Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -

i quit cold turkey and am going nucking futz! does it get better? Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of my system? Any web sites that can help?
gradually stop like buy a packet and smoke say how ever many you smoke take one away each day e.g. if you smoke 20 take one away eachday so it goes down e.g. monday : 20 tuesay:19 wednesday : 18 and on and on but there is one key thing and that is stress you have to relax bacause when you get bored and stressed you want a cigarrette dont you

im only 14 but i dont smoke and i dont know exactly all the tactics off smoking and i know its hard and stressful because my dads trying to stop.

if that doesnt work try this nicorette gum or inhalor etc that may really help but its harder for my dad because he has athsma and he cant take any nicorette because it will effect him.

hope this helped and email me how your doing

remember the key points relax and do something fun and exciting so you dont feel like having a cigarette and it will be much easier

also you need will power

my mum stopped just like that. she got some extra chewing gum and just stopped just like that. everyone is diffrent and all you need is will power so push it and forget about all the cigarrettes and keep your mind focused on everything else

hope this helped and email me how you are doing
it takes weeks depending on how long and how much you have smoked,my husband quit cold turkey and he has been not smoking for 2 years ,it took awhile but you can do it,you will feel good then all of a sudden you will feel like crap,joints hurt chest and side pains ,anxious or you can have the feeling of high because you have more oxygen in your system and its like wow I can breath. So good luck and keep up the hard work!!!
The nicotine is gone already. Now is the hard part, when you fight the mental/emotional addiction.
Yes, it will go away, but you have to be very strong. Chew lots of gum, and have plenty of hard candy around. Find something to do with your hands--crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, woodwork, crochet or knit.

I quit a 27 year habit in 2004, cold turkey. You have my word that it gets easier. Be strong!!!
0ne day at a time . I quit cold turkey 4 years ago. Even today I it will go through my mind to have a smoke, but i never act on it , After awhile the smell of tobacco smoke is very offensive , Hang in there It does get easier. Good luck. Let us know how you are doing.
After a meal, you will want a smoke. The little food particles give you a craving. Brush your teeth or chew regular gum after a meal.
Withdrawal cravings only last a few minutes if you get your mind on something else. The cravings get less as time goes by.
I quit cold turkey after smoking for 67 years steadily. For the next 6 months I sucked on a lot of hard candy and drank a lot of water. Make up your mind that quitting was the best thing you have done.
go buy some nicotine gum, or patches, they help a lot. After awhile just wein yourself off those, its a lot easier
ia lso have this probem-just take it day by day
Help!! I quit smoking for New Years and I am still having withdrawals.? -