I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -

Monday, June 16, 2008

I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -

Normally the doctor doesn-t prescribe adipex, but I am not wanting to gain weight from quiting smoking. I have a history of an eating disorder which is under control, but I don-t want to gain weight. I-m trying to do something good for myself by quitting smoking. I just want to be safe. I keep reading dangerous side effects of adipex and wanted to know if I would be ok taking it. Will this medicine make me lose weight or prevent me from gaining weight?
I-m quite surprised your doctor would prescribe such a powerful appetite suppresant to someone not overweight. Adipex is a stimulant. All I want to do when I take it is smoke to be honest. It makes me want to chain smoke and not eat. I lose weight on it rapidly and it speeds up my heart. Adipex is Phentermine, one half of the phen-fen drug that was taken off the market years ago because it was doing heart damage to patients who took it. I don-t think your doctor is very informed about this particular drug. There are other drugs that are safe such as wellbutrin or zyban.

I would never take the adipex while trying to quit smoking, it totally increases my cravings for nicotine.

Doctors prescribe dangerous drugs everyday. Unfortunately, many physicians are in the back pockets of the pharmaceutical companies and will prescribe just about anything. Adipex is not a weight-gain preventative but a weight-loss drug. It-s not the right way to go about quitting smoking without gaining weight.

I agree with the above poster in find a nutritional solution to providing your body with all that it needs and avoid the prescriptions all together.
hey, do you know of a Doctor that will prescribe Adipex??

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I tend not to take prescriptions, but that-s because I-m very educated. The fourth leading cause of death in the US/Canada is drug interactions from properly prescribed drugs.

Your adrenal glands need to be supported, not stressed out from an appetite suppressant because you will gain even more weight once you stop the drug. You need to see a homeopath and get acupuncture and learn how to eat healthy.

A great resource is to Google Dr. Mercola-s web site and get on his mailing list. Lots to learn about maintaining wellness.

By the way, congratulations on your quitting smoking. That-s not an easy task.
your doctor would not have supplied it if it was not safe and also if you speak to your doctor he will go through all the side effects and also provide an alternative if you wish.
Just because a doctor prescribes something, doesn-t mean it is necessarily safe or even good take. They get paid by how many drugs they prescribe, so always be wary of the next - -script-. I would unequivocally DENY any medications. This is a garbage prescription that is keeping a perfectly active person from seeking the correct way to burn calories and keep them off.

Gaining weight is common among quitters because nicotine not only acts as a stimulant, but smoking in general is a -hand habit-, keeping you preoccupied in certain situations, cuts your appetite so you don-t eat nearly as much, so a new -food to mouth habit- can be a natural substitute.

Keeping weight off is just like anyone else, do it the right way and embrace the new lifestyle ahead of you, just as you have said goodbye to an unhealthy and unattractive lifestyle of smoking.

Do it right, and invest in yourself, go to the gym, and hire a trainer to take you through the correct program to keep weight off. This will stimulate you metabolically the correct way through exercise and the right diet. This is not going to be a venture of only a couple of months or weeks. This is a LIFESTYLE. Too many present day adults are plain lazy and not motivated to keep their bodies active.
Good for you for your decision to quite. I also had the same -problem- that post poned my decision to quite smoking. I was 210+ lbs at one point in my life, and 5 ft 4-. I then lost 80 lbs. and continued to smoke even after I wanted to quit because I thought I would gain weight back. I smoked for 20+ years and loved it for 19 1/2 of them. I put it off for 6 months until I just couldn-t stand it. I just wanted to quit! So, I kept my same routine, I work out 5 days a week, and kept my same diet. To be honest, I gained 25 lbs. Yup, 25 lbs. Slowly, but surely. Yet my close friend who dosen-t work out, gained only 4 lbs. I was so upset, being fat most of my life felt like hell, so I went to my doctor to see about what I could take. His words changed my outlook. -You can either start smoking again or taking pills, and die sooner, but thin, OR you can live longer and be a little chubby for a while-. He told me it could take a year, maybe two, but it will even out, as long as I maintain my healthy life style. He-s right. It has been 13 months, and all of a sudden, like a light switch, my weight is going down. I have lost 7 lbs. in one month and still going down. I have never felt so fantastic in my entire life. I look healthier, my energy is amazing, and I just feel like a totally different person. Even with the extra weight. Remember, smoking kills you, a size 12 won-t. All the best of luck, and stay healthy.
doctors dont prescribe if they a r not sure
well if your doctor prescribed it i-m sure it-s ok. he wouldn-t give u something that would harm u. anyway, if u still feel unsure you should talk to him about it.
I quit smoking 6 months ago----no quiting aids at ALL... just good old cold turkey-----I found that orange pieces from fresh oranges worked wonders for my cravings and I didn-t gain even ONE POUND since quitting...and I STILL eat the orange pieces.....having something to do with your hands is crucial in successful quiting as well (hence the oranges---because you have to peel them, pull the pieces apart and then bite into them)...
I quit smoking. The doctor prescribed adipex to prevent weight gain. Is it safe for a thin person to take? -