Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -

I am almost on day three now of quiting cold turkey. Besides the dizziness and anxiety I also have pain in my lungs as of this morning. It hurts when I breath too deep or cough from my chest and back area. Is this natural for smokers who suddenly quit?
Yes, it happened to me also when I quit many years ago. My lungs will still hurt really badly when I wake up in the morning if I have been exposed to second hand smoke the night before. Don-t know why. Good luck with your quitting. It is so hard, but so worth it. You won-t know just how gross smoking is until you have been an ex-smoker for a while. I quit cold turkey also. It-s the best way for me. The first time I quit, it was for 1.5 years. Then I relapsed for 2 years and went cold turkey again. That was 6 years ago and I will NEVER smoke again. Keep up the good work!!!
I am on day three of quitting smoking right now too and really does hurt..

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Why do my lungs hurt when I quit smoking? -