I quit smoking yesterday. Does anyone know how long until you dont desire a cigarette.? -
I feel like I-m gonna lose my mind. I-ve been a smoker for approximately 28 years. So, I just quit with the help of laser therapy. But I just want that after meal cigarette craving to stop. That-s the worst for me. Anybody have any suggestions?
I can relate to this 1000% I did not do the laser I used the patch and nicatrol inhalers (as your Dr. they are RX only) the inhalers help with the crave and the hand mouth habit. I also chew allot of gum... sugar free. Good luck and if you can make it through the first 72 hrs it gets a little better.
rewards for not smoking like every week. set a goal -after one month of not smoking i purchased a ring i foung on ebay. after 2 months i treated my self to new CD-s i have been wanting to get (u know convert from LP-s to -CD-s) little things like this are good for you... good luck keep it up
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First of all good luck to you, I have had many friends that has quit smoking here recently and they are chewing on straws and doing excercises. I know it is very hard. It will get better in time. Keep your head up and don-t give in to the cigarette. As far as how long till u don-t crave, that varies. some people still crave but they get through it! and u will to! hang in there~
Try oatstraw herbal tea. If you want to try licorice root sticks, you need to research to see if it is ok for you first.
i quit 2 years ago and still want cigarettes when i am doing things that i used smoke while i did -- like wait for trains in your car, etc.
You need to find something like relaxes you. Try peppermint tea, you can go to health food stores and get valerian and lobelia drops -- they will help you find them if you don-t know what you are looking for. The old standby gum -- but it didn-t do much for me.
Well smoker here, have tried to quit. But haven-t been successful. Seems to me if you have gone 24 hours and not smoked, and haven-t chocked the living sh#t out of someone that desperately deserved it, then your doing pretty darn good. As for the craving, sure it varies from individual to individual. Hey I-m so proud of you for quitting. You get a standing ovation from me. If you back slide, I have heard hypo sis may help. Been thinking of trying this hypnosis thing myself.
It varies, sorry, wish I could tell you tomorrow was the last day you would crave it. I-m glad to hear you made that choice, hope you stick with it.
I-ve smoked for almost 40 years, I have quit a few times, but when I would get stressed, then I-d smoke one and was back on them again. Even now the dr. tells me I have chronic bronchitis and starting with emphysema and if I quit now then my lungs will heal some. My brother-in-law has been quit for over 30 years now and he told me that the craving NEVER goes away. I have tried patches, nicorette gum, cold turkey, the inhaler and several other things, but I still can-t stay quit.
I hope you succeed my dear, each day will be a little easier.
My problem is the idea of a cigarette in my fingers and the action of bringing it to my lips. This may sound crazy, but it is that habit.
God bless you in you endeavor.
Seriously - you will always crave smoking to some degree or another.
Generally after about 2 to 6 weeks the addictive effect of the nicotine has
been washed from your system, but your brain has been fundamentally
altered, so it will always want it.
However, after 2 to 6 weeks, it will be much easier to forget about the
craving. We all have cravings from our childhood that we simply put
asside because we have to - smoking will eventually be like those.
However, you may find from time to time that a whiff of cigarette smoke
makes it all come back - at least for a short time.
You can do it, however. Millions have and the statistics on mortality
after quitting smoking are remarkable - and I-ve seen what the lung
of someone who has been smoking for only 10 years looks like. Its
amazing how much your body can recover given a chance.
When was the last time the fact that you couldn-t suckle your mother-s
breast or run away from someone who was being verbally mean to you?
You can control these things. Its hard - but between the various meds
that are becoming available and the fact that its just getting more and
more annoying to find places to smoke, it isn-t impossible.
Scratch the walls and yell at puppies for a few weeks. It will be worth it.
I promise!
i smoked for fifteen years and the year after my mother passed away i gave up smoking i thought i was going to lose my mind but i started doing crafts keeping my hands busy and keeping some candy on hand like hard candy something to just to keep my mind off of smoking i found too that cutting a drinking straw in half and putting a little tissue or paper towel in one end of it and just puffing on it like a cigerette taking draws and stuff calms you down i have been quit smoking now for five years february will be six years for me and still times i feel the urge for one until i get around one of my sisters who chain smoke and the smoke gags me and they stink i never realized how bad a person smells while smoking until i quit and all smells and tastes are so much stronger......good luck....
the cravings never stop I quit for 3 years and the cravings were still there not like stomach turning cravings but just that mental addiction craving. Then i decided to bum one and that wasn-t to bad but as soon as I bought myself a pack It was over. I don-t understand why gas stations don-t sell single cigarettes for that everyonce in a while crave, I yeah I know why they don-t its because they want our money. cigarettes are more addictive than heroin because, and its not so much as the withdraw symptoms as it is you can get them on any corner in any town no matter who you are.
I quit smoking 4 years ago. Once in a while I will be around some one that is smoking and it will smell SO good. You may be tempted to -bum a smoke-. Don-t do it! You-ll bum another and another. Pretty soon you-ll tell yourself that you can-t keep bumming smokes, so you will buy one, and only one, pack of cigarettes. At least that is what you plan. Chances are you will start smoking again. Remember, just as an alcoholic can-t have just one drink, neither can an ex-smoker have just one smoke.
It depends on the individual. First of all Cigarettes contain NICOTINE which is a compound that the Body can create when you ingest NIACIN or your body can synthesize Niacin which IS a type of Nicotine Compound when necessary from the Essential Amino Acid L-TRYPTOPHAN. Niacin is called also NICOTINIC ACID. Nicotine from Cigarettes interferes with the Brain Receptors which uptakes Tryptophan to convert it into Serotonin and ultimately this leads to Melatonin with the Help of Vitamin B-5(Pantothenic Acid). Nicotine screws all of this up because your body makes a junky inferior form of Niacin from the Cigarette Nicotine which can then hold your Nervous System hostage by making it dependent on this outside source of Nicotine which can hurt the Brain-s ability to make its own Neurotransmitters. When that happens this creates a Serotonin deficiency which leads to irratiblity, moodiness,-worse sleeplessness because Serotonin is what keeps people upbeat and Happy. Nicotine also interferes with L-TYROSINE uptake L-TYROSINE is converted into EPINEPHRINE AND NOREPINEPHRINE (Adrenaline) these lead to L-DOPAMINE which is also a mood enhancer and necessary for Sexual Desire. If your L-Dopa levels are balanced during the day and Serotonin at night along with sufficient intake of B-VITAMINS which is necessary for overcoming any addiction and Nicotine is no exception one could slowly recover. Also depending on how long you have smoked you need to have a good ANTI-OXIDANT supplement a good product is ENVIRO-DEFENSE FROM RAINBOW LIGHT. This is a good product for helping the body recover from long term Cigarette smoking also SMOKE SHIELD BY NEW CHAPTER is very good and also ULTIMATE RESPIRATORY CLEANSE BY NATURE-S SECRET is another good product. Depending on what you are willing to do if your diet is decent you add a good Multi-Vitamin ,A lot of Vitamin-C , a good ANTI-OXIDANT and you add L-Tyrosine in the morning and L-Tryptophan at nighttime before bedtime in the long run this should give you some good results. I hope this is helpful Be Well.
It takes a lo-o-o-ong time to get over the cravings. Hang in there and one day you-ll wake up and not be able to remember exactly when you quit...
First of all, you must really make up your mind that you want to quit or else nothing you try will be successful. I am an ex-smoker who smoked for several years before quitting. One day I saw a program on TV where a doctor spoke about the effectiveness of using biofeedback in quitting smoking and drugs. What he explained was that when you are trying not to do something, the more you try to ignore it the more your brain will work against you and make you want to do it. So, his advice for quitting smoking was this: for many smokers the most difficult time not to have a cigarette is usually after a meal or when you are having your coffee, as well as, when someone else is smoking; the best thing to do at that point is, if you feel the craving to light up is overwhelming, just acknowledge to yourself that -yes- a cigarette right now would be great, but I am not going to do it. By acknowledging your desire you are tricking your brain so that it doesn-t work against you. Also, address each incident of craving one at a time. In other words, don-t look at it with the thought that -oh no, I have to face the rest of my life without a cigarette.- Just address each craving as they occur using the mindset as outlined above. I tried it and boy did it work for me. So, the key is, don-t deny your cravings. Admit them, but don-t give in to them. By following this method it took me only a few weeks to get past the worst of it and then I was fine with it.