How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -

Friday, December 24, 2010

How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -

only one way to quit smoking
just quit
in Case u have a cigarette in ur hand while reading this then just throw it and say i quit and don-t lite any more
that-s it, how simple
but it-s not so simple if u have been smoking for a long time
long term smokers need a strong determination to quit, stop with another friend together, take some medical help, have alternate work to do when u get craving for the smoke
do exercise since u will put on weight
eat balanced diet
wish u smoke related disease free life in future
all the best to quit smoking and help others to do so
I quit smoking two weeks ago, but i must admit i had help from my doctor, he gave me a course of tablets called Zyban, and they work, it also takes will power but its better than all those Nicotine replacement therapies out there, But one thing i didn-t do is go to any therapy, groups etc, because in my opinion they wouldn-t of worked for me because i know i am giving up so i don-t need to talk about it and remind myself about smoking, i found distraction worked better. Good luck as i know how difficult it can be.
see a therapist or a doctor. if you are a longtime user, you may need a bit of medical help. cold turkey works but is for the truly determined. you will also have to get over all the things that go along with smoking like the hand position and the social aspect. don-t be afraid to ask a friend, family member or doc for help. understand that you may very well relapse but that that-s ok, you are just getting better and better at dealing with whatever cravings you do have. good luck
i was a chain smoker when i was in teens. I had a wrong notion that smoking helps to think better, it is manly to smoke.This habit continued even after my marriage.. but my wife did not like it. so to cover it, i used some sort of supari , but even then my wife used to find it, and we had some unpleasant quarrels over it. Then we had our first child. one of my neighbor was an elderly man, he advised me not to smoke as i am now a father of a child; this he told me, will create wrong impression on him, and when he grows up , he will also start the same habit. I thought about my son smoking in future and that made me to stop smoking.. i just stopped.. my appetite improved, my relationship with my wife also improved; if you have that WILL TO LEAVE SMOKING HABIT- YOU CAN SURELY DO IT..
Resolve it to day.. that you will never smoke.. and keep it that way.. i am sure you can...
First believe that you have lot of responsibility in this world and you have many things to think do not waste your time on how to stop its not a big deal you do not require it that-s it.

don-t quit
take a stand against political correctness

First, practice deep breathing every time you feel that urge to smoke a cigarette. Make sure to inhale a lung-full of air that you can muster in one breath. Then, let the air escape through your lips slowly. This simple act is a basic form of yoga and can be useful when you are placed in stressful situations that may urge you to light up a cigarette.
Second, it is always advisable to take in a lot of fluid. There-s nothing water can-t heal, goes one famous saying, and it stands true because drinking large amounts of water will aid your body to wash out the nicotine and other toxins that corrupt your body.

Third, write down all the positive things of being a non-smoker. Jotting down these advantages will open your eyes and enlighten your frame of thinking which was primarily clouded with the addiction to smoking. Be sure to read aloud all the good things that you-ve written down. In this way, you get to condition yourself to avoid thinking of going back to your addiction.
Fourth, indulge in simple pleasures. You can try pampering yourself by enjoying a day at a spa to release all the bad vibes and stressful tensions that may serve as impetus to your smoking spree.
How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -