BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -

Thursday, April 19, 2018

BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -

He stopped smoking about 7 months ago, but was using nicotine mints for most of this time. He has been depressed and isn-t even proud of the fact that he-s come so far. He says he just wishes he could smoke again. What can I do? Advice from former smokers, please! (I never smoked.)
try to keep his mind off of it by doing some fun going on walks or anything physical. try and keep him away from don-t sit in bars and stuff like that. Try and keep him in a positive frame of mind. I-m sorry.....i-m a smoker and I tried to quit a bunch of times and never have so 7 months is really good. Find out what exactaly he is depressed about b/c more than likely he is depressed about something else and because of that wants to smoke. Good luck
i quit smoking for the last 3 months and i have no problem quitting. but if he doesnt mind dieing early he might wanna just start smoking again.

personally for me i would like to start smoking again, and it has nothing to do witht he nicotine. I feel it was alway more of a social thing. its a great time passer, esp when waiting for some one. it gives your hands something to do. it make drinking alot more fun. and most important your look that much cooler.

if he doesnt wanna quit then let him go back to smoking. Some peple have the will others dont. maybe tell him to go cold turkey, i didnt take gum or the patch to quit. i just quit like a real man.
Better you consult in the hospital . they have separate unit for those who wants to quit smoking
BF quit smoking amp; is now depressed. How can I support him? -