more a show of support than an answer, most people don-t understand why you can-t -just quit-. I read this to see what can be done, cause I too am in your boat. The answers of Tbaby-TJTB, I will try myself. I will follow this, and hope for you good luck. I have family members who have died from lung cancer, still I cannot quit. That is power in those cigs, but I can hear the nays now.
Can anyone offer alternative ways to quit smoking? patch,gum,cold turkey all ineffective.? -

I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -

I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -

How did this happen?

I quit smoking so that i can be healthier, not fatter!

Does anybody have any tips?
Smoking not only suppresses appetite but also helps the food stay in your stomach a while longer which is why you do not feel hungry as often.
Also think of what you-ve been doing instead of having a smoke, looking for a bite to eat perhaps?

If that-s the case you could try having some of your favorite fruit on hand at all times .
It could be because you are eating more. I know smoking can suppress appetite. Just eat healthy and avoid junk or overeating.

-Most people experience a small amount of weight gain when they quit smoking. This is due to metabolic changes our bodies go through when we quit. A gain of 5 to 10 pounds is normal.

Nicotine affects our bodies in a variety of ways, one of which is to elevate metabolism, so when we quit smoking, metabolism slows and a slight gain is usually the result. If the scales go higher than a 10 pound gain though, chances are your eating habits have changed.-
There is a VERY good chance that most of those 6 pounds are just water weight. Have you been eating more or -worse- since you-ve quit smoking? Smoking is highly linked to oral fixations, so many people who quit smoking tend to eat A LOT more than they used to.
Great job at quitting smoking. You did do something healthy and it will not make you -fatter- if you don-t let it. Just make healthy food choices and try to get in some physical activity every day, even if you just take a 30 min walk.
I quit smoking years back and after I quit I always craved sugar (still do). Try chewing gum or eating some fruit if and when you have a craving.
I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -

Quit smoking? -

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quit smoking? -

I quit smoking a couple of days ago. I am using Welbutrin to help me get over my cravings. It works. But now I feel as someone is chocking me (not that dramatic), but I have this pressure in or on my Throat . I coughed quite a bit in the last couple of days, but it-s getting better too. I normally use an inhaler for my -astma- that only shows symptoms when i excersice. I have noticed that the inhaler helps me when I feel that my chest is tight as well. I know I should not use it for this reason, but it helps is all im saying. Is this a normal feeling with the sore/thightness of my throat, and how long does it take for me to feel better and breathe better?
Your body is craving the nicotine, like ur lungs and throat. So you-re gradually -weening- it off. The longer you stop smoking, the less it-ll -ache- for it. I was like that for about 2 weeks. Sometimes so bad I HAD to make myself go sleep. Don-t start smoking though. Once you do, the -ache- does stop but once you try to stop again, it-ll come back much harder. The coughing is normal. They should subside within a week of quitting. The coughing will get worse but they have to in order to get better. If you are having concerns, see your doc.
It took me about a month to start breathing better and tasting better. After about 2 after, I hated the smell of a cigarette. The cravings got less but still there. Sometimes they come really hard and bad out of no where but keep at it. Wait 10 mins and they will pass. Good luck! Congrats on quitting!!! =)
Hmm... that-s a tuffy. Have you asked your doctor? It could be bad or it could be harmless. Don-t worry.
Congradulations on quitting!!!I dont know too much about welbutrin.Is this a side affect?When I quit,I didnt havetightness in my throat,but I did in my chest.Deep breathe as much as you can.I started doing yoga,and it really helped.Its been over a year since I quit.Hang in there! You can do this!
Quit smoking? -

What is the best method to quit smoking? -

What is the best method to quit smoking? -

Homeopathic Treatment for Smoking :-

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odour of it Lobelia In Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago Major 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless You !
Ask yourself who is in control...you...or the cigarettes?

Here are a couple important tips that helped me succeed.

When you quit...don-t say you-ll NEVER have another cigarette...just quit for the summer for example...then at the end of the summer...quit till the end of the year.... Then make it your new years resolution.
If you say you-ll never smoke again...you-ll want to have one more -last cigarette- and be smoking again in no time.

Another thing...don-t start up again at night. When you-re out at night and a cigarette would sure be good right now.... tell yourself you have gotten this far and surely you can make it another night...and honestly tell yourself if you MUST have the cigarette in the morning...it-s OK.
In the morning you will be so pleased with yourself...you won-t have that cigarette.
chantix (a prescription drug) has the highest quit rate in studies to my knowledge. can increase it with counseling or smoking cessation classes added on as well
Treat yourself !!
Work out how much money you spend each day and buy somthing nice for yourself as a reward from the smoke money,
And allways remember the panic lasts only 13 seconds for that craving to pass,
I smoked 40 years and stopped just like that ..But i know i can allways pop up the local shop to buy some so its compforting to know it aint all pain and no gain,
Good luck and you can add 15 years to your life ...
First, get yourself into a confident and determined state of mind. Think about everything you have to gain by going smokefree.
Second, give yourself a greater chance of success by being well prepared. Find out what support is available to you and how products like nicotine patches could help
Third, take the plunge and stop smoking for good. Find out about the withdrawal symptoms and how your body is repairing itself.
4th, feel proud of yourself for going smokefree. Find out how to stay motivated and in control. Get emergency advice on what to do if you have a cigarette.
Stop cold turkey... then try heroine... much more fun.
Chantix has been a miracle drug for me. Everyone I know that has taken it, has quit. Even older smokers who have been smoking for 40+ years.

It activates -fools- your brain receptors into thnking they have been pleasured by a cigarette. It also blocks nicotine from reaching your brain. So, when you you smoke on this drug, you only get the poison, no pleasure.

It completely eliminated physical and mental cravings for me. It-s so much better than the nicotine replacement products. I highly recommend giving it a try. I-m about 2 months smoke free because of it.
Increase your intake of vitamins, specially nicotinamide and C and cut down slowly, gradually.
I smoked for 7 years and I quit smoking a few months ago. I tried everything. The patch was expensive and kept the cravings gone while I had it on, but as soon as you take it off it hits you like a brick. I also became ill from the high volume of nicotine it provides. The gum tastes like crap, simple as that. I decided to try cold turkey which is almost painful. The way I finally quit was weaning myself off of them. I limited myself to 2 a day for a week. Then the next week, one a day. At this point they didn-t taste like they used to, they tasted really bad actually. I got to where I could only smoke half of one, then only a couple a drags. Now, I smell how bad they really smell and couldn-t smoke one if I wanted to. Now they truly gross me out. I don-t know if this will work for you, but it did for me. Try to stay away from things that cause cravings, like alcohol. Every time I drink I want to smoke.
What is the best method to quit smoking? -

What should i do ,i cant quit smoking? -

What should i do ,i cant quit smoking? -

I thought I couldn-t either after smoking for 35 years until my 8 yr oldgranddaughter asked me to quit after she was told at school that smoking would kill her granny. All I have to do when I REALLY want one one is imagine her hurt and scared face. i QUIT SMOKING A YEAR AGO NEXT MONTH!!!! I think I could do it because I found something more important to me. GOOD LUCK!!
Put the patch on and just keep telling yourself that you are a non-smoker. Do not take that first puff.
I had to quit four years ago and my doctor prescribed Zyban, which is the SAME as Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant. Zyban was NOT covered by my insurance; Wellbutrin was. You-re supposed to take it one or two weeks before your quit date and for a few weeks afterwards. It worked when patches and gums had not. Good luck
Try using the patch!
It is simply a matter of having enough will-power to do it. I smoked for about 15 years. and now am going on 4 months being smoke free. Anyone can do it. It-s is one of the hardest things you will do though. Try the patch. But be careful with it. I wound up being allergic to it and I thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke the way it affected me. The best thing to do is ask your doctor for help.
Yes, you can. I did. Many other people do. You have to want to badly enough to make it happen.

Go for walks when the urge strikes, get rid of all matches, ashtrays, lighters, etc. you are a nonsmoker when you love yourself enough to stop.
whats up , well smoke occasionally, you know when you go out and hang with friends so you can enjoy it. everyday it-s just a nasty habit,but if you smoke occasionally then eventually you will not want it anymore.
As a full time staff member at MD Anderson Cancer Center In Houston Texas Id recommend you visiting your local cancer center asking them for a tour of there Head and Neck Department or Dental Oncology department and seeing up close for yourself what smoking can do to you, if that is not enough to convince you then there is no hope at all. People loose the plates lower jaws holes in the face no longer can swallow like normal people not to mention having tio wear prosthesis to cover gigantic defects and let-s make it short is a cigarette worth losing your life ? So that is my opinion If you don-t have a cancer center closes to you go on-line and look up the words,oral cancer one website is
please note it -s graphic and also it not just for spitters it also for puffers also go to yahoo.com click on images and type oral cancer- I hope this helps I am not trying to scare you but Life can be more beautiful with out cigarettes.
Don-t quit then. You could always wait till your lungs quit on you instead, then you won-t have to worry about quitting anymore ;-)
What should i do ,i cant quit smoking? -

Will I look younger then if I quit smoking? -

Will I look younger then if I quit smoking? -

It-s being shown in my other question that smoking ages us. If I quit smoking, will I begin to look younger, like - will the premature aging that smoking has caused, begin to reverse? if so, how long will it take?
Yes. Take a look at Keith Richards.
Drink a ton of water too and plenty of Vitamin A, C and E tablets.
You-ll heal at about 1% per day.

It really works- trust me!
It could possibly make a difference to your complexion (not forgetting your pocket).
Your body regenerates totally every seven years, and it is constantly undergoing renewal. Therefore, stop smoking now and begin the repairs. Although everybody-s different, it stands to reason that at the very least you want to arrest the smoking-related aging, and you just might see some reverses.
You wont look younger but you will slow down the aging process
It will make a big difference to your skin. My partner smoked for 20 years, he gave up in November and his skin is looking a lot smoother, was really dry before when he smoked.

Smoking does really age you, so good luck in giving up!
yes, smoking dehydrates, causes wrinkles
smoking will have an effect on your skin-s appearence, as does drinking alcohol. your skin will probably improve, but it all depends on how long you have been smoking for and how many per day. good luck giving up - sure you will feel benefits of it.
You might not look younger but you will feel better about your self :)
Your skin will really improve - the tone and texture. I gave up smoking six months ago and my skin looks much brighter!.
Will I look younger then if I quit smoking? -

How long will i cough up tar if i quit smoking ciggarettes right now? -

How long will i cough up tar if i quit smoking ciggarettes right now? -

I am 20 years old and i have been a pack a day smoker for 6 years
Your body will have to adjust to the fact it is no longer inhaling cigarette smoke. You will have a a bit of a cough for a week, two weeks tops. Worth it when you think of the alternatives.

I bet you have heard that quitting smoking is the hardest thing you will ever do. Your body will not function properly, you won-t sleep or eat, you will get the shakes etc etc

Trust me when I say these are all lies. When I quit I was waiting for all these things to happen but none of them ever did. The only thing I felt was the occasional wanting of a cigarette. As time goes on this passes and quicker than you think too.

There are no real negative side effects to quitting, only positive ones. The longer you have stayed smoke free the easier the quitting process becomes.

You have made the right choice, believe you can quit and you will.

Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

Good Luck and Good Quitting

For those of you that believe quittting smoking has no adverse effects on your body, do some more research. You will find that a small prtion of ex- smokers have a different tale to tell!! Things like thrush, really bad mouth sores, sleeplessness, etc. NS for 5 wks cold turkey

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When I quit smoking a number of years back, I coughed up gunk sporadically for about a week or two at most.
Check my blog and get a new life after quitting this habit


A few weeks at the most.

Congrats on quitting. It-s a very smart move.
How long will i cough up tar if i quit smoking ciggarettes right now? -

Any alternative medicine that can help u quit smoking? -

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Any alternative medicine that can help u quit smoking? -

I was just wondering is there any alternative medicine that can help u quit smoking

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odour of it Lobelia Ind Q 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago 30, 4 hourly

Take Care and God Bless you !
accupuncture is pretty good. Good luck with the quit!!
nicorette, nicoderm are both good...
lobelia extract it-s an herbal remedy, it will actually give the nicotine receptors in you body a plant based fullfilment.

i would also take something all natural for stress like rhodiola rosea or 5HTP, you can get all these products at any health food stores
its not -alternative- but my dad is taking this pill that he keeps smoking normally and it decreases his need/want for it and it is working! he was at 3 packs aday now he is down to one (he has been smoking for 30+ years) and it has only been a week! All my aunts and uncles who smoke are taking it with success it is called chantix. good luck
A method called EFT may help. Do a google search for it.

Other ideas include acupuncture and homeopathy.

I also found a list of reference articles regarding smoking and remedies


The Master Cleanser will help you stop. Smoking addition comes from the residual effects of it left in the cells. When you stop giving the cells those toxins it wants them for some odd reason so doing a cleanse will help the craving in fact it will taste so bad you wont want to do it any more.
Any alternative medicine that can help u quit smoking? -

Chantix/side effects/weight gain/quit smoking? -

Chantix/side effects/weight gain/quit smoking? -

I have been taking Chantix for eight days now. I am still smoking just as much as before (about a pack a day) and still have all the cravings. But I am notcing that the nictoine does not supress my appetite, I am constantly wanting to eat, even though I am still smoking. Also I have awful nausea when I take the pill, even with a full stomach. I am very tired mostly all day, when I am usually a busy bee. So my questions are, how long does it take to quit and not even want to smoke? How long did the side effects last? And did you or someone else have weight gain from eating or from the pill in general and what is the best way to deal with the weight gain? Also, any tips on how to break the habit in general, to help with the mental part of it, by using smoking to break up your work day, or not to smoke when your stressed? I just want it to work, but I have no desire to quit at all after day 8. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you,
Chantix side effects should fade with time. For more Chantix information, please click the following link:

You really need to be very motivated to quit smoking before take Chantix. Is recommended to choose a -quit date-

The following site have important information about -How do I take Chantix ?:


And information about Chantix side effects too:


I took Chantix about 4 months ago, for 2 weeks, but I made a concious effort that as of day 1, I stopped smoking.
yes, it was hard. But I felt, for me, that i was still smoking, while taking the drug, that it wouldnt work.
I stopped taking Chantix after 2 weeks, because I felt as if it wasnt working (to what I felt was appropriate) but after being smoke free for 2 weeks, i still managed to NOT smoke.

After all, no matter what you do, what you take, what you chew, you have to WANT to quit.
If you truely want to quit, then quit, while using Chantix or not.

As far as weight gain, that again goes to willpower. I chewed alot of juicy fruit gum to avoid the never ending wanting to eat.

Best of Luck, and again, WILL POWER!
Chantix/side effects/weight gain/quit smoking? -

Looking for someone who has used Chantex to quit smoking? -

Looking for someone who has used Chantex to quit smoking? -

I did. It works great IMO. You still need willpower though. It makes them taste like S*** after a few weeks of taking it then you dont think about smoking anymore. Good Luck
It made me have some wild dreams- and my mouth was a little dry. I took it for a week before quitting and for a week after- then gave the rest to a friend. It-s been a year + now. I can-t say that there are not times when I-d love to have one, but it passes.
It works as long as you-re committed to quitting. Beware...it can cause depression.
this is much easier...

Looking for someone who has used Chantex to quit smoking? -

Quit Smoking? -

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quit Smoking? -

I-m 40 years old - have been smoking for 25 years. I was just diagnosed with COPD. I need help to quit. Im an epileptic so I can-t chew the nicotine gum or take any pills or use the patch. This is going to sound so stupid especially to non smokers but I feel like I-m losing my best friend. Can anyone give me advice on how long this sadness will last - when won-t I crave one anymore?
To quit smoking is one of the most challenging ordeals a human can take. But it can be done provided there is strong motivation and will power. If you-re religious at all, try prayer--a lot.

Meanwhile, do the following:

1. Brush your teeth immediately after every meal.
2. Take high concentrations of vitamin C and drink grapefruit juice if you-re able to do so.
3. Get rid of all smoking materials--i.e., ashtrays, cigarettes. Clean out your car and your clothes from smoke residue.
4. Place encouraging notes throughout the house after each day passes without a cigarette.
5. Don-t allow smoking in your home. Be polite, but firm to your smoking friends.
6. You may have to stop drinking alcohol and coffee because those two beverages always go hand-in-hand with a cigarette. On that note, avoid going to bars and lounges--smoke is heavy there.
7. Ask for support from sincere friends.
8. Keep busy by exercising (walks, jogging, hobbies. Learn to play a wind instrument).
9. Eat nutritious snacks such as carrots and fruit.

Unfortunately, it may be months, even years before your craving for a cigarette stops. Psyche yourself up to detest cigarette smoke. That, along with running helped me to quit after 25 years.

Be aware your temper will become short and your impatience with things will be long until you bring yourself under control.

Good luck and don-t give in to the temptation to light up just one cigarette. You-ll blow everything you-ve worked for in that way.
Gitsliveo . . ., you have strong motivation because of your little girl. Stop smoking for the betterment of both of you. I wish you much success. You can do it because you have a strong reason to do so.

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the best way to quit is just stop abruptly. You will need another occupation the replace the habit. If you feel like you need a cigarette you might want to try exercising. It is the best thing to replace it with since if you jog for instance your lungs will be full of fresh air and even if you wanted to you won-t be able to smoke and you will feel much healthier. The first couple of times you exercise you might feel a burn in your chest...it-s something your lungs didn-t get for a long time, a lot of fresh air. it will pass after a while. Find another best friend, exercise and a healthier life. Paying attention to the progress you make, the way your face will gain more luminosity, how energetic you-re going to be is going to get your spirits up again and make you more ambitious to get rid of smoking
If you like animals you might want to get a cat. They will sit in your lap and purr and be your friend. It will take time to make a quality people friend and don-t rush it. Time is on your side. Remember even though it felt like the cigarette was your friend it really wasn-t. Painting or getting into art and discovering who you are without cigarettes - the real you will be a reward to look forward to.
replace your best friend with a new one, exercise. get out there get active, run, walk when you feel the need to smoke...stop and smell the roses and fresh air. I gave up smoking 25 years ago and replaced it with running.now the smell of a cigarette makes me want to vomit. Life is to short and when you quit and can smell and taste again you will realize what you have been missing all these years....You can do it !!!!!! Replace the craving with a new one, one for health and fresh air
To be honest the first few weeks are the hardest, after that you start too feel good again, but then the minute you are around someone that is smoking, the cravings return, you have to have the will power to tell yourself that your going to stop smoking, that you don-t need it,and be strong. Hypnotism also works really well in helping people to stop smoking, so you might want to find a psychologist or psychiatrist in your area, that specializes in hypnotic therapy.
It will be better you get a doctor Advice first. I know a friend of my who stopped smoking after she had been sick and went to emergency due to her asthma. Every one at work told her to
stop smoking if she want to be around to raise her young boy, She has been smoke free close to six month. May be ask your
friends to help you. In my opinion you are the ultimate decision
maker, if you wish not to suffer stop. May be take a slow the approach like restricting where you smoke like no smoking in a car, in your house and etc. Pick up a hobby that will occupy your mind. If you keep positive attitude. You can do it. Good luck
This will be hard to do, you just have to make up your mind that you are going to quit. Some people do it cold turkey and others start by cutting back and don-t carry your cigaretts with you at home, leave them in another room, where you have to get up to go get one, they say that if you can wait five minutes when you think you want one that the craving will pass. Keep your hands occupied doing something. Start by setting a limit on how many cigarettes you are going to smoke in one day, and space them out so that you don-t smoke more than what you set your limit at, and each day try to cut back by one or two cigarettes, when you get down to five or so a day start smoking 1/2 of a cigarette everytime you smoke and save the rest for later, then cut the five cigarettes back to four and smoke 1/2 at a time, this way will take longer but you won-t feel like you are deprived, when you get down to one or two a day throw the cigarettes away you have made it! If you are buying them by the carton, start buying them by the pack . Keep hard candy around and have a piece of candy instead of a cigarette and chew gum, I had a friend that quit and she carried a piece of celery or a carrot around with her and would munch on it, kept something in her hand and something she could nipple on instead of lighting a cigarette.
Cigarettes are very addictive just like cocaine, it is a hard habit to break, and you will always in the back of your mind want to lite up, but once you have quit don-t give in to the desire. When you go to a resturant set in the non smoking area. If you carry your cigarettes in your shirt pocket, replace the cigarettes with a note on a recipe card and write on it smoking is killing me, and I don-t need the nasty habit, I will be saving money by quitting, take the money that you would normally spend per week on cigarettes and as you are cutting back put the extra money away for a vacation fund or something that you really would like to have and when you quit go on vacation or buy what you really want. On the note you write to carry in your pocket you may also write I will kick this habit, my breath will smell better and my clothes won-t smell like smoke and my house will smell better.
Lots of advice on your question but you will find one of the suggestions that will work for you.
Good Luck, and never give up!
Sorry dear, you will always crave them. Good luck.
Remember please if you don-t quit please turn off the oxygen before you smoke.
They say it takes 21 days to break a habit.
I hope I-m not spoiling anything for you but you-ll always crave one, this is about choosing not to smoke. If you had a friend who was always hurting you would you keep him around? Of course not.
So next time you want a cigarette choose not to have it. Think of this as getting out of an abusive relationship.
hypnotism is meant to be great.I go cold turkey but it takes allot of will power and not good for some.
if u really want to stop smoking, u have to to admit that u have a problem...if u realize it then u could step on the second step on how to quit smoking... there are several of them listed so il not list it anymore....

the thing is, its ur health and its ur body. nobody will be concerned more in ur health more better than u.

if ur bestfriend is truly ur bestfriend...she/he will be supportive of ur inclinations fr a change especially if it could better ur health.
Quit Smoking? -

For those who have quit smoking? -

For those who have quit smoking? -

I just quit smoking, it is my 3rd day.
I have been a smoker for 15 years.. back and forth. I have stopped and started many times... this time is it for me.

Anyway, I am feeling short of breath.. as though I smoked a pack before bed. I am coughing A LOT and having a tough time. I wondering if anyone has felt this way? and why?

I haven-t had terrible cravings, just more of the -habit- wanting to smoke at certian points.
The lungs are ridding themselves from all the polutants that have built up for years. A productive, chronic cough is not uncommon at this point, plus you are still so new at being a nonsmoker...Congrats by the way!
The shortness of breath or heaviness on the chest as Ive heard it described before should resolve in the next few weeks as your body gets used to the fresh air.
There is a chance some could be anxiety, if it is extra worrisome, please see your doctor.
As mentioned in some above answers, identify your triggers and try to replace your cigarette with something else, like a carrot stick when on the phone, or gum while you are driving or whatever else you can figure out.
Good Luck
Hi , first of all , good for you . I have been smoking for the past forty years - am down to 3 a day but can-t seem to let go of the ritual of smoking . I think all the coughing is alot of stuff coming up . At first I did the same thing , but after a couple of weeks my health improved dramatically which has kept me motivated . I-m still disappointed I can-t seem to let it go altogether . I-m not gonna give up though ! Oh yea , I have COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ) . It-s a given for your future if you continue smoking - it-s like slowly smothering to death . I-ve just started a quit smoking support group on yahoo anytime you just need to just BS about it . DoOrDieNow@yahoogroups.com . Good luck !
I quit three weeks ago ..]
lungs are just now starting to feel better , give it some time
This is normal man, coughing will happen depending how much you used to smoke, its only the after effects of the tobacco, your body is craving for it, its normal to be short of breath and you will have the tendency to be moody, but if you go beyond the 1-month mark, trust me you-ll feel like a new person. So good luck buddy, give up this piece of **** once for all!!!!!!!!!!!
The coughing is absolutely normal. Your lungs are beginning to clear themselves of the buildup. They have LONGED for this day when they could get some pure oxygen into them, - they are temporarily struggling to do what they do, but they need to rid themselves of the crud in there from smoking.
The cravings are probably from your triggers. Mine were when I was drinking coffee, when I was on the phone - when I was driving. I put hard candy in those places to satisfy my hand/mouth habit.
i was smoker for 5 years only and as my newyears resolution i thought ill stop, but u cant just stop suddenly , ur chances of failing r gonna increase this way. i stopped for 3 days and i was misreble i was stairing at the people on roads smoking!

so i started after the third day but only 3 a day, so its the 10nt month of the year and i came from 12 a day to 3 a day i guess it isnt bad.

if u really craving u can smoke a half even,
its a positive step stick to it, good luck!
For those who have quit smoking? -

Helping my brother quit smoking? -

Helping my brother quit smoking? -

alright. so i-m going to show my brother some of the awful facts and pictures about the negative effects of smoking. can anybody give me some sites with gnarly pics and facts about smoking? you may all think this wont work, but my brother is fairly receptive to information. so i really hope it at least helps him. thanks!
Look it up on youtube that is what got my brother to quit smoking.
And when he is quiting he will most likely be going through withdrawal and be very irritable, so be ready for an emotional roller-coaster.
I hope you get him to quit and when he starts that he succeeds!!
I hope I helped:)
-Kaley K
The easiest way for me to quit smoking was to start using nicoderm patches. I have been a smoker for over 10 years and while it was difficult the patches helped me so much. Amazon has them on sale with free shipping.
canadian cigarette warnings. enjoy!
you might want to find bigger and better quality pictures, though.
Try This ebooksinlowprice.110mb.com/Quit-Smoking
Helping my brother quit smoking? -

I quit smoking 27 days ago i feel depressed why? -

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I quit smoking 27 days ago i feel depressed why? -

Because of the lack of endorphins. See, when you smoke there is a rash of endorphin production due to the pleasure of smoking, even though the endorphins go away fast after you finish the cigarette, that-s why you want to smoke the next one right away to experience the same sensation (plus adding the effects of the nicotine addiction of course). Now you don-t smoke so you don-t have that instant rash of endorphin production that is why you feel depressed, and that is why it is recommended to start exercising immediately so you can start producing those long lasting endorphines that are going to make you happy again.
Also you can request Welbutrin from your doctor to help you cope with the depression for a while.
You-re welcome

Report Abuse

Suck on hard candy. Hang in there, you are almost at the magic 30 day mark that means you have officially broken a habit.

Find a healthy alternative to the smoking, remember it was a habit to calm you right? So, do meditation, deep breathing, mental exercises to get your mind off of it, etc.
nicotene is a central nervous system stimulant, you no longer have that stimulant in your system. you probably weren-t aware of the little uplift or jolt you got from smoking at all,...well now it will take time to adjust, eventually the feeling should subside. perhaps a bit of caffiene may take the edge off, drink some coffee or tea,...not as harmful and easier to walk away from.
Probably the nicotine is out of your system and you need something to replace the routine connected with smoking.Try hard candy, sugar free kind and see if that helps you psychologically.Most likely it will.
You still have nicotine in your body and that-s what addicts people to smoking. It should get easier as the days progress but try blowing bubbles rapidly and that should get your mind off deeling depressed. If not out of breath.

You-ve done yourself a giant favour, feel good about that, if nothing else.
I quit smoking 27 days ago i feel depressed why? -

How can i quit smoking and doing drugs? -

Monday, September 17, 2012

How can i quit smoking and doing drugs? -

Its mind over matter. If you want to quit, you can be strong, and if you want to be going down the wrong track, then you can be weak. There is no magic cure, so just put your mind to it.

The first step with any addiction is recognizing that you have a problem, and you-ve managed that.
It-s really hard. Smoking is not an easy thing to stop doing. My close friend-s dad stopped smoking several years ago, and still has to chew (normal) gum. He went from patch =- nicotine gum =- normal gum. Patches and nicotine gum are very expensive in the long run, but probably about the same you currently spend on cigs. It is possible to stop without these, but you-ll need a very, very strong will (and it-s almost impossible to stop without any aides, as I-m sure you already know). You should be prepared for withdrawal. My suggestion is to choose whether you want to quit both smoking and doing drugs (you should have specified which ones) at the same time, or one at a time. I recommend you stop drugs first if you choose one at a time. The withdrawal process will be painful both physically and mentally. It-ll take many days to even slightly feel better. Kicking drugs is faster than kicking smoking, but is far more intense. Quitting smoking is a much longer process it won-t be as drastic, but you-ll likely be very grumpy and snap at pretty much everything every time you take a new step (switching to gum, etc.)

If you-re really serious, and not just a kid who-s formed a habit and can-t get professional help/doesn-t have the money to, I really do suggest you check into rehab for your drug addiction, and perhaps find local support groups (such as NA, AA, or any groups who are dedicated and serious) for quitting smoking. Quitting in a group provides a lot more motivation to many people than doing it alone. You can also devise a method of operant conditioning to help you. But that-s probably as far into psychology as you should delve...do not try a hypnotist.

You-ll also need a strong reason to quit. A person, an event, a thing, a goal. A reward, even. Something strong enough that you can think of it when your withdrawal is at it-s worst and it will give you the strength to keep at it and not give in.

Don-t be afraid to rely on others for strength/ask for help. If you truly want to quit, and it-s not just you saying, hey, I think I-ll quit b/c I feel like it, then you won-t care what it takes to stop. It-s not a decision you can make lightly, you have to be fully devoted to it.
Well, I quit gambling which is just another addiction to add to the list. It took me a nasty (and I mean NASTY divorce), a week in the hospital, and 16 months in counseling before I could stop. Also, I think AA and NA are awesome programs. Some people will tell you you just have to have the will but anyone who is an addict knows that it-s more than -will-. Get some help. There-s no shame in getting help.
Good Luck.
You should try: http://free-quit-smoking.info.
How can i quit smoking and doing drugs? -

I want my husbsnd to quit smoking dope every day? -

I want my husbsnd to quit smoking dope every day? -

He smokes dope every day and ive asked him to give it up or we are finished. He said he wont give it up as im trying to control him, im not I just want a normal life
If he was smoking it when u met him then theres not really much u can do ... if u dislike it that much then leave him .. empty threats never work :(
Does he smoke all day long, or is it just social smoking. Did he smoke it when you got married, If he did you excepted him into you life knowing full well how it is and was. Does he drink. Does he smoke crack. Does he do hard drugs. If smoking a little pot socially is the worse thing he does. Then let it be. If he is smoking tooooooooooo much then just ask nicely if maby he would cut it back a tad. Just remember the more ultamatoms you give him, the more he is going to rebel. If you are so ready to leave him maby his smoking pot is just an excuse for you to get out of the marriage. Besides what is a normal life in this day and age.
sounds like hes responded with the stereotypical cannabis smokers response. ask him to stop for two weeks and see if he feels better. cannabis smokers do not have much motivation to change as they seem to have themselves on a pedistal above everyone else. but yeh he-ll only change if he wants to and should realise hes better of after a few weaks of being sober. trying to get him to try cutting it down to just weekends might be a good idea. if he wont try then i guess you should leave and let him relise wat hes missing out on. going on a holiday where he wont be around people smoking it may be a good idea.
The only way he will quit is if HE wants to.

Don-t know where you live, but you-ll want to make sure you completely understand the marijuana laws in your area. In the U.S. we have a -property forfeiture- law that can result in a person losing their house if there is a drug related arrest made on the property. If you have children this is of GREAT importance.

Property forfeiture also means he can lose the car, boat, or any other jointly owned property he may be using if he gets arrested.

Learn about the law, educate him about the law. Maybe you two can come to some agreement about his pot smoking if he understands it puts you and your children at such grave risk legally.

Good luck!
He has made his choice. If you really cant live with his choice them make your own choice. He is only saying you are trying to control him because he doesnt want to give it up. Would he say you were trying to control him if you asked him to cut down on food if he was morbidly obese? I dont think so. It-s affected his brain and made him selfish. Start thinking about yourself, because he isnt.
If you threaten to do that and not carry it out then you-ve lost,and its not about control at all, theres nothing wrong with wanting a normal life, but you need to be strong and give him an ultimatum and stick to it!! He might stop if he loses you, if not then thats his loss!!
For someone who has became addicted to dope never really knows when to quit until something has gone.
Give him his last and final warning, be firm and say if he doesn-t quit then you and him are finished.
If he still remains try telling him about tough love.
He has to see for himself that the weed is a negative in his life ... If he loses you over this , he may come to his senses . If he doesn-t , you-ve lost nothing ... good luck .
Mine is the same way....I tried Hiding it on him but he gets real angry so don-t try that. The only way he is going to stop is if he wants to. Your only choice might be to leave.....
That-s what may need to happen! Leave and maybe he will wake up and see that you are not joking.
Make good on your promise.
thats his fault for being a dope
I want my husbsnd to quit smoking dope every day? -

I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -

I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -

I am also promising myself, no more ciggaretes, but always smoke than previous day. I have tried, all type of medication and meditation, but always fail to quit smoking. Please don-t suggest to me a hypothetical answer like this : increase willpower, believe in god, bla.. bla.. bla... I have tried all this before but can-t get a succes. Please give me a scientific reason to quit smoking. Thanks in advance. If you have (inspiration) story to whats could be wrong with smoking. so mostly welcome.
it-s easier to quit heroin, per the studies............i quit after having surgery once, - then quit due to pnemonia, have quit from being saved in church...........but now i smoke til i-m toxic........i wish i could quit............i don-t smoke if i don-t have them in the house, then i-ll end up @ the end of the day going out for a carton...........
You want science? Look around you. There are reasons to quit everywhere.

Mark Twain said, -It-s easy to quit smoking. I-ve done it hundreds of times.-

Here-s the thing: you-ll do it when you-re ready. I found that when i put myself on a program, etc, that I would always sabotage my own efforts.

I found that being kind to myself worked better. Even today, after six years of not smoking, I always tell myself that if I absolutely HAD to have a cigarette, I could have one. The idea of NEVER having another was too much for me -- so I just take it one craving at a time.

Good luck to you. Stop procrastinating. (Or don-t. It-s your life.)

it still comes back to the power of the mind, baby!

you can-t quit, coz you like it so much = you don-t want to!

you will quit, when you really hate it and you really don-t want to smoke!

boring, i know.. but that-s the truth!
there are many institutional treatment. Without help it isn,t work, the willpower really bla... bla. Succes
No matter how many -scientific- methods you use to quit smoking, you can-t quit unless you really really want to. Yes, i-m about to say it, bla.....bla.....bla willpower and determination is the only way you will ever be able to quit successfully.
Well....my aunt started coughing up blood and then went through horrible chemo treatments and died. I am quitting january 2d for good. ( i have smoked 30 years)
I wish I knew the answer. Your friends and family would like nothing better than you to quit. But then, I-ve got faults too, so who am I go give advice. LOL
you have scientific reasons everywhere
personally I have stopped it a few times
when you have a good day to try you could delaying your first morning ciggaret untill next morning...
I could also do it,better than sharing advices
Well. I am (again) quitting for the prototypical new years resolution reasons. A scientific reason? Death would sum it up. Also, think about being a ludicrous slave to the addiction. What does it give you? I am willing to bet that your first couple of cigarettes in the morning are great, and then you simply smoke because your addiction compels you. You dont really enjoy the rest. Anyways, you can see where i am going with this. I am certainly not speaking -from on high-. Good luck to you. We will both need it.
I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -

Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -

Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -

Easyway – Allen Carr.

Honestly it is the only way I have ever known to actually help people quite, stay quit and be damn happy about it...unfortunately most people think the idea of an easy way to quit smoking is nonsense as people think it needs to be hard…it really doesn-t.

This does exactly what it says, it is an easy way to stop smoking, and the way it works is essentially by de-programming the ingrained notions you have on smoking and quitting smoking so that it deals with the psychological problems of your smoking rather than the chemical. The chemical addiction is not the problem, you can go all night without being woken up by a craving, you will find sometimes you-re having so much fun you forget to have a cigarette, quitting smoking does not have serious withdrawal.

Socially we are taught that smoking needs to be difficult, we live now in a very anti-smoking society, rather than a pro-quitting society, where there is no real support for people to quit, it teaches non-smokers that smokers are idiots and smokers that they have to suffer when they quit – if you believe it is difficult, this makes quitting smoking difficult – you believe to quit smoking requires will power and that quitting smoking will be depriving yourself of something you like doing, when you do not really like doing it, nor are you depriving yourself of anything, you are actually gaining something by quitting smoking.

Problem with most methods is that they will either involve going cold-turkey or nicotine replacement. Cold-turkey is not only depriving yourself of smoking but it is also just dealing with the chemical addiction rather than dealing with the psychological, nicotine replacement isn-t depriving you however it is again only dealing with the chemical addiction, this is not the problem with smoking.

Allen Carr can explain this far better than I can, so let me just stick to telling you about Easyway – yes, it sounds gimmicky but it is the only way I have ever seen anyone quit smoking for good, and the only method to quit smoking that I have seen people happy with rather than being moody miserable and remaining under the impression that they need to fight the urge to smoke every day for the rest of their lives.

A book on Easyway from Amazon will set you back just £4, less than a pack of cigarettes, the book also offers money off their clinics – their clinics boast well over 90% success rate and give you a money-back guarantee – so that is just £4 you are spending for something that will help you quit smoking, be happy about quitting smoking and remain a non-smoker. Hell, you could probably pick up the book from your local library, afterall it has been a best seller since it came out over 20 years ago!

Not only that but you are allowed to carry on smoking while you are reading the book, in fact you are specifically told to carry on smoking while you read and the further you get into the book the less you want to smoke.

Check out the book reviews;


You really don-t know unless you try it, I honestly recommend this to everyone I know, a lot of people are too scared to try it because they aren-t ready to quit yet, but all those who have read it agree it is fantastic and the only sensible way to go about quitting smoking.

Link to Easyway web site -

Patches and try not to think about cigarettes
Try the book -The easy way to stop smoking- by Allan Carr.
i found patches really helped
My Grandmother gave up after her heart attack.
Don-t buy any fags.
accupuncture..... it worked for my mum, and she-s not looked back in 11 yrs ! ! !
take up crack cocaine, smoking will be the least of ya probs!!lol
Hypnosis worked great for me. Its been 5 years and could not imagine smoking
zyban worked great! I quit for 6 months and it was totally painless. unfortunately, as soon as I stopped taking it, i started smoking again
Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -

How long does it take the lungs to clear after quitting smoking? -

How long does it take the lungs to clear after quitting smoking? -

I quit smoking 23 days ago and I-m doing very well with it. Not to be gross, but there is still this nasty greyish junk coming up from my lungs when I cough. How long is that gonna last? And is this normal?

It will take time. But one day you will wake up and realize its all gone.

Think about how long you smoked, maybe one month for every year?? This isn-t scientific, just a guess.

I never smoked enough to develop the GUNK stage.

Stay with it. The one thing I know with absolute certainty is that death from smoking related diseases is HORRIBLE. My Father smoked 68 years and died slowly for 6 or 8 years from Emphysema. By the time he died there was no oxygen to his brain because his lungs had basically solidified. He was blind, deaf and had no recognition of anyone by the time he died.

Stick with it, Your life is valuable.
it depends on how long you smoked, and what kind of cigarettes you smoked. I have heard it takes 1 month for 1 cigarette to be cleansed from the body. Coughing up crud is normal, it usually means you were smoking some hardcore cigs, like Marlboros or Camels, and that you were a multiple pack/day user. Dont worry, eventually it will get better, but most of the tar with stay with you for your lifetime. But quitting is ultimately the best thing to do, so good for you. Dont fall off the wagon. Take it one day at a time.
A BIG Congrats on quitting smoking. It depends on each individual on how long you cough will be like that. My husband and I quit last year and he coughed up for almost 3 months and myself just a few weeks. Each day will get better and you will feel better. Your lungs are trying to repair themselves. As well as the rest of your body.
good for you (stoppin smoking) and its prolly gonna last a while (the coughing up) it will stya in ur lungs for a long time
Its normal and it will last for weeks. Your body was producing it to protect from the damage. Congrats and try to stop counting the days,it will just make it harder. Just remember the date and try to forget the whole thing.
deepending how long and how much you smoked it could take anywhere form 6 moths to a couple of years
it will clear off.but were u a heavy smoker?chain?better c doc if it persists.
-WTGGGGGGG Each person is different the lungs are just cleaning themselves out. Unless there-s a lot of pain I wouldn-t worry. Contact me if you want and I can send you a diet plan that will help even more heal the body.
it takes exactly 7 years for your lungs to totally rebuild themselves after you quit smoking. And that is NOT a guarantee that you will not one day get lung cancer anyway.
Good Job!.....I am going to book mark this page....I want to know this too...
I was told even after one day the lungs start heaing..gets better day by day.Congratssssssssssssssss on quitting.However if u continue to cough up stuff see a doctor
I quit smoking 3 yrs. ago and I got a paper on it and to completely heal 3 yrs. or at least that-s what the paper I recieved said..
hon ask your doctor about your question the next time you have to go see him/her.
How long does it take the lungs to clear after quitting smoking? -

Help, ex-smokers! How did you quit smoking? -

Friday, September 14, 2012

Help, ex-smokers! How did you quit smoking? -

I know people quit after smoking for 20, plus years. How do you people do it? I-ve tried, but never been able to do it. Does any ex-smokers have any pointers?

People don-t just -quit- - they have a reason to, usually family.

You have to do the same - you have to want to quit first, then you prepare for the cessation.

Try Allan Carr-s book - How to Quit Smoking. I-ve heard its a good read as you can smoke whilst reading it, and I-ve known of 4 people who-ve read the book and quit.

Best of luck.
I got really sick. Was puking, had a fever, chills, got a kidney infection. Didn-t want a cig at all. I tried one just out of old habit but it was just gross and did nothing for me.

Before that I tried several times and would always say -last one- but nicotene is more addictive than cocaine (yet cigs are legal, figure that).

Wish I could be of more help but getting really sick is what made me quit.

There are pills and patches but I don-t know if they work or not. I have also heard of hynosis. Can-t say anything about that either.

All I can suggest is
*pure willpower if you have it aka quit cold turkey ( you will go thru major withdrawal and be very irritable with bad headaches so keep some advil around and warn ppl in advance you are quitting)

*Limit yourself. The less the better. Like one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening, one after dinner and one before bed. Something like that. If you could cut in half the amt you smoke it will be a lot better and will help you to quit later.

Hope you don-t have to get really sick to quit but that can work and I-m almost glad I got sick because otherwise I don-t think I could have quit.

Hi. I just quit, and believe me, I tried everything at least once. I smoked for 35 years.

What finally worked for me was reading Allen Carr-s book called -Easy way to Stop Smoking- I read the book, and hadn-t quit, but wasn-t really enjoying smoking anymore. I was not really trusting myself to quit. lol So I made an appointment at a Laser Clinic, and went and got lasered. It took about 40 minutes, and I walked out of their office with no cravings, no stress, no desire to smoke, and a feeling of utter relaxation.
Go to the Doc-s and ask for Champix, you take the pills and continue smoking for two weeks and at the end of the fortnight you want wont to smoke any more, worked for me and i didn-t even want to quit( wife kept nagging). I found them to be 100% effective. Hope this is of help

Try Chantix and join an online support group.
Help, ex-smokers! How did you quit smoking? -

If I quit smoking will my sexual performance improve? -

If I quit smoking will my sexual performance improve? -

It could. Nicotine constricts blood vessels and therefore blood flow to extremities and skin ( along with a lot of major organs ) so it could absolutely have a positive effect on your sex like if you were to quit now
Yes...that is all that needs to be said. If anything, do it for yourself man....kick the habbit and your whole life well get better.
You wont end in a coughing fit...
I heard that too. So I quit. It didn-t help one bit. But now I don-t smoke.
Yeap you will have better sex .... it-s the same if u eat healthy and exercise regularly u will have better sex .... its the endorphines i love them !!
Ummm... I don-t think that! Smoke consequence comes during the old age with ED mainly! Performance gets others causes (some genetic even) and becomes affected by smokes only in a minimal part.
Yes. and you will have much stronger orgasms and more of them.
Yes, but you want to make sure you don-t die from smoking, that would be my priority. lol
yes there is a posibility since now you would not be puting toxins in your body
If I quit smoking will my sexual performance improve? -

Quit smoking with zrero smoke magnets? -

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quit smoking with zrero smoke magnets? -

Has anyone had any luck with the Zero Smoke magnets? I have seen this on Tv and the internet. I have very little faith in anything sold in this manner.

I-ve never heard of zero smoke magnets. I quit smoking with the help of this article. I started smoking at 15 and quit at 24. Its hard but definatly worth it.


Good luck!
They-re a scam. Completely useless, but the gullible will buy anything.
Remeniscent of the old Bob Newhart sketch where he-s talking about Walter Raleigh selling cigarettes and says -Don-t tell me, you put it in your ear, right?-
Another cure-it-with-magnets scam.

Like the scam as the save fuel with magnets wrapped around the fuel line. But these were special magnets they said since these only had a north polarity. But these scammers missed the fact that the magnets could still stick together. Only north polarity indeed - complete crap!

I suppose if the placebo effect worked than it might be something but the morals are wrong it is still ripping people off.
Quit smoking with zrero smoke magnets? -

Please tell me How to quit smoking ? -

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Please tell me How to quit smoking ? -

my husband found the best way was cold turkey. it doesnt work for everyone but if you REALLY want to quit, you can. Just think of it this way, is that little cigarette (thats stinks and is really disgusting to us non smokers) worth DYING for? Would you say goodbye to everyone you love and die a slow painful death to suck on that little stick of chemicals?
Will Power


Others tell there stories here on how they managed to quit smoking
Cold turkey is the only way. It-s mind over matter, anyone can quit, just muster up the determination, use it and never look back!
Please tell me How to quit smoking ? -

Im trying to quit smoking ciagrettes, but whenever im around my friends, i have cigs? -

Im trying to quit smoking ciagrettes, but whenever im around my friends, i have cigs? -

I-m trying to quit smoking ciagrettes, but whenever i-m around my friends, i have cigs?

how do i combat this? i-m only around my friends 1x every 2 weeks or so. and i like to smoke when i-m drinking. i really really want this, but am having a hard time HELP!

note: i drink 1x every 2 weeks, sometimes every 3 weeks; usualy, at least 1x a month. and i-m not giong to stop drinking in order to stop smoking

i-m 28 years old
i just quit somking my self its a mental thing you need to just really not want to smoke i think it makes you smell terrible your breath too it just nasty and try googleing stuff like throat toungue mouth and lung cancer on images you will not wanna smoke any more that helped me alot
i have this same problem. i try to have mints or candy even gum in my pocket when they are around because i can pop one of them. no if that just isn-t cutting it i only smoke half a cig. hope this helps. good luck and don;t give up the fight.
Im trying to quit smoking ciagrettes, but whenever im around my friends, i have cigs? -

Can you tell me atleast 10 sites that help you quit smoking? -

Friday, September 7, 2012

Can you tell me atleast 10 sites that help you quit smoking? -

Try finding somewhere you -can- smoke!!
Try looking your self i just ansered your other question for you. dont be so lazy and research it your self.
If you are getting through 10 smoking sites a day you really ought to try cutting down, or even giving up! Otherwise you-ll soon be on 20 sites a day!
Why ten what for? Just stop dont need sites See clinic at your doctor better than anything on here,,,
What is the sites going to help you? You need to tell yourself you want to stop smoking and go for it. I smoked for 22 years of my life, and I quit now for more than10 months. If I can do it so can anyone! I used Nicoretts the gum for about 2 months and stop after that. Never touch a cigg again! Good luck
chew gums, do not go to see person smoked, stay away smoke aer like indian casino,spay breath mouth product , used cheap one, go to beauty salon get yuor hair done more often, early 2 weeks before your hair get long or your hair neck line stat to growth, clicl your lips more often , use lip balm now and often which flavor more help,bleach your teeth now by cheap way then make appt., to see Dentist.
I don-t know any websites but Alan Carrs -The Easy Way to Quit Smoking- worked very well for my friend.

Remember, you-re not giving up anything, you are actually GAINING alot more money, health and happiness.
Can you tell me atleast 10 sites that help you quit smoking? -

How did you quit smoking? Especially if your life was challenging at the time? -

How did you quit smoking? Especially if your life was challenging at the time? -

How long have you been smoke free?
Cold turkey or nicotine replacement?
What did you do when angry? bored? restless? obsessing?
I have issues galore right now. Money issues, career, being dumped and can-t stop thinking about her, I think I made bad choices over the years with friends and while their good people, I just don-t want to be around them- I could go on and on. On top of all this I-m beating myself up about slipping or relapsing with the smoking and am getting ready to give it another wirl tomorow and am certain of being faced with the same emotions then. I also live next door to my family and must interact with them and a couple of them push my buttons constantly. It-s sticky -cause there-s a lot of love- my father is just very demanding and selfish- but he-s old- it-s not like I can just move away and ignore him. I have to stand up to him and I do- but the end reult is me being furious with him first and then myself. Oh man...
The Easy Way, by Alan Carr. All I-ll say is read it for yourself and let me know how you make out.

Great post! Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I-ve ever done in my life, and I thought I wasn-t addicted!

Here-s what I tried before finding success: hypnosis, those fake cigaretts, the nicotine patch, and group therapy....none worked.

I finally tried this HERBAL patch I bought 6 months ago on the net. They claim a 97% success rate. Well, it worked! They had a sweet deal which was a free 10 day trial for only $3.95 including shipping (it-s regularly $53 for 10 days)!!

I don-t know if they still have that deal, but it-s worth a try.


Good Luck
Life is always challenging. I quit smoking 25 years ago. I went cold turkey and gave it up. no regrets. to deal with stress now I go running. that also kept me from gaining the 10 or so pounds smokers do when they quit. Now the smell of a cigarette makes me so I can-t breath. If out of everything I-ve done for myself that was one of the best. I gave up a nicotine addiction for a runners high
I didn-t
in-patient works sometimes
my father quit tobacco after 38 years doing, both smoke and smokeless, and he quit after meeting my son, his first grandson, he knew that he wouldn-t be around to enjoy him if he didn-t quit. cold turkey, use your mind it is more powerful than any drug. focus on something or someone you love and go for it. i know you can be successful.
How did you quit smoking? Especially if your life was challenging at the time? -

I have a friend who says hes quit smoking...but has he really quit? -

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I have a friend who says hes quit smoking...but has he really quit? -

I am wondering because when I see him, I smell cigarettes on his breath. He claims to have quit smoking; so what I-m really asking is::

How long after you-ve quit does the smoker-s breath linger?
He-s lying. It could linger on his clothes until they-re washed a few times but smoker-s breath is gone after a couple of days of teeth brushing.
If you can smell it on his breath, he hasn-t quit. The smell can linger on clothes, though, for a long time. Also, women have a stronger sense of smell than men, so you may smell even the slightest hint of it on his clothes.
If he-s eaten since he quit you shouldn-t smell it. If he didn-t quit maybe he just said he did so people would leave him alone about it.
i quit a month ago i dont smell like smoke at all ps i really quit
I have a friend who says hes quit smoking...but has he really quit? -

I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -

Monday, September 3, 2012

I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -

I-ve been smoking everyday for about 2 years. I recently quit this is my 3rd day. What is my body going to be going through? What should I expect/what should I do? Is there anything I should buy at the store to assist me? Thank ya very mucho.
It-s not addictive. You should not expect anything.
Your breathing will become better. You may notice a little more energy. Your memory will improve over time.

You shouldn-t need anything to help, because marijuana isn-t addictive unless you make it. The only people who have trouble quitting are people who simply don-t want to.

I-ve smoked off and on for...12 years and have had to quit multiple times for different reasons. Working at a job that drug tests, getting pregnant, getting a lower paid job, low funds due to car trouble, etc. Never once did I have the slightest bit of trouble quitting.

If you have any trouble at all quitting, then it is all in your head. The human mind is very powerful. If you think you need it, you will. Just remind yourself that you don-t need or want it any time you get the urge to smoke. Remind yourself why you-re quitting. It-s really no big deal, so don-t make it one.
You can expect a little withdrawal, yes I-m for real, things like finding it harder to get to sleep at night, irritability, loss of appetite, depression, memory issues, et cetera for the next couple weeks or so. Should be totally fine in about a month. Stick with whatever you know is best for you.
Well first off, Im sorry to hear you quit. I had to stop for a while after everyday for almost nearly a year and i felt an increase in my anger and my patience dropped dramatically. You might still want to smoke, but you don-t have to since weed is not addicting. hope it all works out for you.
You-ll probably notice that during the day your mind is a lot clearer and you can focus better. Also, you may get moody. Mood swings are a symptom when coming off of ANY drug. Kava tea/extract, used as follows can give a calming effect that can help soothe mood swings.

Also - now that your a non-smoker, expect life to seem boring and dull. JK ;-)
i use to smoke weed everyday for around the same amount as time as you. and i quit. nothing happened to me. im still fine. im happy....everythings the same. but if you think things will change for you then they might but only because your making yourself think things. i wouldnt stress it ur going to be fine. i think weed is the least harmful drug out there. i think you would get more side effects from taking a bayor or asprin whatever its called, everyday to prevent heart attacks and then just stopped taking them. honestly i think everything has side effects just depends on what type of person you are. good luck
Keep busy, stay strong, eventually you will notice positive effects. Memory gets better, loose weight (no more munchies), save money, clearer head, and no fear of drug testing.

Good luck! I think it-ll take you only a couple weeks to get through the withdrawls.
there-s no physical addiction to weed, only psychological. Just keep your mind occupied with other things, you should be fine. Don-t expect -withdrawl- symptoms like you do with cocaine or other rec drugs.


People here talk about how they gave up weed like yourself and share their stories on how and what they went through

You might find your answers there
When I have to quit for work I will have dreams that I got high. I wake up in a panic thinking I got high and I am gonna fail my drug test! It-s freaky. Other than that I have no other issues.
Don-t assume you need to replace weed with something. Just ride it out. Eat lots, drink lots. Get some exercise. No pills, no powders.
Lol nothing.

You don-t go through physical w/d...
I hate when people act like they-re about to go through opiate or heroin withdraws... stfu alreadyy and stop whining
it made me depressed when i quit
I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -

How did you quit smoking? -

How did you quit smoking? -

I want all the details, tell me your story!
Chantix. I-d recommend it to anyone. I started on Dec 3rd. They say you can continue to smoke the 1st week then try to quit. But if you don-t then just don-t give up. I didn-t quit but the 1st week i was down to around 15 cigarettes a day. I-ve been a pack and a half to two packs a day smoker for around 32 - 33 years. I decided to stay with it and each week i-ve been on it i-ve smoked less - less. The 2nd week i was down to around 10 a day. The 3rd week i was down to around 5 a day. In the 4th week i was down to about 2 a day. In this 5th week i have quit. Haven-t had one since Jan 1st. I-d say i get an -urge- for one a couple times a day but it goes away pretty fast. The biggest thing to help me i think has been getting rid of all the ashtrays. By the 3rd week i could actually smell them and yes, they stink. It hasn-t been that long but i-m noticing changes already. The sense of smell and the biggest one is the smokers cough. I used to go to bed and cough for an hour before going to sleep. Now i go to bed and i go to sleep. Waking up is the same. No coughing. It-s been some work but the pill has been a great help. In the past i tried -cold turkey-, using the patch, using the gum, the wellbutrion pill. All helped somewhat but nothing has compared to the Chantix. They say the odds are that 44% of the people that use it will quit by the end of the 12 week program. I believe it. Even for people that -slip up- and have a smoke or 2 through the 9th week are included in that group. Pretty good odds if you ask me. The only side effect i-ve had is an upset stomach a couple of times but it wasn-t that bad and i think it was probably my own fault. You are supposed to take it after eating and with a full glass of water and i took it before eating. The price has came down considerably from when it 1st came out. It-s still expensive but not really anymore so than the cigarettes. Roughly $100 for a 30 day supply but if you smoke a carton of cigarettes a week that actually cost more. And if you have insurance you can get it for practically nothing. I have actually heard of some people only using it for 3 or 4 weeks and then just quit the pills and the cigarettes and have done just fine. I plan to stay with the 12 weeks and see from there. For some people that have quit they recommend another 12 weeks just to be sure. Good luck to you.
After two years I quit cold turkey for about three months. Just make that commitment and don-t look back. The girlfriend ended up being a cheating whore so I turned to ciggs for comfort as they calm me. I think I-ve been smoking for almost four years, with a spot of a few months.

You could always cut back slowly. I suggest just being cranky and quitting cold turkey.
I did everything and -quit- at least 6 times before it took. I tried cold turkey a long time ago. Then went back to it. i used hypnosis and it failed. I finally made some tough rules for myself. mainly no smoking in the house ( it got hard when it was 10 or lower outside)
My final trial was the cigarettes just plain tasted awful. I was able to smell the smoke on my clothes and hands. It made me sick. I would wash my hands over and over again trying to get rid of the odor.I also hated the taste in my mouth and brushed my teeth all the time. I still wanted something to do with my hands. I carried a pencil and -smoked- it all the time. In other words I had it in my mouth or in my hands and handled it like cigarette.I started chewing a lot of gum. I bought cigarettes that I knew I hated.I finally said when this pack is done i am done. So the cold turkey method worked over all the pills, hypnosis etc. It-s been over 5 years now and I don-t miss it at all.
Cold turkey. Give yourself a date and stop at that very date.
First, I made a conscious decision to quit.

IT IS A CHEMICAL AND BEHAVIORAL ISSUE. I realized I couldn-t change the chemicals, except to cut down as much as possible...but, to change my behavior I decided I was too lazy to smoke!

So, I was too lazy to take my wallet out to pay for smokes.

I was too lazy to pull the cellophane off the pack.

I was too lazy to pull the paper off the top.

I was too lazy to pack the smokes by tapping them, hard.

I was too lazy to pull one from the pack.

I was too lazy to flick my bic.

See how much work, and how many decisions you have to say yes to, before you actually start smoking a cigarette.

Took about a year, but it finally worked for me, just get lazy!
How did you quit smoking? -