Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -

Hi everyone my name is Josh and i am 15 years old and i have been smoking for four to five months. My friends got me into it though i should of been stronger and said no but i want out of this horrible mess. I also have been smoking weed for 3 months on and off the weed isn-t a problem to quit to be honest tobacco is my problem.

anyone give me advice? im also a boxer i know i shouldn-t be smoking because im a boxer and its a horrible addiction that-s why i`m here to stop (sorry for my spelling)
I started smoking when I was about the same age as you. I kicked the habit 20 odd years later. How ? um.. simple. I sat down and worked out how much money I had burned just by smoking. The figure was scary. At today-s prices 20 fags costs £5(roughly). I was smoking 20 a day for about 15 years, and at weekends this would climb to 30-40 a day. That means I was spending over £2000 a year on ciggies and across a 15 year period had blown at least £30K. Now there was a period when I smoked less - when I was starting. Let-s assume I did 5 a day. That-s still £500. Now you have to ask yourself, what could I spend £500 on? That-s the price of a holiday, or a new iPhone, or some decent clothes, I-m sure you can think of any number of things you could spend it on.

Got that image ? Right. Now you are going to get that item. Get yourself a jar. Chuck out all the ciggies you have left. Work out how many you were smoking a day. Let-s say it was 5. Every smoke free day, put £1.25 in the jar. At the end of the week, empty the jar. you now have a choice. You can spend that cash or put the money in a savings account. It-s up to you, but the important thing is, this is money you would otherwise have puffed up in smoke. You can use it to buy the things you-d really like. New ipod ? Nice mobile? Decent kit ? Xbox ?

Is it tough ? Yup. Especially if you have a long established routine associated with smoking.

Isn-t it easier to just cut down gradually ? Um... I tried that and it didn-t work for me. The way I see it, if you have a packet on you, there is the temptation to have one. No fags, can-t smoke.

What about patches or gum ? All the chewing gum and patches do is stop you sucking down tar into your lungs. Only your will power can make you stop. You could just be swapping lighting up for slapping another patch on.

Why do it ? Well apart from the cash side, you-ll feel better. If you are into sport, you will perform better too. Oh and your clothes won-t have that ashtray stink. Your breathe will smell nicer too. So you-ll find that girls will find you more attractive. Who wants to go out with someone who hums like an ashtray ???

Toughest part. Your mates who smoke. They will want to make you break. Ask yourself, who-s the mug, them for smoking or you for quitting ? What will they have at the end of a year ? Bad breath, smelly clothes, empty pockets and lack of fitness. What will you have ? Hmmmmm.. So if they offer a fag, just say no. If you want a cop out, then you could say -I haven-t got any to pay you back with- Nobody likes a scrounger. Worst case, find some new mates. In fact, you probably will anyway.

Good luck.
Hi Joshie,
There is really only one way to stop smoking, and that is to determine that you will not smoke again and stick to it. It is very difficult, as, when you have done something which puffs you out, a cigarette is just what you need. Try just taking a deep breath instead of a cigarette.

I know there are patches and gum to give you a dose of nicotine, but they are no real substitute, and may not reduce the craving for something in your mouth and hand.

The only real and lasting cure for smoking is will-power. Say to yourself, every morning when you get up, -I will not smoke today-, and stick to it.

I did this over 23 years ago, having smoked for 20 years, and I have not had one since.
your 15mate, this should not be a problem, just stop smoking its easy if youve only been doing it for a few months just through away the packet you have now and save your money for something you really want, this will prevent you buying more!
nicorette patches
chew gum - or just eat - something to do with ur mouth
and keep remebering u want to quit smoking
take ur mind of weed or wateva
think of other things instead.
omg i have tried

stop buying them and when you get the urge to smoke come on YA and answer questions.
NHS, Holding a smoke up lung fo real, just try to any other ways and good luck
stop buying cigaretts
Can someone give me some advice on how to quit smoking please? -