Is it true you have to watch what you eat after you quit smoking or you will Gain alot of weight? -

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is it true you have to watch what you eat after you quit smoking or you will Gain alot of weight? -

I recently quit smoking and I read something that said
if you don-t watch you eat after you quit smoking you
will gain ALOT of weight..

Is this True?
DUDE! I quit smoking on Monday of last week and quit nicotine in general four days ago. (I dipped and then used commit for a few days) This is my conclusion to that whole mystery. I can taste so much more flavor in food than I could a week ago. Everyday food taste better, maybe because I-m eating something different everyday but it-s absolutely mind-boggling delicious. It-s because food tastes better, I work out when I get stressed out or want a cigarette not eat. I have lost weight because I-m satisfied with what I-m eating instead of relying on instant gratification since I looked forward to buzzes since the first thing I did in the morning was get a buzz.

Don-t let your mind play games with you, take a firm stance and tell your mind what-s going to happen.
I taught smoking cessation for years - and I can tell you that about forty percent of those who succeed in quitting do gain around twenty pounds. Another twenty percent actually lose weight, while the other forty percent don-t fluctuate more than a couple pounds from their weight before they quit.
The important thing to remember is that you-d have to gain a hundred pounds or more to offset the benefits of quitting smoking. And even the weight gainers can often lose the extra weight once they-re over the struggle to quit smoking.
Yes. Its easy to gain weight after you quit smoking. People get more fidgety and find a substitute like food. Also, your metabolism slows down a bit because the chemicals in cigs speed up your metabolism. But most of all, when you quit smoking, your taste - smell becomes much stronger. So food tastes and smells much better so you tend to get more hungry and it plays on your cravings.
True True True.

Many people that stop smoking gain a lot of weight afterwards. Some people don-t though. Just be careful - watch what you eat, and by all not start smoking again just to keep the weight off. Keep up the good work and try to excersize at least 30 minutes a day, 3-4x a week. Or start taking walks on a regular basis. The same time that you took out before to take that smoke break; 10-15 minutes, replace it with a quick jog, run, walk excersize of some sort and you-ll be just fine. Don-t forget lots of water and keeping your sugar intake low. A little goes a long way, you can do it!! : )
It is true that you can gain weight, but only in that people who smoke tend to replace that habit with another one. Eating more than before, after quitting, is a common problem for many people. My recommendation would be to try to replace that habit with chewing a no-calorie gum.
Many people smoke because it suppresses your appetite. When a person stops smoking they aren-t used to the feeling of feeling hungry more often, so need to pay more attention to what and how much you are eating.
yes and no im trying to quit now its not that it goes to your gut faster its just that eating will sub smoking. so just watch how much you eat. even if you do gain weight you will be able to excerise without hacking up a lung
when you quit smoking you just eat more because you need to do something to keep your mind off smoking and some people just eat, so you only have to watch out what you eat if eating becomes your new vice
The only reason people gain weight after they quit is because they are fidgety and need the hand to mouth motion to satisfy the habit they-ve created.
It-s because when someone is quitting smoking and gets a craving, they will often eat something instead. Quitting smoking won-t make you gain weight if you eat exactly the same as you did before.
It-s mainly because food tastes a lot better without the cigarette taste in your mouth and the niccotine is no longer curbing your appetite.
Is it true you have to watch what you eat after you quit smoking or you will Gain alot of weight? -