Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -

Hi everyone,
Today is my first smoke free day is about 10 years. I am doing good. Not cranky yet! So what did you do that helped you quit?
When you have to smoke start saying your children-s names over and over don-t worry about the things that they have done just say their names and just breathe...
nicotine gum
activities for the nervous energy - sports

and for the oral fixation - oral sox (but not with an o)

good luck and tell your bf i said you-re welcome ;0P

(oh and carrot sticks too)
I smoked for 10 years. I quit cold turkey! I kept away from places were people were smoking (Casinos, bars etc.) I chewed a lot of gum and kept myself busy. Don-t kid yourself this will be one of the hardest things you go through but it will also be the best! First couple weeks will be tuff but it eventually gets easy and after time you will not even think about it. I have never smoked since and its been 11 years and to this day its the best thing I have done. Good luck to you.
Its not easy. And there will come much harder days.

I smoked for 12 years, and i quit on a single day without any drugs or patches. It took a lot of me. But i made a promise to my wife and daughter and i did it for them.

The most important thing is not to just smoke one more. The first one that you smoke will be the excuse to smoke another one on times of need. Like after a stressful situation, or after a meal.
Wish you the best.
Give up coffee and cola for a few weeks because it is a scientific fact that -caffeine- makes you crave the more you drink coffee to -calm your nerves-....the worse you want a cigarette.

When you crave a cigarette so badly that you almost give in...try this: breathe in very deeply...and hold it and then breathe out. This may make you feel a bit dizzy...but after doing it a few times...the craving pains will have subsided.

And then when you get real fed up....try to think of all the money you-ll be able to save...maybe plan for a vacation with the extra money you will soon have....and think of how good you will feel the next time you go for a medical, because once you stay off tobacco, it doesn-t take long for your lungs to start to heal. Good Luck...and yes...YOU CAN DO IT!

You know what worked well for me? I didn-t smoke any more cigarettes! Seriously, I know that sounds flip and all, but f you want to quit smoking then what you really need to do is quit whining and simply don-t smoke. I quit cold turkey five years ago. I haven-t had a drag in five years. You don-t need patches or any of that other crap. You just need self control and a desire to quit. If you don-t really want to stop, then no tricks can help.
You just have to tough it out. No matter what you do, it is not going to be easy. You have to realize that eventually you will not want to smoke anymore at all, and that it will get easier. Using patches or gum just slows down the process of kicking your addiction. Also, don-t buy any cigarrettes, and throw out any that you have. You CAN-T smoke if you don-t have any cigarrettes. And unless you can bum a pack a day, you aren-t going to be smoking enough to sustain your addiction without buying any. Hope this helps. Worked for me! Good Luck!
I am on my 4th day of Chantrex. I have smoked, but instead of 2 packs a day. I have had 3 cigs a day and I drink more water and chew more gum than usual.
I didn-t do this because I was smart enough not to start. But I-ve watched my dad, who swore on my mom-s deathbed that he-d quit struggle with the enormous addiction problem. Here are some suggestions. The most effective are first.

Nicotine replacement
Cold turkey (didn-t work for dad)
Welbutrin (he didn-t try this, and it helped me with self-control issues)
Smoking cessation classes (didn-t work)

You-ve got to keep your mouth busy. You-ve got a habit of sucking on something, so hard candy, mints, something may help.

They suggested no coffee, since coffee + cigs go together.

There was a book on line. It looked fantastic but I didn-t bookmark it :((( and now I can-t find it. It-s a smoking cessation book based on the concept that you-re not quitting, the cigarettes, the bad habit is chasing you, and you are protecting yourself, running away and fighting so that bad habit doesn-t kill you. I heard that it-s tremendously successful, but I couldn-t find it.

I wish you the best of luck, honey. If you need a story about how smoking kills, e-mail me.

Nicotene patches have one on now and i am at 13days free of the weed.
I quit years ago. I was smoking two packs a day over the past year at the time. I simply looked at how bad it was for me and anyone who might happen to be around me when I smoked, then decided I didn-t want to do it anymore. Since I had very good reasons for quiting, then I had a very good basis to place my resolve to quit. Having all of that I just quit cold turkey, no problem. Didn-t even miss it at all, never have wanted to start up again, am in fact disgusted by the whole smoking thing now.

Don-t know if this will help you, though.
try the patches, gum, fake cigarettes a lot of people smoke just to do something with their hands. accupuncter could work too
I needed an immediate reward. I spent the money I would have spent on smokes on treats like CDs, books, concert tickets etc. Really worked. Am 9 years smoke-free.
It-s mostly a mental strength of really wanting to quit! Keep focused on all the bad things about it, it stinks, and it really could kill you.......oh actually make you suffer first, then kill you! Coffee actually helped me, when I got a craving, I had a cup of coffe. I-m not sure that that will help everyone, cause some people like coffe with their cig........but you-ll find, if you just stay strong, the actual craving doesn-t last real long! As soon as it comes, just try real hard to get your mind focused on something else! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
hi i am in the same boat as you i am stopping 2moro. i have stopped before and i used patches and regular chewing gum it really helped but i started again wen i was drunk lol GOOD LUCK
Tricks that helped you quit smoking? -