How long will it take for my lungs to completely heal after I quit smoking? -

Saturday, April 28, 2018

How long will it take for my lungs to completely heal after I quit smoking? -

This is my 3rd day smoke-free.
the american lung association says that after two years of being smoke free, your lungs are in pristine shape, ie you never smoked, unless of course some disease process has already begun, once begun, a disease process in the lungs may not heal.
It depends on how much and how long you smoked. Also how deeply you inhaled. Take one day at a time and know you did a wonderful thing for yourself! CONGRATS!!!
Any damage already done cannot be repaired. However, your lungs aren-t necessarily damaged because you smoke.
well done, 3 days, you have cracked it, you won-t regret it
don-t know but hang in there!
How long will it take for my lungs to completely heal after I quit smoking? -

How much do there quit smoking tablets cost and do i need a prescription to take them.? -

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

How much do there quit smoking tablets cost and do i need a prescription to take them.? -

the new quit smoking tablet that is out on the market, what are the results, and does it really work, is there any side affects, and how much do they cost, are they expensive to buy?
I bought Acomplia and its REALLY working! I feel the need to smoke 70-80% less than I ever have before. I ordered it online b/c its not yet out in the USA. It did cost me about $330.00 for 180 pills. Let me know if you want or need more info! Good luck and take care, Rachel.
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
I imagine they be quite costly. But you probably don-t need them anyway, anyone can quit with a bit of effort! If you really really wanted to stop you-d do it yourself!
How much do there quit smoking tablets cost and do i need a prescription to take them.? -

How do i make her quit smoking? -

How do i make her quit smoking? -

how do i make my mom stop smoking?? she has no will to stop but i HAVE to make her quit. please help. any advice is appreciated.
Straight facts might work, but more likely you-ll have to combine facts with an appeal to her emotions (e.g. tell her how much you love her and how you will help her quit if she chooses to).

If she doesn-t want to quit, it will likely be difficult, but it can be done. Take it slow; don-t rush the process. It takes time and patience to convince someone to do something they don-t initially want to do.

I-ll pray for you.

If she quits, thank God.
If she doesn-t, blame me.
I feel sorry for you. It-s always hard when you see someone you love basically killing themselves.

That is the reason why I stopped, my wife and kids are more important than some silly cigarettes!

For Quit Smoking help for your mom go to;
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

explain to her that she is slowly committing suicide
Quitting smoking is extremely difficult. The withdrawl makes us not want to, but we know the risks and we know that they are not worth it. For anyone who wants to end their nicotine addiction, check out This is the MOST effective method on the market. It is 86% effective and the details of the program are on the website (no signing up or submitting your information).

I tried this program and it changed my life.
How do i make her quit smoking? -

Quit Smoking!!!? -

Quit Smoking!!!? -

I am 28 yrs old and I have been smoking since age 16. I am ready to quit. I have thought about taking Chantrix or the patch or gum. Do any of these acutally work? What is the best method to quitting? Please help. My wife and I figured out that we are spending $3600 a year on cigs with each of us smoking one pack a day. We are quitting together.
I have smoked close to 2/packs daily over 15 years and have quit with Chantix, for me this is a miracle drug. You still have to really want to quit as you will still go through the nicotine withdrawals, but it is amazing how little you think about smoking. Quitting is tough and these things are out to help, but you still have to do the work. My insurance does not cover the Chantix, but it is the best investment I have made. I have tried all other methods, from cold turkey, Zyban, gum, patches etc, none of these worked for me. I think the best advice is to keep trying until you find what works for you (and it may be different for you and your wife), when you do it will be a great investment.

Best of luck,
Quit cold turkey. You will both be moody for about 2 weeks but it will be worth it. Try and do a lot of exercising - Tell yourself that you are doing something good for yourself. If you want a cigarette, go for a walk. Deep breathing also helps
Congrats on your decision. I have a yahoo group dedicated to those trying to quit smoking with extensive files, links, news etc. attached which can answer any question you have about quitting. Feel free to have a look. I built the site when I was quitting..............R…

Chantrix went through my rural community by word of mouth.... Strange that there wasn-t any ads anywhere a few months ago. 90% of the folk who used it -Quit-! The failures didn-t truly try. My Dr. said this drug was amazing in it-s results.

Good Luck!! on quitting together. Stick with it!
I just quit by taking Chantix. My insurance doesn-t cover it, but it was still cheaper than smoking! It really does work. It tooked about 2 weeks for me to REALLY quit. If you can handle a little bit of nausea, then I would definitely try it!
go ask a doctor. GOOD LUCK!

* i wish that people like my mom could think the way you do. if you know it-s bad, then why keep doing it?!? i hate the way it smells and if i-m around anyone smoking, i want to smack them. s***! people need to stop being stupid and pathetic. we really don-t need to emphasize those things because it-s prevalent throughout the world.
l-m using Chantix and notice l don-t think about smoking as often as l did. (l just started 4 days ago) Not all insurance co-s pay for it. Since l have smoked for 40 yrs, l felt l needed help.
Different things work for different people. You may have a lot of luck with the -cold turkey- method, but I didn-t. I used Commit lozenges and they really helped my cravings. Try to stay away from others who are smoking for a while though, because that will tempt you a lot. I think it-s great that you and your wife want to do this together! Take the money that you would spend on cigarettes each week and put it into a savings account. Maybe at the end of the year you two could take a nice vacation to celebrate your accomplishment and better health. Good luck! : )
the patches help but instead of trying to just quit everything you should try to just cut back a little each week. Depending on how much you smoke a day, start with one or two cigs less then that. Then just keep progressing until you come to one cig per day, then you could try just quitting.
Try Lobelia. It is an Herbal Dietary Supplement. Nature-s Sunshine makes it in capsule form. It takes away the cravings and if you think you want to smoke a cigarette while taking it you won-t smoke another. It will make you feel sick to your stomache if you smoke while taking it. That is what really helped me the most. I didn-t like the feeling when I cheated so I didn-t try it again. It also helps to restore and support the respiratory system. You can look it up online. The website for this brand is and the stock no 430-1. Do some research too. Only take it as suggested.
please dont try patches or pills - they don-t work, and just make it harder to stop smoking. i quit accidently lol right after reading this book.

give it a try, it worked for me, and you can check out other people-s reviews.. amazingly, no withdrawals or cravings at all, just like it says. good luck!
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
Quit Smoking!!!? -

Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -

Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -

Hi everyone,
Today is my first smoke free day is about 10 years. I am doing good. Not cranky yet! So what did you do that helped you quit?
When you have to smoke start saying your children-s names over and over don-t worry about the things that they have done just say their names and just breathe...
nicotine gum
activities for the nervous energy - sports

and for the oral fixation - oral sox (but not with an o)

good luck and tell your bf i said you-re welcome ;0P

(oh and carrot sticks too)
I smoked for 10 years. I quit cold turkey! I kept away from places were people were smoking (Casinos, bars etc.) I chewed a lot of gum and kept myself busy. Don-t kid yourself this will be one of the hardest things you go through but it will also be the best! First couple weeks will be tuff but it eventually gets easy and after time you will not even think about it. I have never smoked since and its been 11 years and to this day its the best thing I have done. Good luck to you.
Its not easy. And there will come much harder days.

I smoked for 12 years, and i quit on a single day without any drugs or patches. It took a lot of me. But i made a promise to my wife and daughter and i did it for them.

The most important thing is not to just smoke one more. The first one that you smoke will be the excuse to smoke another one on times of need. Like after a stressful situation, or after a meal.
Wish you the best.
Give up coffee and cola for a few weeks because it is a scientific fact that -caffeine- makes you crave the more you drink coffee to -calm your nerves-....the worse you want a cigarette.

When you crave a cigarette so badly that you almost give in...try this: breathe in very deeply...and hold it and then breathe out. This may make you feel a bit dizzy...but after doing it a few times...the craving pains will have subsided.

And then when you get real fed up....try to think of all the money you-ll be able to save...maybe plan for a vacation with the extra money you will soon have....and think of how good you will feel the next time you go for a medical, because once you stay off tobacco, it doesn-t take long for your lungs to start to heal. Good Luck...and yes...YOU CAN DO IT!

You know what worked well for me? I didn-t smoke any more cigarettes! Seriously, I know that sounds flip and all, but f you want to quit smoking then what you really need to do is quit whining and simply don-t smoke. I quit cold turkey five years ago. I haven-t had a drag in five years. You don-t need patches or any of that other crap. You just need self control and a desire to quit. If you don-t really want to stop, then no tricks can help.
You just have to tough it out. No matter what you do, it is not going to be easy. You have to realize that eventually you will not want to smoke anymore at all, and that it will get easier. Using patches or gum just slows down the process of kicking your addiction. Also, don-t buy any cigarrettes, and throw out any that you have. You CAN-T smoke if you don-t have any cigarrettes. And unless you can bum a pack a day, you aren-t going to be smoking enough to sustain your addiction without buying any. Hope this helps. Worked for me! Good Luck!
I am on my 4th day of Chantrex. I have smoked, but instead of 2 packs a day. I have had 3 cigs a day and I drink more water and chew more gum than usual.
I didn-t do this because I was smart enough not to start. But I-ve watched my dad, who swore on my mom-s deathbed that he-d quit struggle with the enormous addiction problem. Here are some suggestions. The most effective are first.

Nicotine replacement
Cold turkey (didn-t work for dad)
Welbutrin (he didn-t try this, and it helped me with self-control issues)
Smoking cessation classes (didn-t work)

You-ve got to keep your mouth busy. You-ve got a habit of sucking on something, so hard candy, mints, something may help.

They suggested no coffee, since coffee + cigs go together.

There was a book on line. It looked fantastic but I didn-t bookmark it :((( and now I can-t find it. It-s a smoking cessation book based on the concept that you-re not quitting, the cigarettes, the bad habit is chasing you, and you are protecting yourself, running away and fighting so that bad habit doesn-t kill you. I heard that it-s tremendously successful, but I couldn-t find it.

I wish you the best of luck, honey. If you need a story about how smoking kills, e-mail me.

Nicotene patches have one on now and i am at 13days free of the weed.
I quit years ago. I was smoking two packs a day over the past year at the time. I simply looked at how bad it was for me and anyone who might happen to be around me when I smoked, then decided I didn-t want to do it anymore. Since I had very good reasons for quiting, then I had a very good basis to place my resolve to quit. Having all of that I just quit cold turkey, no problem. Didn-t even miss it at all, never have wanted to start up again, am in fact disgusted by the whole smoking thing now.

Don-t know if this will help you, though.
try the patches, gum, fake cigarettes a lot of people smoke just to do something with their hands. accupuncter could work too
I needed an immediate reward. I spent the money I would have spent on smokes on treats like CDs, books, concert tickets etc. Really worked. Am 9 years smoke-free.
It-s mostly a mental strength of really wanting to quit! Keep focused on all the bad things about it, it stinks, and it really could kill you.......oh actually make you suffer first, then kill you! Coffee actually helped me, when I got a craving, I had a cup of coffe. I-m not sure that that will help everyone, cause some people like coffe with their cig........but you-ll find, if you just stay strong, the actual craving doesn-t last real long! As soon as it comes, just try real hard to get your mind focused on something else! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
hi i am in the same boat as you i am stopping 2moro. i have stopped before and i used patches and regular chewing gum it really helped but i started again wen i was drunk lol GOOD LUCK
Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -

How do I quit smoking? -

Saturday, April 21, 2018

How do I quit smoking? -

I-m 19 and I-ve been smoking since I was 14, chain smoking since 16. I pretty much have no physical addiction, I didn-t smoke for the 3 months I was in boot camp and it didn-t affect me any way but mentally. However, the day I got out I started smoking again. I-ve just built up habits, like especially when I drive I have to smoke. How do I break these habits? I-m sick of damaging my body, but I can-t overcome the desire to smoke.
Put it in writing. People who want to make a change often are more successful when they put it in writing. So write down all the reasons why you want to quit smoking, such as the money you will save or the stamina you-ll gain for playing sports. Keep that list where you can see it, and add to it as you think of new reasons.

Get support. People whose friends and family help them quit are much more likely to succeed. If you don-t want to tell your parents or family that you smoke, make sure your friends know, and consider confiding in a counselor or other adult you trust. And if you-re having a hard time finding people to support you (if, say, all your friends smoke and none of them is interested in quitting), you might consider joining a support group, either in person or online.

Set a quit date. Pick a day that you-ll stop smoking. Tell your friends (and your family, if they know you smoke) that you-re going to quit smoking on that day. Just think of that day as a dividing line between the smoking you and the new and improved nonsmoker you-ll become. Mark it on your calendar.

Throw away your cigarettes — all of your cigarettes. People can-t stop smoking with cigarettes still around to tempt them. Even toss out that emergency pack you have stashed in the secret pocket of your backpack. Get rid of your ashtrays and lighters, too.

Wash all your clothes. Get rid of the smell of cigarettes as much as you can by washing all your clothes and having your coats or sweaters dry-cleaned. If you smoked in your car, clean that out, too.

Think about your triggers. You-re probably aware of the situations when you tend to smoke, such as after meals, when you-re at your best friend-s house, while drinking coffee, or as you-re driving. These situations are your triggers for smoking — it feels automatic to have a cigarette when you-re in them. Once you-ve figured out your triggers, try these tips:

Avoid these situations. For example, if you smoke when you drive, get a ride to school, walk, or take the bus for a few weeks. If you normally smoke after meals, make it a point to do something else after you eat, like read or call a friend.
Change the place. If you and your friends usually smoke in restaurants or get takeout and eat in the car, suggest that you sit in the no-smoking section the next time you go out to eat.
Substitute something else for cigarettes. It can be hard to get used to not holding something and having something in your mouth. If you have this problem, stock up on carrot sticks, sugar-free gum, mints, toothpicks, or even lollipops.
Expect some physical symptoms. If you smoke regularly, you-re probably physically addicted to nicotine and your body may experience some symptoms of withdrawal when you quit. These may include:

headaches or stomachaches
crabbiness, jumpiness, or depression
lack of energy
dry mouth or sore throat
desire to pig out
Luckily, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will pass — so be patient. Try not to give in and sneak a smoke because you-ll just have to deal with the symptoms longer.

Keep yourself busy. Many people find it-s best to quit on a Monday, when they have school or work to keep them busy. The more distracted you are, the less likely you-ll be to crave cigarettes. Staying active is also a good way to make sure you keep your weight down and your energy up, even as you-re experiencing the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

Quit gradually. Some people find that gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes they smoke each day is an effective way to quit. However, this strategy doesn-t work for everyone — you may find you have to stop completely at once. This is known as -cold turkey.-

Use a nicotine replacement if you need to. If you find that none of these strategies is working, you might talk to your doctor about treatments. Using a nicotine replacement, such as gum, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays, can be very helpful. Sprays and inhalers are available by prescription only, and it-s important to see your doctor before buying the patch and gum over the counter. That way, your doctor can help you find the solution that will work best for you. For example, the patch requires the least effort on your part, but it doesn-t offer the almost instantaneous nicotine kick that gum does.

If you slip up, don-t give up! Major changes sometimes have false starts. If you-re like many people, you may quit successfully for weeks or even months and then suddenly have a craving that-s so strong you feel like you have to give in. Or maybe you accidentally find yourself in one of your trigger situations and give in to temptation. If you slip up, it doesn-t mean you-ve failed, it just means you-re human. Here are some ways to get back on track:

Think about your slip as one mistake. Take notice of when and why it happened and move on.
Did you become a heavy smoker after one cigarette? We didn-t think so — it happened more gradually, over time. Keep in mind that one cigarette didn-t make you a smoker to start with, so smoking one cigarette (or even two or three) after you-ve quit doesn-t make you a smoker again.
Remind yourself why you-ve quit and how well you-ve done — or have someone in your support group, family, or friends do this for you.
Reward yourself. As you already know, quitting smoking isn-t easy. Give yourself a well-deserved reward! Set aside the money you usually spend on cigarettes. When you-ve stayed tobacco free for a week, 2 weeks, or a month, buy yourself a treat like a new CD, book, movie, or some clothes. And every smoke-free year, celebrate again. You earned it.
see your doctor, join a group to help you quit, eat ice cubes when you feel like smoking.
Think about all that smoke being clogged up in your body and google image -smokers lungs- and see what your lungs most likely look like.

Good luck and try not to think about it.
im pretty sure the 1st answer covered everything.
Perhaps the nicorette activestop program might help.
How do I quit smoking? -

I quit smoking, but I still have urges to smoke, other than chewing gum what could you recommend to help? -

Friday, April 20, 2018

I quit smoking, but I still have urges to smoke, other than chewing gum what could you recommend to help? -

Also, I have smoked all of my adult life 27+ years, I finally quit(yeah) It has been now 3 weeks since I totally quit, I thought my smell and taste would be better, but are not. I am looking for some safe habit to do with my hands instead of holding a cigarette. Please do not tell me to chew gum--I hate gum.
Thank you
straws, when i tried to quit the last time, I chewed on straws or had one in my hand and would chew it when I wanted to smoke. I also sucked on hard candy- because I smoked menthol cigarrettes, I found sucking on Halls cough drops or anything with menthol helped.
Good luck, congrats and don-t give in, the difficulty will only last a few weeks- once you get past 2 you know you can keep going, eventually you won-t want it anymore- my husband quit for a month and tried to smoke and felt horrible- once your body gets used to not having it, it doesn-t want it.
Play with a pencil. You are used to having something in your hands.

don-t use substitutes, just read the book ;) absolutely amazing!
Sugar free lollipops.....Also about 50 jumping jacks will take your mind off of those cravings that hit you out of nowhere!
Don-t you wish you had NEVER started? Gosh, I do. I hate this! I hate WANTING them all the time.
Good luck to you!
This is a new idea that no one else is doing. GET ONE OF THESE

tell your mates that you are out of the club for good!!!
Exercise, it worked for me. The first 6 months sucked, good luck.
you have to see your doctor, ask him/her to prescribe anti-smoking patch, i don-t know the name, it helps.
I quit smoking, but I still have urges to smoke, other than chewing gum what could you recommend to help? -

To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -

To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -

Patches are exspensive..My husband has been told he has Copd.He is only 53 and the doctor wants him to use an inhaler.He is concerned about overeating as he can-t afford to gain.Help please...
Ok. You have some fun times ahead of you. I know NOTHING of the patches but do have experience in the -natural- way.

It will be hard. First off. Do you REALLY WANT to stop smoking? Do you say I -need- to or do you say I REALLY WANT to????? Therein lies the basic answer to you quiting.

Smoking is not just a nicotine habit. You also have a habit of having something in your hand and in your mouth. You have a habit of reaching into your shirt pocket for a cigarettete pack. Then you have a NICOTINE habit. Chew gum. That will keep your mouth busy. Keep a tooth pick or pencil in your hands and/or mouth. That will keep you hands and mouth busy. Put the chewing gum pack in your shirt pocket. The worst times will be after eating. The best times will be when you wake up and don-t have to cough for 10 minutes. The first two weeks will be hardest. From that point will SLOWLY become easier. Be prepared. It took 5 years for me not to even think about a cigaret when I seen someone else smoking. But each day was easier. Smokes STINK, STINK, STINK along with the people who smoke them. Did you know that? Good Luck. You CAN do it and NEED to do it. Food will taste better than it has in your entire life. Just watch and take it easy on the food. Pops
I used everything under the sun to quit. even the patch. but when I was ready, again, to quit, I did use the patch for a second time, and I have been smoke free for over 2 years. They do work, if you let them. As far as overeating, I bought one of black fuzzy posters that you color with magic markers, and took that out only when I had the urge to smoke. It kept my hands busy, and when the urge past, I set it aside. It took me 2 weeks to finish it, and I did not buy another one. That poster hangs in the livingroom today . Good luck!!
i gained 40 pounds doctor told me the body can handle excess pounds not smoking. zyban - nico gum are helpful.
cold turkey .......
he really has to fight the urges ......

every time my dad wanted one he had an Ice coffee
(in glass mix instant coffee , two teaspoons of sugar, Ice)

He tried it all and this worked for him
welll, put it this way, patches are cheaper than cigarettes, and they do work (got one on now)
Quitting is very hard! I have heard of drinking grapefruit juice, this well help with the withdraw of a cigarette, I am not sure how it works but I heard it is a good help!
make sure you drink LOTS of water for the first week. It will flush the toxins out of your system quicker and make you feel more clear-headed than if you do not drink so much water. Trust me, it made all the difference to me!

Also, brush your teeth after meals to help with the post-eat craving!

Good luck. YOu can do it!
To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

ive been smoking since am 17 now i-m 25 i wanna quit smoking but i realy cant resist it...guys can u give me a help...?what would be the best thing to do or remedy for a smoker?tnx...i really appriciate it a lot...
Well, I went on the patch. Started off with the strongest and moved myself to lower dosages through the weeks. However, it took more than just the patch. I had to stop or limit myself to activities that would normally make me crave a cigarette. Since I smoked more while in front of the computer I limited my time on it. Didn-t drink during that time simply because a mixed drink and a cig went hand in hand. Limited my caffeine intake because it will trigger nicotine cravings. Didn-t place myself around a crowd of smokers. Didn-t allow anyone to smoke in my home or car. Any time I had a craving for one I quickly reminded myself that I am a non-smoker.
You never truly go without the craving. From time to time I will still get the urge for a cig but it is much easier than it was in the beginning.
Best of luck to you ; )
i smoked for more years then you had and had tried quitting in the past but this past year i decided to do it and i have been smoke free ever since its hard but i went cold turkey and the hardest part is the first month just dont give in and buy more ..i threw away lighters, ash trays and bought gum and didnt buy another pack . i had moments when i felt stressed and really wanted to light up but i found something to take my mind off it and the feeling passes quickly..good luck
I quit 6mos ago. I went to the Dr for a routine yearly physical. I have been smoking since i was 16, i-m 43 now. I never tried to quit, cuz I liked it, and didn-t really think I was being hurt by it. During the exam the Dr noticed my lower legs didn-t have hair, he also pressed hard on my ankle with two fingers. When he removed his fingers the depressions remained. He explained that both were symptoms of -vascular degeneration- brought on by smoking. Keep in mind that my Dr didn-t know I smoked. In the past I had a Dr that gave me sh*t about it everytime I went in, so I switched Dr-s and kept it hidden from the new guy. This demonstration of how my body was being destroyed by this habit made me give them up. Six months and no desire. Now I didn-t just quit, I quit cigarettes. I bought a really good cigar. Cigars stink, they make you feel dirty. So when I just HAD to smoke, I took it out of it-s little tube and lit it up, puffed on it, then put it out and away until my next -attack-. I hated the stench so much it forced me to be stronger, soon, the attacks were ignored, then the went away. Nicotine is a short lived addiction, only lasts about 3 days, everything after that is purely in you head. Good luck!
It-s mind over matter here. If you want to really quit, it-s cold turkey all the way. I-ve seen people use the patch and gum but they did not quit because they kept feeding their body. Just remind yourself it-s the best thing that you will ever do for your body. The sooner - the better. You can do it!
Another vote for cold turkey. It was the only way that worked for me.

I started smoking at 12 and quit cold turkey at 26. My experience is cold turkey. I encourage you to do the same if you are serious because its really not as big a deal as the tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies are making it.
Check out They make a homeopathic remedy called wise choice. It works quickly and well.
I agree with Laura, Cold turkey is the only effective way. The no smoking aids just tease you until you give in.
The trouble is, most people read that it-s very hard to give up and they translate that to mean -impossible-. Yes it is hard, but you can still do it.
My best tip - just stop smoking and don-t make a big deal out of it. Act like you-ve never smoked and forget about it.
Stub out your cig.
What is the best way to quit smoking? -

How can I quit smoking pot? -

How can I quit smoking pot? -

I-ve been smoking weed pretty much every day for the last 3 years...I-m a 23 y/o male. I really want to stop, but it-s pretty hard to. I know I cant really go to rehab for pot, so what can I do to kick the habit once and for all?
As a former pot smoker I feel your pain. Back when I was smoking, my three smoking buddies and I would literally burn through a half of headdies every week. So to say Im familiar with weed is a bit of an understatement.

Anyway. When stopping smoking you need to realize three things.

1. Its not crack. But it will first.

People seem to think that just because potheads don-t go around raping and robbing everything with a warm hole or twenty dollars it means that its has harmless as Fisher Price. But on the contrary, weed is quite a potent mind altering substance and taking out of your diet after three years of constant use will change a few things. You may be irritable, nervous, full of trepidation and anxiety. Don-t worry. This will pass. Take it easy for a little while. You are changing your biochemistry in a large way. Its ok to have a few quiet nights in or to take on less responsibility if it means you will make it safely through this transitional period.
That said...

2. It takes time.

Just because you decide to stop smoking today doesn-t mean you wont get the urge after a late night at the bars or a hard day at work to burn some hobbit leaf. You are changing a major behavior and just because you -relapse- doesn-t mean your efforts to quit are over. We are the sum total of our actions. What matters is you keep trying. It will get easier to say no thanks.

3. You have to stay away from it.
This was the hardest part for me because my friends never wanted to quit. And if i wanted to see them, it meant being nor further than an arms length away from a bong at all times. The worst part for me was people not taking me seriously or questioning my reasons for quitting.
You have to be firm and tell them with no doubts that you are quitting and to hell with the reasons. Don-t let them offer you a smoke. And when they do (and they indefinitely, reflexively, will) even though its out of the goodness of their hearts tell them it has to stop. You may have to live with not going over to someones house for a little while, and you may loose some friends (usually the worst of the bunch) You may even need to find a few new non smokers to spend your time with. But once you show your friends your resolved to quit the ones that are worth your time should be ok with it.

Really with any substance, heavy using is a replacement for something else. I was a shy and anxious guy and used smoke as a crutch for the pain of socializing. As soon as i had it, i had instant friends.

If you can identify this need and fulfill it with something healthy quitting gets a lot easier. Don-t be afraid of talking to a psychiatrist to get help or medication if you need it. You may need to work through some issues. Or maybe not. I don-t know you personally. Only you can decide.

Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions.
You need to search within yourself for the reason you feel the need to alter your mental status -- and then find a healthy alternative. You can not break a habit - you can only replace it with a healthier or more productive habit. When do you smoke dope? what is you -trigger-? What can you be doing instead that is healthy and productive? Substitute habits like - exercising, having a hobby (like painting or woodworking) - something that can fill your time, and also give you satisfaction of accomplishing something worthwhile. Try getting involved with your church, Habitat for Humanity or other activity.
Good luck - and May God bless you for trying to turn your life around. -
I know this isn-t a great answer, but you just don-t do it. I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey after 10 years of smoking. And weed is not addictive, it-s just the habit of it. It is still hard almost 2 years later, but I know it-s best for me. And you still could go to rehab, but I would suggest NA (narcotic anonymous) meetings first.
don;t use that web page mike said to use,,,,,,,,
I think, he doesn-t want to be the only jerk using pot.
please listen to the other one kelly it-s a great idea
you have be stronger than your buddy-s and stay away from
them, And you are since you reached out to ask.
find a hip church and get into music christian music is so
cool from Hard Rock to Contemporary and churches love to
have guys join their bands,
most of them have been through the same thing as you are going thur
Get something to distract you get a girlfriend who doesn-t smoke pot. Spend your money on a new pair of shoes before you buy that bag. Get rid of anything to do with weed and don-t hang out with pot smoker-s. Walk your dog, go to the gym, and hang in there even if it give-s you headache-s at first and in the end you will be glad you quit. Good luck and don-t give up!
Read.... anything... put your mind to work. Pot when abused really dulls your thinking.
How can I quit smoking pot? -

Where do I go to quit smoking cigs? -

Where do I go to quit smoking cigs? -

Something quick, easy and painless.
No nasty comments.

(I don-t smoke, it-s for a project)
Electronic Cigarettes! Have you heard of them? Many have not and they are great. (not a proven method for quitting but lots of smokers have switched and love it)

happy to answer your questions if you do go this route. good luck on your project!
Chantix which is only available by prescription works the best. Everyone I know of that has taken it has done very well with it.
will power...nicotine patches
Rehab my dude
Where do I go to quit smoking cigs? -

If i quit smoking now will my asthma get better? -

Thursday, April 19, 2018

If i quit smoking now will my asthma get better? -

I have recently decided to quit, my asthma has been getting worse and it-s just just not worth it anymore. Will my lungs repair or at least have an increase in my quality of breathing? Also I smoked probably a cigarette every other day for 3 months.
No offense dude but...DUH!
i quit about 5 months ago cos my asthma was getting bad
it didnt take long to get less asthma,, i then went dr and got a preventer too [seretide] im feeling great now
for the 1st time in having asthma [23 years] i ran around our loacal basket ball court a few days ago 7 times [20 minutes straight] without needing ventolin, it was so freakin awesome,, please stop smoking and youll see a difference, i promise xxxxxxx
yes, please do quit smoking. u wont only feel better for your asthma, u can also decrease the risk of getting major illnesses i.e. lung cancer, heart diseases, hypertension, gangrene etc. in the future, to yourself and others around you.
Almost certainly. Smoking and asthma don-t mix. In fact, anyone-s lung capacity goes up when they stop smoking.
Yes,it will be help.
If i quit smoking now will my asthma get better? -

Test to prove you quit smoking? -

Test to prove you quit smoking? -

My boyfriend-s work offers an incentive to quit smoking after 1 year. His -test- is coming up in April. I think that the test would have to be some sort of blood test but that is freaking him out because he passes out at the sight of needles. Am I right or is there some other way to prove you have been smoke free for a year? How does the test work?
Tell him to breath easy. It is a urine test. No needles involved. The tests evaluate the levels, if any, of Cotinine which is related to nicotine.
I don-t know, never had the test, but I do know that it may not be a blood test. YOu lungs heal themselves after a couple of months, not smoking. There are other ways to find out. HE shouldn-t stress over things he doesn-t know, that wastes a lot of energy.
probally a test to show his health improved
A psysical exam,when the doctor listens to his lungs.
Test to prove you quit smoking? -

Does hypnosis to quit smoking or to lose weight really work? -

Does hypnosis to quit smoking or to lose weight really work? -

Has anyone out there ever had it done? For what condition? Did it work? How much did it cost?
It-s not too expensive, maybe $50 to $100 dollars per session, but I don-t believe it works. My cousin had it to prevent labor pain, but guess what? It didn-t work. Also, on the show MythBusters, they had 3 different people try different forms of hypnosis and it was proven to not have worked.
Never had it done I-m quiet weary of hypnosis dont know what they could be doing or saying to me when I-m asleep
never tried. but don-t think so.
It works better for quitting smoking than for losing weight. Costs vary.
Perhaps for some people it might work if they actually want it to work but you cannot be hypnotised against your will. One smoker that I know of went to a hypnotist and the hypnotist was unable to hypnotise him and made the comment that he was a resistant subject and gave up on him.
Does hypnosis to quit smoking or to lose weight really work? -

BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -

BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -

He stopped smoking about 7 months ago, but was using nicotine mints for most of this time. He has been depressed and isn-t even proud of the fact that he-s come so far. He says he just wishes he could smoke again. What can I do? Advice from former smokers, please! (I never smoked.)
try to keep his mind off of it by doing some fun going on walks or anything physical. try and keep him away from don-t sit in bars and stuff like that. Try and keep him in a positive frame of mind. I-m sorry.....i-m a smoker and I tried to quit a bunch of times and never have so 7 months is really good. Find out what exactaly he is depressed about b/c more than likely he is depressed about something else and because of that wants to smoke. Good luck
i quit smoking for the last 3 months and i have no problem quitting. but if he doesnt mind dieing early he might wanna just start smoking again.

personally for me i would like to start smoking again, and it has nothing to do witht he nicotine. I feel it was alway more of a social thing. its a great time passer, esp when waiting for some one. it gives your hands something to do. it make drinking alot more fun. and most important your look that much cooler.

if he doesnt wanna quit then let him go back to smoking. Some peple have the will others dont. maybe tell him to go cold turkey, i didnt take gum or the patch to quit. i just quit like a real man.
Better you consult in the hospital . they have separate unit for those who wants to quit smoking
BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -

Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

My aunt is around 50 and has smoked for quite some years now and recently went to the hopital because she couldn-t breath. She came back and not even a week has gone by and she already smoked 3 cigarretes in 2 days. We tried everything to convince her to quit but she doesn-t pay attention, wat else can we do?
When my husband smoked a few years ago my son was so rude about it the he quit. It was strange to me I wanted my husband to quit but I was nice and he didn-t. My son was rude and he did. One point my son made was that his breathing space was being polluted. You can-t make an omelet without breaking eggs so maybe you need to give your aunt some hard truths about how her smoking is effecting those around her as well as herself. Then pray for her and yourself if she doesn-t take criticism kindly.
It-s wonderful that you care so much for your aunt, however, there is no convincing a person to stop smoking. It has to be something the person wants for themselves. Your aunt has already been to the hospital and that hasn-t done it.

The only thing you can do is to pray for her and let her know that you-ll be there to support her if/when she does decide to quit.

I-ll be smoke free 2 years January 10th, and it was nothing anyone said to me that made me stop. The cravings are fierce for nicotine those first weeks and I STILL have them periodically.

I had to want to quit myself and it was really hard. Prayer got me through it honestly.

Nicotine is a legalize drug. You crave the stuff like junkies crave the illegal drugs. Sad but true.
cut their paychecks so they cant buy smokes anymore.
Maybe you can show her pictures on the web on what a smokers lung look like.
she has to quit on her own, most likely it will be hospitalization.....
its a hard habit to kick.....she will eventually get tired of not being able to breath
Nothing. She is responsible for her actions, and it may be that she has a secret death wish. It-s easier than paying the price for suicide.3 family members killed themselves with alcohol. There was one that was a genius, so much for that!
Hide her smokes is about all you can do besides tie her up.
Make them believe that they can do it. Pfizer has a new drug that enables up to 46% of patients quit. It is called Chantix.
Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -

Hi everyone my name is Josh and i am 15 years old and i have been smoking for four to five months. My friends got me into it though i should of been stronger and said no but i want out of this horrible mess. I also have been smoking weed for 3 months on and off the weed isn-t a problem to quit to be honest tobacco is my problem.

anyone give me advice? im also a boxer i know i shouldn-t be smoking because im a boxer and its a horrible addiction that-s why i`m here to stop (sorry for my spelling)
I started smoking when I was about the same age as you. I kicked the habit 20 odd years later. How ? um.. simple. I sat down and worked out how much money I had burned just by smoking. The figure was scary. At today-s prices 20 fags costs £5(roughly). I was smoking 20 a day for about 15 years, and at weekends this would climb to 30-40 a day. That means I was spending over £2000 a year on ciggies and across a 15 year period had blown at least £30K. Now there was a period when I smoked less - when I was starting. Let-s assume I did 5 a day. That-s still £500. Now you have to ask yourself, what could I spend £500 on? That-s the price of a holiday, or a new iPhone, or some decent clothes, I-m sure you can think of any number of things you could spend it on.

Got that image ? Right. Now you are going to get that item. Get yourself a jar. Chuck out all the ciggies you have left. Work out how many you were smoking a day. Let-s say it was 5. Every smoke free day, put £1.25 in the jar. At the end of the week, empty the jar. you now have a choice. You can spend that cash or put the money in a savings account. It-s up to you, but the important thing is, this is money you would otherwise have puffed up in smoke. You can use it to buy the things you-d really like. New ipod ? Nice mobile? Decent kit ? Xbox ?

Is it tough ? Yup. Especially if you have a long established routine associated with smoking.

Isn-t it easier to just cut down gradually ? Um... I tried that and it didn-t work for me. The way I see it, if you have a packet on you, there is the temptation to have one. No fags, can-t smoke.

What about patches or gum ? All the chewing gum and patches do is stop you sucking down tar into your lungs. Only your will power can make you stop. You could just be swapping lighting up for slapping another patch on.

Why do it ? Well apart from the cash side, you-ll feel better. If you are into sport, you will perform better too. Oh and your clothes won-t have that ashtray stink. Your breathe will smell nicer too. So you-ll find that girls will find you more attractive. Who wants to go out with someone who hums like an ashtray ???

Toughest part. Your mates who smoke. They will want to make you break. Ask yourself, who-s the mug, them for smoking or you for quitting ? What will they have at the end of a year ? Bad breath, smelly clothes, empty pockets and lack of fitness. What will you have ? Hmmmmm.. So if they offer a fag, just say no. If you want a cop out, then you could say -I haven-t got any to pay you back with- Nobody likes a scrounger. Worst case, find some new mates. In fact, you probably will anyway.

Good luck.
Hi Joshie,
There is really only one way to stop smoking, and that is to determine that you will not smoke again and stick to it. It is very difficult, as, when you have done something which puffs you out, a cigarette is just what you need. Try just taking a deep breath instead of a cigarette.

I know there are patches and gum to give you a dose of nicotine, but they are no real substitute, and may not reduce the craving for something in your mouth and hand.

The only real and lasting cure for smoking is will-power. Say to yourself, every morning when you get up, -I will not smoke today-, and stick to it.

I did this over 23 years ago, having smoked for 20 years, and I have not had one since.
your 15mate, this should not be a problem, just stop smoking its easy if youve only been doing it for a few months just through away the packet you have now and save your money for something you really want, this will prevent you buying more!
nicorette patches
chew gum - or just eat - something to do with ur mouth
and keep remebering u want to quit smoking
take ur mind of weed or wateva
think of other things instead.
omg i have tried

stop buying them and when you get the urge to smoke come on YA and answer questions.
NHS, Holding a smoke up lung fo real, just try to any other ways and good luck
stop buying cigaretts
Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -

I quit smoking 3 months ago, i still have a little marijuana left...? -

I quit smoking 3 months ago, i still have a little marijuana left...? -

I could sell it but that would be hurting others...
What should i do with it?
burn it and dont get more. rite b4 u burn it remind urself that using it and selling it IS ILLEGAL. then giv it a toss 4 life
People don-t get HURT smoking pot, only dumb people do.
save it for when you know you-re gonna get laid :D
Lol what kind of pot you smoking? Never heard of grass -hurting- someone.

Quitting drinking would actually be more reasonable and better health wise.
make a cake :)
Give it to me.
Sell it, a responsible buyer would not hurt themselves with it.
send it to me lol
throw it out
Flush it down the toilet.
give it to me then i-ll sell it and hurt others
or u can bury it and it will biodegrade..
just throw it in the garbadge
Send it to me!
through it awaay immediately.. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flush it down the toliet and good job quitin bro good luck with your sobrity
throw it away.
dump it in the toilet
and watch it flush away.
Make it into tea!
get rid of it. bin it!
I agree make a cake...or some brownies. Celebratory cake for kicking the habit?
humm.. i would say either sell it if you want, and make a little money, give it away to a friend, throw it out, or just smoke it your self.. i mean, good job for quiting for the past three months, but no harm in smoking another j. lol..
good luck.
flush it down the toilet ...
I quit smoking 3 months ago, i still have a little marijuana left...? -

I quit smoking. How do I take the edge off? I quit before I am doing it again. How do I get rid of withdraws.? -

I quit smoking. How do I take the edge off? I quit before I am doing it again. How do I get rid of withdraws.? -

With drawls only last about 5 minutes or so...

Just do something to take your mind off it. When the craving hits, get busy! Standing around for the next one, is instant regression because you are dwelling on the -need- of your body to get that smoke into your lungs again!

Take your mind off it, it only lasts a few minutes when the cravings, if you do this, then you can whip it in no time..

I wish you well..

Another good way, is to get a straw.
Now, take red lipstick, and paint the end of that straw red... Then, when you have a craving, just suck on that staw, and the red part will imitate a flame like a cigarette...(helped my buddy when he was in the hospital and he was a 3 pack a day smoker!)...

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Anytime you get the urge to smoke, chew some gum.Wear a patch.
How-s this to help you.Everytime you take a drag on a cig,you shorten your life span by 35 seconds.A pack, 5 minutes.A box of 10 pax,58 minutes.DO the math.
So tough!!! It-ll take a while and don-t expect miracles overnight. Not sure if you are a religious or spiritual person but asking for help from God helps take the edge off. Sometimes you may be asking for help as soon as the thought to smoke enters your head... keep doing it. God please remove this urge to want to smoke. I quit a month before I got pregnant and when I got pregnant I was a loon! I needed meds and my doc put me on prozac. Some people need meds to stop. I-d try God first. Good luck! Best wishes and hope you can stay quit. See site below for more help!
Exercise when you have a craving, also use as much Cinnamon as you can, suck on the hard candy, use cinnamon tooth paste, chew cinnamon gum. Another thing that helped me was to have a glass of grapefruit juice after you eat. It will cleanse the pallet and help with the cravings. Also, if you have a homeopathic store in your area you can go and get these little pills to chew on that cut the cravings and don-t have the side effects of the stuff advertised on TV.
Walk, Walk walk.
And take calcium at night to help you sleep.
Also plenty of liquids, Cranberry juice ( the lite kind, less calories) and orange juice.
Also try deep breathing excercises.
In for 5 count thru nose,
hold5 count.
exhale thru mouth 5 count.

o.k. and really silly but get some bubbles at the store so you can blow them, fun, entertaining and it helps withthe physical addiction of hand to mouth.
i wouldn-t know because i never smoked before, but try chewing gum as a substitute or something like that.
Nicotene gum, sex, running/sports, video games, music, driving, and anything else you like to do, as long as it-s entertaining enough to keep your mind off of the addiction.

TV probably isn-t a good idea - it gets boring. You could excersize - that will be a good way to regain that lost cardio strength/endurance from smoking.
My wife and I are trying to quit as well, this is our 4th time trying, and this is our first day without smoking. The one way I take the edge off is chew gum...just helps me big time. Also, when I-m home (not at work, but I wish) I watch TV...something funny that will keep my mind off hard to watch movie and TV shows where people are smoking...I try to stay away from them...but you always I chew, I guess what I-m trying to get across is chew gum...that-s one that helps me and hopefully helps you...I-m hoping my wife and I can get past this first week.

I found cracking walnuts with a mallet really helped. And if you ge the cravings real bad, you can pretend you-re a gerbil and gnaw at the nut with a scrunched up nose
When a craving hits, hold your breath and slowly release it counting from 10 down to 1. Also, chew on a cinnamon stick. It worked for me!
try exercise
Make sure you-ve gotten a new toothbrush. And try increased vitamin c intake a little.
I quit smoking. How do I take the edge off? I quit before I am doing it again. How do I get rid of withdraws.? -

Why would someone want to quit smoking? -

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Why would someone want to quit smoking? -

My 3 coworkers and I want to quit smoking, and I want to put together a list of all the reasons why it is a good idea. I have the obvious ones - health reasons (decrease risk of stroke, cancer etc), and basic overall things like we know it is bad, our friends/loved ones don-t really smoke so why are we, etc. Can anyone tell me from their own perspective what they think of when they see a smoker? Or why smoking is gross? Or any specific reason why they don-t like it when someone smokes? Or even, when they quit they noticed ______? Thank you!
When someone has been smoking I can smell them across the room. I have a physical reaction to that smell. My stomach churns and I feel like I am going to throw up. I start coughing and there doesn-t seem to be any other reason but the cigarette odour from those around me. I can-t imagine how difficult it will be for you guys, but let me put this out is an addiction, it will take years off your life and at the moment it is controlling You and your mates. Take control of your own life..I encourage you - go for it!!!!
I-m 10 weeks pregnant, so no one notices, but it really bothers me when someone lights up next to me because they are hurting themselves, me, and my baby. When I see someone smoking I automatically think they are lower class and not very educated. I also don-t like it when I can smell cigarette smoke on someone who is next to me. It smells really trashy! I am glad to hear you are quitting. I quit a year ago and made a nice list for myself to read everytime I was tempted. FYI smoking decreases female and male fertility! Good Luck!
At $5 a pack.. and one pack a day, thats $150 a month you are blowing up in smoke.
At the end of a year, that could be one sweet vacation or a nice widescreen TV, or money you could pay down the principle on a mortgage.
Because you have been brainwashed into believing that you enjoy smoking, that it relaxes you, and that quitting is too hard. All of these things are illusions and lies.
First of all, smoking really is not very enjoyable. Second, the cigarette does NOT relax you, in fact, it causes the stress it supposedly -cures-. Third, freeing yourself from nicotine addiction is quite easy. Nicotine withdrawal is actually painless. We are programmed to believe that it-s supposed to be very very difficult to quit smoking. But it-s that is just brainwashing.
Please do what I did, read the book -the Easy Way to Quit- by Allen Carr. It takes the fear and brainwashing out of the process. And, you don-t even have to stop smoking until you have read the entire book so that you can get rid of the brainwashing first. If I can do it, you can certainly do it!
I am having feelings and sensations I have not enjoyed since I was a child because my senses were so dulled by the smoking. And its only been a few days for me! It-s amazing and I am having no withdrawal whatsoever.
Please read the book. Don-t waste time with the nicotine patch because then you still you have not whipped the problem. And from experience I can tell you its easier without a nicotine substitute. You must get rid of the addiction to nicotine.
Personally, one of the main reasons I decided to quit is because it made me smell so bad. And it was very noticeable, even if I washed my hands. And reeking of the after-smell of a cigarette is disgusting. The second reason I decided I wanted to be free of the nicotine addition is that I want to be in control - I don-t want some crazy impulse controlling me. It made me feel weak.
Good luck to you and your friends. You can do it!
Kissing you will no longer taste like licking an ashtray.
A smoker is a dead man walking. Keep smoking, I won-t miss you.
I hear that food tastes much better when you quit smoking. Good luck!
if you honestly need to put together a list......maybe you have bigger issues.....isn-t the fact that its killing you enough???? good luck though
Smoking is not only bad for YOU, but puts those around you at risk. Think about that. Smoking around your kid? sister? mother? They could all die because of you. Smoking is disgusting. It-s like inhaling fumes and putting nasty chemicals in your body. Also, a lot of people who love and care about you would be very sad to see you lying in a hospital. In the long run, you-ll find that quitting is worth it, tho it may be hard in the beginning. You guys should count how many months you go without smoking, and every month go out for dinner or a movie or something. You-re doing the right thing! Keep it up!
breathing will be easier, you can ride a bike, go out for a run with friends. food tastes better, so does the air. your hair and clothes will smell nicer, your nails and teeth will lose their yellowish color.

good luck. my dad quit after 20 years of smoking.
Another reason that comes to mind...smoking becomes an addiction, so you-re letting it control your life if you keep it up. To quit smoking is to beat smoking. So a reason to quit smoking would be to not letting something else control your life and...............well, yeah. That-s it.
Why would someone want to quit smoking? -

Thinking about hynpnosis to quit smoking have you tried this? -

Thinking about hynpnosis to quit smoking have you tried this? -

have you ever been hypnotised? whats it like? what happens? whats your experience been like? has it worked? is it long lasting?
I have a friend who did that
she said the hypnotist just talked to her about different foods she didnt like and situations when she had felt guilty for smoking
she then felt like the hypnotist was sitting right next to her giving her food she hated the taste of but when she opened her eyes the hypnotist was still over the other side of the room :0/
My friend was a hardened smoker and came out thinking what a load of crap
but she has never smoked since and if you ask her if she wants a cigarette she always says -I-m a non smoker- and you actually believe she never smoked!
It worked for her and i am thinking about going there myself
it cost about £85 but its worth it eh, and the hypnotist said she would do a second appt for free if the first one wasnt successful so thats pretty fair
the only people i know who have tried hypnosis still smoke...
probably better to get your doctor to prescribe niquitin tablets for you - they really DO take away any desire to smoke and the effect seems to be permanent! (person i know started to use them in may last year, didn-t even want to continue smoking for the first week as you are supposed too and when he tried a cigarette last week, found that he really did NOT want it and put it out! he had smoked for over 35 years!)

good luck!
I know someone who has and it didn-t work.She then got Zyban
from the doctor and has stopped.7weeks or so to date.
hypnosis is the best natural way to stop has 95% success rate compared to patches and gum but you do need to put some effoert into yourself. have a look at the website below for info
You will only manage to stop when you gather enough will power and decide to do it for yourself, you have to want to stop enough to succeed. I wouldn-t want anyone messing with my mind just because I couldn-t resist a ciggie!
It is pretty unsuccessful, having results no better than placebo. Best statistical option is a combination of NRT and attendance at a smoking cessation clinic.
I must be the exception to the rule on this one. I had hypnotherapy for smoking cessesation, and have been smoke free for 15 years now.
The therapy is like just sitting and talking with your buddies, and when its over, you feel like nothing has changed.
Hypnosis can have side effects and can cause you to..........10,9.8.7.......ZZzzzzzzzz
I Never ever thought that I could do this but I am now on day 13 of stopping and I have done it by sheer will power I am 55 and had smoked for 40 years true it was really hard for a few days but it getts easier my husband is still smoking and so has taken extra will power but the most important thing I have found that you must Really Really want to stop once you have made up your mind the time is right you will be able to do it Believe in yourself thats the only hypnosis you will need self belief and self hypnosis
good luck xx
It made me run about clucking like a chicken, but it didn`t stop me smoking.
I know 4 people that were hypnotised to quit smoking.....all 4 smoke again.
Thinking about hynpnosis to quit smoking have you tried this? -

Can you use accupuncture to help you quit smoking? -

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Can you use accupuncture to help you quit smoking? -

if so, can anyone recommend a good accupuncturist in san francisco bay area?
doesn-t work I Had a go at it stuck needles here there everywhere then went outside for a smoke give it a go if you-ve never had acupuncture you to can feel like a voodoo doll
i dont believe it can

accupunture relaxes ur i guess it gets rid of your jumpiness while quitting?

not sure where u heard that...but i doubt its validity
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

not only has acupuncture recently been proven succesful but laser/red light has been used as well to stop one-s smoking urges. Acupuncture is at least 4000 years old and maybe part of it is psycological, but then what is wrong with attempting it. Lasers are the 20th century version of this form of treatment. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Yes....stick a needle through all the cigarettes you have... :-)
i dont think it will work but you can try! :)
In my opinion, I would say no. Acupuncture works more to relieve pain or physical problems than emotional or psychological ones which smoking can easily fall under. Apart from this, studies have been done on this topic and acupuncture was no more helpful in quitting smoking than pure human will. Hope it helps.
Can you use accupuncture to help you quit smoking? -

Quit Smoking!!!? -

Quit Smoking!!!? -

I am 28 yrs old and I have been smoking since age 16. I am ready to quit. I have thought about taking Chantrix or the patch or gum. Do any of these acutally work? What is the best method to quitting? Please help. My wife and I figured out that we are spending $3600 a year on cigs with each of us smoking one pack a day. We are quitting together.
I have smoked close to 2/packs daily over 15 years and have quit with Chantix, for me this is a miracle drug. You still have to really want to quit as you will still go through the nicotine withdrawals, but it is amazing how little you think about smoking. Quitting is tough and these things are out to help, but you still have to do the work. My insurance does not cover the Chantix, but it is the best investment I have made. I have tried all other methods, from cold turkey, Zyban, gum, patches etc, none of these worked for me. I think the best advice is to keep trying until you find what works for you (and it may be different for you and your wife), when you do it will be a great investment.

Best of luck,
Quit cold turkey. You will both be moody for about 2 weeks but it will be worth it. Try and do a lot of exercising - Tell yourself that you are doing something good for yourself. If you want a cigarette, go for a walk. Deep breathing also helps
Congrats on your decision. I have a yahoo group dedicated to those trying to quit smoking with extensive files, links, news etc. attached which can answer any question you have about quitting. Feel free to have a look. I built the site when I was quitting..............R…

Chantrix went through my rural community by word of mouth.... Strange that there wasn-t any ads anywhere a few months ago. 90% of the folk who used it -Quit-! The failures didn-t truly try. My Dr. said this drug was amazing in it-s results.

Good Luck!! on quitting together. Stick with it!
I just quit by taking Chantix. My insurance doesn-t cover it, but it was still cheaper than smoking! It really does work. It tooked about 2 weeks for me to REALLY quit. If you can handle a little bit of nausea, then I would definitely try it!
go ask a doctor. GOOD LUCK!

* i wish that people like my mom could think the way you do. if you know it-s bad, then why keep doing it?!? i hate the way it smells and if i-m around anyone smoking, i want to smack them. s***! people need to stop being stupid and pathetic. we really don-t need to emphasize those things because it-s prevalent throughout the world.
l-m using Chantix and notice l don-t think about smoking as often as l did. (l just started 4 days ago) Not all insurance co-s pay for it. Since l have smoked for 40 yrs, l felt l needed help.
Different things work for different people. You may have a lot of luck with the -cold turkey- method, but I didn-t. I used Commit lozenges and they really helped my cravings. Try to stay away from others who are smoking for a while though, because that will tempt you a lot. I think it-s great that you and your wife want to do this together! Take the money that you would spend on cigarettes each week and put it into a savings account. Maybe at the end of the year you two could take a nice vacation to celebrate your accomplishment and better health. Good luck! : )
the patches help but instead of trying to just quit everything you should try to just cut back a little each week. Depending on how much you smoke a day, start with one or two cigs less then that. Then just keep progressing until you come to one cig per day, then you could try just quitting.
Try Lobelia. It is an Herbal Dietary Supplement. Nature-s Sunshine makes it in capsule form. It takes away the cravings and if you think you want to smoke a cigarette while taking it you won-t smoke another. It will make you feel sick to your stomache if you smoke while taking it. That is what really helped me the most. I didn-t like the feeling when I cheated so I didn-t try it again. It also helps to restore and support the respiratory system. You can look it up online. The website for this brand is and the stock no 430-1. Do some research too. Only take it as suggested.
please dont try patches or pills - they don-t work, and just make it harder to stop smoking. i quit accidently lol right after reading this book.

give it a try, it worked for me, and you can check out other people-s reviews.. amazingly, no withdrawals or cravings at all, just like it says. good luck!
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
Quit Smoking!!!? -

How do i quit smoking? -

How do i quit smoking? -

The most important thing is to never give up. I tried quitting at least 20 times before I finally got through it. Now I haven-t had a single cigarette since Nov 5, 2005 and I used to smoke a pack per day.

I would seriously consider Zyban, it works. Statistics say that it is most effective if you use Zyban and nicotine replacement such as patches or gum. I personally liked the lozenges. Also, there are support groups. You have to hit it from all angles and never give up. You have to make a genuine decision to never smoke again.

Good luck.
Cold turkey is the best way. Have the mental power to stop for one day and then another and then a week then a month and then a year and then your life.
stop smoking. don-t put a cigarette in your mouth.

if u need to smoke something smoke cigars. u dont inhale so its not nearly as unhealthy.
if you cant do it cold turkey. try quest. its a 3 step alternative. you buy the different stages of them and the higher in stages u get the less nicotine is in them
wish l knew.. lm trying to also quit
i would say use patches. I know that they may seem expensive which they are but they are as much as a carton of cigs.
try chewing gum.
i know alot of people who quite cold turkey. best bet
take some chantix it helped my dad
How do i quit smoking? -

Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -

Monday, April 9, 2018

Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -

Say a little prayer... prayer works.
Don-t nag your dad either, good luck.
There-s nothing you can do solely.. My dad has smoked since I was born (19yrs) and he still wo-t stop.. He saw his aunt on her death bed gasping for breath on life support getting ready to die and that still wasn-t enough.(she died from smoking).. It-s all up to the person, you cannot force someone to quit. Sry.
Its important to remember that your dad has to want to quit smoking . Its not something they will do just by telling them not too.
You could tell him you are concern about his health if he continues to smoke . And that you want him to be around to see you grow up and be there for you and everyone else.
When he realizes that he starts having health problems and that some of them could be because of his smoking only then will he probably quit at one point .
Or he just doesn-t care and continues to keep smoking .
Yes, keep telling him that the smell makes you sick. Every time he smokes in your presence. Explain to him that second hand smoke is dangerous for your health, and it will be better for his health not to smoke any more. Then help him to get the patch or get some help from his Doctor. And be supportive when he decides to quit. Not smoking in the house or car will be of great help It can take some time, but it will be the best thing he has ever done for himself and his family. Best of luck. Remind him that many have been successful in quiting, and he will be too. God bless you
You can`t, he has to want to quit himself. You might suggest that it is not good for every else to inhale his smoke and maybe he would like to smoke in the garage or outside to protect his love ones.
Speaking from experience (both of my parents were heavy smokers throughout my entire childhood - and my mother still is), he will not quit until he-s ready. You can beg him, buy him smoking cessation products, show him photos of nasty lungs, read him statistics, and you can even try to guilt him... but all it will do is frustrate the both of you.

What you can do however is ask him to compromise with you. Tell him you will not nag him if he will resolve not to smoke in your presence - especially in the house and car.
The patch. If he tries to smoke while on the patch he will feel nauseated and could vomit.
I feel for you honey - but unless it is important to him it is not going to happen. I would suggest that instead of lecturing him or berating him you sit down and talk with him and tell him WHY it is so important to you and ask him if he would at least try - and tell him you will help him by maybe going for a walk with him when he feels that urge to light one up, or get him some flavored toothpicks to chew on instead of smoking. And buy him a box of nicotine patches. Maybe all of these things will work for you.
Give him the facts of what smoking can do, show him a video of a person with no voice box because of smoking, or help him find a support group. My dad just quit smoking after 46 years of doing it. He also had to have a quadruple bypass, smoking was partly to blame. As a smoker myself and after watching my dad please keep in mind you can not force anyone to quit, the person must want to as well or it will not work. And if he does decide to quit, understand there will be mood swings during the process, its all from withdrawls. Look at the national cancer society website, they may have ideas to help. Your local hospital or doctors office may also have tools to use to help him quit.
No, sorry. My dad smokes too and when I was younger i tried to get him to stop and I told him how bad it was and how I didn-t like it but he never did take my advise. So your dad probably won-t listen to you either.
Yes...hide his smokes under the dirty clothes...
Cough whenever he lights up.
tell him when he smokes you smoke
show him pictures of people with bad cancer who are smokers they are something else
Ask him to go and get a chest x-ray. Bring a copy home and show it to him every time he wants a smoke. I smoked since I was 15 and I am 55- I have been smoke free for 4 years= I keep that x-ray as a reminder. For every years you quit your lungs recover. Guilt doesn-t work, reality does.
Good Luck
maybe just tell him how you care about him
It-s rather hard isn-t it? My mom smokes and my brotehr and I are constantly on her about it. The only thing I can suggest is -- Don-t try. I know it may not be the answer you-re looking for, but trust me. For one, they get really agitated with the nagging. htey have to be able to quit at their own pace, if you make them do it, there-s a really good chance they will find some way to do it again. however, do it indescreetly. Ask them to exercise with you, or -join- you on a diet plan to get fit. Once that someone is exercising, they may find that they don-t need to smoke anymore.
idk my moms smoking too she keeps making up stuff. im tired of it. just dont talk to him when hes smoking and ignore him give him the cold shoulder. i hope he quits good luck.
You can-t get anyone to do anything that they don-t want to do. let him know how special it would be if he could stop smoking and then just leave it alone. When he decides FOR HIMSELF that he should stop smoking then he will.
Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -

What is the name of the online quit smoking program they have been advertising on tv lately? -

What is the name of the online quit smoking program they have been advertising on tv lately? -

if i remember right one of the commercials has a guy in a dinerdrinking coffee and the narrater says something about learning not to smoke while drinking coffee . i-ve been to the site before but can-t remember the name of it and it was to far back to look in the browser history
Hi, Graciefan1.

First off, congratulations on wanting to quit smoking! The best advice I can offer is to be ready to quit and to have a desire to live healthy. Once you start changing your habits to live healthier, smoking will be much easier to quit!

If you are looking for something NATURAL that really works, with no side effects, I actually have 2 recommendations. I did both of these and have been cigarette free for 2 years and do not ever have cravings! It is so great, and I just want to share it with anyone who really wants to quit. You WILL stop smoking for good. It will change your life. You can get all the info here:…

I-ve tried Chantix, Wellbutrin, the patch, nicotine gum, cold turkey, and so on, to quit smoking and nothing worked as good as the Quit Smoking Right Now program. Perhaps that is what you saw on tv?

I wish you the best of luck no matter which of the many available methods you decide to use.
What is the name of the online quit smoking program they have been advertising on tv lately? -

I quit smoking a week ago and now i am breaking out! Is it because of the Nicotine coming out of my body?? -

I quit smoking a week ago and now i am breaking out! Is it because of the Nicotine coming out of my body?? -

I get pimples a few times a month but these are different. My face is swollen and the huge pimples are very sensitive.
its bcause ur body is getting use to not having any of the chemicals in your body it will clear up soon if u feel uncomfortable use some acne product. Good Luck - Best Wishes!!!!!
probly cause you probly smoked when you got stressed and not smokin is stressin you and so you cant have a cig soo you breakin out i know how it is i did the same... but i started again soo go get a nic patch dont start again
that can be a side effect for the fist few weeks, your body is probably freaking out now because it-s daily intake of chemicals is much different.

see your doctor to get a cream to help your skin while your body adjusts, drink plenty of water and use a gentle soap to wash your face no more than 3 times daily. try not to wear a lot of makeup.
No it just your nerves, stress, is your problem. It makes you body go overboard. Find something to relax with. Hang out with friends who like you, for who you are, not what you look like. Have a great life, and I am glad you kicked, a bad habit!
I don-t think so. From what I-ve heard it takes 3 days for your body to get rid of the nicotine in it. It could be the result of added stress on your body/mind from not smoking, or it could be unrelated by the sounds of a swollen face. I hate this answer but if it doesn-t clear up you could go see the doctor to see if it-s just coincidence and is something else. But you already knew that.
No the toxins are just coming out of your body drink alot of water.
its stress mostly
I quit smoking a week ago and now i am breaking out! Is it because of the Nicotine coming out of my body?? -

Quit smoking and yellow mucus? -

Quit smoking and yellow mucus? -

I quit smoking 2 weeks ago since something in my life occurred to me and made me stop. Now, I am coughing up all this yellow/clear mucus. I am not sure if that is the tar built up in my lungs since I quit smoking for 5 years or if it is something else.
These are the cilia reforming. These hairlike structures are what keep substances in the air, germs, and other unwanted substances out of your lungs. Smoking fries the cilia, paralyzing them. That-s why smokers cough when they wake up in the morning. The cilia has grown back, thus you cough gunk up. This will go away after awhile once you body is used to it.
Yes, smoking can cause yellow mucus, and clear mucus, and if you stop then it-s just your lung clearing themselves out. This could also be just acid/ acid reflux, which is caused by smoking/ nicotine as well. Just drink allot of water.
Expect this to happen for the next year, or two. This is your lungs adapting to being smoke-free. Even two years after quitting- I still blow an occasional clear loogie.....but not nearly as often as before! Welcome to the world of ex-smokers!
well i don-t know about the tar but your body needs to make up for the nicotine and creates this mucus, it-s ok it-s normal give it like a month or so though. you also could just be sick. good luck
It is normal after quitting .
It is your body clearing out .

Thats a good sign, its your lungs rejecting all the muck
Just spit it all out.. good luck

ur coughin out all those sht u-ve been suckin on.. ;]

that-s a good thing..i think..idk
Quit smoking and yellow mucus? -

How can i quit smoking fast ? -

How can i quit smoking fast ? -

i need 2 quit smoking i been smoking for a few years and i need to quit fast any methods
Cold Turkey. It-s so quick and cheap. Doctors tell men with heart trouble to quit immediately, and they do. Doctors tell women who are pregnant to quit immediately, and they do. I see it every day! You just have to want to quit, and have a little willpower.

My husband quit after smoking 2 packs a day for 25 years cold turkey with NO PROBLEM!! Throw those cancer sticks in the garbage (wet them first!) and then be proud to say, -I don-t smoke.-

You can do it! I know you can!! Bless you, you non-smoker you!!! :)
With hypnosis you can quit successfully in an hour. The only catch is you have to want to quit. Just -needing- to quit is not enough. If you don-t want to quit nothing will work for you.
See how strong your will power is and just quit don-t ever light up again your going to have to do that any how if you want to quit that is the fastest way you asked
Nicotine gum. My friend quit smoking using it. It works so well, he-s been chewing it for years.

How can i quit smoking fast ? -

What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -

Thursday, April 5, 2018

What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -

Quitting cold turkey did not work for me. The patch did not work either. Nicorette gum worked for 2 months.
I don-t feel that I can quit on my own. I am looking for support groups in the Toronto area. Do you know of any.
Stitch your lips together.
Simple -will power-.
All these patches and gum are just an excuse for you to spend money and make you think that they are actually working.

They are all sh1t!

I gave up smoking using simple will power, and it was hard at the beginning, but after six weeks, it was no problem.


And I gave up smoking 2 days before the law came into power about no smoking in pubs etc....
I gave up using a drug prescribed by the doctor called ZYBAN. (It may be called something else in Toronto but ask your doctor and your doctor should know)
My Dad who has been smoking for 35 years gave up using this drug as advised by his wife who is in healthcare research.
The drug was originally designed as a hunger supressant and the doctors realised it actually helped you to give up smoking by targeting the part of the brain that triggers the addiction.
They give you a 6 week course, if you need another course of 6 weeks they will prescribe that too however, after 4 weeks I had given up completely without any urge.
The only problem I had was what to do with my hands and mouth so I started just eating 1 nut or something each time I got nervous etc. Eventually that stopped.
It has now nearly been 1 year and I love the fact I don-t smoke. No standing outside, smelling of smoke, you can taste food properly and your skin clears up!
Good luck to all who want to give up!
1) Think of something you really want but can-t afford at the moment for example a weekend in a Spa resort.

2) Get a large clear glass bottle. Every time you want a cigarette say no and instead put $1 in the bottle.

3) As the bottle gets fuller and fuller of Dollars you are get nearer and nearer to your special reward.

4) As the bottle gets fuller you can see a financial reward from the money you are saving that would otherwise go on cigarettes.

5) As the bottle gets fuller you know that you are getting healthier by the day.
Will power and nothing else...If you notice the TV ad for gum and patches they all include...-Stopping also requires will power-. Dont waste money on any of that c**p.
Have a reason to stop. Like gettng married, having kids, that new car you want, or holiday you have alwayds wanted to go on. Anyone can stop if they wanted to. it happened to me, me wife of 27yrs hated smoke, so l promied to stop, and l did ,just like that, and have not had a smoke now for all that time.
just have a gaol. and you will stop. good luck
If you really want to give up, try hypnotherapy or NLP.
A highly successful way to stop smoking is hypnosis. This audio cd from -stop-smokingnow- is a fraction of the cost you would pay to go to a private hypnotherapist. Also, it-s by a leading Canadian Hypnotherapist.
What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Also, which is better gum or patch
Just decide when he wants to quit - when he wakes up that morning don-t have a cigarette - don-t give in to the cravings. If he smokes one that day it will be to hard to not have another. The patch helps some people. I quit a little over a year ago. I had smoked for over 20 years, but I have asthma - after 2 bad asthma attacks in one day, I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. Thats when I quit. I used the patch while I was in the hospital, but after I went home I didn-t, it was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I started eating shelled sunflower seeds, pickles, olives, chewing gum, anything that would help me through the cravings. I walked a lot - tried to stay busy, that helped too. After awhile it starts to get easier. The biggest thing is to just don-t give in - even try one cigarette, or one drag off a cigarette, that will make it too hard not to want more. I hope this helps. Good Luck!!!
the pacth but just be strong and quit
Patch!!!! most def
--.Hypnotism was what helped me finally quit. I smoked for about 20 years and did not think I could do it. I just decided to give it a try, not really even wanting to quit but knowing that I needed to, and it worked. I have been a non-smoker for 25 months now! Good Luck!!
Pray and ask God to help him. Also find other things to do.
Instead of having a pack of ciggs in his pocket he could have a small new testement.
Im not a smoker but the best way is cold turkey and have a strong will.also try the gum or the patch at frist.
Cold turkey! If you are using the patch or gum, you are till recieving small amounts of nicotine. It must be cold turkey and lots of encouragement from you.good Luck to your dad.
I am sure your physician can give you a prescription to help curb your cravings for a smoke. There are more than one meds on the market now to help. I would start there first.
Steven King wrote a great short story where you signed a contract. If you cheated and smoked a cigarette they would cut off one of your wife-s finger.
For quiting smoking a person should be mentally prepared for various kind of problems. I-ve tried 7 times! Mainly The thing is -Just Quit- Don-t think about smoking. Gerally addiction stays for 5 minitus. After that time addiction goes away. And the most importent thing is- addiction will be atomaticly decreased after 2 weeks.

#An article from the net: use this link-…

I had been a heavy duty smoker for many years. I quit cold turkey and it was rough for the first few days. I wanted to be completely free of nicotine so I didn-t use any crutches. I feel the best way to quit smoking is to have the will and want to quit. Do it because you love yourself.
What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Quit smoking? -

Monday, April 2, 2018

Quit smoking? -

I really want to quit smoking, does anybody have any advice or can tell me what to expect?
It wasnt hard for me, I-m an alcoholic though, and it-s horribly difficult to stop. I imagine smoking and alcoholism is about the same difficulty level to stop.;…

Get out of your comfort zone!! I quit 10 years ago by getting on an airplane and taking a weeks vacation. This changes your everyday routine and allows you to reset yourself. Also if everyone you hang with is smoking than why would you quit? Get away from the other smokers in your life for a week and see if you still want that cigarette. It worked great for me and I haven-t had a smoke since I got on the plane. Good luck!!
My father is a smoker, for a good 40 years, and he is finally quitting. He is taking this new medication, although a little expensive, and it is working already. It is called CHANTIX(varenicline). You can read all about it at the sourced site. It is working for him as well as a couple of his friends. You take the medication and smoke with it for a week, then you stop smoking all together, or little by little. It has a 44% success rate as opposed to nicotine-s 18%. Good luck, and try to get support from your friends or family as well.
I struggled with quitting myself for many years...

If you want to quit, first you must reach -threshold-. An emotional point where you feel deep within you -Enough is enough, I can-t live my life like this any longer!-. You may WANT to change, but to be driven to action, you must have this burning desire within you. Think about how your life will be, 5, 10, 15 years from now if you don-t have this area of your life handled. How will you look, how will you feel? It-s hard to say what will trigger this spark within you, this is something you must discover for yourself.

If you-ve been able to trigger this mindset, you then need to get a progressive system in place for yourself. Smoking is an additction, which is a mental issue. You need to learn how to re-wire the way you look at and feel about smoking cigarettes. You additionally need as many tips and techniques at your disposal whenever you get a craving. There are many books out there which can teach you how to do this effectively.

Lastly, you need to take action. This is the most important step. It-s one thing to talk about quitting smoking or wanting to quit smoking, it-s another to take that first step in progressing towards that goal. Willpower is overrated, you need to set in place healthier habits and progressively work your way to a smoke free lifestyle.

This website has some good information and links which can help you further:


I quit smoking 3 yrs ago cold turkey. I tried many things and nothing worked, finally my Dr told me that the first three days is the worst, once you get over that you will be ok.... It worked. I chewed on straws adn alot of gum.... I have to say that i smoked from the time I was 13 Im now 32... Good Luck!!
niquatin chewing gum
Quit smoking? -