How do we quit smoking and abstain from alcohol? -

Friday, July 24, 2020

How do we quit smoking and abstain from alcohol? -

Just stop. Make the last cigarette and the last drink the last one. Then drink coke , lemonade or juice when you go out.
Your body does not need these poisons.
Think about leaving your loved ones behind when you die from a painful death from cancer or liver disease. Or think about how they have to watch you suffer and take your last breath. Sorry I don-t want to sound mean and nasty about it but this is the truth. I saw what my wife had to go through when her father died from cancer. This has cured me from wanting to go back to smoking. I have been smoke free for 15 years. Quiting is the best thing you can do.
How do we quit smoking and abstain from alcohol? -

How did you successfully quit smoking? -

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How did you successfully quit smoking? -

Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
After smoking about a pack of Marlboro-s a day for twenty-five years I stopped cold turkey. That was almost five years ago. It was very difficult but I knew the longer I didn-t smoke the easier it would be to be a non-smoker.
I looked at the burning cigarette and envisioned the $5.00 bill I-d just spent on the pack burning in my hand.....
it worked - it was hard - but it worked
you could still smoke, but when you smoke, dont lit the fire, that way it will bore you and you won-t smoke anymore
watched my dad die of cancer the year before, got pneumonia (couldn-t smoke but man I tried!) after not smoking for 4 days I pushed the water for a week to flush the nic from my kidneys. Been smoke-free for 9 months and feeling wonderful! I realize I am a lucky man. Good luck.
It took me thirty years but I finally revised my thinking in 1999.
Never again !
Found out I was pregnant.
I decided not to let a piece of paper filled with toxic dried up leaves have any control over me.
I know two success stories. One was a gal who decided she wanted a one carat diamond ring more than she wanted to smoke. She started putting her cigarette money into her diamond jar. Got her ring. Last I heard she-s working on getting her fourth. She does it much faster now because the price of cigarettes has gotten so high.

The other was divine intervention. The gal did not intend to quit, but God decided differently. She was smoking outside a building and the wind came up so violently it blew the smoke she-d just exhaled back down into her stomach. Made her violently sick. A few hours later she tried to smoke again and got violently sick. She got the message. Hasn-t smoked since.
Regression therapy. Where are you located and are you interested to try the thechnique?
oh yeah right. i just read one answer and i am done. its harder than a person thinks. you cant just throw it down and never smoke again. people that say that have never smoked
the best way is not to start smoking at all...
if you are a smoker..then just drop the cigare...and say i wont smoke anymore and dont...
i never smoked but let me suggest something every time u smoke a cig lock urself in a closet and play a small world song over and over again 3 about an hour thats wut my mom did
How did you successfully quit smoking? -

Ive quit smoking, worried about the damage? -

Ive quit smoking, worried about the damage? -

How long will it take for my lungs to recover after i quit smoking.
Ive been smoking 3 packets of marlboro reds per week for the last 2 years and wanted to know how long will it take for my lungs to recover to the point where it was before i started smoking.
Ive no illness but im seriously concerned about my health lately.
you got nothing to worry about. you will start feeling the benefits right away. you will smell and tastes better sleep better your out look on life will be more dynamic. as for your internal organs they will be just fine.
15 years, please see below:

Within ...

20 minutes - Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.

8 hours - Remaining nicotine in your bloodstream will have fallen to 6.25% of normal peak daily levels, a 93.25% reduction.

12 hours - Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal.

24 hours - Anxieties peak and within two weeks should return to near pre-cessation levels.

48 hours - Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. Cessation anger and irritability peaks.

72 hours - Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites (the chemicals it breaks down into) will now have passed from your body via your urine. Symptoms of chemical withdrawal have peaked in intensity, including restlessness. The number of cue induced crave episodes will peak for the -average- ex-user. Lung bronchial tubes leading to air sacs (alveoli) are beginning to relax in recovering smokers. Breathing is becoming easier and the lungs functional abilities are starting to increase.

5 - 8 days - The -average- ex-smoker will encounter an -average- of three cue induced crave episodes per day. Although we may not be -average- and although serious cessation time distortion can make minutes feel like hours, it is unlikely that any single episode will last longer than 3 minutes. Keep a clock handy and time them.

10 days - 10 days - The -average ex-user is down to encountering less than two crave episodes per day, each less than 3 minutes.

10 days to 2 weeks - Recovery has likely progressed to the point where your addiction is no longer doing the talking. Blood circulation in our gums and teeth are now similar to that of a non-user.

2 to 4 weeks - Cessation related anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, impatience, insomnia, restlessness and depression have ended. If still experiencing any of these symptoms get seen and evaluated by your physician.

21 days - Brain acetylcholine receptor counts up-regulated in response to nicotine-s presence have now down-regulated and receptor binding has returned to levels seen in the brains of non-smokers.

2 weeks to 3 months - Your heart attack risk has started to drop. Your lung function is beginning to improve.

3 weeks to 3 months - Your circulation has substantially improved. Walking has become easier. Your chronic cough, if any, has likely disappeared.

1 to 9 months - Any smoking related sinus congestion, fatigue or shortness of breath have decreased. Cilia have regrown in your lungs thereby increasing their ability to handle mucus, keep your lungs clean, and reduce infections. Your body-s overall energy has increased.

1 year - Your excess risk of coronary heart disease has dropped to less than half that of a smoker.

5 to 15 years - Your risk of stroke has declined to that of a non-smoker.

10 years - Your risk of death from lung cancer has declined by almost half if you were an average smoker (one pack per day). Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus has now decreased.

15 years - Your risk of coronary heart disease is now that of a person who has never smoked.
You will start experiencing health benefits immediately. Provided you have done no permanent damage, your lungs should recover fully in ten years. However, with smoking there-s always the risk that there could be problems such as atherosclerosis or pancreatic damage that won-t manifest themselves until later in life.
Just be healthy, you must watch your diet, and make sure you do your best to recover. Please have a look at this website for some good information
you should notice after a couple of weeks, but the lungs take time to get better, could a year plus.
Ive quit smoking, worried about the damage? -

How can I quit smoking? -

How can I quit smoking? -

get some back bone say im gonna quit and stick by your decision...i know this will work, i havent done it i dont want to quit smoking but i know it would work if i did it, it should work for you if you got some strength of will, it-s an addiction- addictions can be overcome you just got to get through withdrawel without giving in
Two words. Duct tape.
I use to smoke cigarettes for over 15 years,and i tried smoke away,and going cold turkey and it didn-t work, So one day I gave GOD a call and ask him to take the desire of cigarettes away from me, I ask him to let the taste make me sick to my stomach. Two weeks later i smoked a cigarette and it make me sick to my stomach and also I was coughing like crazy. After that day i have never smoked a cigarette again and it-s been 6 years . So go to your Heavenly Father and he will do it for you .
throw your cigarettes and lighters in the trash, and dont buy anymore.
Take Ashwagangha capsule for 3 months and then see, you will don-t have craving for smoking. It is ayurvedic medicine .
chewing gum
How can I quit smoking? -

Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

Friday, July 17, 2020

Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

I really don-t want to change the date, and I-m def not telling the doc. My mom would kill me!
It depends on the kind of plastic surgery, if we are talking face lift the ideal would be for you to be nicotine free at least 6 months before, if you only quit a week ago, postpone the surgery you will throwing your money away and could have some disastrous outcomes ( you need good circulation of the tiny blood vessels in the face to heal properly and not get tissue necrosis - tissue death which could leave you ugly looking not just old looking ) If you are talking breast implants if increases your risk of a bad outcome, but if you are young and otherwise healthy it isn-t the biggest deal ( but I still suggest you be honest with your doc and definitely with the anesthesiologist... ) If you are talking lipo again depending on the location on your body and the amount and your age and health it could cause a bad outcome and a longer recovery...
You must be honest with the anesthesiologist if you are undergoing general anesthesia ( they do it on smoker-s all of the time but it is different ) because you quit only a week ago you will have more mucus, phlegm and other junk coming up that the smoking has kept down so you need to give the anesthesiologist a heads up about this, you don-t want to end up with pneumonia.
Best advice, be oonest with the doc-s you aren-t the first and won-t be the last to do this... They understand. But you are paying big bucks and are facing a recovery period, why risk wasting your money, having a poor cosmetic outcome ( when that is the point of plastic surgery ) and a longer recovery, let your doctor give you the facts about the risks involved in your particular procedure
As for your mother, how will she know... If you need to postpone you can always say the doctor wanted you to because he found you to be slightly anemic or had a schedualing proble, or just say you got nervous, or felt a cold coming on... Anything.
it is very unsafe and stupid. not telling the doctor is like giving him a bad surprise....he will figure it out when he can-t extubate you (that-s take the breathing tube out) after your surgery. you see they don-t go to school for 8+ years just for the hell of it.....they are really really smart. also smoking impedes your healing which will affect whatever procedure you are having, making it possibly a failure. so suck it up and come clean.
Tell the doc the truth. In some instances not following the doctors orders to a T can cost you your life.
Its really to do with the anesthetic. They say it is a bad move to stop one week before. I was told to continue rather than do that and stop after wards. Check with your Dr.
I dont know you but please change the date, I fear for your life. They dont give these instructions for nothing. I-m sure yur mother will understand rather than having to find out after you-re dead
Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

What changes in looks will I receive from quitting smoking? -

Monday, July 13, 2020

What changes in looks will I receive from quitting smoking? -

Ive decided to quit smoking finally for health , but I was curious to what I can expect in changes for appearance . Ive heard of so many different things out there im not sure which ones are true and which ones are not.
ur teeth will be whiter, ur lungs will look pretty:]
ur skin will be MUCH better, less dry and junk..
your skin should become more radiant and healthy-er looking. your teeth should become whiter depending on how long youve smoked, you will slowly smell less like cigarettes. I konw theres more but i cant remember, just call your doctor and ask for the full list of the benefits, they can read them to you on the phone, obviously for no charge.
The only physical kind of change i can think of, is that your teeth wont be as stained as they could get if you remain smoking. Also, just the image of smoking may turn some people off.

And of coarse thier is the health benefit. so good luck =D
Well you will see wrinkles in your face start to fill in when the collagen starts to reform under your skin. I think it would be best to start taking vitamin c and using some kind of vitamin c serum on your face.
-Receive?- Do you expect somebody to send you something in the mail? Maybe it-s something new... Maybe if you quit smoking they send you a new face... Check with the Health Department.
Well for a start you will be able to taste and smell things better than will also benefit from not putting all those poisons into your body .You will eventually be able to walk further and breath easier.
gradually u wl regain ur health...n u wl b looking more fresh than before....olso u wl reduce the risk of oral or lung cancer at the same time
What changes in looks will I receive from quitting smoking? -

Suggest me some methods to quit smoking? -

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Suggest me some methods to quit smoking? -

I am smoking for the past 27 yrs. My first wife has been cigars.
the patch, hard candy, gum, coffee, carrot sticks...
They say it-s an oral fixation so if you always have something around like a pen or pencil or carrot sticks to hold like a cigarette and put in your mouth they say that helps...
Go get those chewing gums that slowly stop addiction and if not just cut down on the amount you smoke everyday. Eat healthy, exercise and avoid junk food.
Hi there !
-just stop it-....thats it...
best wishes !
There is one simple way to stop smoking which i discovered after many years of trying, it dosent involve patches or replacements or anything.
Sit down with your last cigarette, light it, and while you are smoking admit you are an addict and that you are a slave to the drugs in the cigarette.
Realise that the only way you will ever stop is by never ever smoking again, not ever or you will end up back where you started.
Its a bit like being an alcoholic, you have to accept the fact you can never smoke again.No ifs, no buts, no maybes...........its over.
Put the cigarette out and get on with your life................its not easy, but its worth it . Good luck
Quit for one day. Tomorrow is another day. Quit tomorrow too, etc. Stay busy. Don-t drink alcohol. Try to stay away from people who smoke. Try the patch. You might want to try a hypnotist. The first three days is the hardest. Quit and stay quit. You can do it, I quit many years ago. Good luck!
Patch, pill, gum...have you tried those yet? Try picking up a hobby. Quitting smokers usually feel a need to have something between their fingers, so try carrying around a pen to chew on or write with...
if u will to ,quit smoking u will suceed in it
the only way to stop is willpower

i tried all those pills and patches , but they never worked , but they never worked because i was expecting them to stop me from smoking

the only thing that can do that is YOU

its not easy but it can be done

i smoked for 35 years and stopped , but had tried to stop numerous times before , only diffirence this time was i REALLY wanted to , and was determined to , sometimes i could have killed for a smoke , but with willpower those feelings pass

all the best
cold turkey did it for me
I would say patches, nicorette gum, and other things like that that slowly get you off your nicotene habit.
Another thing you could try is coffee. Sure it-s a drug, but its health effects aren-t as bad, as long as you don-t have too much. When you have a break at work, have a coffee instead of cigarette. Your brain will be stimulated, just by a different drug.
Of course this won-t work if you have coffee with your cigarettes.
Read Alan Carrs -The easy way to give up smoking-
It made me quit for 5 years.
Then I broke his rule.
Good luck
I don-t smoke myself but I know several people who have been helped by hypnotherapy.
your a quitter i can tell

you can read all about it theres sweetie

good luck =]
In just 30 days or less, you can quit smoking
Blow smoke away, and on your way back to better health... Guaranteed! We guarantee you will quit smoking! If you-ve ever needed stop smoking aids then what are you waiting for, stop smoking today! Eliminate The Cigarette Cravings and Side-Affects Insomnia... tension... irritability... weight gain... nervousness... fatigue... these are just a few of the uncomfortable and even painful symptoms most quitters experience. Just one or two of these is enough to have most people crying -uncle- and racing toward their hidden -emergency- pack of cigarettes. Once that happens, all hope of quitting smoking is lost.
Nicorette patch/gum?

Try this website, there are some good ideas to help you quit, and some good information about it :

just stop cold turkey. easy for me to say... i dont smoke.
Stop buying them for a start... and then get on a NRT program.

Lozenges - The Inhilator worked for me... Along with a great amount of will power!!

You have to WANT TO GIVE UP!!!
Why in the world would you want to quit smoking? Don-t believe all that crap about patches, gums and will power. Life-s too short to waste away. I say if you want to quit smoking, then dont, but if you don-t want to quit, just keep on doin it. With all the poisons we ingest and breathe every day, our lives are already doomed. So don-t quit smoking if you don-t want to.

Smoker 53 yrs
i guess they have a pill that works really well, i dont know what its called but they make tobacco taste nasty and you just dont want them any more. but the best and cheapest way is cold turkey.
Just Try to buy some expansive one....
when u fell like smoking think u r going to kiss ur girl friend after u smoke ........
repeat the same thing when ever u like to smoke ...
Take Zyban (bupropion HCI) It really helps kill the cravings.
I took it for a month two weeks before I quit and then 2 weeks after. Was a huge help, and I was ready to quit.
Well, its all the head dude... once u decide u wana quit, u can be strong tell urself u can do it.. go on for few days and u will reach somewhere if u want. Remember no one will come with u in the grave. Live a happy longer life im sure u can achieve it some day.
Heard of one person do this. He smashed a whole brand new pack and always kept it in front of him in the office - whenever he saw it. He remembered his days while he used to smoke.
All the best is all i can say :)
Take Care
take up drinking... hehe kidding, try to slowly cut down on your cigar consumption... you can-t just quit instantly, it takes time because your body and brain has already been condition to crave for nicotine. you can do it man.
Suggest me some methods to quit smoking? -

Can smoking leaves and natural plants help you quit smoking cigarrets? -

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Can smoking leaves and natural plants help you quit smoking cigarrets? -

Okay, I read that in order to break an addiction you gotto trick the brain and replace the habbit with something else. well I want to do this so smoking plants and leaves and things like that just to try and break the addiction work? then once my body has stopped craving nicotine cause there is none in the leaves and plants. Then I stop for good???

I know this sounds stupid but I want to do it to quit...
What about weed? Its not physically addicting like tobacco and feels much better.
I dont think it will help.
Last month I tried to quit and picked up a pack of herbal cigarettes (no tobacco, nicotine, or chemicals) to help me out. I lasted 4 days, I smoked 2 packs of these these herbal cigs and finally my body was so hungry for nicotine I broke down. I walked to the store and bought a pack of real cigs and that 1st cig was probably the best I ever smoked.

I think the act of smoking these herbals reminded me too much of my normal cigarettes.
It takes a few days to get over the physical addiction, but the mental addiction can last a lifetime. What kinds of plants and leaves do you plan on smoking? You might as well try those candy cigarettes.

if you need a full program to help you quit, try this:…

You-ll get cancer quicker! Stop smoking everything!

Breath some fresh air! Eat some good food....Get physical.
I know the feeling man, smoke cannibus and it will kick the nicotine habit. It helped me.
Can smoking leaves and natural plants help you quit smoking cigarrets? -

If i quit smoking, how long will it take for me to physically feel a difference in stamina and breathing? -

Friday, July 3, 2020

If i quit smoking, how long will it take for me to physically feel a difference in stamina and breathing? -

just wondering how long before i can breath easier, and run a longer distance than i currently can. ive only been a nonsmoker for about 4 days at this point, however, ive tried to quit before and i am serious this time...
i quit smoking 10 months ago and it took a week or two to normalize my breathing. but you must work out a bit to build up your stamina
It will give you immediate result. Try it.
If you know it is harmful why do you smoke? It is not just because Nicotin gives yr brain some kind of sharpness, or it gives yr lips stimulus, or it helps to recover constipation. It is said that you deliberately choose to smoke because it is harmful and you unconsciously think you deserve punishment and self-mutilation. Stop it right now. Look around you and see you are too nice to be punished by the dangers of smoking.
I-m with you friend, day 3 for me!
You should see significant results in about 10 days.
If i quit smoking, how long will it take for me to physically feel a difference in stamina and breathing? -

Is there laser therapy to quit smoking available in Cork? -

Is there laser therapy to quit smoking available in Cork? -

Need to know where to get laser therapy to quit smoking. Is it available in Cork city?
laser therapy!!?? i-ve never heard of it but it sounds scary! however i am constantly on the look out for help with quitting smoking so i-ll keep an eye out for info
Forget laser therapy , use Zyban, they are fantastic pills but you need to see a doctor first.I smoked 60 daily and now I am smoke free.
Is there laser therapy to quit smoking available in Cork? -

How much time does nicotine stay in your body after you quit smoking? -

Thursday, July 2, 2020

How much time does nicotine stay in your body after you quit smoking? -

i lasted 3 wholes weeks so that-s why I-m not 100 percent on this but when i tryed to quit i was on a step by step program and if i remember correctly it takes about 6 months before your not dependent on it i wish you the best and keep up the good work you can do it
How much time does nicotine stay in your body after you quit smoking? -