Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Really would like to converse with people that have kicked the habit. Tell me what worked for you.
I used the patch, drank a lot of water and kept as busy as possible.

I-m going to pass along a site to you that I used when I quit... it helped me a lot!

It has 24/7 support, advice, tips etc (its free). Take the time to check it out. It explains a lot and I believe there is a test on there to find out more about the habit and best ways to quit for yourself.


Good luck... and remember, the cravings only last less than 2 minutes... you can do it!
dont buy cigs
try the patch. a new pill out is chantix. look it up on www.chanitx.com or call 1-877-242-6849. i will be starting to use it Monday. the patch will slow you down. do the pill thing
I am in England. I smoked from the age of 15 and up to 3 months ago I was smoking 30 cigarettes a day.
I have no will power and didnt actually want to give up smoking. Cigarettes here in england cost an average of £4.50 for a packet of 20 cigs. My kids asked me to pack in and I couldnt let them down.
I went and had Bioressonance therapy. Basically this involved electrical impulses involveing certain frequecies being put into me for an hour. I must stress I NEVER felt anything and was extremely dubious that this would work. It cost £300 but seeing as i was spending £200 a month on cigs I thought it was worth it.
Since that day 3 months ago I have never smoked but the amazing thing is I have never craved or wanted a cig either. I find the smell disgusting and cant be near anyone smoking as it smella horrible and if i am near enough to inhale their smoke the taste makes me sick. It really really worked and was the ebst thing ive ever done
Basically, finding substitutes. And I-m talking from eating huge bars of chocolate and doing the thing three or four times a day, to seeing a therapist once or twice a week. Just keep that cigarette away from you. But, you got to wish it from the deepest part of your soul, or it won-t work.
Oh, and, of course... DO NOT hang out with smokers, for a while.
Good luck.
I made up my mind that I couldn-t be a really good parent if I smoked because I didn-t want my children to emulate me and become unhealthy themselves.

It was difficult because I smoke a pack a day for 24 years.

But I tried the patch ... and I quit on my daughter-s fourth birthday.

She just celebrated her seventh birthday and I never cheated.

...What-s great about quitting smoking is that you really do get to a place where you don-t think about it anymore.
I never thought there was a place like that when I was a smoker.

Good luck to you. It-s worth the trouble and expense to quit.
I had my last cigarette on March 24, 2007. I used the patch, drank LOTS of water and took many deep breaths. But what worked for me may not work for you.

For some people the patch doesn-t work. For others cold turkey doesn-t work. You need to find something that works for you!

To that end check out the following web sites:


Both of these sites can provide good information to get you started.

Good luck to you!
crying out to GOD to be delivered from them have not had one since jan 07
Dont Smoke!
I never started.

Being a preemie with underdeveloped lungs, I couldn-t take the risk of smoking even one cigarette.
I used to smoke 3 packs a day, smoked while I ate, woke in the night and lit up, chain smoked...and the day I quit...I have never picked up another one since. And it has been 26 years...I smoked for 7 yrs. Yes I am old. =)
I became a Christian and asked God to help me quit smoking. I got rid of anything I had that related to smoking, lighters, ashtrays.... I was serious in my commitment and God was serious to help me.

My friend is using the nicotine patch and prayer...it isn-t working too good yet...
I quit smoking 7 years ago cold turkey with the help of the patch. It was my 5th try though, but cold turkey is the best way. If you fail, just try again but I have to say the patch really did help me. Good luck!
Number one, you have to want to quit. It really is mind over habit. You are already ahead of most smokers because you are thinking about it and I guess you want to quit. I-m not proud of this but here is my story. I was sitting in my bedroom, ready for bed. My hair was in a ponytail, way up high on top of my head. I leaned over to light my cigarette and just as I sucked in to ignite the cigarette my ponytail fell forward and went up in flames. I dropped everything and used both hands to stomp out the fire. My hair was a disaster and I swore off smoking no matter what the cost. I kept the end of a pencil in my mouth for days. I did everything different so that I wouldn-t have any feelings of the same routine to trigger the old -I want a cigarette-. I turned it in to a game. Me vs the big bad evil devil of a habit. I even sat on my hands. I feel real lucky now. It took a long time for me to get back my health. I don-t think I-m going to lose years but I lost the time back when. Another thing to remember. When you do quit, you become very sensitive to any smoke around you. I moved cross country to a place where there was not a lot of smoking going on. That was also a factor. I didn-t hang around my old smoking gang. Eventually 99% of my old smoking friends quit too. I really hope you can do it. Good luck to you.
You could try to do something else to occupy your mouth instead of smoking. Medications and stuff don-t work that well so I wouldn-t recommend them. I don-t know; I-ve never smoked.
Pick a day, preferably the first of the month, to help motivate with an easy anniversary date.
You NEED to stay away from the environment for at least 30 days (I.e. other smokers (incl friends), bars that allow smoking, or any other environment that allows it. This is a must. If you drink, Don-t! for at least 30 days also.
You need something to fill the void. I found white tea does the trick. It tastes a bit the same and keeps your mind off smoking. And it is proven to fight cancer and is good for you. Drink them whenever you feel the urge (Get decaf) and drink as many as you want. Expect to put on a few pounds the first month, cause you may eat more junk but you will lose that also.
Read some quit smoking sites regularly throughout to keep you motivated. Especially the ones that tell you the benefits after 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week on so on...

Good Luck
doing it for someone , such as a family member, everytime you think about smoking , think how disapointed that person will be
You just have to make up your mind to do it. I quit 6 months ago. I smoked since I was 15...Im 20 now. If you tell yourself you dont need it, then you wont.
Sucker, helped me. It gave me something to do with my hands. and it gave me a taste in the mouth.

it took a week and i was done smoking and that was 9 months ago!.
you know how if you do anything in excess, you can actually get repulsed by it? well one day i smoked as much as i possibly could, until the thought of smoking another one actually turned my stomach. to be honest, i didnt plan that one out, but it sure worked! that was about 4 yrs ago and havent smoked another one since. ive gotten the urge again recently, but refuse to give in since i came so far.
Best way is to not go to the store and buy them..LOL
Honestly my wife quit cold turkey. If you search on line and look at the pictures of what smoking does to your lungs and your body...it is nasty. If the things you find on the web pages wont make u stop...nothing will.
there is only ONE way that always works: COLD TURKEY. It is the toughest thing in the world--getting off the nicotine addiction, but it is WELL WORTH IT. It saves your health and your checkbook.
In the Search for questions slot type in -quit smoking- and you will get at least 6,800 results.
I-m actually quitting now... ive quit before but always started again. I-m just gonna go cold turkey because it worked for a while and this time im extremely motivated to quit. My friends hate it, and i dont want to put my parents through anymore problems. I dont want to get in trouble by my school anymore, and better yet, im going to do it for myself. I wish you good luck and hopefully we-ll both be able to quit.
A strong mind will work. Just stop now.
Unfortunately, I had to have a very bad hacking cough before I stopped cold turkey cos the doctor said my life was in my own hands, it-s up to me. I hope you don-t have to reach this stage. Stop now. All the best.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -