Why cant I quit smoking, what can I try? -

Monday, February 11, 2019

Why cant I quit smoking, what can I try? -

You will quit smoking when you SINCERELY make up your mind that you will be a non-smoker. Once your mind is really made up, you will quit. Also, stop asking -why can-t I quit?- The question should be -How can I quit?- It-s not a question of why because, in fact you really can do it. You just need the method.
Eliminate the word TRY from your vocabulary.
There is no such thing.
Either decide to do it or not!!!!!

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there is a new treatment out there - it is laser accupressure.... check it out... I know 3 people that it worked for (3 long time smokers who tried everything else and failed).....
Don-t try to stop it by reduce the cigarrette consumption or change it with coffee. Stop it, not reduce it slowly. Your body will suffer, but that-s when the antibodi of cigar made. Just like drug addicts. Stop it, not reduce it until it-s stop
The gum sucks, the inhaler is annoying, but the lozenge, yea the lozenge. The patch gets irritating. Do not go cold turkey.

I say lozenge.
have a load of will power to quit. its all up to you. try to keep out on the places that will makes you tempted to smoke again. think cigarrite as the thing that you hate the most.... you wouldnt want to put the thing you hate the most to put on your mouth, arent you? good luck...its good for you.
Try your will power.
zyban is the only known and proven remedy to help you quit smoking. ask a doctor. willpower in a pill.
it depends on u
You should definately check out Cochrane (www.cochrane.com), specifically,
It has a review of most of the smoking cessation techniques, and how efficacious they are. Best of luck!
Why cant I quit smoking, what can I try? -