What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

there-s no substitute for will power
My husband whom has been a smoker for 12 yrs is 7 weeks into giving up.... he has been using Nicobate Lozenges.... and I have also got him taking St Johns wart.... Lozenges help with the withdrawls from nicotine and the St Johns with the mood swings and depression ...it has all worked wonders!
But i must say his will to just wanting to stop has also been a major contributor to stopping....u can do this for someone else you must want to stop!
1) Run
2) Wear a nicotine patch by day
3) Carry a bottle of water with you, as a substitute activity to smoking.
the best way to stop smoking is to just stop. you have to want to for any reason you may have. if you do try to stop then every time you get the feeling you want one, go fix a glass of tape water(no ice) and drink it slowly. this will help take your mind away from your craving and will also keep you from eating as much(as you tend to do when you stop smoking). good luck
Put down the one in your hand and never pick up another.
Just stop - I did 13 years ago; sure I still fancy one even now, especially with a drink, but all I need to do is think back to last year when my friend died from emphysema
Cold Turkey, Dude! Just take those coffin nails, crush em up and flush them down the toilet. Through your lighter in the most offensive trash can you can find (so you wont pull it back out). Do it. I see all kinds of people die from lung cancer - which is the most common killer of ALL cancers. There are no magical remedies - besides good old-fashioned -will power-.
Stitch your mouth up.
Cold turkey is the fastest. The sooner the nicotine leaves your system, the faster your body will kick the withdrawal. Just throw out all your cigarettes, stay away from people that smoke, and chew gum or get some lollipops. I-m trying this approach right now. 2 hours after your last cigarette your body will start to heal itself. Good luck!
Stop altogether!!!!
Take sleeping pills or something else that makes you dozy, it-s the hyper tension that makes you want to light up. Try smoking a joint!
Be strong and stay occupied.don-t get bored.GL
place the cigarette with oppsite side and light it
Don-t buy you next packet, buy chewing gum or something similar (sugar-free preferably) as a substitute and... lots of will power. It takes two weeks to get rid of the nicotine in your body and those are the toughest!!!
watch someone you love die of it
There is no quick an easy way to stop smoking, unless you stop cold turkey. It is an addiction that will take time to quit. Try going to a smoking sensation class. It is suppose to be a support group / class that help people who want to quick smoking. It is suppose to be free, so if you have to pay don’t go. You can also try a nicotine patch, but when you use them do not smoke because you are getting double the nicotine that you would get from a cigarette alone.
Say to your self do i need this poison in my body, do i want to die young. do i smell nice following smoking i-m sure the answer to all these questions is NO THEN THE ANSWER TO DO YOU WANT TO SMOKE IS NO
transcendental meditation
think about your delicate lungs
zyban tablets but can be dangerous. they really work your doc can prescribe them for you
Imagine that moment when you-re in the doctor-s and he looks uncomfortable as he tells you that the heart and breathing problems that you-ve had for the last few months are probably due to you smoking and he-s not sure how many years you have left.

That-s the moment that you suddenly become religious and beg God for another chance.

Actually Alan Carrs Book is Great. I also used those plastic nicotine replacement cigarettes to until I got used to living again and not smelling like a dustbin.

Also you need to realise that you must never ever ever smoke again, not even one.

Good luck.
Die. (?)
fastest way to quit smoking is to die
You might want to try Nicocure Quit Smoking Patch.

It Eliminates All Cravings for Nicotine. Makes Cigarettes Taste Terrible. Ends your Smoking Habit Permanently.

Nicocure is the safest and fastest way to make you quit smoking with no withdrawal symptoms.

You can read more about it here:


cold turkey!
Put your ciggys in the bin, destroy them like break them half of something and suck on your biro for a good couple of months.
To stop doing it!
Don-t buy any.!!!!!
If you suseptable to it hypnosis is fantastic. If not chop off your hands it makes it so much harder to smoke! But why would you want to give up when smoking is cool?
What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -