I recently quit smoking and was wondering if anyone knew quick ways to lose weight and inches? -

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I recently quit smoking and was wondering if anyone knew quick ways to lose weight and inches? -

Try a diet high in protein. Cut out most of your carbs and you will feel full longer and you will drop a lot of pounds quickly!

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These diets are very dangerous and many have died from it. Where is Dr. Atkins now? DEAD. Exercise about 30min a day and don-t eat so much at night eat more breakfast.

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no. If I did I would. I quit in 1999 and I gamed over 100 pounds. Everything is so darned tasty and my thyroid stopped working. Every diet fails and I gain back more than what I lost.
Hi, replace frequent smoking with the same in water. Also, If you had fatty breakfasts before (like me), go down to very small ones.

I hope that you continue on the smoke-free life! I-m at a month myself! :)
Drink boiled ginger juice mixed wit honey and lime in the morng in empty stomach..It worked for me..
I know it sounds crazy but it really works. There is this new treatment out for stress, weight loss, and smoking; it is called Ear stapling. I know that sounds painful but it actually hurts less than getting your ear pierced. They but a metal staple like bar in your ear to trigger the brain. They really work. I don-t know where you live but the only places I know that do it are physical therapy and rehab places. Look it up online.
I recently quit smoking and was wondering if anyone knew quick ways to lose weight and inches? -