How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -

Sunday, June 1, 2008

How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -

She-s been a smoker for about 3 years now, and I-ve done everything. Told her how bad it is for her, diseases she can get...she just doesn-t care anymore. Help!
ok no problem now try telling her these diseases:

Cancer- Cancer has almost become synonymous with tobacco. It-s widely known that tobacco causes cancer, but most people fail to realize just how many types of cancer are involved. Lung cancer, cancer of the larynx and pharynx, bladder, kidney, cervical, colon, esophageal, and breast cancer are all related to smoking.


Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease)- Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and most European countries. Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow, which leads to heart attacks, chronic chest pains, and strokes.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)- Acute Myeloid Leukemia damages developmental cells. It starts deep in bone marrow and quickly spreads into the blood stream and then to vital organs and into the central nervous system.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- When smoking causes blood clots in the aorta, there becomes a bulge in the aortic artery. If not treated, there is great risk that this aneurysm can rupture and mean almost certain death.


Go to a store and buy a coughing mask. Wear it around your house to protect yourself from the smoke. Have her only smoke outside. Or make a smoke free room in your house.

Your mom needs help so try to talk to her again and tell her how it-s affecting you. Show her the statistics on second smoke, and tell them you don-t want to deal with the health problems, but you understand that she has a right to smoke if she still decides to.

Seek a doctor-s help if you can. A doctor can talk about a -respiratory problem.- If your mom hears from someone outside the situation that it is causing you harm, they make think twice. She probably won-t stop smoking right away, but maybe you can work out a compromise. If not, seriously look at other places to live, like with a grandparent or someone else.
Explain the risk that she puts you in Eg death and explain to her you dont want her or you or anyone else in your family to die.Also what a waste of money it is. Maybe try and work out how much she spends a a month then a year smoking and tell her what she could but with the money sometimes its like a car and a family holiday but i guess if money is no object then that wouldnt help as much. you could get her some nicorette patches/chewing gum and explai to her that you want her to try really hard to stop for you. Good luck, i hope this works!
I made my mom stop just by telling her and waiting. Umm, maybe if you tell her something like -Mom, you smoking is making me depressed and very angry. I don-t want to lose you. I beg of you, stop smoking for my sake, and get some Non smoking gum or a patch.- Or if that doesn-t work, just steal her cigarettes and throw them away, but that would make her mad, wouldn-t it? Or sneak non smoking gum in her purse
Tell her how its influencing you and how its effecting you not only physically but emotionally. Obviously it-s hurting you. Tell her that you are sick of feeling like you have to take care of her. Show her that she is an example to you and that you look up to her. Tell her its her responsibility to teach you how to take care of yourself, by being an example. After all she is your Mother.
By putting this question up, I can infer that you, are a great person by worrying about your mom. The fact you care about her more than she does about her is amazing. Try to have an emotional talk about how you love her, and if she dies from a disease, your heart will be broken. It-s always those kinds of conversations that can get to her. Good luck and hope I helped!
There are several ways to convince your mother to stop. Both my father and grandfather smoke, they both have for more than 20 years. Usually, people don-t want to want to stop because smoking releives their stress, try and find a way to help her unwind,find a outlet. The adds they show on mtv against smokeing are very helpful. Don-t lose hope ;)
Oh no!
When is her birthday?
If it-s soon, buy her something to help her stop, like nicorete gum or mints or something.
If its not soon, then buy it anyways, she-ll hopefully see that its really hurting you and how important it is to you and then she might be persuaded to stop :)
Good luck! :d
One of my family members is a smoker and i dont want to lose him i tried everything but it doesnt work so im goin to try to threswten him that im gonna smoke to to see if it works you can try to and hope ur mom quits n hopefully my family member will too.
just show her all the syptoms and thinks it can do to her and maybe tell her how you fell and tell her you want to spend more time with her and bc maybe someday i wont bc your dyin from smoking and can u plz answer mine just type this in search for question. can you get hepatitious b from kissing someone
Show her a picture of a healthy lung of someone who doesn-t smoke and a lung of someone who does smoke. you-ll freak her out and she might quit,also tell her how important she is to you and you don-t want to lose her.
tell her u love her and u dont want her to put her own life at risk , u want her to be here for u longer ,take here out some were to get her mind off ciggs , tell her when she wants to smoke to grab a gum or some hard candy , or to think of u ever time , good luck i-ll pray for her !
my mom smoked for almost 20 years before i finally told her that if she didnt stop that i was going to start. she didnt believe me - so i smoked my first cigarette - it was gross - but she quit.
tell her how its affecting you. give her stats. example: every one pack you smoke, its like if I smoke 1 cigarette.

she cares for you, she wont want you inhaling the sh***t.
post pictures of cancerous lungs around the house. photoshop a picture of a tombstone with her name on it. underneath that put something like -i don-t want to lose you this soon-
when shes smoking walk by and pretend to choke on the smoke(make it sounds bad). It might make her realize that its not just harming her but you as well.
Mention something that hits hard. Ask her if she cares if she ever gets to see her grandkids or something of that nature
Start Smoking yourself, and tell her every time she smoks, you will smoke as well!
If she cares about you, she will stop!
tell her your gonna start smoking with her if she doesnt stop.
it might work, she is setting a bad example for you.
Tell her that she-s harming you!
Secondhand smoke is even worse!
punch her in the throat.
act really sick for a week and keep coughing. tell her somehow u feel soooo bad because shhe is smoking
How do I convince my mom to quit smoking? -