What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -

I quit smoking a little over a week ago, and i have been fine except today i hit a bump in the road, i started to get very emotional and moody and all i can think about it having a cigarette. A part of me doesnt want to smoke and a part still does, what should i do im feeling overwhelmed.
Try to stay away from other smokers, and try out Nicotrol Inhalers. They give you a sense of holding a cigarette and still get the nicotine, just not all of the smoke and other chemicals that go along with it. They are expensive so it will give you an incentive to quit them eventually and go totally nicotine free!!!!! I have done it! I hope this helps.!!
Talk to a doctor...there are several new medications on the market that are shown to really help people quit smoking without many side effects. Chantix is one, Zyban is another. A doctor will be able to tell you what medication is right for you.
What are some techniques that can help me quit smoking.? -