Have you had good results with chantix to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Have you had good results with chantix to quit smoking? -

I-m about to start the new medication chantix to quit smoking. I-ve smoked for about 20 years (1/2 pack a day) what are the good and bad to this medication? Did it work for you?
i have smoked for about 15 years and i started chantix 6 days ago i quit smoking tomorrow and so far the only thing i have noticed is headaches. i hope this works i have tried to quit muli times before using the patch.

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I-ve heard it-s better than Zyban (from my doctor).

but I-m concerned about quitting smoking with a pill.

I prefer patches

Good luck !
Have you had good results with chantix to quit smoking? -

How did you alleviate the symptoms when you quit smoking? -

How did you alleviate the symptoms when you quit smoking? -

I kept myself busy. I took a class at my community college, never left my self too much down time.

here-s the way it was for me: smoking is a habit born of boredom. many of us start smoking in High school. We smoke before school, lunch, after etc. there is a lot of -hangout time- at that age, consequently we spend that time getting addicted to a habit at a time we feel our lives are going to go on forever, consequence free.

Later we justify it with the after dinner after sex reward. or a destresser etc.

I found if I got back to the root reason why I started in the first place, and took that reason away, It would work and it did.

It also helps to not hang around smoker while you are quitting. Don-t watch any movies with smokers or TV shows.

-cigarette free for 5 years.
Talk to your doctor about medicines that could help you quit. Nicotine Replacement Therapies are effective ways to help you cope with disturbing withdrawal symptoms. They come in many forms like patches, gum, lozenges, or inhalers. It would also help if you find some other activity to make you pre-occupied and make you think less of smoking.
ate ate ate and ate so much I could hardly get up to even light up a cig, now I-m 80 lbs over weight but I beat smoking cigs SUCCESS!! jk ;)
I had a friend use toothpicks and/or cinnamon sticks. Worked for him.
I was a pain for my friends and family but only fo a few days
How did you alleviate the symptoms when you quit smoking? -

I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -

I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -

i wanna get it for her b day and some earrings but anybody know? she tried nicolette, didnt work
Aw, you are a good kid.

I-m an ex smoker, so here is a good quit package for your mom:
A note telling her why you want her to quit
Allen Carr-s book on quitting smoking
A box of patches (Nicoderm makes them but get the clear patch... its less irritating.
A couple of bottles of water and a pack of sugar free gum
A puzzle (to keep her hands busy) or a crossword book (try a dollar store for these)

Also, tell her to look at this site (write it down for her)


Its a quit smoking site (free) with 24 hour support from other people who are quitting and have been quit for a long time. Its very good. I used it and pass it on to people all the time.

Did I mention you-re a good kid!?
What a cool present.

We have a system that will perfect for your mum. She has already tried and failed to quit through fixing her physical addiction, sound like she needs to fix her psychological addiction.

Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If she really wants to quit then she must discover the reasons why she smokes and then she must eliminate or change these thought processes.

Visit our site to join her up to our inspirational 12 day e-course. She can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking.

Good Luck, I hope you find that perfect present for her.
Every loving child with a smoking parent asks this at some time.
The secret to all the help quit aids begins with the smoker really wanting to quit. They have to be ready. Rarely is it a cake walk. you might start by letting her know how much you worry about losing her if she continues. Let her know, you know she has to be ready to be successful, but you will support her every step of the way. You might also research and show her the choices she has, and the help available to kick the habit.
I smoked knew I should stop, but it was always later. Then I found I had breast cancer and was lucky. It was in a very early stage. Was a wake up call for me. I realized smoking could actually take my life or put me on oxygen and carry a tank around and make my life miserable, and feel guilty for being selfish. Not only does the person need to care about there own health, they need to realize how many people would be hurt she cancer take her life. The hospitals and many other clinics will be supportive and help. My husband smoked at age 12 and chained smoked until he was 34. I took him to a hypnosis seminar at the end every one -woke up- and had to say I am a non smoker. He seemed to sleep through most of it, but sat up and yelled he was a non smoker. We all laughed because he couldn-t believe it came out of his mouth. He has not touched a cigerette since that day. The first week he would think about it but know he really would never smoke again.
Never give up. IF you mom fails, it doesn-t matter as long as she keeps trying.
Good luck, stay positive.
The kits to help people quit smoking honestly only put the harmful factor into their body by different means. Nicotine is obviously that. Any of the kits just give them their fill of nicotine by patches or gum so they get the same feeling they get from smoking. - sometimes they work, but once you stop them you have the urge again. Your best bet is to get her the earrings - a card. In the card express your concern - tell her you-d like her to quit. It-s hard - you-ll need to support her but in the end it-s worth it. My aunt has tried quitting several times - has used nicotine kits - only found them to be a waste of money. She has not smoked in awhile, - when she feels the need to she chews normal gum. So maybe try buying her some gum as well, but in my opinion the kits are no good.
That-s sweet, but it doesn-t work that way. There is no one stop-smoking-aid that works for everyone.

The patch worked for me. (I quit almost 11 years ago after smoking 1-1/2 to 2 packs a day for 20 years)

But I have friends who haven-t been smoking that long and smoke way less...the patch didn-t work for them.

It-s just different for everyone.

Bottom line: get your mom the earrings, tell her how proud you are that she-s trying to quit, and tell her you love her no matter what, and mean it when you say it.
Yes, there is a drug that will help your mother to stop smoking, but she is the one that has to really want to stop. Of course you have to get prescription from her physician. It is called Chantix. It really works. I have witnessed several people quit smoking with this drug. Check out this website. It is quite expensive, but some insurance will cover it.
www.chantix.com/content/Common. Good luck.
I think the patch is best. The nicorette doesn-t taste so good, and the patch doesn-t have any taste at all. You might want to buy her a package of toothpicks, or hard candy also, so her mouth has something in it, and won-t feel like taking a puff so much. Also, remind her to deep breathe, as most of the time people who smoke usually are taking a drag off of a cigarette for their normal deep breaths. Hope this helps.
only way to do it is to bring it up overs and over and make her feel stup*d for smoking do it everytime she picks up a smoke..examples

leave the room coughing
use air freshener as to say she stinks
tell the kids to get away from her cause she is smoking
tell her not to smoke in car cause you don-t want it to stink like her
it all depends in most case scenerios nothing works but there is a old remedy buy alot of gum for her to chew on and throw away the cigarrettes butts away
I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -

If you quit smoking-how will you have better skin? -

If you quit smoking-how will you have better skin? -

Along with the constricted blood vessels, smoking fills your lungs with SMOKE instead of oxygen. Oxygen depletion in your blood, means oxygen depletion in your cells, all you cells, which means the cells that make up your body are full of poison. They can cleanse themselves and heal when you QUIT smoking, meaning your skin cells and all other cells will be healthier over time, and they will stay that way.
less wrinkles...dry drinking lots of water if you want to cleanz your skin
use a moisturizing lotion after showers or baths
I think its because smoker-s veins are constricted, and once you quit, more blood can flow. Better blood flow will give skin a heathier, glowing look!
If you quit smoking-how will you have better skin? -

What are some good ways to help quit smoking? -

What are some good ways to help quit smoking? -

ive been smoking for 10 yrs now, and have alot of stress in my life. ive always used cigarettes to deal with it... what can i do???
Credentials: I used to be a heavy smoker (3 packs/day, menthol). Quit previously 3 times. The last time took. Non-smoker for over 15 years.

For me, the hardest part about quitting was removing all of the associations around smoking. Example, whenever I had a beer, I had a cigarette. Whenever I finished eating, had a cigarette. You get the idea. I purposely and deliberately -weeded out- all the associations I had with smoking until I only had a few. In other words, I consciously did not smoke after each of these other co-occurring activities, until the urge was diminished. Once this was done, I had already reduced my smoking to a few cigarettes a day. To completely quit, it was a combination of negative imagery and getting the flu. I imagined coating my lungs with a thick goo of tar and nicotine while I smoked. I was never able to smoke when I had a cold or the flu, so after 5 days of various orifice purging, I realized I could probably go another few days without. Bottom line for me: discipline of living how you want.
As for the stress, good time to involve yourself in a very detailed kind of hobby, like model rocketry or exercise like biking. If you can weather through the first few days, you-ll start to feel the benefit of being able to breathe without getting winded, and smell wonderful scents of nature and/or aromas of baking and cooking seemingly for the first time! Good Luck!
One good way to taper the nicotine level down slowly over time is to smoke one less cigarette daily each week until you get to one cigarette per day for the last week. After that carry one cigarette with you (so you don-t borrow one) for the next several weeks but don-t smoke it. Then throw it away. Good luck.
I-m in the same boat. I-d say your BEST bet is to talk to your doctor about the new prescription quiting aids on the market. The gum, patch and lozenge did-t help me. Good luck.
you have to replace your habit with something like excersize for example. any time you want a smoke, go for a walk. pretty soon youll be too tired to want to smoke, and viola! you quit!
ok, well its not that easy but it is true and i wish you all the luck in the world...
Welbutrin is an anti-depressant that helps you quit smoking.

Normally I would not suggest an anti-depressant to someone, but quitting smoking is VERY hard emotionally and the withdrawals can cause severe depression or feeling like your losing your mind... to some people.

With Welbutrin you have a small window of oppertunity to quit... When you get to that window of time, the cigarettes smell and taste SO nasty that they make you gag... (Trust me).... Using the welbutrin combined with a patch will help you...

As for the habit of putting hand to mouth, which is very hard to lose... Try sucking on a straw, or sugar free lillipops....

Just my suggestion on how I did it...

According to 20/20.... Cold Turkey RARELY works for the long haul....

Go cold turkey
go out side fpr a smok and time your self and go for a work




What are some good ways to help quit smoking? -

How long does it take, once you have quit smoking, for it all to be cleared out of your system? -

Saturday, November 24, 2018

How long does it take, once you have quit smoking, for it all to be cleared out of your system? -

If I was going to have a health screening how long would it take for the signs of smoking to be cleared from my body?
I-m thinking that I read for the most part about 30 days. There of course will be permanent evidence on the lungs and so forth depending upon how long you-ve smoked. I think the general blood wise evidence is thirty days depending on the amount you smoked.
Generally nicotine takes just 48 hours after you quit smoking to leave your body. Unfortunately drug tests usually look for a byproduct of nicotine call cotinine, which should normally last for a couple weeks up to thirty days after you-ve quit smoking. However, I-ve heard of some people who took a drug test 3 months after they quit smoking and still didn-t pass the test. It can also depend on how much and how often you-ve smoked, and for how long.

There are some things you can do to make the cotinine get flushed from your body sooner, like drinking lots of water.

There-s some more information on how your body processes nicotine and how to flush it from your body more quickly from the article below if you-re interested.
LIke the other person said, there are some things that take a lot longer to restore, such as the lungs that can take up to 15 years to completely be restored. Your heart starts to heal itself after about 8-10 hours after you have had your last cigarette and that nicotine in your blood is quickly gone in no time!
It really depends on your body system. You might feel hungry sometimes after you quit. You should read some articles in this websites which actually tells you more about it..
It starts within 24 hours and can take upto 6 months.. but body can recover till age of 35 if you quit before that.
How long does it take, once you have quit smoking, for it all to be cleared out of your system? -

How do I quit an occasional smoking habit? -

How do I quit an occasional smoking habit? -

I have been smoking cigarettes in social situations or when I-ve been stressed since I was 15 years old, now 21. On average I probably smoke two or three packs of cigarettes every six months. I love to smoke, and it helps me de-stress so much listening to music and having a cigarette in the car on the way home from school. Everybody knows they are terrible for you, and they cause an array of cancers. How do I stop doing this? How did you quit smoking?
If you can just quit, for the love of God, do it! I am you in 22 years if you don-t. I was dx-d w/cancer 6 years ago, and even *that* wasn-t enough to make me quit! I just finally quit with Chantix 67 days ago, but I-m telling you it is MISERABLE! I still crave a cigarette several times a day - night time being the worst. The chemicals are all out of my body now, so all that is left is the worst of it - the psychological addiction! My mind is a scary, scary place to be left alone!

If you are smoking 60 cigs in 180 days, you can put them down. Do it, if for no other reason than quitting when you smoke 30 a day is REALLY HARD!!!!

Good luck!
one way that works is finding an alternative for yourself. you can twist a rubber band or chew gum or play with string. what my uncle did was fill a little jelly jar half way with water, put cigarettes in it, and carry it around with him. whenever he wanted to smoke, he would smell the jar and it was awful for him! he only stopped doing this when he associated smoking with smelling the horrible smell and just didnt want to smoke anymore. i really wish you luck!!
I know how hard it is to quit myself. It took me at least 7 tried before I succeeded. That was a few years ago. There is a site that can probably help you...it reviews quit smoking products....many people have gone there and seen great results...even the occasional smoker.
I have been smoking about the same amount as you for the last 4+ years. I just really enjoy it!!! Never thought i was really hooked. Now 22 i have been smoking more and more over the last 6 months.
I am afraid i might be addicted for life!!
Not sure if i will be able to every quit!!!!
Good luck in your quit!!! I hope it works out for you.
How do I quit an occasional smoking habit? -

How do lazer treatments help to quit smoking? -

Friday, November 23, 2018

How do lazer treatments help to quit smoking? -

i heard a commercial for this kind of treatment on the radio. my friends and i were just curious on how the lazer would help to cease this habbit. also, how they perform it.
Urm unless they cut your arms off so you can-t actually smoke I doubt lazers are going to anything other than make you broke enough that you can-t afford to smoke any more.

Oh hey that-s two ways. I guess they really can help! XD
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

some yes some no because it really depends on what type of surgery it is for example like lung cancer yes it can really help u change your smoking problem it really can help
How do lazer treatments help to quit smoking? -

Would like my boyfriend to quit smoking pot part 1? -

Would like my boyfriend to quit smoking pot part 1? -

Hi all,
my boyfriend and i have been togetther for 27 months. he is a heavy pot smoker and so is the rest of his family, he has been smoking for over a decade and in the first couple of months it wasnt an issue, it became an issue when it start to effect our relationship e.g late to see a movie session because he had to have cones...
we fight about this topic all the time some times i just shut my mouth for peace sake and when it because an issue and i cant deal with it anymore then i tell him,
i realise i cant force him to quit, i realise that for most of his life he has known no different as his family,
I really love him but hate the choices he makes, he has a drug addict that he admits to and admited that he is scared of who he might become with out the drug in his system.
He even suggested rehab, but that fell through.
i even said i would pay for him to go with my savings... i dont care how much money ti cost to stop i just want him too.. but i cant force him to..
Wow, well me an experienced pot smoker.
well yea it is hard to quit, but u kno wat. it can be done.
I only did it for like 4 or 7 times and with only those tries. it screwed me up. I literally had no memory at all so i feel wat ur bf is going thru. its not his fault that he shows up late. because since u said 10 years?
wow he must really be addicted to it and have a bad memory,
well what i suggest u do is that u guys should move out where u guys live.
get into a new place
and start fresh
go live somewhere where u know that he will not be able to get pot.
or just threatnen him be like - if u dont stop smoking pot- then its over.
tell him wat he picks .. weed or u.
oh god no.. dont take him to rehab. they do not work trust me
with all the money in the world that u pay it will not help him one bit. trust me
good luck and i wish u and him the best.!
Read Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. Then you-ll know how drugs affect people. This is from the book from the first time he went into any kind of rehab (the Salvation Army in Grand Rapids, MI).

-But as I sat in that meeting, I felt something in the room that made sense to me. It was nothing but a bunch of guys like me, helping one another get off drugs and find a new way of life. I was keen on discovering the loophole, but there wasn-t one. I thought, -Oh my God, these people are coming from the same place as me, but they don-t get high anymore, and they don-t look desperate, and they-re joking about **** that most people would send you to jail for talking about. One girl got up and started talking about not being able to stop smoking crack even though she had a kid. She-d had to give her kid to her mother. I was thinking, -Yeah, I-d do the same. I-d be leaving the kid with the mom and disappearing. That-s the same thing I did with my band.-
He has to want to quit on his own. Yuo can urge him but he dont push too hard. Sounds to me like you need to get out of that relationship and move on.
I am almost positive that a person doesn-t become addicted to pot. I-m sure it gets boring babysitting your boyfriend after a while. Tell him that his smoking habits are unhealthy and that you-ll help him quit. Find other fun things to do together BEFORE he gets high and keep him out for as long as possible, that way when he gets home maybe he-ll go straight to bed from being tired out from your date. I-ve smoked quite a few times, and it-s really fun the first couple times. However, it gets boring after a while. Show him how much more fun he could be having with new experiences!
if his family smokes its gonna be next to impossible.

my brother is a recovering addict. right now he has 9 months and is living a rehabilitation house.

he HAS to get away from family and friends that will give him that temptation to smoke if he wants to be succesful. absolute MUST.
your also absolutly right, if he doenst want to quit he wont.

if you can afford it, move him (and yourself if at all possible) out of the neighborhood, far enough away from those he knows that he cant visit them, and start getting him involved in A.A.
ask him to quit or throw him to the curb what else is there to do like you said you cant force him to do it
you just said it...you can-t force him to...you can-t make him change. Only he can. If this is something you can-t live with then consider the fact that it might be time for you to move on. It has nothing to do with love. If you continue to compromise on you own personal beliefs, then how do you expect to have what you want in life?
reminds me of my ex.
yeah, anyway, if he loved you, hed stop for you.
but if he stops immeaditly, he will probably become susicidal.
give him a reason to stop.
if you aren-t enough, it-s time to end the relationship.
honestly, you need to look at yourself in this situation. You chose a drug addict, you-ve know all along that he is one. You have to either love him for who he is drugs and all or find someone new. YOu are right you can-t force him, and he-s not going to do it for you. He will only do it if he wants to. Maybe you should start going t o Alanon and learn why you are attracted to a drug addict in the first place.
I have had a few friends that quit and everyone of them, me especially, have become better people. The one thing that scared me was I went back to my parents house one day and all of my buddies that I grew up with that still smoked pot, still live at home with their parents. They are like over the age of 25!!! It made me think, thank goodness I quit when I finished high school. I don-t hang out with those guys anymore, because it depressed me seeing them beg their parents for money, to hang out with me.
Would like my boyfriend to quit smoking pot part 1? -

How come I quit smoking so easily? -

How come I quit smoking so easily? -

I smoked from 16 to 30. On my 30th birthday I quit. I just stopped. I knew it was bad and that it was time. I don-t remember having any specific -craving- outside of actual motion of the habit. I missed the actual act of smoking, but felt no actual craving for the smoke or nicotine, as far as I can tell. I didn-t substitute it with anything. I-m just wondering is it possible for someone to be -wired- differently so that it is easier to quit. I actually quite enjoyed smoking, it gave me something to do with my hands. I see so many people having a hard time with quitting and I just tell them to decide not to smoke, don-t buy cigarettes and you won-t smoke. It was that simple for me. I-ve never been addicted to any other drugs, but I didn-t display traditional withdrawl symptoms. Any reason why? Smoke at least one pack a day.
It was SO easy for me to quit too. I just got to the end of the pack and stopped buying them. Now the smell makes me nausiated.

Congratulations!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Now it-ll be much easier to exercise and want to keep not smoking.
I honestly believe some people are genetically inclined to be more addicted to than others. Like alcohol. I quit 3 weeks ago, and the worst side effect hasn-t been the cravings. It has been disrupted sleep. I haven-t had a good nights sleep since I quit.
Great! I hadn-t smoked as long as you but i-d been smoking for about 5 years and I quit flat out too. I had tried in the past but had a hard time but this time I just blew it off my schedule. I started to realize that smoking is really effecting me negatively and I didn-t need it. One of the biggest things that helped me was staying away from other smokers where most of the time I smoked was because of others smoking. Stopped buying cigarettes and kept my mind preoccupied so I wouldn-t think about it. I can-t stand the smell of smoke now and I breathe and live so much better now! Plus I can start saving money.....
Congrats!!! You obviously have more than your share of will-power! Just count your lucky stars. We all handle cravings/addictions differently.
Be glad you are an exception to the rule and try to help better council other smokers.
CONGRATULATIONS! I understand what you went through. I quit several times and once it was soooooo easy, once it was sooooooooo hard and once (the final time) it was somewhere in the middle. The trick is you really have to want to quit. I-m smoke-free now for over 3 years. Good luck to you.
You-re one of the few and very fortunate people and congrats to you!!! It is hard, I have been trying for 7 yrs since I turned 30. I-ve tried cold turkey many times, the patch, the gum, Zyban, hypnosis, nothing has worked. This year I made a promise to myself and to my kids that this was it, the final year no matter how hard it is or how much I suffer. I want to be a non-smoker!!
I-m starting Chantix per my doc-s request. It has an overall 50% success rate so wish me luck!!

Again, congratulations on quitting and giving yourself your life back, free from the slavedom of nicotine =)
How come I quit smoking so easily? -

I have the prescription chantix to quit smoking.? -

I have the prescription chantix to quit smoking.? -

Im going to start taking it on Wednesday. I am a little worried about the side-effects...ex. change in dreams, nasea. Any tips or suggestions for success?
I hear some of the dreams can be vivid and drastic. Just remember--they are that--just dreams. Wake up and then go back to sleep. I think in the long run, this is a wonderful medication. I hear from patients that the side effects usually only last about 2 weeks and then they have great results as long as they hold out.
If you need information about how to take Chantix go to:


There is important information about how can you adapt your body during your first 7 days taking Chantix.
I-ve got the prescription too and, like you, am a little nervous about the side effects. I guess I-d rather have a bad dream or a little nausea rather then developing some sort of cancer. Let me know how youmake out with it....maybe we can be a support team or something.
Good Luck!!
well done for wanting to quite. if u carry on smoking u will delop cancer. u made the first step don-t give up hun.
You are worried about change in dreams but not worried about getting lung cancer or smelling like an ashtray.Wow!
I have the prescription chantix to quit smoking.? -

Would u get lung cancer or any other bad thing if u quit smoking? -

Would u get lung cancer or any other bad thing if u quit smoking? -

Would you get lung cancer or anything else bad like cancer or something and die if you quit smoking because my mom is trying to quit and once she quits smoking I don-t want her to die... so please answer my question, thanks.
Not to worry. The getting sick part would be a result of her smoking over the time she has, not from quitting. The sooner she quits, the better!!! Quitting smoking is the absolute best thing she can do. Be proud of her and encourage her during this hard time.
Whether or not she will get cancer will depend on how her body is coping with her current level of smoking. If she stops right now, her chances of getting cancer will be greatly reduced. Not stopping will increase her chances.
Your mother could suffer some ill effects from her body detoxifying itself once she does. That should not last for more than a few weeks and she will gradually feel the benefits of being a NON smoker.
Every day after you quit is a good day. The lungs get better and better.
i dont want to worry you but when you quit smoking
( assuming your mom has been smoking for several yers)
the chemicals that comes from smoking doesnt dissapear immediatly after you quite, it takes aehile. You have to havea healthy diet, exercise become healthy. It takes years for the harm that has gone to your lungs to slowly decrease. I-m not sure but i dont thinkt hat it will ever fully go away.
Smoking is not the only thing that causes lung cancer. Sorry to say that there are many ways to get hurt and diseased in this world. Unfortunately most of them are by accident and genetics. Smoking won-t necessarily give you cancer but it will dramatically increase your risk. Quitting always helps but again, sorry there are no guarantees in life. We just do the best we can do.
No you can-t get cancer from quitting smoking. You canget itfrom smoking. So let her quit. Do your best. I got my grandpa to quit. Persistence pays off!!! Good luck!! Well, yes you can but, a lot of people get cancer that-s not smoking. www.americancancersociety.org there is a lot of info there. Don-t wory. Pray, pray, pray. It helps I will pray for you!!!--- I hope your mom quits. Also, 20 years after you quit smoking, it-s like you never started!! It says that on the website posted above!! Good luck!!! Even ifyou just live an extra minute before you die, then, it still counts. Good luck God bless you, Tabby
Would u get lung cancer or any other bad thing if u quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking.? -

What is the best way to quit smoking.? -

I-m 27 y/o and have been smoking for about 14 years now. Ive tried the patches - they work to some extent, but it-s the actual habit of smoking that keeps me coming back, not the addiction. I really want to quit smoking but Newport Shorts have been a part of my life for over half of my life. Can anybody give me some real answers???
Reward yourself. If you go two days without smoking a cigaratt, reward yourself by having a cigarett. or, everytime you feel you need a cigarette, just have a drink.

No seriously, you have to go cold turkey. You can-t lie to yourself and pretend you don-t like them. Admit to yourself that it really is enjoyable. I smoked my last one and said, -I-m going to enjoy this one. It-s my last cigarett.- I blew smoke rings, inhaled the flavor and really enjoyed that last smoke. Then I put it out and said, -well, that-s the last one.- That was 1983. I still want one. You-ll never be un-addicted, although you-ll crave it less and less as time goes on.
buy alot of chewing gum, and candy. when you want a cig. then pop in your gum or candy. but you have to have alot of will power. my mom quit and this is what she done, so good luck!
I started smoking when I was sixteen and quit in my mid thirties. I was totally addicted and enjoyed every drag. A church group offered an anti-smoking clinic in my Town. I went with a friend and she became -my buddy-. The program was similar to AA, where you have a buddy. When you got so desperate, you were told to phone your buddy....and I did..many times...and she would talk me through it and also told me that if I did take a cigarette, she would personally come over to my house and break my neck.

The Clinic suggested that we completely avoid caffeine for awhile....I sure missed my coffee...but they said that when you use caffeine...it makes you crave nicotine. They told us to take very deep breaths when we got a bad craving...and soon the urge would pass.....I didn-t believe them...but...what they said was true...and it helped.

So...this is a long epistle...but what I am suggesting is that you try to find a program to attend, where others are going through the same withdrawl pains as you are....meet with them....talk to them....cry with them...and finally when you are successful.....plan a holiday with all the money that you will be able to save! Good Luck....YOU CAN DO IT! (and...remember....if you slip up occasionally....don-t quit....we all slide once in awhile...just pull up your socks and try again).


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and lots of other SPAM of dangerous fake stuff is being SPAMMED by and idiot from PAKISTAN KARACHI everyday. Asking fake

questions and including his links in the questions.

Report to abuse, he is posting his s...t every day endless times. Lets keep this site clean

stay away from this FAKE DANGEROUS C.RAP
they can steal your cc Nr and empty your credit card!!
you are over the first step to quit smoking. the second step is quiting. as a smoker of 30 yrs i made up my mind to quit, i havent smoked for 30 yrs. paying five dollars a pack should help you to stop. every time you feel the urge to smoke, get something to do with your hands,your hands are in the habit of reaching into your pocket for your cigaretes. the hardest test is just after eating or having a beer or drink. make up your mind and keep telling yourself im quiting, they are not healthy for me. it is a known fact excuses will not help you.
you probably have heard a non smoker tell you how bad an ash trey with butts in them smell, believe them they do smell awful. something else to think about if you burned a dollar bill along with smoking a cigarette, you could see your money go up in smoke. you can quit, keep telling yourself that, im telling you that you can. good luck and buy yourself a big steak with the money you save
I smoked for about 6 years, a pack a day. I had to just cold turkey. avoid places you smoked for the first month or so, take up running or something too. That way, if you sneak a smoke, you will immediately know that you-ve done some damage next time you go jogging.
instead of cleanin out the ashtray -- lick out the ashtray -- belie me u-ll stop smokin
Go c some patients at the hospital wif lung cancer.
Its all in ur head men u need 2 b strong. Smoking just cuzes more stress. The way i quit was just smoked on weekends when i was drinking thats it. Still do, i dont consider my self 2 b a smoker.
smokers r 4 jokers
wat a **** answer
What is the best way to quit smoking.? -

I quit smoking 2 months ago and today i managed to jog 1 and a half laps of a sports oval,do u thnk thts good? -

Sunday, November 18, 2018

I quit smoking 2 months ago and today i managed to jog 1 and a half laps of a sports oval,do u thnk thts good? -

i quit smoking around 2 months ago and i managed to jog 1 and a half laps of a sporting oval today, is that good?
yes that is good for your first time. Good job on quitting smoking! Keep up the good work and everytime you go out to jog, increase by no more than 10% each time. Way to go!!!
you rock! keep it up!!!!

answer mine please:

I quit smoking 2 months ago and today i managed to jog 1 and a half laps of a sports oval,do u thnk thts good? -

I need to quit smoking because smoking takes my energy and money how i can do that? -

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I need to quit smoking because smoking takes my energy and money how i can do that? -

You need to understand why you smoke and what you are really getting out of it. Alot of the pleasure is illusion created by a nicotine chemical addiction. Smoking actually makes you anxious and less likely to want to stop. It doesnt really taste or feel good on its own merit. It takes about a month for nictone to leave your system, once you quit (without patches). Arm yourself with the correct information on nicotine addiction otherwise you will keep going back.
I would recomend -cold turkey- once you have done your homework.
Try also hypnotherapy or a psychologist to calm you down before you quit. Remember, smoking is a real drug addiction even though it is legal, and socially acceptable compared with, say heroin or cannabis.
Tumeric is really good for the lungs, helps heal them during or after you-ve been smoking.

Skullcap and Oatstraw do help some to quite addictions. Otherwise, try the patch, and believe it is possible. :)
if you want to quit don-t stop suddenly lessen your cigarette smokes


if you consumed 2 packs a day lessen it for a 1 and a half packs per day for a week

Well we can-t really tell you. Sometimes things work or they don-t when you are quitting, like patches mite work for some ppl or they mite not. I can recommend some things for you though:

Quit-line, Patches, Gum, Counseling or Exercise.

Good Luck!
Go and see a doctor or your GP and they will help!
patches worked for me
I need to quit smoking because smoking takes my energy and money how i can do that? -

How can i Quit smoking? -

How can i Quit smoking? -

Here-s what I did. I picked a date like two months in advance. It was like October, and so I chose December 26th to be my non-smoker beginning. So, I smoked my guts out for two months. When I woke up on December 26th, I did not smoke again. You must mentally prepare yourself for it. Over the years I-ve heard people say things like -I-m trying to quit smoking-. Wrong. -trying- is not good enough. Just have your mind made up. I know we have all looked at oh say, drug addicts and said -If they just wouldn-t stick that needle in their arm!-. Same thing with cigarettes. Choose not to do it.
-Cigana is a healthier alternative to smoking. While regular contain tobacco and 4000+ carcinogens, Cigana contains just nicotine. Cigana looks and feels like a regular cigarette, provides the nicotine that smokers crave, without the harmful, cancer-causing toxins, ashes, smells or second hand smoke.-

I read testimonials on this product and they seem to be happy. I am not a smoker myself, but this could help you.
On October 5th it will be 3 years without a cigarette for me. I decided on that very day I would stop smoking. I had half a pack of cigarettes left and never smoked another one.

I had tried patches and inhalers and gums and nothing worked. I just had to want to quit. I loved smoking. But I hated my clothes smelling like smoke and other people smelling me too. I hated paying for smokes. So this is how I quit...

I said...-I quit.- And I did. I missed the motion of my hand coming up to my mouth so I carried around a bottle of water constantly. I must have drank 20 bottles of water a day in place of cigarettes. I lost over 15 pounds by drinking all that water.

I also missed all that private time I had before when I would go outside to smoke. So I walked the dogs a lot. Or pretended to use the bathroom.

But the secret for me was the strength to want to quit and the motion of hand to mouth. And I didn-t include anyone on my journey or complain about it. I just did it.

Good Luck. I know you can do it.
I am using the Commit Lozenges to quit and they are really helping me a lot. Whenever I feel like a want a cig, I pop a lozenge in my mouth. After a minute or two the physical urge goes away so that I just have to deal with the mental aspect of wanting one. I won-t say they make it -easy- to quit, but definitely -easier- for me.

Good luck!
I tried quitting for many years. I have finally accomplished it and have been smoke free for 9 years. To help others I wrote a Ezine article on how I did it. http://ezinearticles.com/?Quit-Smoking---How-I-Did-It-id=2785949
theres patches you can put on urself
that make u stop
nd medicine nd stuff
How can i Quit smoking? -

Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -

Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -

i quit cold turkey and am going nucking futz! does it get better? Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of my system? Any web sites that can help?
gradually stop like buy a packet and smoke say how ever many you smoke take one away each day e.g. if you smoke 20 take one away eachday so it goes down e.g. monday : 20 tuesay:19 wednesday : 18 and on and on but there is one key thing and that is stress you have to relax bacause when you get bored and stressed you want a cigarrette dont you

im only 14 but i dont smoke and i dont know exactly all the tactics off smoking and i know its hard and stressful because my dads trying to stop.

if that doesnt work try this nicorette gum or inhalor etc that may really help but its harder for my dad because he has athsma and he cant take any nicorette because it will effect him.

hope this helped and email me how your doing

remember the key points relax and do something fun and exciting so you dont feel like having a cigarette and it will be much easier

also you need will power

my mum stopped just like that. she got some extra chewing gum and just stopped just like that. everyone is diffrent and all you need is will power so push it and forget about all the cigarrettes and keep your mind focused on everything else

hope this helped and email me how you are doing
it takes weeks depending on how long and how much you have smoked,my husband quit cold turkey and he has been not smoking for 2 years ,it took awhile but you can do it,you will feel good then all of a sudden you will feel like crap,joints hurt chest and side pains ,anxious or you can have the feeling of high because you have more oxygen in your system and its like wow I can breath. So good luck and keep up the hard work!!!
The nicotine is gone already. Now is the hard part, when you fight the mental/emotional addiction.
Yes, it will go away, but you have to be very strong. Chew lots of gum, and have plenty of hard candy around. Find something to do with your hands--crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, woodwork, crochet or knit.

I quit a 27 year habit in 2004, cold turkey. You have my word that it gets easier. Be strong!!!
0ne day at a time . I quit cold turkey 4 years ago. Even today I it will go through my mind to have a smoke, but i never act on it , After awhile the smell of tobacco smoke is very offensive , Hang in there It does get easier. Good luck. Let us know how you are doing.
After a meal, you will want a smoke. The little food particles give you a craving. Brush your teeth or chew regular gum after a meal.
Withdrawal cravings only last a few minutes if you get your mind on something else. The cravings get less as time goes by.
I quit cold turkey after smoking for 67 years steadily. For the next 6 months I sucked on a lot of hard candy and drank a lot of water. Make up your mind that quitting was the best thing you have done.
go buy some nicotine gum, or patches, they help a lot. After awhile just wein yourself off those, its a lot easier
ia lso have this probem-just take it day by day
Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -

Im trying to get my husband to quit smoking(WITHOUT PRESSURE)? -

Im trying to get my husband to quit smoking(WITHOUT PRESSURE)? -

We just had a baby and he used to smoke in the house but now he smokes in the basement. He wants to quit and has tried to stop many times but starts back again. Anyone have any suggestions or succesfull stories? he-s tried the patch and gum. thanks for answering.
A friend had good results with Smoke Away. Phillip Morris has online tips for quitting. It-s hard to do.

Good Luck,
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
Im trying to get my husband to quit smoking(WITHOUT PRESSURE)? -

13 need help to quit smoking? -

13 need help to quit smoking? -

Im 13 and have been smoking for 6 years. Need some ways to help quit.
just stop doing it ! if u need to just tel urself u have to quit !
just think of all the years of life you have killed

and how many more you will kill if you continue

your life expectancy is probably already at least 5 YEARS shorter than it should be

do you want to live to see

your kids get married
your grandchildren
your family?!

man and the MONEY!
dont even get me started!
would you like to live in a home or a cardboard box?

your choice.


Try reading stories at this think. They are mini blogs and testimonials on how people managed to quit smoking.

A lot of different ways youll probably find
Good luck
try the patch or nicotine gum.. the gum is better to satisfy those instant cravings for a cigarette just don-t go all cold turkey ok. you will regret it.
best of luck
think of the money you are literally burning
it puts you off
13 need help to quit smoking? -

Any ideas out there on how to quit smoking and stay quit? -

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Any ideas out there on how to quit smoking and stay quit? -

i don-t wantto smoke it makes me feel awful quit for 5 days or so and start again help anything you can offer i will try....thanks
Have you ever use stop smoking herbs to quit smoking?

I’ve been searching for some time for a list of stop smoking aids, and the pros and cons of using stop smoking herb which can quit smoking naturally. I’ve also noticed that many members of this forum have been asking the same question.

So, I’ve put my findings in a reviews which is free for you to visit at

I smoked for 18 yrs, finally got tired of the way I felt, one evening on my way home from work, threw the cigs out the window. The next morning I thought I have now gone 14 hours without them, I will go until this eve. That evening I thought I will go to the next morning and be without 36 hours. I kept this game going with myself for two solid weeks, finally I was over the urge. That was 6 yrs ago.

The only way to quit and stay that way is -cold turkey-
The one that did the trick for me for ever is hypnosis. Maybe you don`t believe it , I was a non believer myself , but I bought the product on this page http://www.quitsmokingeasy.net , look at the top .. and in a few days I was fully recovered from the craves and a non-smoker.
don-t buy cigarettes throw out the ones you got. remove the temptation
Any ideas out there on how to quit smoking and stay quit? -

I recently quit smoking and I have already notice an improvement. How long does it take lungs to repair? -

Thursday, November 8, 2018

I recently quit smoking and I have already notice an improvement. How long does it take lungs to repair? -

I have been smoking for about 10 years, and recently quit. I feel as if I am already sleeping better and I also feel that I have more energy. It has only been 5 days, but I really do feel better over all. Is it true that your lungs heal naturally and how long willl it take????
About a year, in two years they-re going to get about a clean as they-re going to get.
that is not true, your lungs start to recover within minutes of your last cigarrette.

Immediate Effects

Even if you have have smoked for most of your life, there are a number of immediate improvements you-ll notice as soon as you quit smoking. People who quit notice that their food instantly begins to taste better and they can smell things they never used to smell due to changes in the delicate cilia and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Besides improvements in appetite, longtime smokers notice a long list of improvements of the course of the following years after quitting smoking. Twenty minutes after quitting, smokers- blood pressure returns to normal and circulation of the hands and feed begin to return to normal. Within eight hours after quitting, carbon monoxide levels in the lungs decline to normal levels and within 24 hours, the risk for having a heart attack is similar to non-smokers. Two weeks to three months after smoking cessation, pulmonary functions improve by 30 percent and annoying symptoms like coughing, sinus congestion and shortness of breath begin to return to normal. Both your teeth and fingernails no longer look yellow and even things like climbing a flight of stairs becomes easier.
Benefits Over Time

One year after quitting smoking, abstainers- risk for heart disease of coronary artery disease declines to half of that of a smoker. Ten to 15 years after quitting, abstainers- risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, lungs, bladder, kidney and pancreas returns to that of someone who has never smoked.
your lungs will never repair. you will lose the addiction twords smoking, but since you started smoking you pretty much f u c k e d up your lungs for the rest of your life. sorry but that is the truth, and it is your fault for that.
The health benefits of not smoking arise starting within 24 hours of quitting. Within about 10 years your lungs will have cleaned out all the tar; you retain an increased cancer risk for life, however (but not nearly as bad as if you were to continue)
It take 10-15 years for all of the side effects of smoking to disappear.
they never do. sure, you will breathe better but you have already done the damage.
I recently quit smoking and I have already notice an improvement. How long does it take lungs to repair? -

I quit smoking three months ago now I crave sweets constantly, any suggestions on how to stop the cravings? -

I quit smoking three months ago now I crave sweets constantly, any suggestions on how to stop the cravings? -

I have plenty of veggies and fresh fruit and even nuts around to snack on. When I shop I avoid buying cookies and my favorite candies.
I buy jelly beans and other hard candy and gum lots of gum. Once in a while I even endulge in a Snickers candy bar. But nothing seems to help.
I eat a blanced diet but I-m still gaining weight. And keep looking for something sweet to eat.
Has anyone else had this problem if so how did you solve it.
First off... a big congratulations on quitting smoking!

Starting smoking again is NOT the answer! :0)

Although I can-t seem to kick my own smoking habit (yet)
I do know of an excellent support group that is moderated by health care professionals over at The Stop Smoking Center.

One of the forums topics that I think will be of great help is -Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain.- Support and advice on dealing with Weight-Gain after quitting smoking.


Step 1. Sign up

Click the “Join Now” button in the upper right corner. We’ll ask you a few questions about yourself so we can give you the most helpful resources. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided at registration. It contains your program password, so you may want to save or print the email for reference. Although your personal information is always kept strictly confidential, we encourage you to register with an anonymous email address.

Step 2. Connect with Other Quitters and our Health Educators

Once you-ve created an account you automatically have posting privileges in the online support group. Our Health Educators are also online to help with questions. Even if you don’t want to post messages right away, many quitters find it helpful to just read what others are experiencing. You can also use the online Instant Messenger to immediately communicate with your “Quitting Buddies” for support… like if you’re “dying” for a cigarette!

Step 3. Create Your Quit Plan (I know you-ve already quit - See Step 4)

Once you’re logged in, you also have access to all of the Quit Plan exercises to help you better understand your smoking. The more you know, the better chances you have of quitting. We recommend you start from the top, but you’re welcome to complete the exercises in any order. You can also come back and re-do the exercises at a later date or just review your results.

Step 4. Access Your Tools (Your quit meter will show the stats from your quit date to today... yahoo!!!)

Your account also gives you access to a helpful tools like a downloadable Quit Meter. The Quit Meter tracks all the money you’ve saved and life you’ve gained from quitting. You can also update your profile. For example, some people like to change their password. Also, you can create a profile and upload a picture for other members of the online support group. Finally, you can update or cancel your subscription to your support email and text messaging.

Step 5. Let Us Know How You’re Doing!

We want to make sure our program is as helpful as possible. Occasionally we-ll send you an invitation to give us your feedback and let us know how you are doing. Your feedback is very important and we appreciate your honest answers so we can improve the program for others.

P.S. When I have posted in the past I got responses almost immediately. It-s a great group of people who have quit and who are desperately trying to quit. Sometimes getting advice from people who have been there is the best.

Give it a try. :o)

Hope this helps. Congrats again - Wish you the BEST!

Direct Link to Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain:


Have you considered smoking cigarettes? That might help.
it will take a few more months. You have to get a handle on this and not eat junk food,or else you will put on 40 pounds.

Eating healthy foods is the best way to curb your desire for junk food.. since your blood sugar and metabolism are more evened out.
I quit smoking three months ago now I crave sweets constantly, any suggestions on how to stop the cravings? -

Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -

Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -

i-m an ex smoker, i had been smoking for 2 years but decided to quit and you wont believe it that i quit smoking with an ease and now i can-t even take the smell of smoke, i guess if you-re determined and really want to quit then it-s quite an easy job.
Two years isn-t much in the grand scheme of things. I smoked for about fifteen years (gave it up seven years ago), and quitting was incredibly difficult for me. There-s the physical addiction to nicotine to deal with, as well as the -habit- factor of always lighting up at certain times or in certain situations. When you-ve had a cigarette attached to you for so many years, giving them up can be very difficult indeed. I-m glad it was so easy for you, but I have to think that you weren-t a very heavy smoker to begin with, and as I said, two years really isn-t that long. Congratulations on quitting!
your lucky then i guess iv only heard of one other person thats been able to do what you did and just quit but he was after like heaps more than two years... iv quit now for about a month after about ten years and iv found it pretty hard... its been worth it so far tho...
because you suck
Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -

What did you find helped you to quit smoking? -

What did you find helped you to quit smoking? -

Nicotine gum, patches work okay. I usually wore the patch on my hip/cheek area. It always came loose by the end of day on my arm. I read on here the other day that the foot was actually a good place, too. Haven-t tried that.

You really have to be committed mentally for any of them to work, I think. The third day is always the hardest for me to quit, so be prepared and don-t buy any cigs or have any temptation around. I wish you the best.
Champix. By prescription I found it the thing that worked for me. You still will have to WANT to give up though. Nothing will work if you dont try your hardest. Remember also...when you give up smoking you are -giving up- nothing. It is not worth doing..but you have heard all of that before. When you stop call yourself a -smoker that chooses not to smoke- that way you wont be tempted to just -have one- and be back on the trail again. Good luck x
I took a carton of cigarettes and smoked them one after the other. If you-re a heavy smoker do 2 cartons. If you vomit, keep on smoking. I did it late at night. Next morning I woke up and had to clean the house. I couldn-t stand the smell of cigarettes for 10 years. I still don-t like the smell. I-ve never smoked since.
brush your teeth whenever you want a smoke.

it-s another hand to mouth habit that substitutes the smoking...it actually helped
I quit smoking in US Army Basic Training. It wasn-t that hard because I was very busy being yelled at and made to do pushups.
The three day rule if you don-t smoke for 3 days then you-ll be fine
never start in the first place....but my bf used that patch thing and it helped
never quit quitting.
Pleasing Jehovah God by not wanting to smoke anymore. I used no cessation aids just will alone.
I figured it would be the fastest way to beating the addiction.
chew gum everyday
drink Espresso when i fell like smoking
got sick....quit smoking.....havent gone back...chew gum, get in shape, run
What did you find helped you to quit smoking? -

I quit smoking and im on the patch how do i stay quit? -

I quit smoking and im on the patch how do i stay quit? -

i-ve been smoke free for 2 months and 2 days and i-m on the patch how can i stay quit once the patch is off for good any ideas?

Every time you feel the urge, drink a glass of water. For every nicotine free day, give yourself some reward. It get easier in about a month or so! Put away all the money you save in cigarettes and buy something nice at the end of a month / two months.

Good luck.
Replace that bad habbit with a good one. for example:
any hobbies that you have like drawing, painting,sports, anything like that. Also, Charity helps. If you-re ever bored, it-s always good to help others. That person or group of people will feel good and so will you. Working out helps too. Even if you-re already in shape, it-s good for both your body and mind to keep it that way. That time that you used for somking must be replaced with that good habbit.
Hope this helps!
-Katie -3
very well done, and good luck to you, try cutting up carrots into lengths,have enough to hand so if you feel like a ciggie eat a carrot,and also lollies,sweet ones,and put one in your mouth,also where ever you used to smoke,ie, kitchen.put all ash trays out.and if you start again put a jar coffee or orther in your kitchen half fill with water,and put ciggie ends into water,oooh its foul.and enough to put you off.good luck.
I quit smoking and im on the patch how do i stay quit? -

Help. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Help. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

My goal is too quit smoking in a month ( less than if possible) and I just don-t know how to achieve it ;-(
First I say stop buying them. Second, I say drink Zija. Ive heard that its done some good. Zija is a 100% natural dierty supplement. Third, I say write your goal down where you can see it everyday and remind you of your reason for quitting. Whether it is quitting so that your kids ( if you have any) dont have to live without a parents bc of smoking.

Smoking is a hard addiction to kick and you have to be commited to yourself that you want to stop. I quit cold turkey. Before I did, I read everything I could get my hands on about nicotine withdrawal and support. I-ll admit it was not easy, and I had days I felt like the cravings would never end. One day became 5, 5 days became 5 weeks, then 6 months, now I-m 1 year and 4 months since I quit. Look into the many options out there available to assist in quitting smoking, find the one that looks like it can work for you. Good luck!!!
I used Chantix. I havent had a smoke in 3 months today!
It takes away enough of the craving to make it possible to say no. You still have cravings and unless you WANT to quit you are not going to. GOOD LUCK and be strong!!!
Help. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

there-s no substitute for will power
My husband whom has been a smoker for 12 yrs is 7 weeks into giving up.... he has been using Nicobate Lozenges.... and I have also got him taking St Johns wart.... Lozenges help with the withdrawls from nicotine and the St Johns with the mood swings and depression ...it has all worked wonders!
But i must say his will to just wanting to stop has also been a major contributor to stopping....u can do this for someone else you must want to stop!
1) Run
2) Wear a nicotine patch by day
3) Carry a bottle of water with you, as a substitute activity to smoking.
the best way to stop smoking is to just stop. you have to want to for any reason you may have. if you do try to stop then every time you get the feeling you want one, go fix a glass of tape water(no ice) and drink it slowly. this will help take your mind away from your craving and will also keep you from eating as much(as you tend to do when you stop smoking). good luck
Put down the one in your hand and never pick up another.
Just stop - I did 13 years ago; sure I still fancy one even now, especially with a drink, but all I need to do is think back to last year when my friend died from emphysema
Cold Turkey, Dude! Just take those coffin nails, crush em up and flush them down the toilet. Through your lighter in the most offensive trash can you can find (so you wont pull it back out). Do it. I see all kinds of people die from lung cancer - which is the most common killer of ALL cancers. There are no magical remedies - besides good old-fashioned -will power-.
Stitch your mouth up.
Cold turkey is the fastest. The sooner the nicotine leaves your system, the faster your body will kick the withdrawal. Just throw out all your cigarettes, stay away from people that smoke, and chew gum or get some lollipops. I-m trying this approach right now. 2 hours after your last cigarette your body will start to heal itself. Good luck!
Stop altogether!!!!
Take sleeping pills or something else that makes you dozy, it-s the hyper tension that makes you want to light up. Try smoking a joint!
Be strong and stay occupied.don-t get bored.GL
place the cigarette with oppsite side and light it
Don-t buy you next packet, buy chewing gum or something similar (sugar-free preferably) as a substitute and... lots of will power. It takes two weeks to get rid of the nicotine in your body and those are the toughest!!!
watch someone you love die of it
There is no quick an easy way to stop smoking, unless you stop cold turkey. It is an addiction that will take time to quit. Try going to a smoking sensation class. It is suppose to be a support group / class that help people who want to quick smoking. It is suppose to be free, so if you have to pay don’t go. You can also try a nicotine patch, but when you use them do not smoke because you are getting double the nicotine that you would get from a cigarette alone.
Say to your self do i need this poison in my body, do i want to die young. do i smell nice following smoking i-m sure the answer to all these questions is NO THEN THE ANSWER TO DO YOU WANT TO SMOKE IS NO
transcendental meditation
think about your delicate lungs
zyban tablets but can be dangerous. they really work your doc can prescribe them for you
Imagine that moment when you-re in the doctor-s and he looks uncomfortable as he tells you that the heart and breathing problems that you-ve had for the last few months are probably due to you smoking and he-s not sure how many years you have left.

That-s the moment that you suddenly become religious and beg God for another chance.

Actually Alan Carrs Book is Great. I also used those plastic nicotine replacement cigarettes to until I got used to living again and not smelling like a dustbin.

Also you need to realise that you must never ever ever smoke again, not even one.

Good luck.
Die. (?)
fastest way to quit smoking is to die
You might want to try Nicocure Quit Smoking Patch.

It Eliminates All Cravings for Nicotine. Makes Cigarettes Taste Terrible. Ends your Smoking Habit Permanently.

Nicocure is the safest and fastest way to make you quit smoking with no withdrawal symptoms.

You can read more about it here:


cold turkey!
Put your ciggys in the bin, destroy them like break them half of something and suck on your biro for a good couple of months.
To stop doing it!
Don-t buy any.!!!!!
If you suseptable to it hypnosis is fantastic. If not chop off your hands it makes it so much harder to smoke! But why would you want to give up when smoking is cool?
What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

Any ideas on the best methods to quit smoking? -

Monday, November 5, 2018

Any ideas on the best methods to quit smoking? -

I work for a company that is going smoke-free in about 2 weeks, they have many options available. I would like opinions on the best ways to be successful in quitting.
Look into the new medication Chantix from Pfizer.

Extremely high success rate - 20% remain off cigarettes one year later.


my friend did the buddy system...like the would excercise togethre talk and when they had a craving they would call each other and talk it through...they-ve been smoke free for 4 years and are in the best shape ever....
Tell everybody you know about your decision.

Look at
for a complete explanation about the Trick To Quit Smoking
A study showed the best way to stop smoking is to quit cold turkey but that is real hard to do as you already know

But you asked for the best way.......

Also some people inhale a non light smoke and think that it is to help stop

or chew gum
What worked for me was 10 days in intensive care after they cut a cancerous tumor out of my throat along with my vocal cords and 50 lymph nodes.
First key is the real desire to quit... not because you-re being pressured - so be sure its what you want to do. I have just over a year of being quit and I found the patch to be really helpful and I also used a website (Quitnet) for support and motivation. Its sort of like a 12 step program for smokers :) When you join, you get a tracker which allows you to see your stats... how many days, hours, etc you-ve stayed quit, how much money you have saved based on your particular smoking habit, etc.
Good luck, hope you make it!
the gum worked for me..no withdrawl..best thing i ever did..but the most important factor is your desire to quit...you have to want to do it...
A nurse gave me this idea: Place the number of cigarettes you smoke in one day in a plastic zip bag. Each day, remove one cigarette. Follow this pattern until you reach 4 cigarettes a day and keep smoking 4 a day for one week. Then cut back to three a day for a week, etc. until you reach one cigarette a day for a week. The last day should be your last cigarette with no withdrawal symptoms. Good luck with whatever method you choose to quit. I hope it works for you.
don-t start would be my first advance, but since you already started, I would say consult your doctor to write a plan/schedule to help you fight your addiction.
Take Zyban pills and Nicotene patch combined .

Chew gum when you feel you need to smoke.
Exercise regularly.
I worked on the trials for Nicorrette gum when it first came out about 20 yrs ago.

Absolutely best method: Smoke really fast in a room full of smokers with no ventilation until you barf. This is called aversion therapy and it worked the best in our groups.

Okay, not into that? The next best method was the gum combined with supportive counseling. (We didn-t have the patch or Zyban then.)

Highest-correlated factor with successful quitting: Having your significant other put significant pressure on you to stop. This worked for me. My boyfriend, now hubby of 19 yrs, told me, -I will never marry a woman who smokes.- And I quit.
I think you need to start before 2 weeks so you don-t feel pressured to quit at the 11th hour. Start now so you can get through a lot of it before the ban goes into place.

There are many reasons why people smoke and you can address these by your choice of quit strategies. Talk to your doctor about going on Zyban which lessens withdrawal. They say you need to be on it for 2 weeks before it begins to help with withdrawal so you should start it now if you-re going to use it. You can also use the patch or gum in conjunction with this. A strong support network like quitnet is fantastic to bring you together with others who are experiencing the same thing.

You need to accept that quitting will be hard. Just because it is hard isn-t permission to give in. You have to ride it out through the tough part until it begins to fade and your body learns how to live and function without nicotine. Nicotine creates a very powerful addiction, and you need to attack it from all sides, in every way possible. ANYTHING is better than smoking and if nicotine replacement therapy helps you, throw everything available at the addiction. Nicotine replacement therapies double your chances of quitting, so they are really helpful to a quit. BTW, I tried the -aversion therapy- technique mentioned above. I got sick and slept (because of carbon monoxide poisoning probably). When I woke up in the morning... yep, I wanted to smoke again, so I lit up.

Makes lists of strategies to distract you when cravings hit. Drink lots of water, journal, exercise, have a bath, have a shower, read a book, read stories about people who died from lung cancer, reward yourself, go to bed, you need a list that contains a ton of different ways to help you cope.

You have to commit to not smoking NO MATTER WHAT. You will not die from the discomfort (although it may feel like it). And you have to make a promise to yourself (or to others) every day that you will not smoke.

It-s hard, but it-s doable. And you-ll be surprised how FANTASTIC it feels to be a non-smoker, once you get through the tough part. It is way better than you can ever imagine to no longer NEED to smoke.

from an ex-smoker!
Any ideas on the best methods to quit smoking? -