Quit smoking? -

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Quit smoking? -

I tried to quit smoking today, but I-m a sucker I guess, this is like my fifth time trying. I really want to quit but I just go crazy inside when I don-t smoke. This sucks, never smoke.
I quit after many years, have been free for over 2 years now.

First off, what one guy already told you...american spirit.
first thing change to those never smoke anything else.
cut out hundreds o chemicals that your body doesnt need and makes it more addictive and poisonous.

The way I finally quit.: I picked a date, which was my birthday for easy reference, also to give myself the present of healthy lungs. I chose it like 5 months in advance. The rule I gave myself was that I could smoke all I wanted until my birthday, and by that date I would never smoke again. I told everybody that I knew, family, friends, and professionally, that I would quit by that date. Then my pride was entangled with that goal so I could not fail. Sometimes when we state something, like we wiull quit smoking, there just isnt a high enough level of committment. For my personality, this was the magic way. I didnt feel deprived because I smoked all I wanted, and every time I did I announced my quit date. Of all the people I told, only a couple doubted me, but their doubt made my will even stronger.

I also did stuff like worked on reducing the amount I smoked to make it easier to drop it, and not aqllowing myself to smoke indoors, I smoked outside with a special jacket, to keep the smell off my clothes. I learned some other things, deep things during this time, which I will share with you if you are interested and contact me by email.

Do it, quit. You wont regret it.
My mom quit cold turkey. You force yourself to never buy them, or you try to find a reason to put it off and you-ll never have any to smoke when you want to.
You can also try gradually getting off of them. Say you currently smoke a pack a day, cut back to half that amount until you are comfortable with that level cut back again until you eventually feel you can stop.
Nicotine patches might also help, and again just gradually cut back.
Those are the 3 best suggestions I can come up with. Whatever you do don-t put it off, start today or else for the rest of your life you-ll be telling yourself you can quit tomorrow. Good Luck!
first of all I just want to say: That-s great! you want to quit smoking!

next I think you should go and talk to your pharamcist on how you can quit somking. He/she can suggest methods that you can try to help you quit. Also, from what I-ve lerned in school when you want to smoke first you should try and destract yourself, like go and brush your teeth everytim you want to smoke or try and slove a puzzle. I also learned that if you drink cold water slowly when feel like somking you will lose the urge to smoke. I don-t know how it works but it effect a part of the brain to help you out with not smoking. I hope this helps. but you should seek professional help with that quest of yours it may seem hard at times, but you-re doing it to have better health =)
yes, i-ve been there.
i guess it was easier for me to quit because i-m a minor and it wasnt always easy getting a hold of them. and it wasnt always easy smoking them. for me.. it just got old trying to hide it. but for you, if you cant do it cold turkey.. try some of the gum or the patch. there are a lot of things available to help you out. but boy do i know what you mean.. when you think everything is going well you think about it for 2 seconds and want that quick fix. try to keep busy. tell all your friends not to let you even think about it. and if you do think about it.. then talk about it! tell someone how badly you want one but how you know you can-t. good luck.
This is easier than you think, and thats the main thing you need to know.
You were not born with a cigarette, so there for you do not need to die by them eh?

Whenever you want a cigarette, distract yourself, you can drink water, treat yourself with chocolate or...

Take your thumb and index finger of either hand, do you know that flap of skin between them? Use your thumb and index finger to gently press this skin on the other hand between the thumb and index finger.
Press gently or a little more hard (DO NOT BRUISE YOURSELF!!) until you feel the craving pass.
You can count in between too.

This has actually helped my friend who smoked for 20 years quit.

Good luck I know you can do this!
first, try switching to -american spirit- cigarettes. it won-t fulfill your cravings like marbolo or camel, because american spirit is natural tobacco and does not contain additives and all that crap. but it-ll help you cope. then slowly, little by little, reduce the amount of american spirit cigarettes, and eventually you can be smoke free.
Just quit completely.

I began college a few years ago. Before that, I used to drink pop/soda. However, in college I drank coffee to keep myself awake. I didn-t want to drink pop when I eat lunch in the cafeteria because I didn-t want to get too much caffeine from coffee+soda. So I quit drinking soda and started drinking water. I no longer have a craving for soda. It got cleared from my system. I probably drink one soda once every few months.
it-s so hard!! keep trying though, you can do it! i quit for a year, then started back up over the new year... aaarrrgggeee!!! the way i did it the first time was to take a vacation of at least 5 days, get lots of munchies, gum, candy and mints and plant yourself in front of the t.v.... 5 days of overeating is better than a lifetime of smoking!!
well please dont give up. my mom and dad smokes and i cant stand it. it makes me wanna cry everytime she lites a cig. because then shes on breath closer to dieing. i relly dont want to be a kid with no parents. and if you have kids im sure they feel the same way as i do. even if you dont im sure your friends and family feel that way to.
change it for anoyher habbit.
instead of goin outside for a smoke go for a peice of gum , or jog or someting u wouldent like, like when ever u want a smoke do 5 pushups and then u will eventually hate it and stop tinin abvout it
For a good strategy for this see smoking on this webpage below. With what they add to tobacco, it is now almost impossible to stop.


try eating a wasabi pea every time you feel the urge for a cigarette. it worked for me. Trust me, I highly suggest it.
Trying to do it on your own can be pure hell. You can go to your doctor and get medications that will help relax you so you can overcome the cravings.
get somebody to put a hair in a half of your cigs and more and more over time the taste will be utterly disgusting but you-ll quit
start off slowly start by smoking 3 a day.. than when your used to it 2.. than 1.. than none! its a slow process ur addiction wont go away in one day!
You have no realy method.

See your doctor about how to pack up and that may help.

MAKE YOUR SELF STOP! that might work.
try nicotene free, the patch or the gum. try a hotline. try something else. best of luck
nicotine gum

try putting a pack ni front of you and try to not be bothered by it
throw them away
Quit smoking? -