Do you want to quit smoking? -

Friday, February 24, 2017

Do you want to quit smoking? -

I have been quit for 6 days and just wonder how many other people want to. Studies say that oveer 90 percent of smokers want to quit.
I have smoked for 40 years and quit 4 years ago. Only because I can-t afford it. I would smoke in a minute if I were rich and could afford them. I really liked it. Now I just smoke in my mind, or puff on a straw with cotton in the end. LOL
I quit smoking cold turkey ,, 8 years ago,,,,, Never one cigarette since then, thou I still crave them from time to time when I see someone else smoking,,, When I smoked I enjoyed them alot,, they relaxed me,,, Thou I started to feel nauseated whenever I smoked,and quit for this reason,,,, I can breathe alot better and dont have trouble with lungs feeling congested as I did when I smoked,,, I have heard food tastes better to non smokers,,, this I think is a myth, food tastes the same to me as before,,, I think all smokers would like to quit,, #1 for their health,, and #2 to save all that money cigarettes cost,,, Good Luck - Take Care
Yes I want to but I have too much stress to make it happen, maybe when homeland security lets me bring my wife here I can relax. It takes so long to get through Immigration doing it the right way it isn-t even funny.
I need to, and because of this part of me wants to, but so many factors make me convince myself I-m better off keeping at it. My friends and I are smokers, and we-ve grown to adore smoking outside and drinking diet whatevers while talking. I feel like it-s my crutch to maintaining my weight, and it-s so much apart of who I-ve become.
One day, however, I-ll be very miserable that I allowed myself to never quit. Congrats on 6 days. That-s really a long time for a smoker. A day without one, and I would be lost. Don-t give up!
Yes it can cause lung cancer but i don-t do it i-m only twelve
Do you want to quit smoking? -

Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -

Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -

Can anyone suggest the most effective way for me to quit smoking?

change all habits like where you sit to watch t.v., even the way you go to work and just quit.
Hypnotherapy is a great method to quit smoking and it is quite effective for everybody if you are a smoker hypnotherapy changes your mind thinking and turns you to a non smoker by convincing your brain to quit smoking hypnotherapy treatments is done by listening to the audio files provided you can listen to it everywhere through your portable mp3 player or even through your phone! read more
Well, everyone-s different but I drank a bottle of water or ate an apple everytime I got a craving. At first, I was so full of water and apples that I couldn-t keep up with the cravings! But it helped to know that I was filling myself up with healthy things instead of cigarettes, as silly as water and apples might seem. I still get cravings but I keep myself occupied until I forget about it, usually by reading an interesting article, emailing or calling someone back I-ve been putting off, or just doodling in a notebook. You need to break the mental addiction, the signal in your brain that says I need to smoke instead of the nicotine addiction itself. Keep your brain focused on other things and it will get easier. And it helps for me to stay away from people and places that I know will have smokers around, just to cut out the temptation. Good luck!
The way I quit was to buy a pack of Nicorette, go cold turkey, and sit on my deck my myself muttering obscenities under my breath for a week. Turns out I didn-t need the Nicorette. The way I stayed stopped was to remind myself that even the worst cravings rarely lasted more than three minutes.

Now, to be fair, I was highly motivated. We were trying to conceive, and the doctor at the fertility clinic told me to quit. -Sure,- I said, -you-re a doctor. You-re supposed to tell me that. You-d tell me that if I came in here with a broken arm.-

She said, -No, this one-s for real. Smoking directly affects sperm quality. Your count is OK, your morphology is so-so, and your motility is like a rush-hour traffic jam. Quit, and I bet your numbers improve in 90 days.-

So I quit, and 90 days later, my wife got pregnant with our son, who turned nine two weeks ago.
The -gold standard- is to combine a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT - lozenge, gum, or patch), Zyban (by prescription), and a behavioral program. First, check with your doctor before combining meds! Chantix is another prescription med that gives great results but I don-t believe it-s been studied when combined with NRT. For more info on aids, check out Smoking is an addiction so don-t underestimate the need for medication to help.

As far as the behavioral piece, it-s important to develop a plan for smoking triggers and to understand why you smoke. Brainstorm a list of things you can do instead of smoking (e.g., hard candy, go for a walk, deep breathing, journaling, etc.). Check out for more ideas.

Best of luck and healthy regards!
well i can only suggest what worked for me and that was to finish the pack i had and NOT buy anymore, you-ll b a wreck for a good week, im not going to lie.. but find something perhaps a new project to keep u really busy and gradually the urge will go.. perhaps buy nicotine gum or patches to help you through the cravings but at the end of the day,nothings going to work unless you truely want it to
You could try the lozenges that are out - they really helped me. When I would feel that anxiety or the breathing issues the lozenges would calm it. For others the gum works better giving the quitter something to do with their mouth.

I found the patch to be too non-interactive and unless I rolled it up and smoked it - it was pretty useless in my case.

Try going to one of the online quit sites
- they offer tools, counselors, and tips for free.
1.) look at pictures of what your lungs are going to look like in a few years
2.) try to breath through a straw for an entire day...that feeling is what the rest of your life is going to feel like if you dont stop.
3.) know that you look completely stupid and disgusting, not to mention smell just as bad
4.) know how much money you would save if you stopped
5.) think about what you are doing to your loved ones as you slowly kill your it fair for them to have to take care of you because you are taking many years off of your life and they will eventually have to take care of you

you really need to stop

I smoked for fifteen years. I had tried to quit about 14 times. Once I made it a full year and went back. This time I am at around 16 months and know it will stick this time. I think the most important part is yourmentalityy. You have totrulyy want to stop, tell yourself you will never smoke again and believe it. I joined a greta website called its really good, go there every time you want to smoke and get a nicotine replace,ment system. I found the patch works best for me, but some people prefer the gum. I don-t think it matters which one, but they all help. Just get the right state of mind, join some support group (whether online or in person) and get nicotine replacement. good luck to you and congrats for even thinking about it! You won-t regret quitting. I love being a non smoker
Take up another addiction to relieve yourself from smoking, For instance do something you enjoy whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Sure you could chew the gum.. or throw on the patch, but why waste the money.. and the time if it might not work when you could just try and be strong and just keep taking your mind off of it with other... healthier, activities.
eat sugar when you feel like want to smoke
Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -

What is the best way to quit smoking without gaining weight? -

Thursday, February 23, 2017

What is the best way to quit smoking without gaining weight? -

Please give tips and products that actually work.
Cravings only last a few minutes. Even when they are violent and catch you unawares, they are still fleeting. Breathe through them. Take slow deep breaths. Drink water. Delay. The moment will pass.
Go for a walk ,cut a straw into the size of a cigarette take a deep breath. do a puzzle ,come on-line answers questions, get a strees ball to keep your hands busy.
Get a manicure with all the money your saving .


To avoid weight gain:

* Increase exercise: it is a form of stress relief;

* Drink a large glass of water to relieve hunger pains;

* Eat slowly so that your body knows its full:

* Have healthy snacks available such as fruit and vegetables rather than high calorie snacks such as chocolate or chips.


For more advice on keeping your weight down while quitting

Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can-t find your cigarettes. ~Author Unknown

The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches. ~Author Unknown
good answer

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There-s a whole page devoted to smoking and weight at
It covers, myths about weight gain when quitting, exercise, food and exactly what hapens to your body when you quit. From there you can then go on to read about what to eat and how to eat, plus more pages on healthy snacks, soup, smoothies etc to buy and make.
honestly, you-re gonna think im crazy, BUT to keep from eating, just carry around a water bottle to serious, it works...and ...

smoking is a habit more or less than anything else, SO when you feel like you need a cigarette, carry around a pen in place of a cig... thats what my fiance did and it

good luck :) im very proud of you for quitting :)
try gum
well, the water is a good idea... it helps, but if you must eat, which MOST of us do... carry around some fruit, or an energy bar or two... they give you vitamins and minerals your body needs without overloading your body with carbs and sugars
I have quit twice for extended periods. This time over two years. Do the following and not only will you NOT gain weight, you just might lose some. Stop eating bread, sugars and pasta and drink lots of water. Sugars and bleached flour increase cravings. Go for walks 30 to 45 minutes 4 to 6 times a week. And sleep as MUCH as you can. Do these things and you give yourself an excellent chance. Good Luck
DECIDE !!!!!!!! Would you like to live older ? If yes, STOP smoking. Honestly, make a reseach on the bad effects of smoking, (the pain), write them down. After that, make a research on the good effects of stopping smoking, (the pleasure), write them down too. Then, read what you have written every time you want to smoke, and if you want, every time you go to bed. Do it ! Try at least ! Exercise and drink water too ! Have good habits instead of smoking.
Do you want to smell bad ? Die younger ? Have cancer ? Leave your family in the pain ? Have yellow teeth ? Beu....

I will not tell you good luck, because it-s not luck, it-s a choice.
What is the best way to quit smoking without gaining weight? -

I started to run track at school but i have recentally quit smoking...? -

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I started to run track at school but i have recentally quit smoking...? -

how long will it take for my lungs to get back to they way they were before i stared smoking? i have smoked for about 2 years at 1 pack a day. i quit like 2 days ago.
You have made a very wise decision. Remember quitting smoking is not a problem but sticking on your resolve requires some effort. Be careful, don-t start smoking again:

For further info on quitting smoking visit the following link:

Following info would answer your question:

20 Minutes After Quitting: Your heart rate drops.

12 hours After Quitting: Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.

2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting: Your heart attack risk begins to drop.Your lung function begins to improve.

1 to 9 Months After Quitting: Your Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

1 Year After Quitting: Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.

5 Years After Quitting: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s 5-15 years after quitting.

10 Years After Quitting: Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker’s. Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

15 Years After Quitting: Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker’s
5 to 10 years for recovery
sorry to tell you, but just one cigarette can cause damage. You may never get your lungs completely back.
first off, you will start smoking again you stupid addict. dont you know what it does to you and it is nasty. who likes a girl who smokes?no guy likes that cause its nasty and your lungs will never be the same as they used to because smoking does permanent damage to your lungs just like it permanently kills brain cells.
Probably many weeks or months of hard work before you can be able to breathe well enough for such physical activities. It takes that long for an out of shape person who has never smoked before. I-m not trying to discourage you from quiting and taking up track. Good job and good luck.

Sorry that I cannot specifically answer this.
I started to run track at school but i have recentally quit smoking...? -

What is the best way to quit smoking?????????????????? -

What is the best way to quit smoking?????????????????? -

first of all u shouldnt quit smoking suddenly
u have to do it gradually
for example u used to smoke 10 cigarettes daily
try to reduce that n umber for the next week 8
for the next 6 per day
for the nest week 3
and till u smoke 1 cigarette each week
blood renew itself each week
so ur body used to need more smoke from ur cigarettes
so try this
Don-t smoke anymore.
Listen very carefully,this is the absolute best way, DO NOT LIGHT THE CIGARETTE!!
Get a horrible cold and sinus infection. Worked for me, I couln-t stand the smell of smoke for about 6 weeks. When the cold was gone, so were the cravings. I still smoke occasionally, but I don-t have the habit, and I can take them or leave them.
i wanna ask the same thing!! i hate not being able to quit real fast /easy but i heard cold turkey is the best,only way.
Try to count how much money u spend on smoking each month. See how much u could save each year? What all u could by with that money? Good luck;)
shifting to some other habit which will not turn to columns of vice
Well, first you have to really want to give up. Smoking is very addictive, and stopping can sometimes be difficult. There are patches that you can get from stores like CVS and Walgreens that help you stop smoking(they decrease your attatchment to smoking..or somthing of that sort). Theres lots of different ways(that im not really educated on) but you can ask people who work at pharmacies and stuff. I wish you best of luck=)
same dont smoke
well here-s how i quit i just threw away lighter and cigs and never pick them back up
Waxingthe and kobay have no idea! I am trying too and it-s very difficult, heroin addicts get more sympathy! I just try to stay busy and not do the things that I normally smoke doing, for instance I normally drink vodka and coke, now I dring wine so that I won-t miss the cigarette so much. Try to stay away from the things you associate with smoking.

I quit this time last year having had a 30 a day habit. I-d tried and failed with allsorts until I a friend recommended this program - see below.

It also came with a 100% money back guarantee and has a 90% success rate - can-t say fairer than that!

All the best.
What is the best way to quit smoking?????????????????? -

What are some prescription medications that help you quit smoking in Canada? -

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What are some prescription medications that help you quit smoking in Canada? -

There are a number of non-prescription medications - Nicoderm patches for example - that don-t require prescriptions.
Selegiline has been shown to be effective in helping with addiction, especially with nicotine. I would look into it some though since they mode in which it is taken greatly changes it effectiveness (sub-lingual being the most effective with least side effects). It also metabolizes into the levoratory forms of amphetamine, and methamphetamine (the isomers that don-t get you high), which is a turn off for a lot of people even though only about .02%(that-s just a guess, but it is a relatively insignificant amount) and doses are usually 2.5 mg of selegiline (sub-lingual). It will show up as amphetamines on a drug test though!! I-m not sure about how available it is in Canada, but i know i can buy it without a prescription from canadian pharmacies in the US.
The Anti-Smoking Injection (also commonly referred to as the Anti-Smoking Vaccine) described as being a successful yet aggressive stop smoking aid, which has up to an 80 % success rate. Taking place in a medical clinic under the supervision of trained staff, the Anti-Smoking Injection is typically given in conjunction with group therapy and counseling. The Anti-Smoking Injection consists of three injections of either Scopolamine or Atropine either behind the ears, on the hip or on the arms. The Anti-Smoking Injection works to block the nicotine receptors in the brain.
Shawn, please do not pay some POS drug company to accomplish something that is strictly in your mind. Your goal is to cure your ADDICTION to nicotine, so it would be extremely stupid to pay for patches that keep you addicted !
There is a great book by Alan Carr -The Easy Way To Quit Smoking -
I highly recommend it.
What are some prescription medications that help you quit smoking in Canada? -

How many people in the last ten years quit smoking? -

How many people in the last ten years quit smoking? -

I quit while pregnant 9 years ago and started again. I-m still working on that endless -New Year-s resolution-.
I quit smoking about 5 years ago when I learned that I was pregnant with my first child. Never started again...but I-ve had a few on occasion.
I have never smoked so why am I even answering this question? Oh I know....because you-re so cute!
How many people in the last ten years quit smoking? -

Is this normal to be sick after I quit smoking? -

Is this normal to be sick after I quit smoking? -

I quit smoking, cold turkey, 2 weeks ago. I had smoked for 15 years. Since then I have had ear aches, one side at a time, and a sore throat. Is this from quitting smoking? Or just a coincidence?
Yes, it-s quite normal. Especially to have sinus upper respiratory troubles. It-s not that these problems crop up after you quit smoking, it-s that smoking masks them. So when you quit smoking, they become noticeable.

I smoked for 25 years and quitting uncovered a serious sinus infection that actually required surgery. Apparently I had the infection for years and never reaized it.
yes that is normal. most people report having flu-like symptoms after quitting smoking. they will go away soon, just hold on.
Any addictions you will feel sick from after quiting. But ear aches, I am not sure. Your probably sick and having withdraw symptoms at the same time.
Yeah me to but I don-t smoke same thing here

Non-Smoker drink alot of water and don-t touch your eyes

see a doctor about this they give detailed reports and diagnosis of your condition :)
First off congrats on quitting smoking! Second, I don-t know if it-s normal, but I do know that I was sick with ear aches after I quit as well.
Is this normal to be sick after I quit smoking? -

How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -

How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -

ok, I am in the NAVY and I need to keep weight down. I run between 3 or 4 miles a day. I work out with weights and do alittle calisthenics (200 push ups , 100 inverted sit ups and etc.) But here is the issue, i researched and found out that your body burns 100 calories extra a day when smoking. How do I actually bypass that without gaining huge amounts of weight?
As a few other people said, 100 calories burned extra a day isn-t much. Especially because of all the exercise you-re doing already. I smoke as well, and when I stop I seem to eat about 500 calories more/day. I started chewing gum every time I had the urge for a cigarette, or for something to eat. This helped a lot, mostly because I wasn-t -really- hungry, I just wanted something for flavor, or to chew on. So, I-d recommend chewing gum. (It-s only 5 calories a piece normally, and there-s not many pieces in a pack, so you can easily go through one pack a day without worrying much. Plus, I dunno- if this is an old wives tale, but it burns calories chewing. :P)

And besides, if you-re in the navy, doing all of the running, push-ups, sit ups and all that, the last thing you should worry about is a few calories from gum. You could probably get away with eating 2,000 calories a day (depending on your height and weight, of course).
suck on many different low sugar or no sugar mints good LUCK SOMETIMES JUST HOLD THE CIGARETTE TO MY MOUTH UNLIT
Eat healthier. When I quit smoking as well, and I had to eat somthing to calm my nerves, it would be fresh fruits and veggies. Keep your hands busy, Drink plenty of water. It is a fact that people do gain some weight when they quit smoking, just watch your intake on junk foods, you don-t want food to be an emotional comfort for when you are quitting smoking...
Call 1-800-quitnow
It-s easy, just don-t replace your smoking with eating. Drink plenty of water and eat smaller amounts of food. I quit smoking two years ago and I only gained 5 pounds.
chew gum
I think the fact that you are already keeping calories at bay with your workout means your metabolism is already quite high, so I think that you do not have to worry about the 100 extra calories smoking burns.

I think weight gain for smokers trying to quit is more a concern for those who don-t exercise to begin with, and so they start to snack on unhealthy foods or whatever to try to get over the urge to smoke.

If you are concerned about the extra 100 calories, I would just up my fiber and water intake, and maybe add an extra half mile to your run to burn that 100 off and try to eat more veggies and fruits and wheat crackers, etc.
Smoking just suppresses the desire to eat, you should work on dieting for a while so that your body will get used to not eating as much as it usually does.
I don-t think you can. It-s best just to concentrate on controlling the amount of weight you put on. Make sure its not an excessive amount. Drink a lot of water.
The rest should just come from determination and willpower.
Good luck!
when u stop smoking u should work out a lot or do the sllimquit it helps u stay small and not over weight good luck
get rid of the poison nicotine and food some how tastes better thats why ya gain weight
less food and more excise
People just really think smoking has a lot to do with weight, but it really doesn-t. If you live a healthy lifestyle, like eat healthy, exercise, and just basically take care of yourself, then you shouldn-t have a problem keeping your weight down.

Substitute your smoking with healthy snacks...
100 extra calories burned with smoking really isnt a lot.
This fact depends of your body and your metabolism. but, you can go to your doctor to know what kind of medicine you can use.

You need to know that you need to combine the meidicne with the exercise and with a good eating plan. A person with an eating disorder, suffers a lot to quit smoking, due to the anxiety.

I know a medicine called Zyban, is excellent. You can controle the anxiety too with another meidicine, but you need to go to your doctor before begginig any treatment.

Visit this website if you want to have more information about it and if you want to make your questions online:


make sure you don-t eat instead of smoke..if you need something to do with your hands, eat low calorie foods ie. carrots, celery, licorice.
Hello Sir,
There is a product out there that will help you with that, the link to the site is at the bottom of this page.

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was preagnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.
Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -

What are some simple things I can do at home to help me quit smoking weed? -

Friday, February 17, 2017

What are some simple things I can do at home to help me quit smoking weed? -

It-s so hard to quit smoking up, it-s like i-m in this habit and I have developed some sort of psychological addiction to the stuff.
Smoking addiction can harm your health. Many people have lost jobs, homes, family, friends, and loved ones because they could not break thier smoking habit. I recommend you find some help. Here is a site that has addiction information and a directory of addiction treatment centers so you can help.

Live strong
Honestly stop doing anything that makes you think of weed. Also try and avoid places where you used to smoke. Pretty much stuff that makes you think of it. If you get past the first week it will only get easier and easier.
Look at the weed and loudly ask it, -who-s stronger, me or you?- I guess you will get your answer. If that doesn-t help then get pro help.
smoke more cigarettes? it-s mostly in your mind/might be harder to get to sleep (it sucks...i definately know), but you can do it
What are some simple things I can do at home to help me quit smoking weed? -

I quit smoking, why i have the ffeling im still addicted? -

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I quit smoking, why i have the ffeling im still addicted? -

i quit smoking half of year ago
so why do i still have the feeling im addicted to it?
Yeah, it-s a real drag, and anyone who starts probably deserves a hit. It-s amazing the way many smokers are led ashtray into believing that the possible evils of smoking won-t happen to them. It-s foolish, to create that kind of a smokescreen against your own, rational mind. Butt, continuing to smoke when you know that it DOES partially paralyze your throat, well, that-s just scillia.

Congrats on quitting
The psychological addiction is the hardest part to kick. The nicotine is out of your body in only 2 weeks.
It-s a habit. Habits are very hard to break, especially if you smoked for a long time. The psychological cravings can cause very real physical symptoms.
Just fight it. Don-t think you can have -just one cigarette-! Remember why you quit and how hard it was. Don-t put yourself through that again.
You may find yourself wanting a cigarette occasionally for years. If you give in, you WILL become addicted again very quickly and before you realize it.
i just quit *again* today. I-ve been through two pregnancies where I quit smoking for more than a year, and then I always gave in...That addiction can suck you back in.
Because you are...smoking is a chemical addiction...I quit -cold turkey- three months ago due to blood know I still pass someone smoking and crave a cigarette..puzzled by this so I searched it and came up with so many chemicals in the cigarettes that make people a addict will always crave there addiction...or replace it for another. I stressed (blood clots and all...even in my lungs) and smoked a pack over 2 days this week and it was like I never even quit...I hope not to buy another pack.Good luck to you.
A lot of people will tell you it is a mental thing when it actually isn-t. It doesn-t have to do with the too of course but your body craves the nicotine! This can go on years and years after quiting. Try a piece of spearmint gum! If you have gone this long without one don-t pick it back up! Good luck!
Because youre thinking about it. Get a hobby and you wont think about it. Congratulations on quitting.
I quit smoking, why i have the ffeling im still addicted? -

How to quit smoking mariyuana tips? -

How to quit smoking mariyuana tips? -

Stop hanging out with people who have access to it, be alone for a while. When you have friends who do it you cant just quit cold turkey cause they talk about it to you like a tease. If its just you doing it, just stop!
How to quit smoking mariyuana tips? -

Great ways to quit smoking? -

Great ways to quit smoking? -

I want to stop smoking!!! But the more I want to stop the more I smoke! Its like a vicious circle! I don-t smoke loads a day, usually 10. But I-ve tried to quit and the last time I couldn-t sleep properly and I felt really anxious all the time! This lasted two weeks then I started smoking again cos I was fed up of feelng terrible!
So how did YOU quit or someone you know?
Any uncommon methods?
Thanks in advance.
I stopped smoking 5 weeks ago.
I-m using the nicotine patch, which your suppose to keep on for 24hrs.
I take it off 2 hrs before bed because it does effect sleep.

The first 2 weeks are the hardest then it becomes alot easier. I stopped drinking alcohol 5 weeks ago too. Its really hard to give up ciggarettes if your like drinking. I also keep active and have a clean healthy diet.

I feel so much better then i did 5 weeks ago.

Good luck, theres a book i read too which i thought was pretty useful.

-How to quit without feeling s**t-
Its a good decision that you have taken to quit smoking. The real point is that people smoke for many reasons and many times the reason is that they want to do something and they lit a cigarette. To help that you can try for some substitute when ever you feel like smoking. My friend has the same problem and he took the help of nicotine gum, whenever he felt like smoking he used one. The best point is that he received a free sample of 100 gum to try for free, they helped him and he then continued with them till he quit. I am sure it can help you too, you can also ask for free sample, he got it from the resource included below.. All the Best!!!
You can try
Stop by a senior citizens home or better yet, stop by the cardiac unit or cancer ward in a hospital every day for at least a week.
Find somebody to visit who is sick from smoking. Then force yourself to go outside and smoke and re enter to talk to them. You will feel so gross and smelly and realize that you are not doing the right thing to your body or to the air polluting yourself with smokes.

When you smoke visualize that it is liquid poop you are inhaling. Yep, lift up the back of your throat, down it goes, filling up the lungs, the heart, sticking in the crevisis and hardening.
That-s what smoke is.
Hey Leanne,

I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:…

it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
Smoking 10 cigarettes means you are a chain smoker. Its very difficult for the chain smokers to quit smoking easily. Its not that easy for you. All you can do is smoke just 1 or 2 cigerattes in day. Which is also dangerous for your health. Put up those patch, it will help.
All the best !!!!!!!!!!!!
my aunt stopped smoking about 2 years ago, she used a treatment called Champix, it worked wonders because shes not smoking anymore. My mom started the treatment too a week ago and she is starting to dislike the taste of the cigarette, so it works!
I heard that hypnosis tapes help really well. I have never tried it myself but I heard it has worked!
Im not a smoker but I hear doctors can help and why did you smoke in the first place? I know its the friends
Great ways to quit smoking? -

How come since I quit smoking I feel like eating a lot more food, Im more aggressive amp;? -

Saturday, February 11, 2017

How come since I quit smoking I feel like eating a lot more food, Im more aggressive amp;? -

I feel like kicking something over or punching some one ? I feel like it is good to quit smoking but since I have it has made me more angry - stressed in my life is there something to do that will help me to feel like I-m not going to lose controll ?
Common withdrawal symptoms from nicotine.

Google -nicotine withdrawal- to find out more. You can also find support groups online or in your area if you feel like things are getting out of control. There might also professionals you can talk to one-on-one to help (maybe).

This webpage is helpful:
As you can see, there is an article listed under the article section called -How to Survive 30 Days Without Smoking.- Try taking a look at that.
I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:

it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
Anyone who-s attempted the quitting process will tell you that it-s impossible to even think of going through it without piling on the pounds, since cigarettes decrease our appettite. Irritability, violence and agressivness are the result of the body attempting to function without the nicotine.
It-s a hard process, but it-s worth it. Your brain is addicted to the nicotine. You need time for the nicotine receptors in your brain to turn off.
How come since I quit smoking I feel like eating a lot more food, Im more aggressive amp;? -

Do you think that young people have any idea of just how hard it is going to be to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Do you think that young people have any idea of just how hard it is going to be to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Everyone has to quit at some point except the ones that just drop dead. The trick is to quit before you get sick, once you get sick its to late.
The makeup of a teenager is such that they haven-t matured enough to take on the consequences of their actions.
Of course, some mature quicker than others. But to many teenagers, the need for peer approval outweighs any health risks. They think they-re immortal, anyway.
No, I really don-t. Unfortunately, my generation is too worried with the here and now vs the long term. Then again, I think most people are that way when they-re young.
no they dont!!! may be they dont really know how hard it is for us adults go through to quit cirgarettes
Do you think that young people have any idea of just how hard it is going to be to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Anybody trying to quit smoking? -

Friday, February 3, 2017

Anybody trying to quit smoking? -

I am trying to quit smoking and could use some moral support from people who know what I-m going through? Any other addicts or successful quitters out there?
I know it seems stupid, but I brought one of those e-books about how to quit permanently without any sort of nicotine replacements. For about a week I was convinced I had wasted my money... but it actually worked. I mean man did it work.

I-ve now been smoke free for a year and I never gained weight or used any replacements. E-mail me i you-d like the address to the site I got it from.
I donot know do u really wanna to quit?

Addicts is nothing it represent illness of will power of a person.
If u really wanna to quit increase ur will power and take alternate. When ever if u are feeling to smoke u keep ur mouth busy like keeping some chocolates, toffees, chewing gums etc.

But lastly i want to say ur will power is neccessay and do some excercise.

mail me if u liked my opinion at
PLEEEEASSE QUIT!! I quit about a year ago after multiple tries. I was one of those -Oh I just can-t do it- people. But you can do it and you will feel so much better in the long run. (and smell better too) It will be hard for a while but it will get easier just hang in there and think of the money you-ll save! Take it from a girl who knows It is worth every agonizing moment of it!!!
I-m trying (puff - puff) but not doing too good. Thinking about trying hypnotism...Lotsa Luck !
iam a addict, its hard to quit smoking best way is pick a day on your calander on that day quit, throqw away ashtrays do a no smoking in the house rule, take it one day at a time and when you find your self stressed with a cigg. between your lips think of what is pissing you off and tare that ciggerate up, dont you lite it. after a week count the days and tell your self well i havent smoked in so many days why ruin my success, after 21 days you addiction is over now it is all in your head. good luck
Anybody trying to quit smoking? -

What was the most effective way you personally used to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

What was the most effective way you personally used to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

I really need to do both. The thing is my kids do not know I smoke, and they have never seen me smoke, and I have never ever smoked anywhere near them... It-s a big secret my husband has been helping me keep. He smokes and is stick thin. I-m not so lucky, and can-t afford to gain weight. I do eat when I-m bored.. and I-m afraid I-ll blimp out if I try to quit all together all at once. Need answers! :)
You probably will gain some weight no matter how you try to quit - accept it, and recognize that it is worth it.

The worst justification for smoking is -but if I quit I will gain weight-. Oh cry me a river about weight gain. Do you prefer walking around with an oxygen tank when you get older? Or having your kids watch you die of lung cancer? Ooooh, I bet they-ll enjoy that. And if your husband keeps smoking maybe they can watch both of you die of lung cancer - and maybe at the same time! Oh, that will be fun.

Anyway, weight gain will probably be the least of your problems when you quit - particularly for the first 2-6 months. Your husband and kids will probably see a side of you that nobody imagined was there, and that nobody wants to see.

After you-ve been quit for 6 months time, or so, and things have settled down then you can start to work on that weight gain. And you will find it is a lot easier to lose the excess weight than it was to quit smoking.

Good luck with it (and sorry for the snarky tone - I actually find a woman with a few extra pounds on her much more attractive than a woman with a cigarette between her fingers).

And good work, Chris e! Keep at it.
Good luck with it. Really.

Quitting is an extremely difficult thing to do.

I hope you are successful.

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The American Cancer Society has a wealth of information about this. You could try checking their website. When I quit smoking 25 years ago, I remember reading in their literature: -water on the inside, water on the outside.-

That-s the way I quit. Drink lots of water. Instead of always having an ash tray or cigarette, always have a glass of water. It helps to flush the chemicals out of your body. Take lots of showers, it helps to wash the smell from you, so you won-t smell the cigarette smoke and crave another one.

Drinking lots of water also helps you lose weight. Many times, people don-t drink enough water, and your body craves it and gains weight because of that.
Make an attempt to work out in the evenings and resist the urge to smoke at work, cut out somthing else during breaks that makes you feel good about yourself. I-ve also heard that certain anti deprescent medicines in addition to supressing everything else in your life, can also supress the urge to smoke.
Smoking is for sure one of the hardest things you will do in your life. I am now smoke free for 7 months after smoking for 20. I work in a doctor-s office and my main motivation was newly diagnosed lung CA patients( about 6 of them at once) I gained about 16 pounds and yes it freaked me out but last month I reached a plateau. I have managed to lose 4 pounds and will continue to watch my portions, Get help when you are ready to quit, my dr gave me Wellbutrin and Xanax, they worked like a charm after MANY failed attempts. Good luck and don-t let the weight bother you, one thing a a time!
Just stop cold turkey and deal with it.
There are a couple of great websites that offer free support and really helped me in my quit

These sites have articles and advice on quitting and not gaining weight as well
go to help we are in usa
Quit cold turkey.

Exercise to burn the fat and calories accumulated by my quitting (you tend to eat more when you quit).

Your husband should also quit if you intend to succeed and kick that habit.

If both of you love your kids...Quit smoking.

nuf sed.

Consider seeing your physician and asking them to prescribe Chantix. It-s a new anti-smoking medication that has better success rates than Zyban/Wellbutrin and also has an excellent support program with it. In the clinical trials, weight gain when patients quit smoking was around 1 pound only.... much better than when people quit without help.
14 years ago I successfully quite smoking and amazingly lost weight at the same time. I had tried unsuccessfully numerous times before, but was determined to quit. Here are some of the things I did and have shared with many of my friends over the years:

1. I decided that I was going to quit, no if, ands, or buts - the cigarettes had to go.

2. I used the -patch-. Amusingly I had people tell me that I had -whimped out- by not going cold turkey . Bottom-line - the patch was temporary and the quitting was permanent.

Caution: I initially had a lot of side effects. One day I figured out how much nicotine I was getting smoking and then determined that I was getting twice as much nicotine from the patch then I was when I smoked! It would be similar to trying to stop drinking by drinking twice as much. Once I lowered the dose I was fine.

3. Whenever I craved a cigarette (and I did!) I would change my activity - go for a walk, move to a different room.

4. Everytime I said -I-d really like a cigarette-, I answer myself with -now why would I want that - I-m a nonsmoker!-.

Smoking is as much a social habit as it is a physical addiction. Its not easy to quit but well worth the effort.

How did I lose weight - I started to walk and swim more. Since I was on a health kick I also started eating right. I did NOT chew gum or crunch on carrot sticks. Since I often smoked after eating, I avoided snacking and only dealt with that craving after a meal.

Your husband may be -stick thin- but that will not do a thing to save his lungs. The good thing about your children not knowing is that their lungs have been spared years of second hand smoke. Since you don-t smoke around your children this would be a great time to spend a lot more time with them. Keep in mind that iif you do not quit that at some point they will smell the smoke and either figure out you are smoking or ask what-s burning.

Best of luck.
It is a very common concern, but the benefits to quit smoking are far greater than gaining a few pounds. You can do this. Maybe you can get your husband to quit as well. This site has some good info about this. Good Luck !
i did it cold turkey-
a friend of mine is in the process of quitting and he switched to spirit cigarettes (I think that is what they are called, it has an indian on the package) it has less nicotene, and it is a way to ease off cigarettes
Buy whole cloves and pop one in your mouth when you want a cigarette. Then food tastes so weird, you won-t want to eat it. I went through two full things of cloves. It takes anywhere from three to six months to really stop the cravings. You will be cranky often during that time. But your breath will smell nice and of cloves. Are you children old enough to be alone while you walk around the block? Increasing your activity will help you get out of the house and away from the triggers that set off the cravings also. I gained weight, but mostly due to the exercise. i weighed more, but it was muscle and looked better. But I was thin when I quit. Journalling helps quite a bit also. Employ every technique possible, all at the same time if necessary. I quit and did not tell my roommate, and it was three weeks before I finally mentioned it (he did not even smoke). MEN! He had not even noticed.

On average the person who successfully quits gains 12 pounds the first year, but by the end of the second year has lost eight of those and net gain is only 4 pounds.

Hope hubby is going to quit at the same time. Will be immeasurably easier for you if he does. You two can also commisserate, when the crankiness does not lead you to get crossways.
The most effective way I have used to quit smoking is to only smoke when I drink, then I quit drinking.

But you went another way! Sorry to be no help at all...
I quit June 22, 1996. Just threw away my last pack, and stopped.

That was after 25 years of smoking 2 packs of menthols a day.

I was not a pleasant person to be around for about six months...
the average smoker only gains like 6-8lbs after quitting, its not as drastic as people make it out to be. just eat healthy and excercise, if youre conscious about it and try to keep it off you-ll lose weight before you gain anymore
I had tried to quit smoking all my life and just couldn-t get there. I then tried doing a chant for quiting smoking. I laughed and didn-t believe it, but tried it, and that was 16 years ago and haven-t had one since.

Get on eBay and search on - Magick of Chant-O-Matics-.
It works. Nothing occult or evil, just chants that really work.

I am not doing any comercials here, just telling you what worked for me. Didn-t gain any weight either. When you gotta snack, try some yogurt. It-s good, and it-s good for you and you can eat all you want.

Darryl S.
i smoked since i was 8,AM 53 now just quit 9weeks ago
I dunno. Few weeks ago before school started i smoke 2-3 ciggarettes a day for about 2-3 weeks. I just quit because i hated the taste in my mouth but liked blowin- smoke in the mirror lol. Im only 13. And i would say will power i guess, lol
exercise and water.
I managed to quit after many tries, finally went cold turkey, but I did not avoid weight gain.
My friend quit - avoided weight gain by exercising.
Good luck, successfully quitting is one of the best health moves you will ever make!
What was the most effective way you personally used to quit smoking and not gain weight? -

How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

She just told me she has the beginning of emphysema and I really want her to stop smoking but it doesnt seem like she has any want to at all. I love her so much and I want her to live as long as possible.
you need to be very forward with your mom. it may be hard but you need to open up to her and tell her exactly how you feel. tell her that you are worried about her, and that she means the world to you. tell her to imagine that you were sick and were doing something to promote it. how would she feel? would she try to stop you? i bet she would. Smoking has no benefits. it will only get worse. tell her how much it would mean to you if she quit and that you would be there for her. but dont every try to force it. this may frustrate or anger her and make it worse. you just need to show her that you care. and when she sees the emotion, and how much it bothers you, this should strike something inside her. also understand how hard it is to fight an addiction. but let her know how necessary it is and that she is strong enough to beat it, and quitting would be so positive to her health, after the cravings ceased she would probably feel five times healthier. anyone has the abilitiy to beat any addiction. they just need the right mindset and the right willpower. hope i can help! only good can come from it! trust me. ive suffered with addictions. its not nice. and sometimes you may feel helpless or give up on yourself. but its very important not to lose hope. no matter what. because in the end you know you have made the right choice and as a person you grow, and thats all that matters.
Unfortunately I don-t think you can get her to quit unless she wants to do so. My mum is the same, she-s got problems because of smoking but doctors or family members nagging her doesn-t have any effect.

Perhaps if you researched emphysema and found out if it would definitely stop if she gave up - maybe then she-d have the willpower to try. I-m not sure how permanent emphysema is, but maybe she-s got it into her head that she-ll never get better. If you can prove that she would, it might be the catalyst.

I hope you have some success.

Good on you for being worried about your mom. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is her choice to wether or not she quits smoking.

All you can do is keep trying to convince her. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

Let her know how much you and the rest of the family love her. Let her know the pain you will all go through if you were to lose her. Putting your mom through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

If you can, try to guide her to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help to convince her.

Don-t listen to those who say stop trying. Never stop trying because if you quit then she sure as hell won-t.

Good Luck

leave the room EVERY TIME she lights up, and fake coughing and everything. You want her to think she is hurting you too. Refuse to be with her if she smells like smoke. Figure out something she really likes, and tell her you will give it to her every time she doesn-t smoke for a day. Try to get her addicted to something more healthy instead, such as the nicotine gum, instead of cigarettes, the gum has no tar. Start talking about all the disgusting things smoking will do to you around her. CRY.
Lastly, whenever you find her cigarettes, find them, and throw them away. (somewhere she WILL NOT find them)

Hope this helped.
This is a choice your mom will have to make, you can only influence her to stop and emotions do tend to work with parents especially with moms, but I-m afraid smoking from what I-ve seen is really addicting and you can try your best to get her off, I know you-ll make a difference for her I just know it!
i-m very sorry. this is how i got my mom to quit:

every time i found a pack of cigs in the house, i threw them out. hid them. anything to keep them from her. you will get in trouble. grounded, i-m talking serious trouble. but if you really want her to quit, you have to take risks.

another idea is to make a slideshow or notebook. include your favorite times of her and you together, and pictures. make it sappy. then after she watches/reads it, explain to her what will happen to those times if she continues smoking. the fun times will turn to memories.

you could also get the rest of your family into ignoring her a little or giving her attitude when she smokes. it worked for me!

finally, you can just simply go up to her and ask her why she wants to break your heart. it seems harsh, but it will touch her. tell her that if she doesn-t even make an effort to stop smoking, that she is basically telling you that she wants to leave this world.

i don-t need best answer. i just want you to read my suggestions and think about it. i know what it feels like to be in your position, but it is possible to make her stop. you have to be consistant, and don-t give up on your mom, even if she-s began to give up on herself. good luck, and again, i-m sooo sorry. keep hope alive.
That-s tough. The Older one gets, the HARDER bad habits are to shake. I don-t know if there-s any legitimate way to get your Mother to Quit Smoking... Perhaps the BEST thing You can do, is Continue to show Her You love Her, and DON-T -follow in Her footsteps...- Sometimes the Best lessons we learn in Life, are from the Mistakes of Others...
This is a tough task especially if that is something that she likes. However it helps if you talk to her about your concerns ... These days there are lots of commercials about the impact of smoking that have tried to get the message through, but in the end it all depends on the person willingness to stop.

I had friends that had smoking problems, and when they developed a problem, they were forced to look at ways to stop smoking.

You can however try and tell her to get checked out regularly, so that if a problem develops, it can be treated before it is too late.

Perhaps you can read this site to help you out a bit more

Have a good day !
It is almost impossible unless she can realize.

She is not hurting herself only but everyone surrounding her including her loved ones.

Maybe, ask her to take some quit smoking classes.

It is tough, but there are plenty of people have done it successfully.
i understand how you feel, maybe talking to her can be awkward, i suggest writing a letter, cuz this is a sensitive subject. mayb she would take you more serious if you do write that letter. and if you do take this advice, make the letter deep and thoughtful so it would touch her heart.
She has to want to. Its like any addict... and smokers are addicts, to cigarettes.

Write her a letter letting her know how much you are worried for her... and you in all of this.

Also, this is a site I used when I quit and it was a real blessing. I can-t recommend it enough.

It-s free. Send her a message by making it your home page on the computer. Maybe on her own time she-ll look at it and read things that hit close to home for her.
well tell her about lung cancer and how she is going to die young and her teeth are going to go bad, and stuff like that. but my best friend was trying to make her mom quit smoking too. and thats what she told her and she quit cold turkey and hasnt smoked yet!!

good luck!!! =)
The only one who can make that decision is your mother. Nothing you can tell her will make her quit. Don-t want to be harsh, I lost my father to cancer from smoking and know what you are going through so at least know that you are not alone.
i got my mom to stop smoking, like this whenever i saw her smokes i hid them or threw them outside, pretty soon she got fed up of loosing them she said it must of been a sign and stoped...little does she know it was me.
Go on-line and buy her a couple of different packs of herbal cigarettes and give them to her. THEY WORK MIRACLES. helped me quit smoking, along side with niccorette patches. Hope she quits, i know the habit and I-m only 19
well, my teachers mom was a smoker. whenever her mom is gone, she would find a pack of the cigarettes and just break them and throw them away. break them, so if ur mom finds them in the trash can unbroken, she wont be able to use them.
explain to her all the harmful things it does andtry braking all her cigeretts when ever you see them thats what i do with my dad

talk to her about it.
tell her that your really worried and ask her if she could stop smoking for you.
buy her those patch thingys
just let her know how important she is to you...and intorduce her to flavored nicorette gum it reallly works!!!
get a fake smoke and wait for her to see you -smoking- it. Tell her if she doesn-t stop, you-ll start
You cant make her she has to want to.
tell her if u do then so can i
How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

Quit smoking and now Im over eating? -

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Quit smoking and now Im over eating? -

I was just wondering if ya-ll knew how it happened as well as how I can change it and maintain a regular eating habit once again?
hey Kibbles ..

congratulations on quitting, that-s a biggie...the good news is that you quit!! the weight isn-t really all that bad a news, most folks put on a few -new quit pounds- when quitting... the good news is that its usually temporary.. the folks in support groups have a saying -the weight can wait-.. in fact unless one is morbidly obese the benefits of quitting smoking out weigh the weight considerations

i see where others have mentioned the hand to mouth thing.. that is part of it, the other thing is that food just tastes better, when you have your sense of smell..also there are subtle changes in your metabolism that contribute.. many of us munch on low calorie stuff, like baby carrots, sunflower seeds are another favorite, as well as salted roasted in the shell peanuts..(a good multivitamin doesn-t hurt )..

you may note that i have mentioned support groups... i found that it was very helpful, for mysel,f to be involved with other quitters, as well as folks who had some solid recovery time behind them.. they answered a lot these kinds of questions.. i am a member of nicotine anonymous and attend meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Okay well I-m not 100% sure on this, but this is what I have been told.

When you smoked, your hand constantly moved from a resting position to your mouth, your mouth opened, you took in, then closed your mouth, and released.

in the same way, when you eat, your hand connstantly moves from a resting position to your mouth, you open your mouth, take in food, close mouth, and exhale.

so the motions are similar, and therefore your body replaces one with the other.

this is perfectly normal for someone giving up smoking, however if you don-t stop soon, it will result in mass weight gain.

how you get out, is your own choosing.
hey I just gave up smoking 8 days ago and have had similar problems. My only advice is to treat the new found addiction (which is what it really is) the same way you quit smoking. Think of a piece of chocolate cake like one cigarette. You knew after having just one relapse of smoking, it shouldn-t mean that you necessarily failed yourself. It just means that you start over. It-s not easy, but figure out how many calories you need in a day and do not exceed that number. Be sure to have a light breakfast and lunch and a normal dinner. Try drinking water or chewing gum, anything but smoking or having another bagel. And understand that if you eat a slice of chocolate cake, it-s not the end of the world. Just hop back in the saddle the next day.

good luck to you!
oral fixation;; ya need to find something else to do with your mouth...- if ya don-t work, get a job (few these days will give ya cig breaks)...
Quit smoking and now Im over eating? -

Have you ever quit smoking before? -

Have you ever quit smoking before? -

I quit smoking cold turkey about a year ago. But even now I still think about just lighting one up and smoking it. Its hard not to smoke when I drink but I have been doing a good job. Will I have this craving for the rest of my life?
Yep. I quit 10 years ago and the craving is still there.
Unfortunately, yes. I quit smoking 6 + months ago and I still have cravings every day.
I think you will, I quit for 2 years then one night when I was drinking I started back up, then I quit another time for about a month. And now just recently I quit since last Wednesday and I know I will start back up soon, I-m just fighting it and enjoying saving the money and cleaning my lungs out. It depends if you truly enjoy smoking, and I am one who does, but Good-Luck!!
Have you ever quit smoking before? -