How hard is it to quit smoking? -
I have tried several times and each time go a little longer than the previous, but I don-t want to mess around for a couple of days, or a week. I want to be done with it.
PLEASE! I will entertain any and all tips and tricks from anyone who has fought this monkey and gotten rid of the habit.
hey man there aint no easy way. i smoked for ten years and am quit for a year now. first you have to do it cold turky. no cutting down patch gum or anything. do it only when ur the most motivated and determined. then use all the will power that you have to not take even a hit off another cig, when cravings start chew gum, and work out. If you run it out that works vary well also, just keep yourself busy and you will notice in a few weeks the cravings will start to go away. just remember the key is cold turky if you put nicoteen in your body in any way you will fail its inevitable. remember dieng of lung cancer will suck, good luck. -clokey
Darned if I know. Been trying for a long time with no results even though I now have COPD. Strange though I don-t like the smell of smoke in the house or in the car. I do find that I don-t like the taste of cigarette after eating mint candy so I may try that out as a deterrent. As far as people saying JUST DON-T START....Well.....that-s kind of like closing the barn door after the horse got out.It-s a downright hard addiction. Good luck.:)
I have tried several times too and failed,it just boils down to wilpower in the end,I am thinking of giving it another go myself,so good luck to you and let me know if you finally kick it
I-m STILL trying- after 6 months! If you find the magical answer, let me in! I-ve also tried (and failed) at many, many different ways to quit. The hardest part isn-t the nicotine- it-s the habit- it-s the fact that smoking has permeated every area of your life and if you stop, what do you have to fill that void?
I know I probably haven-t been the most helpful, but I wanted you to know you aren-t alone in your efforts! Good luck to you!
I have smoked for .. ever. Just heard on the radio of a new procedure - throat laser treatment, to quit smoking. Said it works after one treatment. I know nothing more about this, and I am in the Metro Detroit, Michigan Area.
Smoking is more habit forming than heroine, and harder to shake.
From one addict to another, I feel your misery man. I vowed to quite when I am 40.
I smoked for 7 years and quit cold turkey 3 years ago. The easiest way to quit for me was to stop smoking when I was sick. I think I had a flu and an upper respitory infection, so I wasn-t exactly in the mood to light up. Once I got better, I allowed myself to carry a pack of cigarettes at all times as a safety net, but I never ended up smoking them. Also, find alternatives for your smoking -triggers-. My triggers were driving, needing to smoke after meals, and drinking. I found things to do instead of smoke when I encountered instances when I would usually light up. Instead of smoking after a meal, I-d brush my teeth. Instead of lighting up when I had a drink, I-d drink slower.
I did it cold turkey, lasted 2 years then started again. Tried again with welbutrin, it worked really good, then i broke out in hives. So as you can see I am still trying. good luck, be strong.
One thing I have seen that works is Candy. Get a Big bag of Sugarless Peppermints or Butterscotch, any thing you like, but, a Hard candy best as it will last awhile if you not Crunch it. Try to stay away from constant smokers as it makes you want when you smell the smoke. Brush your teeth regular through the day, a fresh mouth makes you want a smoke less too, I hope. Maybe try it and see, I have seen it work for others.
you just have to find the best way for you. i-ve been told that cold turkey is the best, (try chewing gum) but also remember, it-s an addiction. wish you luck!!
depends on the person- you just have to be done with it- throw it all out and just don-t buy any more- you need will power.
easiest if you never start. I have never had an issue with it.
i have stopped twice and it was retty easy for me. I just didn-t smoke and tried not to be anywhere where someone owuld be smoking. right now I have stopped (because i h vae a flue or some other), also -cold turkey-, no difficulties but I am planning to start again when i feel better.
Very easy just don-t start, it-s a stupid and expensive habit anyways, you are paying to kill yourself, you are a dumbass.
I quit when I got teeth pulled out. After the first 3 days, don-t pick up a cig in the morning. That morning cig will start you right back up again. I would say that just don-t pick them up in the morning and make yourself busy for about 3 days where you don-t have time to smoke. When you get the craving pop a piece of gum in your mouth and start on another project. Just think your house will be cleaner and good luck on the quiting. The body only craves it for 3 days and then its just your brain that wants it. I would say take a lot of showers so that the nicotine that comes through your pores will be removed from your skin, and brush your teeth a lot because then you don-t have the taste or smell to drive you crazy. It-s helped me.
Cigarettes are as addictive as Heroin, so you would need to go about quiting as you would any drug. Find a good support system and be ready to have a rough time, but you can do it if you really want to, you just have to want it bad enough. Quit cold turkey is the best method, just like quiting any other drug. Just say NO!