After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -

Thursday, June 12, 2008

After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -

ive heard of jobs testing for nicotine use prior to employment. i was just curious if anyone knows how long nicotine stays in the body system?????
Months. Especially over prolonged exposure.

Try drinking more cleansing drinks like tea and water. Also, epson salt baths help draw small amounts of nicotine and tar out of a person-s body through the skin.
i have never heard about that, what kind -jobs- will test for nicotine?

nicotine is abosorbed by the blood, then transport to brain, it will be gone in a few hours, that is why smokers have to cotinue to smoke in order to feel the nicotine rush

however, the lung has lots of nicotine in it, too
After you quit smoking ciggarettes how long does nicotine stay in the body system??? -