Will i gain weight automatically if i quit smoking? -

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Will i gain weight automatically if i quit smoking? -

ive heard you gain 10-20 pounds when u quit. i was very overweight and now I am just right, I am very worried. why do you gain when you quit? WHY....is there anyway to not gain weight?
The 2 main reasons that people gain weight when they quit smoking are 1: due to the slight slowing down of the body-s metabolism when there-s no nicotine around, and 2. some people replace smoking with food.
There are a lot of other factors, such as exercise and emotions, but unfortunately the latest research to hit the headlines distorts the real truth, and that is much more pleasant. Remember so much research is done or funded by biased parties, so take everything with a grain of salt and look at the rational aspects of it. The rational facts about smoking and weight are here, plus some great free advice to follow:

just if you replace smoking with eating, try replacing smoking with carrot sticks or gum to cure oral fixation
hi from experience i will say yes because i quit for 3 weeks and gained 4 lbs. so i started smoking again now im back down to 105. anyways. my aunt stopped smoking i believe not for certain but 5 years ago, she used to be a size 4 now she is like a size 16 i mean maybe its time gaining weight but i believe smoking made her gain weight because she ate more.

i ate more also i duno why.
Usually it-s more out of eating more. It-s about the oral fixation, and some folks will eat more to give them something to do with their mouths.
The other thing is that sometimes smoking helps speed your metabolism somewhat.
Most people seem to eat more after they quit smoking. It -fills the void- of the habit.
Just keep that in mind and find activities to keep you busy. I found the best way to quit was to change the routine I had when I was smoking. Like after you eat, get away from the table and do something. Or while driving. Find something else to occupy you. A water bottle, conversation, anything. You-ll find you have more energy anyway, and will want to do other activities rather than smoking... good luck!
Will i gain weight automatically if i quit smoking? -

Have you been able to quit smoking successfuly, how? Thanks!? -

Have you been able to quit smoking successfuly, how? Thanks!? -

I-ve been smoking about 30 cigs a day now for about 30 years. I-ve quit before for short periods, up to 6 months once. I need all the help I can get!
Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
I smoked for 35 years, and wanted to quit. I told my doctor, who was more than happy to help. He gave me Wellbutrin, which helped with the cravings. I went to a county sponsored support group once a week, because you get 50% off coupons there for Nicorette etc. products. I drank alot of water to flush my system. Haven-t smoked in 9 month.
sure i did it,it wasn-t easy i did have to take xanax from my doc for about 6 months then winged off that,now i-m totally free from any addictions,you can do it it-s a nansty habit that needs to be broke and it-s definatly not worth your life.good luck
Ohhh, I so remember how it felt when I was in your shoes. I got so mad at myself - I smoked 1 or more packs a day for over 20 years and I really loved it. And I loved the people I smoked with - it felt like a special group of -us against the world- and we all bonded.
I got that patch over the counter. I slapped it on the first night just before I went to bed and didn-t smoke in the A.M. The urges I had were mainly psychological and I tried to stay as busy as I could. I had a stack of cards of all the reasons I wanted to quit - lungs, smell, wrinkles, etc. and I would pull them out when i was having a big urge and remind myself why I was doing it.
Take it one day at a time - say to yourself, I can go this day without smoking. If you put the patch on at night, it lasts until the next night so you are basically covered physically of having withdrawals. Psychologically is another story. I didn-t tell anyone unless they point blank asked me and no one did for about 2 weeks. :) I felt so strong! :) I did grieve for the cigarettes. I thought they were my friend and helped me get thru life. NOT true. Had to tell myself how my friend was hurting me. I decided not to wait until... like wait until the divorce is over, or until teens stop fighting, etc. I did that for 20 years! So I decided no matter what happened this is IT.
Other people thought I was crazy but it made me feel good to know I had a pack of cigarettes - unopened with a lighter next to them - right in my purse. I wanted them near me. I might be crazy but that helped me. That pack had to remain unopened. If you keep up with the patch you won-t have the phsycial withdrawals that get you.
I threw out that old package of cigs about 5 years ago. That was cool. I feel secure that I won-t need them no matter what happens and that if the world came to an end I could always run to 7/11 and get some more! :)
But when I turn 90!!!!....I-m gonna have a ball!
Good luck to you! It-s hard but you can do it!!
there is a new medicine called Chantix...it looks promising
I quit about 9 years ago.
The most important is to start trying to quit...Here is what I did:
First don-t tell anyone that you are quiting because when you have set backs it is easier to try again if you only failed yourself.
Then set goals like:
I-m only going to smoke 15 a day...then keep reducing it. If you don-t succeeded at first don-t beat yourself down just try again tomorrow.
Then keep your packs in inconvenient places...like I worked in retail and I would keep them in the truck. So I-d have to walk out and get one.
Make it a game...and don-t give up and don-t beat yourself down when you fail...because you will at first...but you-ll quit just keep trying!
I smoked for 50 years and quit using the patch.Start by putting the patch on at night before bed.Take lots of walks and drink plenty of water.It is very hard BUT you CAN do it.Just percerver/Good luck
Try Alan Carr-s book, Easy ways to stop smoking. No need to buy the more expensive books: just buy the first one he wrote. It really makes you see cigarettes from another perspective.

PS: the first pages seem to be a big advert for his clinics and his other books. But it only lasts for about 4-5 pages, so it-s ok, it-s not too annoying.
These are the ingredients, maybe it will help, I still cant stop smoking either though.

Acetone: – nail polish remover
Ammonia: Household cleaner
Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
Cadmium: Used in batteries
Cyanide: Deadly poison
DDT: A banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
Hydrazine: – rocket fuel
Hydrogen Cyanide: – rat poison
Lead: Poisonous in high doses
Methoprene: Insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
Nicotine: – a poison used to kill cockroaches
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element
Hello i have Quit and it-s been 7 1/2 yrs i am 55 yrs and i did it with the Patch system , my wife quit at the same time also .
and i decided that i hated cigs anymore .i started to pull off the filters on them, i needed the nicotine so bad .
that-s when i hated them first( It needs to be that you Hate them)
smoking is mostly ,i think a mental thing you get a mind set and you are on your way, IT helps to have some one to call to and yell
BUG that means i am thinking about a cig, BUT just for a fleeting moment then you continue on with what you were doing
ask your Dr. about wellbutrin. it is a drug commonly given for depression, but it has the tremendous side effect of taking away nicotine cravings. I smoked over a pack of day for 20 years. Would turn into the worst monster imaginable when trying to quit. went on the wellbutrin and had totally stopped smoking within 2 weeks without ANY cravings. I remained on the wellbutrin for about 4 months, long enough to get the nicotine out of my system. worked wonderfully well for me.
After 25 years of smoking I was able to quit. That was just under 30 years ago.

No tricks or gimmicks, just make up your mind and quit -cold-turkey-.

I still consider myself addicted, and I-m sure that If I smoked one time, I-d be hooked again in very short order.
I mentally convinced myself over a period of time that I didn-t want to smoke anymore. I used 4 pieces of nicorette gum and was done. That was 7 yrs ago. Kind of like -I think I can, I think I can- until it just stuck. Only down side for me was gaining weight. Good Luck!
No I been smoking since 1966 when drs tell me to stop I tell them, -many people who quit got cancer, or discovered it, after they quit! So I figure if it ain-t broke why try to fix it?- Good luck w/e ya do!

Have you been able to quit smoking successfuly, how? Thanks!? -

My dad quit smoking about 3 years ago. My mom and i are thinking that he went back to smoking. how do we tell? -

My dad quit smoking about 3 years ago. My mom and i are thinking that he went back to smoking. how do we tell? -

we want to be sure. My mom smelled that smoke smell in his work car. One of his sweaters smelled of smoke. How are we sure he-s smoking, we didn-t find any cigarettes. Are we crazy? I even said - I smell smoke on your sweater, and he said ohh...maybe it-s left over from when i smoked. only thing is he got that sweater last year from my grandmother. i walked out of the room and spyed on him. He started smelling his sweater. Is he smoking again?
have your mom kiss his hand romantically, stinky fingers are a sure fire giveaway.
he is.
just ask ,if he says no,and he is lying youll know .its a very hard thing to let go of,ive tried to quit lots of times!!!
Smoke in the clothes and car is a clue, but not evidience--he might just be overly accomodating to a smoking coworker or friend. When I used to bowl, I-d always smell like smoke when I came home.

The biggest clue for whether he is doing it himself would be his breath (your mom will have to check that) --does it smell like smoke or something to cover smoke that he usually doesn-t do, like gum or mints? The second is to smell his hand--most people forget to wash their hands after smoking, and that is a much better telltale than the clothes--clothes soak up the smoke, your hands will only reek if you were holding a cigarette.
well it could be he was near people who smoke. you cannot be sure if it is him who was smoking. i quit smoking a little less than 6 months ago, and the sure way to know that someone smokes or not is from their breath. it stinks. so stand close to your dad when talking to him and im sure you-d smell the difference if he were smoking again.
I would have to agree, have your mom smell his hand. The hand is the hardest place to get smoke smell off of no matter how much you wash your hands.
My dad quit smoking about 3 years ago. My mom and i are thinking that he went back to smoking. how do we tell? -

I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -

I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -

The health benefits of smoking cessation (quitting) are immediate and substantial. Almost immediately, a person-s circulation begins to improve and the level of carbon monoxide in the blood begins to decline. (Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas found in cigarette smoke, reduces the blood-s ability to carry oxygen.) A person-s pulse rate and blood pressure, which may be abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to normal. Within a few days of quitting, a person-s sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes increasingly easier.


There are many nicotine substitutes that can help you through this, too.
4knowledge-you get a thumb-s up (smile)

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I-m on my 14th day smoke free. I have smoked for 20 years and have tried the patch before (with it I gained 20 pounds in 2 months). This time I-m using Nicorette FRESH MINT gum. It has made all the difference!! I have not gained 1 pound. Obviously the patch didn-t satisfy the oral addiction for me the way the gum has. I also work out 3 times a week and drink alot of water. I-m not saying it has always been a total breeze, but it hasn-t been all that bad either. Good luck to you!
Don-t worry about that!
Buy yourself a iPod and get some of you favorite music for starters...then get yourself walking and running with it! Have fun!!!
That is correct. Smoking does suppress the appetite,so there is a possibility,that you may gain weight. Try snacking on your favorite fruits and veggies,when you get that urge. Drink a glass of water with them. The fullness will break the smoking urge. (Good Luck)
get the patch is good. Also do you like Twizzlers? I like Strawberry, low fat, I have found that Smoking is a hand mouth fetish. Twizzlers allow me to have my hands and mouth both busy as before. The brain can be fooled. MY DAD quit after 30 years, he twisted napkins.
Another thing, brush your teeth every 30 mins. that is a great feeling to have. Also suck in allot of fresh air and the lungs will jump with joy. Some get a slight high with more air, like joggers. Good luck, GB and hang tight.
Hey, you know what? I packed on a full 100 pounds after quitting.... I still smoke cigarettes; that was meth, actually.
If you want to drop that addiction, then you need to do whatever it takes, and be proud. Stick with eating right - get yourself some good exercise, and you shouldn-t put on much at all, unless it-s muscle. Is it the hand-to-mouth habit that you-re worried about? Try carrot sticks - other healthy finger foods.
Good luck :-)
When you want to snack, snack on something healthy like an apple. When you would take your usual smoke breaks at work go for a short walk. And take a walk through the park every night until you-re done with you quitting.
My doctor told me that gaining 10 lbs and not smoking is better than weighing 10 lbs less and smoking. I wouldn-t worry about it... I didn-t. And if you are concerned... try exercising to burn off the extra calories you are eating.
You might gain some (and that is normal) just get outside more and do more physical activities (I-m sure you can think of some - wink).
Good Luck!
what else are you addicted to. I don-t want to sound mean but by the looks of your 360 profile, you could put a few pounds on, don-t worry about weight gain, worry about your 12 steps, I am recovering meth addict, is why I ask, again sorry if I sound mean. You are a beautiful woman, I am sure inside and out, take care of yourself.
I think you-d still be beautiful.
If you have to havesomething in your mouth, use chewing gum or sugar free mints.
i quit 8 years ago, i have lots of celery and carrot sticks in the fridge, if there in there and cut already then they will be there and convenient, but NO dips or dressings, this is the fatty part.
get the patch
Walk, run, drink water, buy some gum and chew it, chew a straw, If you go cold turkey, its gonna take a lot of will power, but that doesn-t mean you have to eat. Most people gain weight because they need to satisfy the urge to put stuff in their mouth. Fight that urge and you will be fine, good luck, i am a recent quiter, and I feel a lot better!! I also gained weight, but that is because I started to work out every time I got the urge to burn one...GOOD LUCK!!!
should be no promblem, u wont gain weight babe
i quit smoking 6 months ago after 8 yrs, and i lost weight by using the patch(the name brand patches are somewhat expensive but the generic brand works just as well and its like $10 cheaper) for one and i kept myself busy so i didnt think about having a smoke in my hand, i redid the entire upstairs of my house, from moving around furniture to changing the paint color of all three rooms up there, and after so many days with out a cigarette your energy level increases so you will want to do more. dont worry about the weight and good luck quitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah... first off, you know you want to quit smoking... so, don-t not do it because you are afraid of gaining weight. do it because you realize that you want to do it, and then let nothing stop you. second, now focus on not eating any more than you normally would. if you feel the need to, for some reaon, chew gum... lots of gum---don-t bother with the pouch, it-s a waste of time and money, and it-s kinda weak too. just stop it. and be strong, it doesn-t take that long, the cravings will go away... just don-t be a wuss and give in when you know that you really don-t want to
you have to drink oregano water. but you have to dilute it with water. it will high up your metabolism, take the stress, and so on.

Please take your doctors- advise first.
Many of my friend who quit said they had lots of sugarfree gum and candy on call at all times. It does help and its a hard habit to break! Goodluck
Eat all you want and then have lots and lots of sex. The exercise will keep the weight off.
chew gum, sugar free gum. and if you want dip with carrot or celeary sticks get fat free dip or just eat them plain.
Well whats worse, putting on a few pounds or drowning in your own body fluid. Sounds nasty I know but then again it is. I quit after watch my grandfather die slowly of emphysema. I wish I had him back with a some extra weight.
Let-s put it like this. Quitting smoking, particularly if you smoke a lot, changes your metabolism. If you manage to do lots of physical exercise at the same time, you won-t put on a single pound.
I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -

I quit smoking a month ago, was it a right decision? -

I quit smoking a month ago, was it a right decision? -

I-m regretting it cause I-m getting fat and depressed... :(
It was the right decision, without a doubt. Many people have the response you are experiencing. The oral sensation you used to have with the cigarette in the mouth is replaced by eating. Feeling depressed also makes many people eat more. See your doctor and call the local chapter of the American Lung Association. The ALA can direct you to resources that combat the urges you feel. When eating, replace the craving with healthy snacks like vegetable and fruits. They fill you up with far fewer calories. You also get the oral sensation pleasures that cigs used to. Hang in there, you are experiencing a normal reaction to smoke ending.
Yes. Congratulations.
When you feel the need for one, go for a walk. By the time you get back, the craving should be gone. And you will lose a bit of weight while you-re at it.
absolutely. If you are needing help with depression and weight gain, talk to smokenders or some support group. There is help for this!
nothing but the best

and the other probs....consult the doctor.....wats he for?????
of course it is correct... u r getting more healthy...i am still trying hope i can succeed
You can always lose weight but you can-t reverse lung cancer! You did something so many people have tried and failed at so many times.(I am one of them) Congratulations! Please stick to it! I hope you understand how amazing it is that you quit!
Yes........its better to die fat rather than with ,say ,lung cancer etc...
Hooray! Good for You......don-t regret it, you can work out and lose the weight and once you get it in your head it-s the right decision, the depression will go away.
I-m PROUD of you.

~hang in there
I believe it was the right decision. I am going through the same thing. Instead of eating when you need a fix try walking. Exercise naturally makes a person feel better. Hang in there!!
u-ve quit one habit so u need to start another one. get a girl or guy( ur preference) to keep u occupied if u know wat i mean. u just have to keep busy and keep ur mind off smokin-. puff puff pass
didn-t you know that smoking creates weight loss?
Stay the course, you-re on the right track. You should be happy.
You are more likely to become a healthy adult instead of a dead cancer victim.
Eating disorder will pass as will your depression. Hang in there,
Congrads.u should be very proud. i am
I quit smoking a month ago, was it a right decision? -

How did you quit smoking? -

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How did you quit smoking? -

I-ve tried the patch....am willing to try again, but it gave me very vivid nightmares, so I would like to explore other inexpensive options. I am also a coffee drinker, and for me they go hand in hand. Appreciate suggestions! Cold turkey hasn-t worked for me.
on oct 8th 2006 lol, i put my ciggy out and said -thats enough- and havent touched one since...
if i ever get a urge if only lasts 20 mins and im used to not smoking now,i can smell it strongly on others and it makes my stomach lurch...
(when you fancy a ciggy, have a glass of orange juice instead)
Don-t feel bad about not being able to quit through going cold turkey. This method hardly ever works doesn-t work because it actually gives nicotine the power, not the other way around. The vast majority will fail to quit going cold turkey.

Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. Like you say
-I am also a coffee drinker, and for me they go hand in hand-.

If you could change your thoughts to -I really don-t need a smoke while having a coffee- it would make the habit easier to quit, right. Well there is a system that can help you change the way you think to exactly that. It is a very simple process that achieves great results.

Once you deal with the psychological side of smoking it makes the quitting process easy, no matter your level of addiction.

Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums, hypnosis or anything like that. These methods are expensive, time consuming and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking.

Good Luck and Good Quitting
I used to smoke twenty a day for about eight years - was it really that long?!

I gave up twice, both cold turkey. I like the way you can consider yourself a non-smoker as soon as you make the decision. I find it easier to maintain the achievement than strive for it. I also know that whatever I am dealing with is natural, I have to admit to having concerns about patches. I guess is is the same as the eternal question of whether you ease or rip a plaster (band-aid) off.

My main advice would be if/when you do give up, don-t listen to that little voice that says -you can just have the odd one here and there, you won-t get back on them if it is little enough-. Even one drag in a relaxed, social environment got me hooked again. Now I will never go near them.

I have been a non-smoker for about four years now and will be for the rest of my life.
Congrats on trying to quit! I-m going through that myself right now. I was smoking 10 cigs a day when I decided to quit. So, for two weeks, i cut it down to between 2 and 4 cigs a day. Then, I quit completely. I am on day three. Unfortunately, I am going to be derailed this weekend because I am visiting an old friend I haven-t seen in a while, and I know we-ll smoke. I don-t really have a point... haha sorry!
I know it-s hard. You have to find something that motivates you. For me, I promised my little brothers I would quit, so I-m trying to be a good role model for them. Plus it-s expensive and bad for you blah blah blah... Also, it is very hard to go to the gym when you have the lung capacity of an 89 year old.
Don-t try the patch nor any other products! It has nicotine and you don-t want more nicotine in your body. You-re trying to get rid of the addiction. I-ve tried quiting too but it-s hard. You just need a motivation that-s all! We could be saving about $35 a week! That-s about $1,680 a year! (if you smoke a pack a day)
i smoke teh weed on occasion. is quitting weed the same as quiting smoking? if so just stop buying
How did you quit smoking? -

What are some good things to do if you are trying to quit smoking and have cravings? -

What are some good things to do if you are trying to quit smoking and have cravings? -

Besides nicotine gum
brush your teeth, have a glass of water, get into exercise, and do some activity.
smoking patch


Use your hands, for example learn to knit or how to do a craft.

Carry your craft with you always and do some of it when you have a craving.
Carrot or celery sticks.
try a smoking patch or even just try thinking of something else or start to read a book or something like watching tv...
What are some good things to do if you are trying to quit smoking and have cravings? -

How did you quit smoking? -

How did you quit smoking? -

I-ve tried and failed. Any helpful advice welcome.
Quit breathing!
Well, I don-t smoke myself but my personal advice would be that, first of all, you have to want it. Set your mind on it. Something that works for me when I need to remind myself is to write little notes to yourself. For myself, I bought myself a small white board (about the size of a sheet of paper) that I can write things on and I see it every day. I also write what I need in block letters, colored and everything, on a sheet of paper, and I tape it to the area above my bed, so that I see it each morning and each night.

Another thing I-ve noticed that help people is to have something to distract them from smoking. Like when you have the urge to smoke, chew a piece of gum. I-m not sure if something else, like doing sudoku for example, would help, but it might be something to experiment on.

You can try those patches and things if you-d like, but really, I think going cold turkey, as hard as it may be, is best.

Maybe, if you like exercising, you can try going for runs more often or something. When I want to eat healthier, I try to exercise more. I don-t know what it is, but something about exercising makes me not want to eat junky food.

I also found this website (the link below), which goes into much detail about how to help you quit.

I really hope this helps!
hi Martinez ..

yep it usually takes more than one attempt.. don-t get discouraged.. i smoked for over 40 years, and tried several times, before i succeeded.. so please keep trying you will find the right way for you..

i have been quit now for over 5 years..because of my involvement in a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally, and on line... on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome to attend before actually attempting a quit..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
easier said then done.
nicotene is the MOST addictive drug there is. more addictive then heroin. the likelihood of addiction is 96%. there is however a new prescription -chantix- that has just recently come out. and has a 44% chance of quitting.
CHANTIX is different from most other quit-smoking products. It targets nicotine receptors in the brain, attaches to them, and blocks nicotine from reaching them. By activating these nicotine receptors, it is also believed that CHANTIX causes less dopamine – compared to nicotine – to be released.

site link = www.chantix.com.. and good luck :)
Think deep into your future.... so when you pick up a cigarette, think what this is going to do in a long run.- would you like to carry a oxygen tank when your old?? or the air we breathe right now is how we live right? can you imagine if you have emphysema from smoking too much your body may regect air in your body causing you to suffocate??

I use to smoke too. That-s the way I used to think and now, I get discussed when I smell cigarette.
eat alot and sleep and run till you sleep so you block out the smoking habits
How did you quit smoking? -

Where can I find a coupon for gum to help me to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where can I find a coupon for gum to help me to quit smoking? -

Manufacturer website or coolsavings.com
Check this link, you should find coupons for quit smoking gum:


Drugstore.com sells Nicorette and you can find Drugstore.com coupons at Savings.com:


search in google for just that - i did
-coupon code gum to help quite smoking- - here is one result


Well done for wanting to kick that habit !! Good luck !
Where can I find a coupon for gum to help me to quit smoking? -

How did YOU quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How did YOU quit smoking? -

my parents, everytime they quit (quit probably is not the best word...took a break, rather? lol) but hey just stopped cold turkey.

Those that have quit...how did you do it? Did you have to use gum or patches?
cold turkey
I stopped having sex.
My first experience was Auriculo therapy. It helped me to not experience withdrawal symptoms and store this sensation in my memory. Helping me going cold turkey. However it took this very strong image to quite from one moment to another.
It was the desire to be with my children for a long time to come and stay actively involved in their lives. I saw smokers growing old so fast that the idea to become a burden to my kids was awful. Also not being strong enough to help them or my grandchildren, if anything would happen to them at a later age was enough to never feel the need to smoke again. Who knows what you can visualize to stop wholeheartedly.
well / when i was smoking /my older son / was 5 at the time / i had 2 boys / and they wanted to do something /or play / i would say / when I-m done smoking /if your a smoker /u know how difficult that was / well that year / the great smoke out day / rolled around /and LO AND BEHOLD / i threw my smokes away /and have not had a smoke since then /my older boy /is now 33 years old
My mom just read a book and whenever she would think of one she would start cleaning
My husband quit 9 months before I did. Of course that made it easier for me. Finally, after smoking 2 packs of Winston (regular) for over 20 years, I just decided to quit. I heard something on TV about second -hand smoke, which was just beginning to be taken seriously back then. So that is what inspired me to quit. I had seen how my husband had quit so easily; no patch no nothing. So I stopped. I missed them for about 2 weeks. Otherwise it was very easy. I guess you just have to WANT to quit. My husband never bugged me to quit. He just quit, never complained, and never bit**ed at me to quit. I just wanted to, and felt proud to say , -I don-t smoke.-
I had surgery and told the anesthesiologist to keep telling me I would not smoke anymore. As I was going under, he was saying this, and I have not wanted a cigarette since. This was almost 2 yrs ago and I had smoked for 40 yrs. I had tried gum, patches and cold turkey with no luck, and seemed to smoke even more.
swap the smokes for sugarfree stuff like chewing gum for sugarfree lollies, everytime you feel like a smoke eat one or chew chewwing gum, its hard for the first week or so but it does get easier, if you cant quit cold turkey then have half a smoke every now and again, not all the time though, limit your smokes at first to maybe 5 a day for a couple of days and then lower the amount every day and so on goodluck!!
How did YOU quit smoking? -

How to support my husband quitting smoking? -

How to support my husband quitting smoking? -

My husband is driving me crazy. He says he is going to quit smoking and will do it for a day or two. Isolate himself from the world and then as soon as he is back at work starts back up again. I-ve lost the will to support him because it-s been going on like this almost every other week and i-m at my wits ends. He was doing awesome, got on the patch and quit for five weeks before deciding it wasn-t what he wanted. Where does it end? How can I help him resolve to quit and stick with it instead of constantly reverting back at the first little stress factor. Should I be expected to just deal with the emotional mood swings and isolation week in and week out if he isn-t going to be serious? How can I be expected to just deal with it. Once, twice, even three times no big deal but we are talking 20+ times in the last six months. I-m at my wits ends. I don-t want to be insensitive if this is really normal but what can I do to get him through it once and for all?
Being an ex-smoker, I understand how difficult it is to quit. You may want to sit down with your hubby and tell him how all this is making you feel then load him with some facts.

Once he has not smoked ONE cigarette in 48 hours he is no longer physically in need of the nicotine. Everything else is just in his mind because smoking is such a habit. I have heard you can take a bath in epsom salts and that will help draw the nicotine out of your body.

He does not have to quit smoking alone or go -cold turkey- He can take medication, go on the patch, chew gum and join a support group.

You can show him how much money he can save in a year from not smoking. Challange him to find something he really would like to do or have and put the money he uses for cigarettes towards that! It will give him something to strive for.
Get him to start exercising...a good thing is for him to go for a walk everytime he wants cigarette....it will reduce his stress.

lastly, he is still going to have good days and bad! Try to be as supportive as you can, but you need to tell him when his stress from not smoking is getting to you. It-s not fair for him to take it out on you! He just needs your support you are not a mental punching bag for his stress.

Good luck to you and him!
well it can be that your husband really likes smoking. -_-

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Just remind him the benifits of quitting. You know I once read that for every cig a person smokes, it takes 7 min-s off their life. It is a hard addiction to quit. But when he went 5 weeks thats awesome, too bad he started again.

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Please ignore the person who said to withold sex for an incentive, if your husband is argumentative at the mention of the subject of quitting smoking, imagine what this would unfold into.
Smoking is stinky, costly and damaging to your health. Good luck, I am afraid you will need it.

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SEX...lots and lots of sex.

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Honestly? Leave him the hell alone. I quit once for a good amount of time and there-s nothing more I want to talk about when I-m quitting smoking than quitting smoking. trust me, if he wants to talk to you about it he will. For now let him handle it.

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i know what he is going through, i am a smoker and i quit for 8 months and once things got rough i started again. Best thing to do is dont bring up current bill situations, problems with friends and if you ask how his day was and you see him getting even a little frustrated change the subject.

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Approximately 10 years ago, I quit smoking overnight at the behest of a Christian Girl where I worked. She said she was praying for me and I told her that I would go home and take Yam Extract (it-s an old hokey homeopathic remedy according to a Naturopath that I know.). Well I have not smoked since.

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Hello! dear cybernauta. its for me really expresioness to know that in development country are more smoker than the country the third world. I see my country with a lot essue without result. I believe what-ever in your conutry are the most doctors that may you help with this trouble. good luck!!

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I quit smoking 14 days ago. I went from 1 pack a day to none, cold turkey. It was hard, but I went out and bought candy and every time I wanted a smoke, I grabbed a piece of candy or gum. I drink lots of water, lots of coffee, and go for walks when I get too stressed.

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ive had the same problem with my hubby for years but hes finally done it hes been off them for 2 months now i think it helped when his uncle came off them to
maybe if he goes to the doctors for some help and get in to the support groups he might feel better in giving up he needs something strong to help him maybe the spray that goes in the noise ask the doctor for info
I suggest having him go on a physician monitored program. a doctor can also find methods that will be sucessful for him. every person is different and solutions are different.

there are also quit smoking clinics that can do the same thing.

also I have heard there is a smoking vaccine. but it could still be in clinical trials
i applaud you for hanging in there. I too want to quit and wish i had a loving women to be there for me. there are so many support groups and doctors to help. GOOD LUCK !!
honestly, he-s trying. you might try some positive reinforcement. Cigarettes are more addicting then heroine or cocaine, by far.
How about u try telling him that if he doesnt stop, you-ll stop having sex with him. Scare him a bit, ask him what is more important a stupid habit that will eventually kill him or u. Show him pictures of people with various cancers. U can also support him by controlling his budget...and if he asks for cigarettes just tell him NO.
How to support my husband quitting smoking? -

When you quit smoking can you still get lung cancer? -

When you quit smoking can you still get lung cancer? -

Yes, but if you quit your chances are reduced. Alot of people don-t know this, but the lungs instantly begin repairing themselves as soon as you quit smoking! You should do it, because the damage can be reversed over time.
Yes. Damage is already done.
yes but if you stop sooner the better off you will be

tip if you cant use the patch use hipnoses or go to a specialized doctor
People get lung cancer that have never smoked in their life.
it is still healthier to quit
Yes. Damage has already been done. Also smoking is not the onle cause of lung cancer.
Your chance is HIGHER if you still smoke i you quite then you will still get lung cancer.
Yes, you can even get lung cancer if you-ve never smoked. However, quitting will drastically reduce your chances of getting it.
Yes, people can get lung cancer rather they smoke or not. Still, as a smoker, I know that I am putting myself at risk everytime I light up. I want to quit but it is SO HARD! Good luck...xxxxturtlegirl
Yes, you can. However, immediately on quitting your chances of getting it start dropping. I believe the last study I saw showed that after 5 years of non-smoking, ex-smokers had the same risk rate for lung cancer as non-smokers.
You can get lung cancer even if you-ve never smoked a day in your life. Your *risk* of lung cancer goes down after you quit, but it takes up to 15 years for it to return to the same level as someone who never smoked. The longer you smoke and the more you smoke, the greater the risk of getting cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas, as well as the risk of heart disease, emphysema and stomach ulcers.
I-ve heard that the younger you are when you quit, the better chance you have of regenerating some of your lung tissue. I believe there are some supplements to help repair the lungs as well. I would try asking on WebMD.com.
you can get lung cancer even if you dont smoke...smoking increases your odds.... plus you can get many other types of cancer from smoking
Yes. I knew a guy who quit and then six years later got lung cancer. But people also get lung cancer who have never smoked a single cigarette.
yes....but you should still quit, by smoking your not only hurting you, but your hurting the ones around you...the ones that you love.....second hand somke is just as bad as if that person smoked.
Yup...but quit ANYWAY...your chances are MUCH better then if you continue to smoke.
Yes, but you can get lung cancer even if you-ve never smoked- although it-s rare. Stopping is one huge step toward protecting yourself, however...and in time, your odds of cancer are the same as someone-s who never smoked.
When you quit smoking can you still get lung cancer? -

I quit smoking 5 months ago, and gained weight all in my belly. it looks like im pregnant. help? -

I quit smoking 5 months ago, and gained weight all in my belly. it looks like im pregnant. help? -

hi, i-m a tall female (5-10-), never had real problems with weight. i smoked heavily for almost 20 years. i quit cigarettes 5 months ago, and gained weight. unfortunately, the weight seemed to go only to my stomach area, making me look like i-m pregnant. what can i do to even out the weight distribution? why is it just going to my stomach area??
Woah! well done on giving it up.

Trust me, if you can quit smoking of 20 YEARS, you can lose the -quit smoking weight- of 5 months eeeasy! It won-t happen overnight, but not wanting ciggies didn-t either I bet.

For the meantime, try to make yourself happy even with the weight because you don-t want to be stressed out about feeling fat all the time. That-ll just get you down and motivation will be even harder to find. Make yourself feel beautiful in other ways, get a professional tan, buy some nice -maternal- (lol, aka, --baby-doll/empire line--) tops and dresses, get a flattering change of hair, and get some nice comfy work-out-out-fits.

Next, simply replace your old smoking habit with new health habits. Learn how many calories you need, then take off about 5% and excersise every day or two. Even though it-ll be really shet for the first few times, after about a week- you-ll actually get used to it... After about three- it-s going to be a habit... Then give it three more, and it-ll be your new, favorite, brilliant addiction.

The reason it-s gone to your stomach is simply because that-s how you-re made. Everyone accumilates fat in different areas at different rates. Some patterns are racial, genetic, or just random. For example- my mum and I have similar --shapes-- even though our frames are different because we have more weight in the same areas (chest and bums). A lot of indigenous people where i come from have massive bellies and chests, but pin-thin legs. You just happen to get it on your tummy first. Consider yourself lucky though, many clothes are designed for you in mind- and by going a size up in your tops you can cover it automatically. If your fat was somewhere more visible like your face or arms though- you-re pretty much buggered untill you lose it.

Spot reduction IS non-existant, all you can do is increase the muscle-mass, and lower your energy intake (muscles burn fat by just BEING THERE.) All you have to do is research how to lose weight. There-s SOOO much info around (use sights like -ehow- rather than product-promoting sights like the answers above.lol.) Google motivation, thinspiration, etc (although you-ll have to sift through all the -pro-ana- cr@p) and make use of tips like;
~getting your excersise gear ready in advance
~varying your excersises; run, swim, hike, bike, skip, gym, yoga, etc.
~keep track, make a jornal
~DEFINATELY invest in an ipod with a good work-out-playlist, and if applicable... get a hypo dog that needs walking.
~find times to chose the -excersise- choice in your daily routine... like taking the stairs over the elevator, park/get off the train a street/stop early, bike to the shops instead of drive, etc.
~ALWAYS ALWAYS drink water over eating as a first choice.
~Shop after a meal, so you-ll be thinking clearly and not stocking up on chocolate and other instant energy that youfeel like eating at the time.
~etc. etc. etc. (see google) :)

Anyway, all the best... and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
All the doctors and dieticians say targeted weight loss is impossible, specifically in the waist and belly zones, but I managed it with colon cleanse. I acknowledge they say that pills will not work, but they sure worked for me, and they have been shown on the Rachael Ray Show too. There is a free trial happening right now at http://serads.mykeepfitforyou.info , try it, why not?
The reason for weight gain is because you eat more. To lose the belly fat try this; lay flat on your back with your legs up. Start bicycling and keep going as you lower your legs. It will work on the saggy belly. Good luck.
May be you should join a gym to make yourself fit.
Do exercises and don-t eat fatty food.
I quit smoking 5 months ago, and gained weight all in my belly. it looks like im pregnant. help? -

I quit smoking almost a week ago, but i always feel like I need a cigarette. I get a headache all day long.? -

Monday, February 15, 2010

I quit smoking almost a week ago, but i always feel like I need a cigarette. I get a headache all day long.? -

the reason i am quitting is not because of health problems or anything like that. The only reason I am quitting is because my wife wants me to and she is always worried about me. I don-t want to turn her down, but not smoking is killing me.


?Make a plan. Preparing to quit is an important first step. There-s no one right way to stop smoking, but smokers who lay the groundwork are much more likely to succeed. Make a list of the people, places, and pastimes associated with your smoking - anything that -triggers- your behavior. One of the hardest things about being a regular smoker and then giving it up is that you-ll always know how good that after-dinner smoke tastes. Come up with a plan for coping with each of those triggers. For example, after a meal you may want to get up and take a walk -- or brush your teeth. If a cigarette automatically appears in your mouth when you leave work at the end of the day, substitute a lollipop or a toothpick (the oral fixation fostered by smoking is one of its more insidious aspects). If a glass of wine makes you reach for a cigarette, you may want to avoid alcohol for the first week or so.
?Set a quit date. Pick a date that-s realistic and allows you to develop your plan. Try to select a time period when you don-t anticipate being under much stress yet will be too busy to sit around thinking about smoking. It may also help to start at a time when you-ll have a little extra impetus. For example, if you-re going to visit people around whom you can-t smoke (your grandparents or your in-laws, perhaps), vow to remain smoke-free after the trip is over. You-ll have a few days under your belt already.
?Tell your friends and family about your plan. Having their support and knowing they-re counting on you can increase your motivation to stick with it.
?If involving others doesn-t suit you, become a -quiet quitter.- For some people, kicking the habit without all the fanfare and questions from concerned supporters is easier in the long run. Knowing that everyone-s -counting on you- might stress you to the point of failure instead of bolstering your resolve. Which approach will work best depends on your personality.
?Take it day-by-day -- or even trigger-by-trigger. This may sound like -addiction-speak,- but it works. To approach the process by thinking, -I can-t wait until I-ve been nicotine-free for a week- won-t help you with that craving you get with your morning coffee on the very first day.

going cold turkey like that isn-t as easy as some people make out. Have you thought about getting nicotine patches or gum?

They really worked for a friend of mine.

I admire your decision btw

good luck!
hey sweetheart :) 1st of all congrats :) its a hard thing to do :) i quit last may ( wooo almost 9 months for me and i smoked for over 15 yrs ) i popped alot of tylenol for the headaches and ate alot of hard candy lol popsicles too , they actually helped alot :) it also helped me to have something to strive for , mine was more money :) i just kept telling my self that once i didnt have to buy smokes anymore id have a ton more money :) and honestly i prayed when it was really tough and napped if i had to . anything to make the cravings and all easier :) i hope you get through this :) youll love not smoking and not having to worry about buying them or going outside to smoke etc :) gods speed hun :) blessings be !!
Drink loads of water and the headache will go away. Smoking is killing you not the absence of smoking. My husband and I gave up smoking 20 years ago and I would still love a cigarette but have not given in. We found that gallons of water and vitamin pills helped us in the battle. Good luck and good health. If you put away the amount you would spend on cigarettes each day in a year you can have a good holiday.
Once, when I was younger, I smoked for fun, and one day I inhaled so strongly that I nearly vomited. Afterward, I hated smoking and feel suffocated even when somebody else smoke. Do the same and let smoking turn into a detestable habit.
It is really really hard....don-t give up! Short term pain for long term gain! Just remember... one cigarette and you will be right back to square one. It is like the alcoholic with one drink. Your brain will be trying to think of a good reason to have just one cigarette and then you will be right back into it! You can never have one cigarette for ANY reason! The fact that you are having all the withdrawal signs/symptoms shows how big of a problem it is. It takes about 2 weeks...HANG IN THERE! You will be rewarded many many times over.
don-t give in to the junkie....its normal withdrawal symptoms...what does that tell you about cigerettes?
do you want your body dependant on something so unhealthy and expensive?
you can do it!!!!!
My boyfried quit a little over a month ago and he still has cravings, but when he does he chews a piece of gum or candy or something. and if he doesn-t have any of that then he just does something to keep hiself busy.
right listen ...YOU DONT NEED A CIGARETTE ok your not gunna die if you dont are ya. if you dont smoke then you are sensible and you wont stink of smoke, u wont get as many colds, u wont get problems in later life. i mean do u really want all these problems? u might even get cancer
The headache may be due to tension which you use to relieve by smoking. Take an Aleve or Tylenol and find other ways to reduce stess.
go get some hypnotherapy and all symptoms will fall away...

and lets address you -quitting for your wife- if you are not an idiot, and i will assume for the moment that you are not an idiot, then you are STOPPING smoking for YOU. since if you dont have health issues YET, you will, or you are in utter denial.

so start here:
what is your diet like (look up WHOLE FOODS DIET online)?
what exercise are you getting DAILY for 15-60 minutes (like gentle walking?)
what relaxation techniques are you practicing twice daily for 20 minutes each session.

you attend to these 3 things - the 3 legged stool - and your symptoms will fall away.

there are NO magic pills. and what doctors say is NOT the final word DOCTORS ARE NOT GODS



hang in there. believe me you will be glad you quit and sorry if you dont--been there-done that.
I quit smoking almost a week ago, but i always feel like I need a cigarette. I get a headache all day long.? -

How can I quit smoking? -

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How can I quit smoking? -

engage in other activities when you feel like smoking ..slowly you will stop smoking.
If you are having difficulties after you try nicorette, the patch or even zyban (not my favorite) go to you doctor and get a script for
Chantix--it has no nicotine in it and it actually blocks the nicotine receptors. Check out this site for more info www.pfizer.com,
and type in or locate info on Chanitx. Worked for me and no cravings!!!! Good Luck
when you feal like you need a light try chewing gum or doing activities, this worked for me
All of the above are really good suggestions. Hard candy works as well and you might try chromium picolinate for the cravings too. Don-t exceed the recommended dose.
Encorage yourself not to smoke. It-s a bad thing and can cause lung cancer which is the most dangerous cancer . Go to this site to quit smoking: http://www.anti-smoking.org/quitting.htm
Keep something that you like eating and that is chewy [like gum or peppermint] ... with you.... always...then every time you feel the urge to smoke, pop one inside your mouth and go on chewing....that way even your gums will become strong and you will soon quit smoking! Believe me it-s easy!

Best Of Luk
Join a club, Smokers Anonymous, patch, gum, cold turkey (must difficult) hypnosis, acupuncture. Good luck
motivate yourself, smoking doesnt only affect yourself but also others.. think bout cancer *seriously* your body is ok NOW, but later on it will affect u n people around you..

try nicorette, its a kind of drug that u take wen u feel like smoking, it will handle your addiction.. without smoking a cigarette
Zyban tablets. They do it for you, but you need a script from the doc. They absolutely work. Good luck
Dont keep money with you put everything in the bank or give it to someone for safe keeping
There is no glorified reply to this but you can quit by simply stop buying the cigars and stop smoking
How can I quit smoking? -

Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -

Your body is going through withdrawls from a lack of nicotine...it-s normal to feel this way until your body gets use to the absence of the nicotine.
weired because my husband is acting like he is wired! he wont stop fidgeting!well its all because of the nerves in the body are reacting to the body.
body is over working to get the toxins out of ur lungs and blood. give it some time , drink a : lot of water:

I quit year ago , i didn-t feel the craving at all aftr i don- know 1 week maybe ?
anyway , it-s good now..if you know what I mean..
Did you, by any chance, make sure you went to bed early and get in that habit when you quit? I did (I-m back to smoking though) but psychologically it was best for me to go to bed early to keep from wanting a cig......so you may have just got into that sleeping pattern. I may be off the mark here as you didn-t state what you-ve done to quit....but GOOD FOR YOU!!! It may very well be psychological though.
I just recently quit and didnt have that symptom. According to many sites about quitting smoking, being tired is a common side effect and should go away after about 10 days.
When you smoke, chemicals in the cigarette cause a euphoria, or sleepy feeling, in the body. It-s a reaction to the drugs in the tobacco.
What are you smoking?
Probably because nicotine is a stimulant. Better to be sleepy than have cancer.
it-s a stimulant.
Nicotine stimulates the brain
Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -