How can I make my boyfriend quit smoking? -

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How can I make my boyfriend quit smoking? -

Just like any addiction the person has to want to stop. You cannot make him quit.
1.Try to involve him in activities that you enjoy that might make smoking more difficult - hiking, camping, etc.
2. In a positive way tell him that his health is important to you and that if he decides to quit you will be right there for him
3. If you or any family member has asthma or allergies ask him to at least smoke out side or when you are not in the car
4. there is hypnotism
5. a shot (ask a doctor)
6. nicotine gums/patches

Every person is different. Just try not to nag because, even if you are right, people in general tend to want to defend their position even if it is bad for them. Good luck and be patient.
I like answer No.2
Take apart all of his cigarettes and put them in his cereal.
like everyone else said to you, you can-t, and nagging won-t help matters either, it will make him smoke more, i know as a smoker and from hearing my mom naging my dad for years, it don-t help, it makes us smoke more, its like when you nag someone to quit something or like in my case years ago, i was nagged to lose weight by my ex mother in law, instead of listening to her, i ate more and got more heavier and binged, i know my ex mother in law meant well, but the pressure of her on me for her wanting to lose weight made me do the opposite. talk to him, tell him how you feel one time and then leave it at that, if he really wants to lose weight, he-ll do it, also tell him when you do talk to him about how you feel about it, tell him when he-s ready to quit smoking, that you-ll help him out in any you can.
You cant make him quit, he willl when hes ready, and no matter what you do, it will not help him quit till then!!!
You can-t. He will quit only if HE WANTS to quit. The same with anyone who smokes. The person has to want to before it will happen.
Well, unfortunately you can-t. Quitting only works when the person chooses to do this for themselves. And only when they are good and ready. Ultimatums or even a health scare may not be enough for someone to quit. It has to be when they are ready to quit, or else they will not succeed. A helpful suggestion may be to show him a picture of a smoker-s lungs and reiterate the fact that you care about his health and want him to live a long life. But remember, pressure and ultimatums never work. If you are dead set on being with someone who smokes, gently explain this. Perhaps, you will need to part ways. But at least you will both have a choice in the matter. Good Luck
You can-t.
You really can-t make him quit. The best way would be to convince him. Have a serious talk with him about your concern for his health and the possibity of losing him to cancer. You could also tell him that it would cause more harm to your lungs than to his, making you more likely to receive lung cancer from secondhand smoke because your lungs are not used to breathing the smoke. If all else fails, tell him that the kissing experience is making you woozy:)
How can I make my boyfriend quit smoking? -