What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

My mom is 41 years old and has smoked since she was 16. She has now decided to quit. She was wanting to try the patches but doesn-t know which ones would work best. What would be the best ones for her? Or is there another method that would be better?
Chantix works really well! Both of my parents smoked for more than 20 years and this really helped them out.
Hi Latasha,

It-s good that you are concerned about your mother and are willing to help her. Smokers need people like you who can support them during the process of quitting. Well done for at least taking the first step to find out how to quit smoking.

I was a smoker before and I successfully quit because I decided to to quit. Your mother has already got what that first requirement - the desire to quit and that-s good. Everything from here, even though, it sounds hard in the first place is going to be easy because she has that desire to quit.

If you ask me, I would say there are many methods out there that she can try. The results vary from person to person so it-s hard to say what work for some people will work for others.

The way I quit ? I just go cold-turkey. I just quit. Yes, cold turkey is difficult if you don-t know how to do it. There are ways that can ease the process of quitting using cold turkey. For example, to have supportive people around to accompany the smokers during nicotine craving. Those supportive people will keep them occupied with something. Another way is to have a 30-day calendar that tracks your progress. This calendar will remind you about your progress and yes that will have some psychological benefit on you - you simply don-t want to destroy your result by start to smoke again in the middle of your progress. There are many more ways.

That-s all I can say for now. There are many more methods that you can look for. Just keep looking and find what works for your mother. I wish you good luck !!!
Well... There is no easy answer to this.

The patches contain the same thing as the cigarettes do which help stop the cravings which proves my point. It-s the chemicals they add to cigarettes and not the actual pure tobacco that is bad.

She can remain more or less healthy and still smoke if she smokes all natural tobacco w/o additives which is hard to come by these days.


Notice how they say that the chemicals are cancerous?

--- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070702081851AAEOTqs

The person who answered here states -you can safely use nicotine replacement for the rest of your life if you need to-

Which, again, proves my point that it (the patch) has the same components as tobacco.

But something your mother could do to help her stop smoking is to get lots of exercise.

Exercise creates acetylcholine in the brain which is the same thing that smoking does. That is why smokers crave cigarettes.
Acetylcholine helps people deal with stress and anxiety, which is why when people aren-t feeling top notch, they smoke more.

Acetylcholine gets depleted because society is such that there isn-t a day where someone isn-t stressed/sad/anxious, therefore we use a lot and need more each day which can create chain smokers.

So, as I said before, exercise will help her a lot and also doing saunas :)
I think this is one of your best decisions. You must know what are the advantages of quitting:


This will keep you motivated throughout. My friend was chain smoker and he quit. He use to say, just be mentally strong and you can do it. Here are some tips that helped him:


I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps


Read these stories


youll get some ideas
Good Luck
What is the best way to quit smoking? -