Quit Smoking!!!? -

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quit Smoking!!!? -

I am 28 yrs old and I have been smoking since age 16. I am ready to quit. I have thought about taking Chantrix or the patch or gum. Do any of these acutally work? What is the best method to quitting? Please help. My wife and I figured out that we are spending $3600 a year on cigs with each of us smoking one pack a day. We are quitting together.
I have smoked close to 2/packs daily over 15 years and have quit with Chantix, for me this is a miracle drug. You still have to really want to quit as you will still go through the nicotine withdrawals, but it is amazing how little you think about smoking. Quitting is tough and these things are out to help, but you still have to do the work. My insurance does not cover the Chantix, but it is the best investment I have made. I have tried all other methods, from cold turkey, Zyban, gum, patches etc, none of these worked for me. I think the best advice is to keep trying until you find what works for you (and it may be different for you and your wife), when you do it will be a great investment.

Best of luck,
Quit cold turkey. You will both be moody for about 2 weeks but it will be worth it. Try and do a lot of exercising - Tell yourself that you are doing something good for yourself. If you want a cigarette, go for a walk. Deep breathing also helps
Congrats on your decision. I have a yahoo group dedicated to those trying to quit smoking with extensive files, links, news etc. attached which can answer any question you have about quitting. Feel free to have a look. I built the site when I was quitting..............R


Chantrix went through my rural community by word of mouth.... Strange that there wasn-t any ads anywhere a few months ago. 90% of the folk who used it -Quit-! The failures didn-t truly try. My Dr. said this drug was amazing in it-s results.

Good Luck!! on quitting together. Stick with it!
I just quit by taking Chantix. My insurance doesn-t cover it, but it was still cheaper than smoking! It really does work. It tooked about 2 weeks for me to REALLY quit. If you can handle a little bit of nausea, then I would definitely try it!
go ask a doctor. GOOD LUCK!

* i wish that people like my mom could think the way you do. if you know it-s bad, then why keep doing it?!? i hate the way it smells and if i-m around anyone smoking, i want to smack them. s***! people need to stop being stupid and pathetic. we really don-t need to emphasize those things because it-s prevalent throughout the world.
l-m using Chantix and notice l don-t think about smoking as often as l did. (l just started 4 days ago) Not all insurance co-s pay for it. Since l have smoked for 40 yrs, l felt l needed help.
Different things work for different people. You may have a lot of luck with the -cold turkey- method, but I didn-t. I used Commit lozenges and they really helped my cravings. Try to stay away from others who are smoking for a while though, because that will tempt you a lot. I think it-s great that you and your wife want to do this together! Take the money that you would spend on cigarettes each week and put it into a savings account. Maybe at the end of the year you two could take a nice vacation to celebrate your accomplishment and better health. Good luck! : )
the patches help but instead of trying to just quit everything you should try to just cut back a little each week. Depending on how much you smoke a day, start with one or two cigs less then that. Then just keep progressing until you come to one cig per day, then you could try just quitting.
Try Lobelia. It is an Herbal Dietary Supplement. Nature-s Sunshine makes it in capsule form. It takes away the cravings and if you think you want to smoke a cigarette while taking it you won-t smoke another. It will make you feel sick to your stomache if you smoke while taking it. That is what really helped me the most. I didn-t like the feeling when I cheated so I didn-t try it again. It also helps to restore and support the respiratory system. You can look it up online. The website for this brand is www.naturessunshine.com and the stock no 430-1. Do some research too. Only take it as suggested.
please dont try patches or pills - they don-t work, and just make it harder to stop smoking. i quit accidently lol right after reading this book.


give it a try, it worked for me, and you can check out other people-s reviews.. amazingly, no withdrawals or cravings at all, just like it says. good luck!
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
Quit Smoking!!!? -