Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

My aunt is around 50 and has smoked for quite some years now and recently went to the hopital because she couldn-t breath. She came back and not even a week has gone by and she already smoked 3 cigarretes in 2 days. We tried everything to convince her to quit but she doesn-t pay attention, wat else can we do?
When my husband smoked a few years ago my son was so rude about it the he quit. It was strange to me I wanted my husband to quit but I was nice and he didn-t. My son was rude and he did. One point my son made was that his breathing space was being polluted. You can-t make an omelet without breaking eggs so maybe you need to give your aunt some hard truths about how her smoking is effecting those around her as well as herself. Then pray for her and yourself if she doesn-t take criticism kindly.
It-s wonderful that you care so much for your aunt, however, there is no convincing a person to stop smoking. It has to be something the person wants for themselves. Your aunt has already been to the hospital and that hasn-t done it.

The only thing you can do is to pray for her and let her know that you-ll be there to support her if/when she does decide to quit.

I-ll be smoke free 2 years January 10th, and it was nothing anyone said to me that made me stop. The cravings are fierce for nicotine those first weeks and I STILL have them periodically.

I had to want to quit myself and it was really hard. Prayer got me through it honestly.

Nicotine is a legalize drug. You crave the stuff like junkies crave the illegal drugs. Sad but true.
cut their paychecks so they cant buy smokes anymore.
Maybe you can show her pictures on the web on what a smokers lung look like.
she has to quit on her own, most likely it will be hospitalization.....
its a hard habit to kick.....she will eventually get tired of not being able to breath
Nothing. She is responsible for her actions, and it may be that she has a secret death wish. It-s easier than paying the price for suicide.3 family members killed themselves with alcohol. There was one that was a genius, so much for that!
Hide her smokes is about all you can do besides tie her up.
Make them believe that they can do it. Pfizer has a new drug that enables up to 46% of patients quit. It is called Chantix.
Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -