What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -

Thursday, April 5, 2018

What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -

Quitting cold turkey did not work for me. The patch did not work either. Nicorette gum worked for 2 months.
I don-t feel that I can quit on my own. I am looking for support groups in the Toronto area. Do you know of any.
Stitch your lips together.
Simple -will power-.
All these patches and gum are just an excuse for you to spend money and make you think that they are actually working.

They are all sh1t!

I gave up smoking using simple will power, and it was hard at the beginning, but after six weeks, it was no problem.


And I gave up smoking 2 days before the law came into power about no smoking in pubs etc....
I gave up using a drug prescribed by the doctor called ZYBAN. (It may be called something else in Toronto but ask your doctor and your doctor should know)
My Dad who has been smoking for 35 years gave up using this drug as advised by his wife who is in healthcare research.
The drug was originally designed as a hunger supressant and the doctors realised it actually helped you to give up smoking by targeting the part of the brain that triggers the addiction.
They give you a 6 week course, if you need another course of 6 weeks they will prescribe that too however, after 4 weeks I had given up completely without any urge.
The only problem I had was what to do with my hands and mouth so I started just eating 1 nut or something each time I got nervous etc. Eventually that stopped.
It has now nearly been 1 year and I love the fact I don-t smoke. No standing outside, smelling of smoke, you can taste food properly and your skin clears up!
Good luck to all who want to give up!
1) Think of something you really want but can-t afford at the moment for example a weekend in a Spa resort.

2) Get a large clear glass bottle. Every time you want a cigarette say no and instead put $1 in the bottle.

3) As the bottle gets fuller and fuller of Dollars you are get nearer and nearer to your special reward.

4) As the bottle gets fuller you can see a financial reward from the money you are saving that would otherwise go on cigarettes.

5) As the bottle gets fuller you know that you are getting healthier by the day.
Will power and nothing else...If you notice the TV ad for gum and patches they all include...-Stopping also requires will power-. Dont waste money on any of that c**p.
Have a reason to stop. Like gettng married, having kids, that new car you want, or holiday you have alwayds wanted to go on. Anyone can stop if they wanted to. it happened to me, me wife of 27yrs hated smoke, so l promied to stop, and l did ,just like that, and have not had a smoke now for all that time.
just have a gaol. and you will stop. good luck
If you really want to give up, try hypnotherapy or NLP.
A highly successful way to stop smoking is hypnosis. This audio cd from -stop-smokingnow- is a fraction of the cost you would pay to go to a private hypnotherapist. Also, it-s by a leading Canadian Hypnotherapist.
What is a successful way to quit smoking.? -