Is it better to quit smoking cold turkey? -

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Is it better to quit smoking cold turkey? -

Absolutely, but if you can-t, any method of quitting is good for your health!
As a former smoker, I would say that cold turkey is an ok way to quit. I would suggest to have a backup if you are to do so. Maybe have some nicorette gum or a patch ready if you have a severe craving because you will have them.

If you-re not sure when is the best time to think of quitting, I know a lot of people have told me they quit when they had colds or just were sick in general. I myself quit when I had a really bad cold.

The best of luck to you! It-s going to be hard but you-ll benefit from it in the long run!
Yes. Most quitters I know did so by quitting cold turkey. Those who cut down, etc., seem to be the ones who relapse. If you try to quit, replace your urges to smoke with an action. For example, eat a carrot when you want a cig. When you feel fidgety, exercise. Once you make it a week, you-ll notice that you feel better, and that helps you keep going. Good luck!
If-n you smoke a pack a day or less, odds are cold turkey will work

More than that, you need to reduce the habit to that point, your body will react to it..

You can become addicted to the patch or gum :-)
When I sold the nicotine patch back in 1992 we learned a ton about smoking and nicotine addiction, as a respiratory therapist I knew a lot of information about the product but had now idea about the chemicals involved in quiting. It takes the average smoker at least five successful attempts before the real one hit and not only is cold turkey not a good option, but a change in lifestyle is necessary. Nicotine has a tremendously short half life making it one of the worlds most addictive drugs even worse than heroin nd crack but without guns and violence. however as soon as we want another. The gum patch and inhaler let you obtain nicotine without the harmful side effects of smoking such as emphysema or bronchitis.
I-m constanly now being asked -How Do I Stop Smoking?-
I really emphathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..
Anytime it is always better than never!
Is it better to quit smoking cold turkey? -

What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -

What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -

congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. I have been a non-smoker for eight years now and it is the best thing you can do for your health.

First of all, you have to ask yourself why are you quitting smoking. I think it has to be for yourself. It-s for YOUR health, YOUR life, YOUR money. The desire to quit has to come from within. This is all about you.

Secondly, support from family and friends is great if you can get it but seriously sometimes they can be your worst enemy when it comes to things like this. I-m sure they don-t really mean it but I can remember my Mother laughing at me when I told her I was quitting and she said to me things like, -its really hard you know- and -maybe you should just cut down-. Sounds harmless enough but what I really wanted to hear was...-that-s great- or -good luck with that- and -when I quit this helped and that helped-. Lets face it you can-t always get the support you want or need.

Thirdly, contact a quit smoking helpline. They have lots of great ideas and tips. Tell everyone around you that you are quitting smoking and then tell them why. They might not openly support you but at least they can understand why.

Good luck with your quitting smoking. Remember, that the strength to achieve anything comes from within you.

PS. Welcome to the world of the healthy, non-smoker!!
its also an emotional addiction, as physical, so hold a cigarette in your fingers when the urge comes, without lighting it, so you withdraw physically FIRST THEN emotionally..... Best is to stop by will power... bind negative associations with the smoking part..... whenever you see something horrible think of smoking.... Hope this helps, take care
self determination and will power.
I was smoking 3-4 packs a day for 32 years..I QUIT IN 1 DAY!..2 years ago. i went to the hospital.. doctor said, quit or die.. i am on breathing treatments now but can-t walk from room to room.. i need breathing treatments to walk the dog but you know what? I was cool! I smoked at 16! big deal.. here is my advise.. quit! Suffer the withdrawals! i want a -DO OVER-!
What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -

Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

I do good all weekend but then when I get to work I want one so bad and almost everyone there smokes and are more than happy to help me out. I am killing myself and I can-t stop!
If you-ve had enough of being a smoker and just want to stop, then just do it! You will improve your chances of success if you get help as soon as possible. Ring Quitline on 0800 00 22 00 or email to find out what support will suit you best.

If you prefer to plan ahead, then that-s fine too. Set a date not too far ahead and stick to it. You can use the time to find out what help is available and what should suit you by calling Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email

The most important thing is that you are committed to your new life as a non smoker!

Step 2
Only 3% of smokers succeed by willpower alone
Both Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and Zyban have been proven to double a smoker-s chance of quitting successfully. If you take NRT or Zyban AND get support from a local stop smoking group you increase your chances by up to 4 times!

Cigarettes deliver nicotine very quickly, which contributes to their addictive nature. However the nicotine in NRT is supplied in a slower and more controlled way. This is because NRT is designed to help you quit smoking and so reduces your need for nicotine, until you don-t need it anymore.

There are a wide range of NRT products available. If you are having trouble deciding which product to use, give a QUIT counsellor a ring on 0800 00 22 00 and they will give you independent advice to suit your lfiestyle.

You could also try for a free personalised quit plan to help guide you through your quit attempt and a discussion board to talk to others who are quitting too.

All NRT products are available on prescription and can also be bought over the counter at pharmacies and large supermarkets. It-s important to complete the full course of NRT as this increases your chances of quitting successfully. Some NRT formats may also help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking. Here-s a brief description of the range of products available, to help you decide if NRT is right for you. Refer to individual packs for further details.

(NicAssist? - only available at Boots, Nicorette?, NiQuitin CQ?)
Patches are most helpful to people who like to feel protected from cravings throughout the day. They are easy to use and should be applied to dry non-hairy skin such as the upper arm, thigh or chest. The patches offer a continous supply of nicotine throughout the day to help relieve the withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings you-ll experience. You may still get urges to smoke but these will not be as strong.

A patch lasts either 16 or 24 hours, each of which will come in three strengths delivering different amounts of nicotine, which is absorbed slowly through the skin. You are recommended to use them for up to three months depending on the brand you choose, starting off with the most appropriate strength for you. Always follow manufacturers- instructions. Some people experience a slight itching or redness of the skin and this can be lessened by varying the position of the patch when you apply a new one.

(NicAssist?, Nicorette?, Nicotinell?, NiQuitin CQ?)
Nicotine gum helps you to control your cravings whenever you feel the urge to smoke. It is different from ordinary chewing gum and can have a bitter taste, especially to begin with, so you may have to persevere in using it. It is important to use it properly to get the full benefit. Theh gum comes in two strengths, regular (2mg) and maximum (4mg) and in a choice of flavours. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. The gum should be chewed slowly and then rested between your gum and the side of your mouth, repeatedly, for about 30 minutes. You should gradually reduce the number of gums you chew after a period of about three months.

Maximum strength NRT gum can also help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the lining of the mouth. The main side effect is irritation of the mouth and throat, but this lessens with use. The gum is difficult to use if you wear dentures and can make stomach ulcers worse.

(Nicotinell?, NiQuitin CQ?)
The lozenge is an effective alternative to the gum and is available in a variety of strengths. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. You take one lozenge every hour or two for the first few weeks and then gradually reduce the number you take each day over the next few weeks until you don-t need the lozenges anymore. Like the gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Research has shown that the 4mg NRT lozenge can also helo reduce weight gain assocaited with quitting smoking.

The Microtab is a small while tablet containing nicotine that dissolves under your tongue. Don-t suck, chew or swallow it, as this will reduce the amount of nicotine that is absorbed through the lining of the mouth.

The nicotine nasal spray is good for people who get severe withdrawal symptoms or who smoke heavily. The nicotine nasal spray comes in a bottle with a nozzle that delivers a dose of nicotine via a fine spray squirted into each nostril. It should be used 10-15 times per day. The nicotine is quickly absorbed through the lining of the nose. It mimics cigarettes more closely by giving a relatively fast effect. The spray may irritate your nose and throat, especially at first. However if you persevere this lessens. NRT nasal spray can help reduce weight gain associated with smoking.

(NicAssist?, Nicorette?)
The inhalator is helpful when your body craves the nicotine and your hands miss a cigarette. The inhalator looks like a cigarette holder, inside which you place a cartridge containing nicotine. You simply suck on the inhalator when you get a craving. Nicotine is taken into the mouth and the back of the throat but not into the lungs.

If you feel you can-t stop abruptly then you can use some forms of NRT to help you cut down the number of cigarettes then stop. You need to cut out at least half of your cigarettes with the help of NRT then after a while you can stop completely. Call the Quitline on 0800 00 22 00 or ask your GP or pharmacist for advice on this method.

Your GP will be able to advise if Zyban is suitable for you depending on your medical history. It is only available on prescription. Zyban is an effective treatment, which has helped many smokers to quit. In is a non nicotine tablet. A course of Zyban tablets lasts two months. You start taking Zyban while you are still smoking and set a date for quitting during the second week of treatment. It is not suitable for people who have had a history of blackouts, fits, head injury or brain tumour but your GP will advise you further. The most common side effects are difficulty sleeping, dry mouth and headache.

Every patient who is prescribed Zyban is offered motivational support from the Right Time Programme, which is a personalised programme designed to encourage and support patients throughout their quit attempt.

There is now some preliminary evidence that glucose tablets reduce cravings and may help people to stop smoking.

Specialist smokers- clinics, which recommend using nicotine replacement therapy, can improve your chances of stopping by up to four times.

Groups can help you to feel less alone in your attempt to quit. Being with other people who are also stopping can provide that all-important mutual support and a sense of being understood. They are usually run over a period of weeks and guide you through the different stages of quitting.

There are a growing number of both specialist clinics and support groups. Ring Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email and a QUIT Counsellor will be able to tell you the location of your nearest group or clinic.

Some people claim to be helped by alternative therapies. However, the results of research are not clear, so overall their effectiveness reamins unproven. The two most popular forms are hypnotherapy and acupuncture. If you decide to try alternative therapy, it is important to find a registered practitioner. The Institute of Complementary Medicine, PO Box 194, London SE16 7QZ or The British Complementary Medicine Association, UK Training College, St Chalres Hospital, Exmoor St, London W10 6DZ can both supply further information on the services available and details of local practitioners.

Step 3
Make sure you don-t replace cigarettes with fattening foods! If you feel you need to lose weight it-s best to cope with stopping smoking first. If you try to do both at once you are more likely to fail. Quitting smoking is the most important thing a person can do to improve their health. If you put on weight while trying to quit resolve to do something about it as soon as you feel you are able to cope without cigarettes. In the meantime increase your exercise routine and eat healthily. For QUIT-s free booklet about how to control your weight while quitting, ring Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email

Step 4
Research shows that undertaking exercise while stopping smoking can increase your chance of being successful. QUIT in conjunction with fitness experts have designed an exercise programme specifically for smokers to help you with your quit attempt. The step-by-step programme focuses on the areas most likely to be affected by smoking; lung capacity and cardiovascular health. -Keep QUIT- has 4 levels of intensity designed to cater for a wide range of fitness and ability. It can be downloaded by visiting Alternatively choose any physical activity you enjoy and fit it into your quitting plan at least 3-4 times a week. Exercise will help your body cope with withdrawal symptoms and boost your self -confidence and well-being.


Q. What are withdrawal symptoms?
A. Symptoms include irritability, restlessness, depression, difficulty concentrating, sleep disruption, increased appetite and craving for tobacco. The good news is that it means your body is recovering and all the symptoms are temporary and none of them are life threatening, unlike smoking !

Q. Does smoking reduce stress?
A. No, it-s a temporary feeling, the effects of nicotine soon wear off and this withdrawal makes you feel tense.

Q. Can I cut up a patch to receive less nicotine?
A. No. All NRT patches provide a controlled amount of nicotine to help protect you from cravings and withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. If you feel you need less nicotine, step down a strength.

Q. Should I give up and go on a diet at the same time?
A. Evidence suggests that it is better to tackle smoking as your first priority and then tackle the issue of weight gain if you need to.

Q. Does nicotine cause cancer?
A. No. When you light up, nicotine gives you the hit, the rest of the smoke does the damage. There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke including formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies); ammonia (used in strong cleaning liquids) and cadmium (A highly poisonous metal used in batteries). Nicotine is not one of the cancer causing agents, it-s simply the reason you crave a cigarette. Nicotine in NRT can actually help you to quit smoking.

Step 5

20 minutes: Your blood pressure and pulse rate should return to normal.
8 hours: Oxygen levels in your blood should return to normal.
24 hours: Carbon Monoxide has been eliminated from your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
48 hours: There is no nicotine left in your body. Your ability to taste and smell may be greatly improved.
72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels increase.
2-12 weeks: Circulation improves throughout the body.
3-9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems get better as your lung function is increased by up to 10%
1 year: Risk of a heart attack drops to about half that of a smoker
10 years: Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker
15 years: Risk of heart attack falls to same as someone who has never smoked

Work out how much money you spend on cigarettes in a day, a week and a year then start planning all the treats you can have with the money.


Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behavious Unit, University College London; Gay Sutherland, Research Psychologist at the Tobacco Research Unit, King-s College London University and Hon. Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Smoking Cessation Clinic and Dr Dawn Milner for their help in producing this booklet.

If you have a specific question contact a QUIT counsellor on 0800 00 22 00 or at

The NEW QUIT GUIDE is proudly sponsored by NiQuitin CQ and

Quit has editorial control over all copy.

This sounds stupid, but put handsanitizer on you-re cigeretts and when you wanna smoke you will see it and remember, plus eat lots of carrots and apples instead of using the cigs. Oh and play a game instead of smoking (ie: minesweeper, pinball, tick-tack-toe) It worked for others! GOOD LUCK!
Goodluck, when you figure it out, let me know your secret.
You have to find something worth suffering for. Without an immediate motivation, it-s much harder to quit.
I suggest praying about it. Go and visit the lung cancer patients in the hospital for first hand inspiration.
Here-s a surefire cure :
Whenever u feel like lighting-up, opt only for one of those giant-sized and -strong- cigars - and FORCE urself to keep on puffing at it.
You-ll feel so very nauseous, that very soon you-ll lose all ur craving !
That is when u shud QUIT ! For keeps.
Cheers !
You just have to get the mind-set that you CAN do it. That is the best way to be able to quit. Also, stop-smoking aids such as gums and patches can help get rid of the cravings. Good luck and you can do it if you try!
I quit 3 months ago, I was just so determined, I said I-d not spend my $ and time wasted like that, and damaging my health and my child-s. You just have to decide when and how. But I do not believe in patches, gums, tablets or any nicotine product, I just quit, but we are all different. I heard recently, try to break the routine of activities that involved you in smoking, or change the places where you felt comfortable smoking, for new ones, and don-t hang out or do the same activities in the old places. Like you smoked in the living room on your favorite couch, drinking a cup of coffee at 10, then sit at the dining room, drink a tea, and read something after or before 10, to put an example. Also, at the office, take a walk out, but not to smoke.
1st things 1st. Think POSITIVE. Have something in your hand... Pen, straw, sunflower seeds...Write all the reasons down why you want to quit smoking. When you want a cig. feel temptation read what you wrote, keep your hands and mouth busy. The craving goes away after 5 min. The longer the time has been since you have smoked the more you have to be proud of, and the less nicotine in your system. The thing with cigarettes is that you crave more. Ever seen someone light a smoke with one in the ashtray (or the other hand). The longer it takes you to quit the harder it will be. half of the addiction is the motion of hand to mouth. With a strong will you can overcome that. The hard part is putting it together with the craving for nicotine to be in your system. Good luck...
Well i got a script for welbutrin, the antidepressant, to quit smoking, i didnt think i could do it, im one of those people who thought i would never be able to quit. When i got it i set a date to quit, then for those couple of weeks i had it in my head i was going to quit on that day, its not just take it today and stop today pill. But as the week went on i was taking it regularly and still smoking, but i noticed i was smoking just from habit, not the craving, what i mean is when i would light up i notinced i dindt -need- it just -wanted- it. but come my quit day i did just that, i havent smoked since march of last year.i had been smoking for 7 years. Now it wasnt easy, first off it helped i was moving into a new place, it helped alot, but i still had and have cravings, its just a mind and will power thing. I smell it some times and say just 1 but i know it wont be just one. i came to far to start back up. One other thing with the welbutrin i was takin it for 2 weeks and suddenly got some kind of hives or something on my arms and had to go to the doc for it and i had to quit the welbutrin and go on something for the hives, but i was only on it for 2 weeks though and havent smoked since. hope this helps, plus i think i was lucky to quit the first time out it does take some people longer, and using diffrent methods.
You really have to want to first...takes a strong will. lots of people just cant put them down...its a prosses. Trust me i know.
When you quit.. it normally takes people a couple tries to do it. Just remember what you went through before, and *why* you decided to give in. Engrain that in your memory to never fall for again.
it-s as easy as ABC.let me give you an idea.each time when u feel like u wanna smoke,don do it instead u get some chewing gums as substitution.By doing this,there are no rooms for u to smoke as your chewing gums have occupied the space of your mouth.Just give it a try. i hope it helps u to avoid smoking.
So I think if u want to quit smoking just try not to think about it! Also just start drinking lots of water it may stop yor habbit!
Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

Should i quit smoking weed forever? -

Should i quit smoking weed forever? -

I love smoking pot, but it ***** with me more now then when i was in high school, i never used to get paranoid or angry when i smoked back in the day but now i find taht i am very paranoid and almost depressed when i smoke, its like i cant control it anymore. when i was a teen i remember it feeling so good with no paranoia or depression wtf is up with that?
If you think you can kick the habit and you are aware of problems that the weed is causing then DO IT!!! Smash that bong Brother!!! Time to get high on life my man!! Step outside your box and have a crack at the world, your just as good as anybody else! If you don-t like what you find you can always come back. You will always be welcome, just don-t come empty handed!! LOL.... Good Luck Bud!
Same thing happened with me 4 months ago. But mine i think was triggered by a medication i began taking the day before i ever had a problem with it before. I quit the medication because it interrupted my daily life horribly, (not just smoking) but I still had panic attacks whenever I smoked after I stopped. So I think now my smoking-related panic attacks are psychosomatic and I don-t think there-s anything I can do about it. So eventually I gave it up for good. Sadly lol.
I read that pot has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer-s.

Those -children of the 60s- thought it was just fun like many
today. But the medical community has proven that false.
If it-s no good anymore there-s no reason to smoke it.
it sounds like you already answered your own question
it happens to some people.
Should i quit smoking weed forever? -

What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -

I quit smoking a little over a week ago, and i have been fine except today i hit a bump in the road, i started to get very emotional and moody and all i can think about it having a cigarette. A part of me doesnt want to smoke and a part still does, what should i do im feeling overwhelmed.
Try to stay away from other smokers, and try out Nicotrol Inhalers. They give you a sense of holding a cigarette and still get the nicotine, just not all of the smoke and other chemicals that go along with it. They are expensive so it will give you an incentive to quit them eventually and go totally nicotine free!!!!! I have done it! I hope this helps.!!
Talk to a doctor...there are several new medications on the market that are shown to really help people quit smoking without many side effects. Chantix is one, Zyban is another. A doctor will be able to tell you what medication is right for you.
What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -

Anyone have tips to quit smoking? -

Anyone have tips to quit smoking? -

i tried cold turkey and i get headaches from it. i have horrible acid reflux and have been trying to quit for about 2 months. any tips?
Yeah, the best advice is that you really have to -WANT TO GIVE UP-.

If you stick to your guns, there will be no noticeable side effects after about three days.

Good Luck.
The headaches are from nicotine withdrawal so you can substitute patches (mild ones.)

The acid reflux is flesh eating digestive enzymes and the burning feeling is actually the acid burning the esophagus.

The esophageal tissue is different then that which is in the stomach.

The acid eventually leaves enough scar tissue in the esophagus that it actually narrows the opening and makes swallowing difficult (schatski-s ring) and may require surgery.

Try laying on your right side at night so the acid can drain into the small bowel. Peanut butter sticks to the roof of the mouth and, in a pinch, swallow some (if you are not allegic to peanuts) and let it slide down the esophagus. Don-t drink anything for a while because you want the peanut butter to coat the esophagus for instant relief.

Or ask your druggest which product he recommends for heart burn.

Use the -X- technique to rid yourself of smoking. Visualize a cigarette and mentally superimpose a big X over the cigarette. Visualize a pack of cigarettes and use the X on it. Visualize a lighter and use the X technique. Do that every time you think about having a cigarette. When you see someone else with a cigarette, use the X technique.

The X is extremely effective is dismissing people and objects from your mind.

Repeat these to yourself constantly

I am happy and content
I like myself
I feel relaxed and peaceful
I am a nonsmoker
No is my favorite word
No works for me
I appreciate the No word.
I say NO to cigarettes
My sense of taste is better
I have a better sense of smell
I feel better
I am likable
I am in the NOW moment
My power if in the NOW moment
I reject cigarettes NOW

Use the thoughts that you feel will be most needed each day. Create you own thoughts, keep them short, in the present tense and avoid the word, -NOT-

It takes 21 days to form a new habit. Start now.

Good luck.

remember to vote
1 Think of reasons you want to quit smoking. For me they were the fact they are $6.50 a pack and I was pushing a pack a day. You can use mine or use your own.

#2 Set a day way but not like tommorrow or a couple of days. For me it was a week so I could reflect and prepare for it. Unexpected cold turkey is not a good idea so, don-t believe those anti-smoking people who never touched a cigarette a day in thier lives.

#3 Just remember, -Mind Over Matter-. The first days will be hard but, you-ll build a better resistance as times go on. You-ll be groggy at first but get your mind off of it and keep on keeping on! You-ll be in situations like socail enviorments where you used to. Refrain for awhile until you build up resistance.
It is said that giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world because you can always start again. I gave up smoking years back for one reason only. I got scared of the consequences of smoking ie loss of stamina - fear of lung cancer. I used to climb 4 floors by staircase in office avoiding lift. Over a time, I found myself becoming breathless. I gave up smoking for 4-5 days - I found that I could run up the stairs. Also, I found food was tasting better, I was eating more - I was feeling full of energy. I gave up smoking for good - have never touched it again. Just give up - stop worrying about side effects for a short time.
I recently quit smoking. I had been smoking for 18 years. I decided that was that I had to quit. I quit... cold turkey. I know you say you can-t but really that is the best way. I have read research that said 90% of long term ex smokers quit cold turkey. It is the most painful, physically, mentally, and emotionally, but it does produce the best long term results! I was SO addicted. I didn-t think I was going to make it. The physical was so hard for me. I didn-t realize you could withdraw that way from cigarettes! After 4 days the pain wore off and it was then up to your strong will to fight. I can say however, day 3 and 4 was the hardest ever! Then it got better. I would try again, you just have to make up your mind and do it!
Limit yourself, say you-ll only smoke once a day at a specific time, like say for after dinner, then change that to smoking only once every other day, and so on and so forth.

You could try the gum or patches, but I do not know if any of them work.

Good luck.
Anyone have tips to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking cold turkey? -

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What is the best way to quit smoking cold turkey? -

is there any special food (other than rx items) to help you quit? I heard cinnamon toothpaste. Is there any truth in that? And when is the best time to start
I did it cold turkey about 25 years ago. It was hard but I had a plan. I used quilting to keep my hands busy so that I had something to do with them all the time. I made an entire quilt in a week. The first 3 days were the hardest and the 4th morning, when cigarettes were NOT the first thing I thought about, i knew I had it licked. It may have been the 2nd thing I thought of, but it was not the first !LOL I also nibbled on sunflower seeds and did a lot of cleaning and rearranging the house for that first month. Basically anything to keep myself occupied. My husband did it too, but not till about 5 years later. His thing was snacks. I bought him a bunch of small amounts of snacks from the grocery store that had those bins of bulk snacks. i got soy snacks, and different candies, dried fruits, etc. but each was bagged separately so when he needed something to keep his mind of smoking, it took forever to unwrap a snack, check it out, nibble on a few pieces, close it up, select another and do it all over again. It really worked for him. i also took up crocheting but I bet anything to keep your hands busy would do.
Cold turkey just isn-t the answer for everyone. If you find -cold turkey- too hard then accept thats ok. Instead the following can work very well. Accept that you want to give up. Next craving.. allow yourself to indulge but just smoke -half- your usual intake. Next craving.. don-t have any. Next craving have -half- the usual intake etc and keep this up for the first day. Next day.. you should be able to follow the same process but -half- the intake again. Over a period of a week you should be well on the way to weaning yourself off.. cravings way less with the body accepting a couple of puffs. You may find over the next few days that -yuk-, you don-t even want the stuff anymore and the thought and smell just turns you right off. This actually worked for me many years ago when i wanted to stop smoking that -green- stuff. Within 10 days i didnt even like it anymore. I never achieved this by going cold turkey tho. When i told myself i -couldnt- have.. i wanted it all the more. If you can relate to that then try the other way.
I smoked for a very long time. Quit once for four years with accupuncture. Problem is that there are few capable practicioners who are reliable for cessation of nicotine even though they all say they are successful. Evelyn Wright in San Francisco I can recommend. Have Quit now for three years, yes again, with laser accupuncture. Painless. About 45 min treatment. Walked out feeling like I had never been a smoker. That would be Mark Costello in Littleton, CO. Hypnosis can at times work well.
It’s no secret to anyone that the pharmaceutical industry profits millions of dollars off our ailments. But I am fortunate to be residing in a country where plants and herbs are used as an effective alternative medicine for almost no cost, if not for free! So I decided to take the secrets of this ancient knowledge used to this very day and share it with the world for the benefit of one and all! No more hidden side effects for my family and me.
do you know how much a pack costs now? maybe you should think about how much money you could save and what you could buy with that money. i-m not trying to be rude, smoking is really hard to let go...but think of the money! I think it-s all mentally really, you should think about your health as well. Think about a potentially new you-without cigarettes!
it is mind over matter i quit April 12Th 2008 cold turkey after 35 years of smoking up to 4 packs a day. i got up one morning started coughing for about 1 hour so i quit have not had a smoke since. i also have lost 20 lbs. i have 1 nerve left ,. so no trick you just have to quit
cinnamon the herb has a tobaco deterant..the toothpaste has no cinnamon in it ..just artificial flavoring use cinnamon sticks as cigs in your hand
Start dipping.


I recommend Copenhagen.

exercise.Walk,run or bike.
the best way to stop smoking is.
throw the crap away
What is the best way to quit smoking cold turkey? -

How do I quit smoking for good? -

Friday, June 20, 2008

How do I quit smoking for good? -

Seems once a month I break out into human combustion and have to put myself out. Then I just smoke for a long time.
Stay away from Everclear.

Too much alcohol lights me up as well.
Do like Kirk Douglas- father did. Quit. Carry one cigarette with with at all times. Every time you feel like a smoke, take it out and ask it,-Who-s stronger,me or you-.
Something bad must happen to your health instantly while you-re smoking...then you-re like, heck, Im not smoking anymore..
I-ll send you some sh*t to help for FREE if you want. Gotta basement full of the stuff. Would be more than happy to help.
Commit Lozenges

My company gives them to us for free, I still smoke and have no desire to quit just yet.
There is one way, and only one, to do so: to decide to do so. It-s your body, you are in charge, and you make ALL the decisions as to what to do with it. My father smoked for years. One day, my mother noticed that she had not seen him smoking recently. -I-ve quit,- said he. No fuss, no muss -- he decided to stop, and did so.
Purge your residence of all smoking paraphernalia.
Buy hard candy, Sugar free gum, nicotine gum, straws to chew.

Cold Turkey it... ..You can do it ....We did.
Stop eating at KFC. The combustion point of trans fats is 99 degrees.
Dear Mr Eye,

Try switching to a generic brand, or a French Brand. It never worked for me, but everyone else that spontaneously combusts says it worked for them.

I will also be trying hypnosis soon, now that I am in an english-speaking country where I can understand the hypnotists.

Very Sincerely
I-m constanly now being asked -How Do I Stop Smoking?-
I really emphathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..
well use the patch it worked for my uncle and my mom going to try it out to
Your experience is typical; solid and true attempts to quit smoking that result in ultimately giving in and giving up, over and over again. You should know that all the research and studies done on quitting smoking have concluded that more than 95% of all smokers need to include an effective support program into their quit smoking war chest to actually succeed permanently. That includes receiving support even when other types of quit smoking methods ie; patch, pills etc. are used. And with more than 95% of all smokers being unable to quit smoking without effective support it isn-t personal weakness that is creating failure rates it is the nature of nicotine addiction that is creating the failure rates. If you are ready to put it down for good you will have to receive effective support to do so. And that is probably the only thing you haven-t tried yet like most people who are unable to quit smoking permanently. Try it and you will increase your chances with whatever support program you use by at least 50% and up to 99.9%! Good Luck!
How do I quit smoking for good? -

Can someone quit smoking dope after 11 years and not be overly nervous ? -

Can someone quit smoking dope after 11 years and not be overly nervous ? -

I know -a know it all- who is getting divorced. He has smoked dope for over 11 years to self-medicate. Now he-s quitting cold-turkey so if he-s tested after 45 days he won-t test positive. He-s a very intense high strung guy and I think he-s making a wrong move.
It will not hurt him to quit. It will not make him more nervous. If he is nervous it is because of his situation. Since he is trying to quit, it may help to see a doctor and get prescribed some tranquilizers for when he gets really nervous. As long as he has a prescription that should be okay. However, they should only be taken when really needed because most can be addictive not like pot.
I have no idea
Can someone quit smoking dope after 11 years and not be overly nervous ? -

I want to quit smoking!!! any tips? -

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I want to quit smoking!!! any tips? -

I-ve been smoking for 12 years and i WANT to quit. but i dont want to go on any meds that have any side effects. does anyone know some tips that helped them quit??

Here-s some suggestions. Drink plenty of water. Walk or do other type of aerobic exercises. Do deep breathing (breath in fully for a count of 3 and out for a count of 6) over and over for as long as you need to get past the craving. Stay focused on your goal. Don-t let the crazy talk enter into your mind. Crazy talk: I could smoke one. it won-t hurt, why can he/she they smoke and I can-t) just block all of that. Don-t be surprized if you have dreams. I did and thought they were real. Finally, if you fail, jump right back on the band wagon and try it again. Good luck to you
I smoked for over 40 years, having quit and gone back several times. I finally tried something new and have been smoke-free for about a year. This is what I did: whenever I wanted a cigarette, I-d smoke half of one. I did that for a couple of weeks, then I-d just take about four or five puffs, only smoking every other time I wanted a cigarette. I did that for a couple of weeks until I was down to 2 drags on a cigarette, maybe 4 times a day. Then, I decided that when that pack ran out, I-d buy no more.
Quitting cold turkey is just about as effective as quitting heroin cold turkey. Your body is just as addicted to nicotine and you have to wean yourself off it, like heroin addicts do with methadone. If you quit cold turkey, the craving is huge, while weaning yourself off of it, there is no craving left and your body is accustomed to being without it. Good Luck, my friend!
Best way ? just make up your mind and quit ! I know it-s very hard, and make you very irritable to say the least, but trying to slack off, doesn-t work.
Try to carry some low-cal hard candy or something else to put in your mouth when you get the urge to light up, and it will work if you have the will power to stop.
I smoked for 41 years, heavy, and I can speak from experience, it-s not easy to stop, but if I can do it, anyone who really wants to can. My problem is I didn-t stop until it was too late and my lungs were damaged, now have copd.
Good luck, and I-m sure you can do it.
It all depends on your determination, but what I did was this:

I bought 200 cigarettes, told myself (like a mantra) these are my last, then proceeded to chain-smoke them over a day and night.

When finished, throw away all paraphernalia (ashtrays, lighters etc) and get a big bag of dried fruit.

Every tie you crave a smoke, have dried fruit, and lots of water (some people use gum/patches but I think this prolongues nicotine withdrawal), your body will be clear in a matter of days.

Any cravings after this are psychological, so find a positive to replace smoking, and actively save the money unspent on smokes each day towards a treat.

Stick to it!
My mom quit smoking with ease when she was told she had cancer.

If you-d like to quit before getting cancer... well, here-s a story!

My stepfather smoked from when he was 1968 to 1999, two years after my mother died.

One day, while standing at my mother-s grave with my two sisters and my aunt, he and my aunt lit up a cigarette. I broke out into tears and told him it was disrespecting my mother, because she gave up smoking once she found out she had cancer so that she could stay with us just a little bit longer than what the doctors said. And yet, there they were, smoking at her grave, as if saying her death went in vain for the whole family.

That day was the last day my stepdad smoked a cigarette.

He moved from cigarettes to, first, candy cigarettes. Not the little sticks. The ones that, if you puff on them, create smoke. Then he moved to pretzels and twizzlers. No tobacco patches or gum or anything like that.

Once, he told me, he was thinking of smoking a cigarette. But then, he said, he remembered how many people he would leave behind if he died from coming down with lung cancer, and how many things he still wanted to do before he died.

Only you can stop yourself from smoking. I merely offer this as inspiration.

Good luck.
Fourteen months ago, I ended up in the ER because I couldn-t breathe. My oxygen level should have been in the upper 90s, but it was only 64. The doctor said a couple of more hours, and I would have been dead from respiratory failure. They put a bipap machine on me and after about two hours, I was able to breathe again on my own.

I was in the hospital for 3 1/2 days. They put a nicotine patch on me every day. By the time I went home, I had a good start to stop smoking. I stayed on the patch for a month. That helped me to quit wanting to handle cigs and play with them, as we all do. The patch gave me nicotine, but it helped me to not want a cig.

After a month, I started on Chantix for a week, and then stopped the patch and just took the Chantix. I was able to quit successfully, and I had smoked for 55 years!

Don-t be afraid to use something to help you quit if you can-t do it on your own. Why suffer if there are things that can help you? I had tried many times to quit, and just couldn-t do it. I didn-t think I ever could. But with the patch and Chantix, I have been smoke free for 14 months, and I will never smoke again.

Trouble is, I wish I had quit long ago, before I ruined my lungs. I have COPD, and have a hard time breathing when I do anything strenuous. I need oxygen when I take a shower.

Try anything to stop before you ruin your lungs, too. Chantix has helped many people to quit! Good luck!
Why did you even start? Just dont smoke. Its that easy. Some famous guy was on ellen a few days ago and thats what he said. you just dont do it. dont give in and after a few weeks you will feel so much better and not worry about having cigarrettes all the time and what not.. or try the gum or the patch. idk i dont smoke im not dumb!!!
work on your self confidence and anytime you want to smoke buy a chewing gum and chew till you forget the cigarette
... I quit hundred times (kidding)
Sunflower seeds and double mint gum
Talk to your docter, or get lazer therapy. If you have made the decision to quit smoking, congratulations! Not only will you improve your own health, you will also protect the health of your loved ones by no longer exposing them to secondhand smoke.

We know how hard it can be to quit smoking. Did you know that many people try to quit two or three times before they give up smoking for good? Nicotine is a very addictive drug—as addictive as heroin and cocaine. The good news is that millions of people have given up smoking for good. It-s hard work to quit, but you can do it! Freeing yourself of an expensive habit that is dangerous to your health and the health of others will make you feel great!

Many women who smoke worry that they will gain weight if they quit. In fact, nearly 80 percent of people who quit smoking do gain weight, but the average weight gain is just five pounds. Keep in mind, however, that 56 percent of people who continue to smoke will gain weight too. The bottom line: The health benefits of quitting far exceed any risks from the weight gain that may follow quitting.

How to Quit
Research has shown that these five steps will help you to quit for good:

Pick a date to stop smoking. Before that day, get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters everywhere you smoke. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home. Write down why you want to quit and keep this list as a reminder.
Get support from your family, friends, and coworkers. Studies have shown you will be more likely to quit if you have help. Let the people important to you know the date you will be quitting and ask them for their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes out. Get more support ideas.
Find substitutes for smoking and vary your routine. When you get the urge to smoke, do something to take your mind off smoking. Talk to a friend, go for a walk, or go to the movies. Reduce stress with exercise, meditation, hot baths, or reading. Try sugar-free gum or candy to help handle your cravings. Drink lots of water and juices. You might want to try changing your daily routine as well. Try drinking tea instead of coffee, eating your breakfast in a different place, or taking a different route to work.
Talk to your doctor or nurse about medicines to help you quit. Some people have withdrawal symptoms when they quit smoking. These symptoms can include depression, trouble sleeping, feeling irritable or restless, and trouble thinking clearly. There are medicines to help relieve these symptoms. Most medicines help you quit smoking by giving you small, steady doses of nicotine, the drug in cigarettes that causes addiction. Talk to your doctor or nurse to see if one of these medicines may be right for you:
nicotine patch: worn on the skin and supplies a steady amount of nicotine to the body through the skin
nicotine gum or lozenge: releases nicotine into the bloodstream through the lining in your mouth
nicotine nasal spray: inhaled through your nose and passes into your bloodstream
nicotine inhaler: inhaled through the mouth and absorbed in the mouth and throat
bupropion: an antidepressant medicine that reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke
varenicline (Chantix?): a medicine that reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the pleasurable effects of smoking
Be prepared for relapse. Most people relapse, or start smoking again, within the first three months after quitting. Don-t get discouraged if you relapse. Remember, many people try to quit several times before quitting for good. Think of what helped and didn-t help the last time you tried to quit. Figuring these out before you try to quit again will increase your chances for success. Certain situations can increase your chances of smoking. These include drinking alcohol, being around other smokers, gaining weight, stress, or becoming depressed. Talk to your doctor or nurse for ways to cope with these situations.
Where to Get Help
Get more help if you need it. Join a quit-smoking program or support group to help you quit. These programs can help you handle withdrawal and stress and teach you skills to resist the urge to smoke. Contact your local hospital, health center, or health department for information about quit-smoking programs and support groups in your area. Call the National Cancer Institute at 877-44U-QUIT to talk to a counselor. To get live, online assistance from the National Cancer Institute-s LiveHelp service, go to and click on -Instant Messaging.- LiveHelp for smoking cessation assistance is available Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
I want to quit smoking!!! any tips? -

How to quit smoking weed? -

How to quit smoking weed? -

i need legit ways to quit smoking, i really want to but ive been smoking everyday for a year almost and multiple times a day. is there things i can do or take to make the urge go down?

* been to a psychologist and that didnt work..
JOhn, remember that weed is NOT addictive. That-s a fact! So it-s an emotional habit only, like biting your nails. You are not physically addicted.
So you do not WANT TO TRY to quit, you are going to quit. It-s all mind over matter. With a little willpower, you-ll see that a natural high is pretty cool.
You can do it!! I know you can!! ;D
It depends on your reasons for smoking. If you-re self-medicating because it makes things make more sense, that could be a sign of ADD or other learning, behavioral, or emotional disabilities. If this is the case, chances are your chemicals are out of balance. You may need more or less norepinephrine, dopamine, or seratonin, which a psychiatrist could assist with in the form of a prescription.

If you-re smoking weed because it-s a habit, then you need to change your habits. For example if there are certain people you always smoke with, you should avoid those people. If you always smoke before you go see a movie, don-t go to the movies.

If you-re looking to escape reality, try a different approach. Lose yourself in a book, or go for a bike ride. Group activities, whether they are formal like NA or group therapy meetings, or informal like youth groups, book clubs, etc., are an excellent way to focus on something else.

I had a baby. That-s what worked for me. I used to smoke just as much as anyone else. But that was years ago. Once I learned I was having a child, I no longer had any desire to.
smoke away. its awesome and how could you wanna smoke. youll quit when you really want or have to. its possible. i done it before. but dont worry about it. it isnt addicting. and you obviously dont wanna go to higher drugs. youre good.
I-m sorry I can-t help you but I just wanted to say I think it-s fantastic you are trying to quit. Best of luck with it, keep positive because now you-ve put your mind to it, you can do anything!
Just remember its all in you head and the more you realize that you dont need it mentally the better off you are. There are plenty of other (cheaper) ways to relax.
How to quit smoking weed? -

Are there any Laser Touch offices in Indiana to help me quit smoking? -

Monday, June 16, 2008

Are there any Laser Touch offices in Indiana to help me quit smoking? -

I have heard of alternative measures in helping a person stop smoking. Someone mentioned a laser system using accupuncture had been real effective. I was hoping to find a place in Indy and if anyone had used this procedure effectively.
Apparently it is an expensive scam. I would recommend the old fashioned accupuncture, even backed up with a session of hypnotherapy.

Nothing is guaranteed of course, and you do need a lot of will power. You also have to really want to give up.

Good luck my friend!
Are there any Laser Touch offices in Indiana to help me quit smoking? -

Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

need some help been tryin to quit for 2 years
Quitting smoking is a great opportunity to learn about ourselves.
Congratulate yourself on having the desire to stop - then you are over the worst, but still need to maintain your resolve. It-s just so easy to start thinking that just one won-t hurt, but it does. Just one achieves nothing except feeling the need for another. Whatever you do, don-t have just one. Beware - alcohol will weaken your resolve.
Here-s a few home-brewed tips that might be useful.
It-s not just nicotine addiction - there are 50+ chemicals in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something-, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
We will have a few bouts of feeling or even being short tempered. We must try to bite our lip, and control; ourselves. Recognise the short temper as being the removal of toxins which are trying to find a way out. They went in through the mouth, and they try to get out that way to. We must learn to keep our mouth closed, and force the toxins out the other way.

After we have stopped for a while we will begin to feel that just one wont to any harm.
All that leads to is a desire for just another one. We must guard very strongly against the desire to have just one.
Two years? In your case, I would suggest the patch even though I-m strongly skeptical about using the killer to stop the killer. That just sounds absurd... sooo... if you really gave a crap about your health, go cold turkey. NOW! I suggest you isolate yourself for two weeks somewhere (forget about your job..) and get through withdrawal. First, though, read up and study sites to find out how you can cope with withdrawal and all the things you can do to curb your cravings.

Think about it... two weeks is all it takes to save your life, and maybe not even the whole two weeks! Stop with the deathsticks! Go take a vacation in the woods. Stock up on food, and breathe in FRESH air for once. I-m willing to bet that extracting your wisdom teeth hurts more, so suck it up and quit.
normally i-d ask my parents if i were you but...if you want to quit smoking...just try not to go near chain smokers and try to put something in your mouth like a pencil instead of a cigar...but the best way is not to go outsie so much and if you-re being tempted to smoke just lock yourself inside your room and try to think of something else or play video games just try to concentrate in doing one thing( not smoking)
Well, I quit smoking one Xmas when I ran out of cigs, and all the stores were i said -I will teach them all a lesson! I just won-t buy their stupid cigarettes ever AGAIN!- I didnt! That was like..10 years ago.
keep telling yourself that you dont need them.. and eventually, you will lose the desire to smoke..
addiction is a mental thing..
and if your mind is strong, you can quit in a matter of weeks..

good luck mate,
Do like I did Go cold turkey!
Start by smoking less.
Go to your doctor and tell him you want to quit. Ask him to prescribe Wellbutrin (bupropion). It is the exact same medication as Zyban but it costs a lot less and is available in generic form. Zyban is a quite smoking aid. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, but again they are the exact same medication in the exact same dose. It worked well for me. Stop all withdrawal symptoms and really softened the cravings.

The really cool thing is that you don-t have to quit when you start the Wellbutrin, you can taper down if you like. This is because Welbutrin has no nicotine in it. So you can taper down OR use one of the nicotine replacement therapies . Might be good for you since you have been trying to quit for so long.

Check the link below.
Good luck!


PS: What got me to quit was the fact that I had 5 cardiac bypasses put in on Oct. 4, 2006. So i guess I had some extra motivation. One other thing is that I have to exercise a little each day for my heart. I discovered while taking the Welbutrin, when I did get a craving if I got up and walked down the block and back the craving was gone. Just a suggestion!
started smoking for a very stupid reason. when i was in college some guy was smoking next to me. Stupid me thought i would try one and that would be that. Boy was i wrong. i came home for Christmas and my dad warned me that i would get addicted. I just did not listen. I have smoked on and off for the past 9 years. My doc gave me a new drug called chantix. you keep smoking while you take the first pack of of the drug (i think its 10 days) and than you stop smoking, but keep taking the pills until you are ready to stop. My advice for those who smoke or are thinking about it. DONT even have one cig.. once you do you are hooked and for those who already do smoke. STOP. i know its easier said than done, but you will feel better, you will smell better and most of will live lot longer.
you can minimise the smoking habits by using chewing gums when you feel the sensation for smoking.moreover thing of hating about smoking help you to be free from smoking because as you think as you will .
I used nicotine patch therapy and i quit now 4 years have passed no need of smoking
well, i-ve stopped for 3 months and, yeah, it-s been hell for me...but you just gotta hold on to it, eat sweets, snacks, go and buy lots of them, it helps...and drink a lot of water to wash out all the toxic, make yourself busy all the time, now go! you can do it! go! go! go!
If you currently smoke menthols, try sucking on Hall Eucalyptus Cough Drops. They-ll give you that -menthol- kick that you miss from the smokes. Worked for me very well. (eventually I had to wean myself off the Halls, but it was a lot easier than weaning off the smokes!)
Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -

I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -

Normally the doctor doesn-t prescribe adipex, but I am not wanting to gain weight from quiting smoking. I have a history of an eating disorder which is under control, but I don-t want to gain weight. I-m trying to do something good for myself by quitting smoking. I just want to be safe. I keep reading dangerous side effects of adipex and wanted to know if I would be ok taking it. Will this medicine make me lose weight or prevent me from gaining weight?
I-m quite surprised your doctor would prescribe such a powerful appetite suppresant to someone not overweight. Adipex is a stimulant. All I want to do when I take it is smoke to be honest. It makes me want to chain smoke and not eat. I lose weight on it rapidly and it speeds up my heart. Adipex is Phentermine, one half of the phen-fen drug that was taken off the market years ago because it was doing heart damage to patients who took it. I don-t think your doctor is very informed about this particular drug. There are other drugs that are safe such as wellbutrin or zyban.

I would never take the adipex while trying to quit smoking, it totally increases my cravings for nicotine.

Doctors prescribe dangerous drugs everyday. Unfortunately, many physicians are in the back pockets of the pharmaceutical companies and will prescribe just about anything. Adipex is not a weight-gain preventative but a weight-loss drug. It-s not the right way to go about quitting smoking without gaining weight.

I agree with the above poster in find a nutritional solution to providing your body with all that it needs and avoid the prescriptions all together.
hey, do you know of a Doctor that will prescribe Adipex??

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I tend not to take prescriptions, but that-s because I-m very educated. The fourth leading cause of death in the US/Canada is drug interactions from properly prescribed drugs.

Your adrenal glands need to be supported, not stressed out from an appetite suppressant because you will gain even more weight once you stop the drug. You need to see a homeopath and get acupuncture and learn how to eat healthy.

A great resource is to Google Dr. Mercola-s web site and get on his mailing list. Lots to learn about maintaining wellness.

By the way, congratulations on your quitting smoking. That-s not an easy task.
your doctor would not have supplied it if it was not safe and also if you speak to your doctor he will go through all the side effects and also provide an alternative if you wish.
Just because a doctor prescribes something, doesn-t mean it is necessarily safe or even good take. They get paid by how many drugs they prescribe, so always be wary of the next - -script-. I would unequivocally DENY any medications. This is a garbage prescription that is keeping a perfectly active person from seeking the correct way to burn calories and keep them off.

Gaining weight is common among quitters because nicotine not only acts as a stimulant, but smoking in general is a -hand habit-, keeping you preoccupied in certain situations, cuts your appetite so you don-t eat nearly as much, so a new -food to mouth habit- can be a natural substitute.

Keeping weight off is just like anyone else, do it the right way and embrace the new lifestyle ahead of you, just as you have said goodbye to an unhealthy and unattractive lifestyle of smoking.

Do it right, and invest in yourself, go to the gym, and hire a trainer to take you through the correct program to keep weight off. This will stimulate you metabolically the correct way through exercise and the right diet. This is not going to be a venture of only a couple of months or weeks. This is a LIFESTYLE. Too many present day adults are plain lazy and not motivated to keep their bodies active.
Good for you for your decision to quite. I also had the same -problem- that post poned my decision to quite smoking. I was 210+ lbs at one point in my life, and 5 ft 4-. I then lost 80 lbs. and continued to smoke even after I wanted to quit because I thought I would gain weight back. I smoked for 20+ years and loved it for 19 1/2 of them. I put it off for 6 months until I just couldn-t stand it. I just wanted to quit! So, I kept my same routine, I work out 5 days a week, and kept my same diet. To be honest, I gained 25 lbs. Yup, 25 lbs. Slowly, but surely. Yet my close friend who dosen-t work out, gained only 4 lbs. I was so upset, being fat most of my life felt like hell, so I went to my doctor to see about what I could take. His words changed my outlook. -You can either start smoking again or taking pills, and die sooner, but thin, OR you can live longer and be a little chubby for a while-. He told me it could take a year, maybe two, but it will even out, as long as I maintain my healthy life style. He-s right. It has been 13 months, and all of a sudden, like a light switch, my weight is going down. I have lost 7 lbs. in one month and still going down. I have never felt so fantastic in my entire life. I look healthier, my energy is amazing, and I just feel like a totally different person. Even with the extra weight. Remember, smoking kills you, a size 12 won-t. All the best of luck, and stay healthy.
doctors dont prescribe if they a r not sure
well if your doctor prescribed it i-m sure it-s ok. he wouldn-t give u something that would harm u. anyway, if u still feel unsure you should talk to him about it.
I quit smoking 6 months ago----no quiting aids at ALL... just good old cold turkey-----I found that orange pieces from fresh oranges worked wonders for my cravings and I didn-t gain even ONE POUND since quitting...and I STILL eat the orange pieces.....having something to do with your hands is crucial in successful quiting as well (hence the oranges---because you have to peel them, pull the pieces apart and then bite into them)...
I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -

Has anyone personally quit smoking dope? -

Has anyone personally quit smoking dope? -

after smoking long term? I read studies that after a month everything goes back to normal. also, what was your reason?
quit smoking after 3 years of dope.
quit because of my job commitments.
everything went back to normal in a week..
hell, in 2 days.
No crawings whatsoever...did a med check after a month
piss test didnt show no traces even.
I changed my life. I only smoked it about a year. It really is bad for your lungs and takes motivation out of life. I was depressed and I think Marijuana triggered the depression.

I got help and Now I-m fine. I think that a month is about right for the mental effects. You need to be done with any kind of smoking about a year to get rid of any respiratory effects. 0
yep- i smoked for about five years, and i recently quit.
i quit cause it wasnt making me happy anymore- at all. it was actually really freaking me out :--)
what about you-- and what do you mean by -personally-? lol
I quit more or less.I quit buying the stuff anyhow ill still smoke it if someone offers it. it will take along time before your mind repairs itself. id say about 2 years.
I quit after ten years.
first few days it seemed lonely but that was about it.
no positive test after 30 days.
no long term problems to think of.
Im still in hight school and i smoked over the summer, and then i stoped b/c my school does drug tests, and i never had any problems
I smoked regular for 2 years and quit about 10 years ago,
i think it takes allot longer to recover, i think for me 2 or 3 years
Cold turkey, after 30 years, with no ill effects. First, I switched to eating it, after coughing up flecks of blood after smoking, and at first I missed the ritual of smoking a lot, even using an empty bong (or waterpipe) for a while. Eventually, after realising that I was a diabetic, who needed to lose weight, because the meds were failing, and I couldn-t, because of the munchies, it was either daily insulin needles, or give it up. With the new meds, I could go back, but have chosen not to, because I no longer feel the need to get high.
marijauna has no long term effects.Its the people that smoke weed and take pills ,drink,take meth acid ,pcp,herion,coke ect that have long term effects.
Has anyone personally quit smoking dope? -

Have you quit smoking cigarettes and how long? -

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Have you quit smoking cigarettes and how long? -

This is my 3rd time quiting and I-m going on 8 months
4 years ago after I had a heart attack.
Don-t wait for it to happen like I did.
Have you quit smoking cigarettes and how long? -

Im trying to quit smoking,but i dont want to get fat any suggestions? -

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Im trying to quit smoking,but i dont want to get fat any suggestions? -

I-m using the patch to quit smoking and it-s working great but i-ve noticed i-ve been eating alot of cany and other snacks what can i do to keep my weight down?
When you get a craving try taking a brisk walk. Also try to do something that will require a lot of concentration and keeps your hands busy, like sewing.
Chewing gum, walk at lunch, outside, somewhere, for stress relief and exercise. Also, tell others that you are quitting smoking and they will commend you and watch you, and tell you that your doing a good job, until you backslide. Hope this helps, because smoking is definately bad for you and you need to quit.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

Well, I-m sorry if this is insulting but you-ve answered your own question- you just don-t like the answer and you-re looking for something easier. You-ve said it yourself, you-ve been eating a lot of candy and snacks. So, stop eating candy and snacks. That simple.

The same old answer is always the best one; eat healthy and exercise and you won-t be fat.
Chew gum; eat candy thats fat free; and keep a rubber band on your wrist; and when you want a smoke; play with that until the craving goes away; and also; try to lift some arm weights; keep your hands busy; drink water; and hot tea. eat more fruit; good luck.
your taste is going to come back so that is the tough part, but be sensible, watch what you eat and start to exercise, It will become easier to exercise as your lungs will be getting healthier. Good Luck
smoking just makes your skin thin not make you fat.
exercise everyday
at the time that you could be smoking, instead walk or jog or do crunches or something
Im trying to quit smoking,but i dont want to get fat any suggestions? -

After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -

After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -

ive heard of jobs testing for nicotine use prior to employment. i was just curious if anyone knows how long nicotine stays in the body system?????
Months. Especially over prolonged exposure.

Try drinking more cleansing drinks like tea and water. Also, epson salt baths help draw small amounts of nicotine and tar out of a person-s body through the skin.
i have never heard about that, what kind -jobs- will test for nicotine?

nicotine is abosorbed by the blood, then transport to brain, it will be gone in a few hours, that is why smokers have to cotinue to smoke in order to feel the nicotine rush

however, the lung has lots of nicotine in it, too
After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -

Licorice and Cinnamon Gum to Quit Smoking? -

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Licorice and Cinnamon Gum to Quit Smoking? -

I-m jumping into trying to quit smoking again for 7th time around. I-ve tried all the gimmicks(DOESN-T WORK), so I-m just gonna go Cold Turkey this time, which seems to be the only way, I know all the Tips and will use them. My question is which is better to curb craving Black Licorice or Red and can Cinnamon Gum help.
Black licorice sticks are supposed to help with cravings and peppermint tea you can find them both in health food stores
Licorice and Cinnamon Gum to Quit Smoking? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking without prescription drugs? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking without prescription drugs? -

Lick the bottom of an ashtray
eat a cigarette.
Neither will allow you to altogether quit, but the experience will be ingrained in your memory and helpfully substantial when you are playing mind games as you work on quitting.
Nicotine gum. It-s an oral thing just like cigarettes. Read the instructions. Start the gum, don-t smoke again. Chew as much gum as you need to. After a few days your lungs won-t crave the cigarettes as much. Keep chewing the gum and taper off as you can. Don-t rush trying to go off the gum. You are better off with the gum than the smoke. Always have some around, even if you feel you don-t need it. Don-t smoke a cigarette, not even one. The gum will buy you time to lose the cigarette habit. It has worked for me. I smoked two packs of Kools a day for 34 years. The patches made red itchy blotches on me. Maybe they work for some. Good luck. enjoy your smoke free life.
Want to stop smoking? Visit my website Or e-mail me at
For me: nicorette patches. Just make sure you take em off if showering/swimming though
Perhaps the nicorette activestop program might help.
First off, congratulations for WANTING to quit smoking!!

As far as answering, there are a lot of ways, and it also depends on how much you-ve been smoking. The best ways are slowly lowering your dose (takes a long time sometimes), or going cold turkey (which is faster, but harder). Either way, the last thing is making the decision to quit, so you-ll eventually have to deal with the withdrawal.

For the most part, when you deal with withdrawal, you-ll just have to tough it out, but there are some natural things (since you asked how to do it WITHOUT drugs) that can help cleanse out the toxins and may help to minimize some of the effects of withdrawal...
Drinking water will help to detox, and taking some supplements that work as cleansers may help as well. Specifically, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea (decaffeinated), Chlorophyll (fantastic cleanser), and even good amounts of fiber and water helps some people (although it-s not very comfortable for the lower level of detoxification you get).

All that being said, it-s likely that the symptoms should stop relatively shortly after your last smoke (it-s never as long as it feels like it is). Your neurotransmitters don-t take too terribly long to scream for something they are addicted to after you stop.
Another important thing to note is that no matter how bad it gets, taking more of the drug (and yes, nicotine is a drug) will only make the withdrawal last longer and will be harder on you in the long run. Good luck, and congrats again!
Whats the best way to quit smoking without prescription drugs? -

Besides cold turkey, whats the way u quit smoking that worked? -

Monday, June 9, 2008

Besides cold turkey, whats the way u quit smoking that worked? -

It-s time 4 me 2 quit smoking and I have not ever had any luck, looking for real suggestions.
Quitting smoking is extremely difficult. The withdrawl makes us not want to, but we know the risks and we know that they are not worth it. For anyone who wants to end their nicotine addiction, check out This is the MOST effective method on the market. It is 86% effective and the details of the program are on the website (no signing up or submitting your information).

I tried this program and it changed my life.

It-s a proven thing and it-s 100% money back guaranteed if it does not help you.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

...I had my whole life in front of me and I would NEVER smoke long enough to do my body damage. Wow if I knew then how horrid this addiction was I would have tried a lot harder. The problem is that even tho- these cigs are trying to kill me, they have been with me like a trusted friend thru all trials and happenings in life. The traumas that are faced as you pass each decade get tougher. Making cigarettes EVEN more comforting. Job changes, births, weddings, divorces,DEATH of grand parents, parents.... PLEASE QUIRT WHILE YOU ARE LESS TRAUMATIZED BY LIFE-
support of family and friends
get addicted to something else
This is the ONLY way (unless you are mr.willpower), (take me seriously) but not recomended by doctors or anyone. And only do this if you are 100% healthy. It isn-t cheep, but worked for me. It-s gross but get some chew (cheep stuff works, wintergreen is good), and patches, and the nicotine gum. If you crave a smoke, and you will, you need to put a patch on and put chew in your lip (at home), or chew on the nicotine gum not just 1 piece but many. Basically Overdose on nicotine (you will feel very sick and not want any more nicotine) It will work and take about a month or 2 before you can get over the whole inhailing thing, thats what you are adicted to, not just nicotine. alwayse wear a patch or 2, if you start getting sick, pull one off. The whole point is to make youself sick, not sick that you throw up, but just on the edge and you won-t want to smoke and get sicker. It-s hard to do at work. It-s extreme but you will thank yourself later! I smoked 1.5 - 2 packs a day and been smoke free for over 2 years (and actually don-t want to smoke)
Besides cold turkey, whats the way u quit smoking that worked? -

Has anyone ever used quot;snusquot; to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Has anyone ever used quot;snusquot; to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Sweden has reduced nicotine levels by 50% by making snus available to the general public; the tobacco lobby has successfully fought its large scale intro to the US market but it can be legally imported. Anybody or friends,relatives, workers, etc. used it?
Snus is a moist smokeless tobacco. It is similar to US moist smokeless tobacco products such as Copenhagen and Skoal. The primary difference is that Snus is not fermented, is cut smaller, has a higher moisture content and is typically put in the upper lip rather than the lower lip.

That being said, Sweden has basically outlawed smoking outside your house, so Snus sales went through the roof. They reduced the amount of smoking, but not nicotine as snus still has nictone.

Rather than switching to a tobacco based product to quit smoking, try an herbal product such as Hooch Snuff (
It will provide the same benefits as snus, but does not contain tobacco or nicotine.
havent use it , but i do have use , zero-nico it works great and is safe

Now, you can safely and effectivly give up smoking forever, without having to poison your body further with chemicals or nicotine based solutions, that have been proven not to work. ZERONICO had a 75% success rate, during clinical studies, compared to 5% for gum, pills, or nicotine patches.
Never heard of it but...
Wellburitin it is an anti depressant that has a 60% sucess rate for quiting smoking. I tried it and have quit without a problem except a few very minor urges. I smoked for 35 years. You start taking 1 pill a day (they make you feel great by the way) and set a quit date mine was for three weeks later than you just stop! It works and is great ask your Dr. to prescribe it.
By the way it is also sucessful to stope the craving of methampetamines and several other addictions! Feel free to e mail me and let me know how you are doing!
It worked with me. I stopped 10 months ago and I used to smoke 30 cigarrettes a day.
Has anyone ever used quot;snusquot; to quit smoking cigarettes? -



Call 1800-Quit -Now
They should be able to help you out. I quit cold turkey, but I was also pregnant when I quit. Good luck!
So what are you using at the moment to BUY your ciggies? I think you should divert the cash flowing to big tobacco in to some nico patches or, like me, just go cold turkey and once again enjoy tasting and smelling things.
May try here and browse around;…

Yes, I have an answer for you. all you have to do is pick me as the best answer. I-m not just going to give you empty advice like others do. I-m going to send you a couple of packs that I had left over from when I quit 2 weeks ago. e-mail me with your adress.
If you are located in New York State, you can contact New York Smoke Free and they will set you up with a whole non-smoking kit. I-m not sure if they help out-of-staters, but if you contact them, they might be able to direct you to a similar organization in your own area.…

EDIT: There is a national (North America) organization with phone numbers for each state also:

I want to quit smoking, need help? -

I want to quit smoking, need help? -

I-ve tried before and it lasted 3 weeks, I-ve been smoking for just under a year, I-m 18 I don-t want to smoke, I don-t want to give myself cancer or lung failure or anything like that.
I think it-s sickening and gross and I want to stop...
How do I do it? How can I get smokes off my mind?
I recommend cutting down gradually until your quit date. I did this. I cut down to half a pack. I did this for three months. I smoked by the puff, not by the cigarette. I took only the amount of nicotine that was necessary to satisfy my urge to smoke and put the rest of the cigarette out.

After doing this for three months I quit cold turkey.

Now I-m eating more candy to distract me but its been 10 months. I have urges but they don-t last more than a second or two. If they-re lasting more than that then you-re concentrating on the cigarette. Don-t do it. Concentrate on something else.
Chew on a piece of straw or even a toothpick whenever you want to smoke. I quit cold turkey and I found that way works the best if you actually have something to do that-ll keep your mind off of smoking (IE: sports, recreational things)
the answer is chatix known as champex in uk try it is profen drug
I want to quit smoking, need help? -

I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -

I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -

Can anybody please tell me the very best food that will refill all the health you lost for having this smoking habit? I want to know what parts of your body gets effected because of smoking and what is or what are the best food (s), vegetables and fruits that will help you to recover all that you lost because of years of smoking.
You can get idea about New Year Resolution which are easily available through many sources like Internet, or some forward mails. It is the right time to take feasible New year Resolutions.

Some people make impossible and impractical resolutions. And after that, it will be difficult to follow such resolution and they will give it up.…

Quitting smoking alone will greatly improve your health. That and healthy eating with regular exercise will do wonders!

I wish you the best of luck!
The most damage to your body when smoking is to your lungs, respiratory system and to repair that do normal exercises with deep breathing. No particular types of food is needed but just your ordinary healthy choices. Good luck!
I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -

Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -

I am almost on day three now of quiting cold turkey. Besides the dizziness and anxiety I also have pain in my lungs as of this morning. It hurts when I breath too deep or cough from my chest and back area. Is this natural for smokers who suddenly quit?
Yes, it happened to me also when I quit many years ago. My lungs will still hurt really badly when I wake up in the morning if I have been exposed to second hand smoke the night before. Don-t know why. Good luck with your quitting. It is so hard, but so worth it. You won-t know just how gross smoking is until you have been an ex-smoker for a while. I quit cold turkey also. It-s the best way for me. The first time I quit, it was for 1.5 years. Then I relapsed for 2 years and went cold turkey again. That was 6 years ago and I will NEVER smoke again. Keep up the good work!!!
I am on day three of quitting smoking right now too and really does hurt..

Report Abuse

Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -

How did your friends help you quit smoking? -

Sunday, June 1, 2008

How did your friends help you quit smoking? -

i wanna help my friend quit smoking. i just.. dont kno how to go about it. how did ur friends help you quit? what didnt they
Your friend has to help herself. She has to WANT to quit. After that it-s just mind over matter. Willpower.

I quit cold turkey, because I really was done smoking. The first 3 days were a little tough, but I chewed gum. That was 20 years ago. Think of all the money I-ve saved! My clothes and breath don-t stink! I feel SOOOO much better. No nasty coughing!!

If those aren-t reasons to quit, I don-t know what are! You sound like a really good friend, but it-s really up to her. Remind her that one day she-s gonna want to have a baby. When she-s pregnant she HAS to quit. Why not just do it now? It-s filthy and disgusting.

Maybe if she reads this she-ll quit. Here-s a message to your friend: WAKE UP!!!!!!! lol ;)
How did your friends help you quit smoking? -

How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -

How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -

She-s been a smoker for about 3 years now, and I-ve done everything. Told her how bad it is for her, diseases she can get...she just doesn-t care anymore. Help!
ok no problem now try telling her these diseases:

Cancer- Cancer has almost become synonymous with tobacco. It-s widely known that tobacco causes cancer, but most people fail to realize just how many types of cancer are involved. Lung cancer, cancer of the larynx and pharynx, bladder, kidney, cervical, colon, esophageal, and breast cancer are all related to smoking.


Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease)- Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and most European countries. Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow, which leads to heart attacks, chronic chest pains, and strokes.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)- Acute Myeloid Leukemia damages developmental cells. It starts deep in bone marrow and quickly spreads into the blood stream and then to vital organs and into the central nervous system.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- When smoking causes blood clots in the aorta, there becomes a bulge in the aortic artery. If not treated, there is great risk that this aneurysm can rupture and mean almost certain death.


Go to a store and buy a coughing mask. Wear it around your house to protect yourself from the smoke. Have her only smoke outside. Or make a smoke free room in your house.

Your mom needs help so try to talk to her again and tell her how it-s affecting you. Show her the statistics on second smoke, and tell them you don-t want to deal with the health problems, but you understand that she has a right to smoke if she still decides to.

Seek a doctor-s help if you can. A doctor can talk about a -respiratory problem.- If your mom hears from someone outside the situation that it is causing you harm, they make think twice. She probably won-t stop smoking right away, but maybe you can work out a compromise. If not, seriously look at other places to live, like with a grandparent or someone else.
Explain the risk that she puts you in Eg death and explain to her you dont want her or you or anyone else in your family to die.Also what a waste of money it is. Maybe try and work out how much she spends a a month then a year smoking and tell her what she could but with the money sometimes its like a car and a family holiday but i guess if money is no object then that wouldnt help as much. you could get her some nicorette patches/chewing gum and explai to her that you want her to try really hard to stop for you. Good luck, i hope this works!
I made my mom stop just by telling her and waiting. Umm, maybe if you tell her something like -Mom, you smoking is making me depressed and very angry. I don-t want to lose you. I beg of you, stop smoking for my sake, and get some Non smoking gum or a patch.- Or if that doesn-t work, just steal her cigarettes and throw them away, but that would make her mad, wouldn-t it? Or sneak non smoking gum in her purse
Tell her how its influencing you and how its effecting you not only physically but emotionally. Obviously it-s hurting you. Tell her that you are sick of feeling like you have to take care of her. Show her that she is an example to you and that you look up to her. Tell her its her responsibility to teach you how to take care of yourself, by being an example. After all she is your Mother.
By putting this question up, I can infer that you, are a great person by worrying about your mom. The fact you care about her more than she does about her is amazing. Try to have an emotional talk about how you love her, and if she dies from a disease, your heart will be broken. It-s always those kinds of conversations that can get to her. Good luck and hope I helped!
There are several ways to convince your mother to stop. Both my father and grandfather smoke, they both have for more than 20 years. Usually, people don-t want to want to stop because smoking releives their stress, try and find a way to help her unwind,find a outlet. The adds they show on mtv against smokeing are very helpful. Don-t lose hope ;)
Oh no!
When is her birthday?
If it-s soon, buy her something to help her stop, like nicorete gum or mints or something.
If its not soon, then buy it anyways, she-ll hopefully see that its really hurting you and how important it is to you and then she might be persuaded to stop :)
Good luck! :d
One of my family members is a smoker and i dont want to lose him i tried everything but it doesnt work so im goin to try to threswten him that im gonna smoke to to see if it works you can try to and hope ur mom quits n hopefully my family member will too.
just show her all the syptoms and thinks it can do to her and maybe tell her how you fell and tell her you want to spend more time with her and bc maybe someday i wont bc your dyin from smoking and can u plz answer mine just type this in search for question. can you get hepatitious b from kissing someone
Show her a picture of a healthy lung of someone who doesn-t smoke and a lung of someone who does smoke. you-ll freak her out and she might quit,also tell her how important she is to you and you don-t want to lose her.
tell her u love her and u dont want her to put her own life at risk , u want her to be here for u longer ,take here out some were to get her mind off ciggs , tell her when she wants to smoke to grab a gum or some hard candy , or to think of u ever time , good luck i-ll pray for her !
my mom smoked for almost 20 years before i finally told her that if she didnt stop that i was going to start. she didnt believe me - so i smoked my first cigarette - it was gross - but she quit.
tell her how its affecting you. give her stats. example: every one pack you smoke, its like if I smoke 1 cigarette.

she cares for you, she wont want you inhaling the sh***t.
post pictures of cancerous lungs around the house. photoshop a picture of a tombstone with her name on it. underneath that put something like -i don-t want to lose you this soon-
when shes smoking walk by and pretend to choke on the smoke(make it sounds bad). It might make her realize that its not just harming her but you as well.
Mention something that hits hard. Ask her if she cares if she ever gets to see her grandkids or something of that nature
Start Smoking yourself, and tell her every time she smoks, you will smoke as well!
If she cares about you, she will stop!
tell her your gonna start smoking with her if she doesnt stop.
it might work, she is setting a bad example for you.
Tell her that she-s harming you!
Secondhand smoke is even worse!
punch her in the throat.
act really sick for a week and keep coughing. tell her somehow u feel soooo bad because shhe is smoking
How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -

How you people are feeling now after quit smoking ? -

How you people are feeling now after quit smoking ? -

I would like to get answer from the persons who have quit smoking for more than 2-3 months,
Please share your experiences.
i have beter health at all.
i have beter body odour than before.
i can have more frequent sex than be 4
i have more fresh lung to inspirate air. Now i can have more miles for my aerobics exercise. the conclusions not smoking is beter than smoking.
I recommend cutting down gradually until your quit date. I did this. I cut down to half a pack. I did this for three months. I smoked by the puff, not by the cigarette. I took only the amount of nicotine that was necessary to satisfy my urge to smoke and put the rest of the cigarette out.

After doing this for three months I quit cold turkey.

Now I-m eating more candy to distract me but its been 8 months. I have urges but they don-t last more than a second or two. If they-re lasting more than that then you-re concentrating on the cigarette. Don-t do it. Concentrate on something else.
I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps…

just awesome! when I smoked one after 6 months.
ohhhh cool
How you people are feeling now after quit smoking ? -