Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

Friday, July 17, 2020

Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

I really don-t want to change the date, and I-m def not telling the doc. My mom would kill me!
It depends on the kind of plastic surgery, if we are talking face lift the ideal would be for you to be nicotine free at least 6 months before, if you only quit a week ago, postpone the surgery you will throwing your money away and could have some disastrous outcomes ( you need good circulation of the tiny blood vessels in the face to heal properly and not get tissue necrosis - tissue death which could leave you ugly looking not just old looking ) If you are talking breast implants if increases your risk of a bad outcome, but if you are young and otherwise healthy it isn-t the biggest deal ( but I still suggest you be honest with your doc and definitely with the anesthesiologist... ) If you are talking lipo again depending on the location on your body and the amount and your age and health it could cause a bad outcome and a longer recovery...
You must be honest with the anesthesiologist if you are undergoing general anesthesia ( they do it on smoker-s all of the time but it is different ) because you quit only a week ago you will have more mucus, phlegm and other junk coming up that the smoking has kept down so you need to give the anesthesiologist a heads up about this, you don-t want to end up with pneumonia.
Best advice, be oonest with the doc-s you aren-t the first and won-t be the last to do this... They understand. But you are paying big bucks and are facing a recovery period, why risk wasting your money, having a poor cosmetic outcome ( when that is the point of plastic surgery ) and a longer recovery, let your doctor give you the facts about the risks involved in your particular procedure
As for your mother, how will she know... If you need to postpone you can always say the doctor wanted you to because he found you to be slightly anemic or had a schedualing proble, or just say you got nervous, or felt a cold coming on... Anything.
it is very unsafe and stupid. not telling the doctor is like giving him a bad surprise....he will figure it out when he can-t extubate you (that-s take the breathing tube out) after your surgery. you see they don-t go to school for 8+ years just for the hell of it.....they are really really smart. also smoking impedes your healing which will affect whatever procedure you are having, making it possibly a failure. so suck it up and come clean.
Tell the doc the truth. In some instances not following the doctors orders to a T can cost you your life.
Its really to do with the anesthetic. They say it is a bad move to stop one week before. I was told to continue rather than do that and stop after wards. Check with your Dr.
I dont know you but please change the date, I fear for your life. They dont give these instructions for nothing. I-m sure yur mother will understand rather than having to find out after you-re dead
Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -