How do I quit smoking for good? -

Friday, June 20, 2008

How do I quit smoking for good? -

Seems once a month I break out into human combustion and have to put myself out. Then I just smoke for a long time.
Stay away from Everclear.

Too much alcohol lights me up as well.
Do like Kirk Douglas- father did. Quit. Carry one cigarette with with at all times. Every time you feel like a smoke, take it out and ask it,-Who-s stronger,me or you-.
Something bad must happen to your health instantly while you-re smoking...then you-re like, heck, Im not smoking anymore..
I-ll send you some sh*t to help for FREE if you want. Gotta basement full of the stuff. Would be more than happy to help.
Commit Lozenges

My company gives them to us for free, I still smoke and have no desire to quit just yet.
There is one way, and only one, to do so: to decide to do so. It-s your body, you are in charge, and you make ALL the decisions as to what to do with it. My father smoked for years. One day, my mother noticed that she had not seen him smoking recently. -I-ve quit,- said he. No fuss, no muss -- he decided to stop, and did so.
Purge your residence of all smoking paraphernalia.
Buy hard candy, Sugar free gum, nicotine gum, straws to chew.

Cold Turkey it... ..You can do it ....We did.
Stop eating at KFC. The combustion point of trans fats is 99 degrees.
Dear Mr Eye,

Try switching to a generic brand, or a French Brand. It never worked for me, but everyone else that spontaneously combusts says it worked for them.

I will also be trying hypnosis soon, now that I am in an english-speaking country where I can understand the hypnotists.

Very Sincerely
I-m constanly now being asked -How Do I Stop Smoking?-
I really emphathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..
well use the patch it worked for my uncle and my mom going to try it out to
Your experience is typical; solid and true attempts to quit smoking that result in ultimately giving in and giving up, over and over again. You should know that all the research and studies done on quitting smoking have concluded that more than 95% of all smokers need to include an effective support program into their quit smoking war chest to actually succeed permanently. That includes receiving support even when other types of quit smoking methods ie; patch, pills etc. are used. And with more than 95% of all smokers being unable to quit smoking without effective support it isn-t personal weakness that is creating failure rates it is the nature of nicotine addiction that is creating the failure rates. If you are ready to put it down for good you will have to receive effective support to do so. And that is probably the only thing you haven-t tried yet like most people who are unable to quit smoking permanently. Try it and you will increase your chances with whatever support program you use by at least 50% and up to 99.9%! Good Luck!
How do I quit smoking for good? -