How long do you have to quit smoking mary jane before you can pass a blood drug test? -
I have to pass a blood drug about 6 weeks...last smoked in the last 2 I have a chance?
Most likely you will pass as long as you don-t do it until after the test in 6 weeks. It also depends on your body weight, the bigger you are the longer it stays in your system. Just drink a lot of water also. Good Luck!
THC stays in ur urine for up to 30 days but it will be out of your blood system within 3 to 5 days. So you WILL pass your test.
If you DO NOT toke again you will be OK in 6 weeks. It-ll hang in your system at LEAST 30 days. You-re done, OK?
Yes. No problem
Buy detox products
Every person is different it is hard to say. How long the THC stays in your system depends on a persons weight, the last time they smoked, how much they smoked, the concentration of THC, how their metabolism is, how much body fat they have. Maybe you should try not smoking pot when you know you get tested, especially blood test. It-s called responsibility.
90 days max...stop smoking now and do a lot of fat burning workouts and drink a LOT of water...
You should be OK. It should be out of your system in 30 days.