Give me reasons to quit smoking? -

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Give me reasons to quit smoking? -

i am due to quit tomorrow, and i have a list of reasons sitting right next to me.. but i want to hear yours. and please, feel free to be as repulsive as possible since it is a disgusting habit.

so why should i quit?
10 reasons to quit smoking…

20 reasons to quit smoking:…

1440 reasons to quit smoking…

More reasons


How-s the no smoking going? It truly sucks to go through the withdrawal over and over. I have quit 10 times. When I start again, I just feel like a big ole loser. If you get the urge smell an ashtray. That will stop you. Congrats on quitting!
You-ll add 10 years to your life.
it can kill you
you - your home wont smell
you-ll feel better
less of a risk of cancer
you might live longer
Smoking can kill you
Well, the most important reason, it for your health. It causes cancer. I once saw this poster that showed a girl with black all over her face. It said if you looked like this on the outside, would you quit. Because this is how you look on the inside. To bad you couldn-t see this poster. Also, look wise it ages you a lot. Makes your nails yellow and cuts off the circulation. Your skin will age much faster then if you didn-t smoke. Unless you have extremely good genes. But most people age faster. It causes lung cancer. And people often get a really bad chronic hacking cough. That is not only annoying to the person themselves, but I would think embarassing. Good Luck!!!! You can do it!!!!
What about your health??? Just think about how black your lungs must be!!! And what about the cost factor??? If you put that money away that you have spent on cigaretes, how much money would you have??? I-m sure that you could take yourself on a nice holiday!!! Wouldn-t that be nice!!!
you have to quit for yourself. the answer is not here or i any of the other responses you got. it is inside you, and you will get there when you are ready.
Cost too much money
one is because it smells but also you deserve to live a long and healthy life do you have kids? that is reason enough
I can give you very clear reasons for to quit smoking.5 friends very close to me died.Why? For the simple fact to be smokers. When they started to smoking,they were very young,they said: I am okay,but years after they were very sick,they said:We regret the fact that we never listen the good advices friends gave us.Then when the sickness started to kill one by one; it was too late.Others friends I have,they were very smart, like you; and with wisdom,they quit to smoke;and guess what? They are still alive,healthy,happy forever.They quit to smoke many years ago.Good luck,try,do it and you will be another wonderful winner,escaping from death to life.Good luck.I do not smoke,because I believe I do not need it for to live.Good luck.
So you won-t stink and your house won-t smell. Whether you realize it or not, to nonsmokers you stink when you smoke and everything in your house reeks. I have never smoked, but my parents both did and I didn-t realize how strong the smell was until I moved out of the house.

Good luck stopping!
Just to win yourself that it is you who can do it if you want !

Just because you can win yourself. It is because you know that 90% of people lying in Hospital regret to say that they had been a chain smoker in their earlier life. But these are not enough reasons. You should quit smoking because you have someone to love. Someone in this world, who will weep if you are not well. For his or her sake just you will quit. This is not even enough reason to quit. You will quit smoking because you will continue to come and joy us in this Yahoo answers as before. I hope we will like to see you from this moment a Winner. A man who won himself and because he has the power to do it from this moment, right now. Just throw the white poison wrapped in paper from your fingers. Cry these words : I can win. I am the winner. and thereafter ring your girl friend, if any that you have won, or your kind parents that you have quit smoking forever. And a kind e-mail to me if possible. Wish you a very Happy bright future.

One thing more, if it all not possible, just quit it for a day only. i.e. Today.
bcause others want to be healty(non-smoker).
Plus costly
to not get lung cancer, to not get a perminate cough that will not let u sleep at night like my mom had
somebody told me this once:
kissing a smoking girl, is like kiss an ashtray

think about the children, the kids, they smell the smoky lady

i do smoke and i-m not quitting, but i know i must.
your hair stinks, your clothes stink, your teeth are yellow, and when you cough, you sound like a 60-year-old man.

howz that?

i-m not joking about how much you stink - if i get in an elevator with someone who smokes, i can tell instantly. it-s disgusting.
You answered your own question

-...since it is a discusting habit-
It is a filthy habit
causes cancer
makes your teeth yellow (and your skin looks papery and ugly too)
makes your hair stink
you do not look cool smoking
go lick a full ash tray...that what it is like kissing a smoker
do you still need more reasons???
A research surgeon compared two lungs - one of a non smoker and one of a smoker... the smoker-s lung was shriveled and blackened. It makes your nails yellow, your breath smell bad and causes you to cough. Did you know that a smoker just passing someone in the mall with asthma can cause that person to be rushed to hospital with with life threatening breathing problems? It happened to me once. That why you should not smoke- but most of all- you should do it as a favor to your own health. Kids also suffer the same with smokers unexpectedly lighting a cigarette up nearby them.
Since I am going to have all the tests done tomorrow to check for COPD (I have been smoking for 49+ years), I can comment!! Every answer that has been given is correct, but telling a smoker to look at your dirty lungs or your breath is disgusting is like showing a drug addict a picture of a man in prison or a dead man (we all know that drug addiction can only lead to death or prison)!!!!!! Smoking is a powerful addiction, and, yes, the only thing that tugs at my heart strings is to know that my body is supposed to be a temple for God...pure...Am I going to quit???????? I don-t know....the disease of addiction owns me at this point. It doesn-t ever get easier, so give it your best and good luck.
I don-t need to give you reasons. You know them all and if you aren-t impressed or motivated by those reasons, millions of people telling you isn-t going to make a whole lot of difference.

It can be done, I did, but I really wanted to...for me.
your life and all those you love and who love you should be the biggest and most important reasons.
I-m a nurse, and I-ve taken care of hundreds of people who were dying of lung cancer from smoking. It also increases your chances of having a stroke.

I used to smoke 2.5 packs a day and quit cold turkey. It is the only way to do it. It is hard, I will pray for you, but I believe you can do it.

The best reason is that you want to be here years from now to watch your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren grow up.
You know its like a desease you trying to have it. DID not you see oprah show? they brought lungs which is good - other have a cancer. Also your teeth will be black ,your body will have bad smell,your nails will be darker skin than your hands.By time, you will not be able to bring baby, and if you are in my country, you will lose 204.000.000$ in year which you could buy a house or acar.
you-re more likely to have lung disease such as emphysema, where you are short of breath all the time. I can remember reading about Richard Boone the actor who had it...he was so bad he couldn-t get out of bed or do anything. Just think laying in bed all day and not being able to move, it-s not the way I want to live my life.
The best thing I got from quitting (other than the obvious) was better breath.
One word - Waste. Smoking is a waste of time, money, good health, energy and self-esteem.

Have a read of this story on the Baccy Gang:…

And you are so coooool to quit!
you know the reasons ..just do it ...i quit cold turkey after 35 years of smoking ..i was a chain smoker but i did it ...i am smoke free for over 5 years now..good luck and bless will feel so much better
Give me reasons to quit smoking? -