How can I quit smoking? -

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How can I quit smoking? -

Open to any suggestions except for -cold turkey-.
Thank you.
I used the Committ program and highly recommend it. First you have to want to quit, then if you follow the guidelines that come with the Committ program you are home free. I was a 45 year smoker and had tried a lot of different things. You must decide why you want to quit and then it is easy. Haven-t had or desired a cigarette in 3 yrs.
Committ are lozenges that you substitute for cigarettes
i don-t have a answer,but i-ll be waiting on your answer because i want to stop smoking also for the up coming year. so let me know what answers you get. Please
its all on you, the commitment, the will power you might need a program because i have been trying for the longest time
start eating cold turkey
How can I quit smoking? -

How can i get my boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -

How can i get my boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Tell him that you care about him and you dont want to see him slowly killing himself. If he-s smoking while your around, he-s killing you too. (maybe even more than he-s killin himself)
no prob :)
did it work though?

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sort of it only worked for couple of days :( he is kind of uptight about that but i told him that he will have to quit oneday like when we want a baby:) hehehe but hey thanks thou

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You start smoking with your bf he will not smoke in fornt of you,
he-ll quit when he wants to quit. hate to sound nasty but it-s true. and if he quits to make you happy or anyone else. he will subconsciously not be happy about it. he has to quit cause HE WANTS TO!!! i know that sucks but it-s better for him in the long run if he quits on his own.
Boyfriend? Not Husband? He will do what he wants he smoked when you started dating him.
Tell him that cigarettes kill ppl n that u wouldn-t like 2 c him get sick.....Cigarettes also makes u wrinkle faster. Try 2 get him the nicotine gum/patch. B-sides who wants 2 kiss a mouth that taste like an ashtrays?
This is going to sound crude but it has a good chance of succeeding and I am being serious, not trying to make a joke or cause offense. Tell him you will not have sex with him anymore if he does not quit smoking. No more smoking or no more poking. Use this as a last resort though if you have determined that your relationship can not endure the smoking. It might be a dealbreaker if he does not have the willpower to quit.
How can i get my boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Do the patches work to quit smoking? -

Do the patches work to quit smoking? -

Yes they do, but you have to want to quit as well.

I used them to quit smoking about 5 years ago or so.
They help, but just stopping works better.
sorry sweetie never try it.

but they said, anything comes in two,

u got to quit smoking, but u get nightmare if u wear those patches to bed, dunno..

but what the heck, just give it a try, enlighten me if it works.

u go girl!
They work only if you make them work, you have to really want to quit. If you do want to and are strong enough to forego the urge of sticking a cigarette in your mouth they do work. IF not don-t waste your money until you are really ready to give it up.
they will sort of help with the withdrawal and the times when you are weakest, like after a meal, or waking up in the morning. But they also might keep you up at night and make your sleep filled with weird dreams if you don-t take it off a little bit before bedtime.
After you smoke for a long time. (years) it is a way of life for a person. You have to get a new way of living your life after years of a habitual way of living. your brain does not adjust well to change of any kind and throws a fit as well as wanting its shot of pep me up nicotine.
I have smoked for almost 25 years now and have tried numerous times to quit ; I have used most of the withdrawal symptom aids out there and always went back to the blasted things when things go stressful. Good luck with your trying!
It didn-t help my love. :[
Patches are only an aid, not a cure. Quiting has a lot to do with how bad you want to quit. At best it-s not easy for most, due in part to the many addictive substances that are added by the tobacco companies.
i use patches but not for quitting, i use them when i have to be somewhere where I cant smoke for awhile
they worked for me a while then I began to smoke again.
Do the patches work to quit smoking? -

If I quit smoking today, will I automatically gain weight? Eventually will I get more energy? -

If I quit smoking today, will I automatically gain weight? Eventually will I get more energy? -

Someone once told me if I quit smoking, at first I-ll gain weight...but then after a while, I-ll get more energy and my metabolism will start working without the nicotine and I-ll get more energy. Is this true??
whatever it is you will be HEALTHY, if you quit smoking.
not just weight gain or metabolism or anything else...

and thanks for quitting...:)
You not only help yourself..but your neighbours too.
no, I quite cold turkey and never gained a pound! You will get more energy if you workout on top of quiting! Trust me you will feel a lot better about your self!
you tend to gain weight because your tastebuds are -awakening- and youre more likely to eat because you can taste food better.

the key is self control: if you can tell yourself not to eat as much- you wont gain!

and eventually, you will get more energy

=] good luck!!
Not everyone gains weight when they quit smoking. Some people do gain weight, but it may be because they-re replacing smoking with food -- snacking when they get a nicotine craving so they-re doing something or as a comfort thing. Nicotine also supresses the appetite, so you may feel hungier when you quit smoking, leading you to eat more. Most people do feel like they have more energy when they stop smoking. You can increase the energetic feeling by doing something active when you get a nicotine craving, so that you-re doing something to refocus your mind.
If I quit smoking today, will I automatically gain weight? Eventually will I get more energy? -

How can i quit smoking marijuana? -

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can i quit smoking marijuana? -

Depends whether you currently smoke it heavily or mildly, and whether you smoke it straight or with tobacco (don-t give up both at once, that-s too difficult).
Quitting mild usage is a bit unpleasant, but you get through it - as the other person said, you may have to not see your smoking buddies for a while.
Quitting heavy use is like quitting heavy nicotine use - there-s days of craving, weeks of temptation, months of just plain missing the high. Not meaning to be discouraging, but warning what to expect - there may be nightmares, and depression, as it has been masking your feelings, which will go up and down for a while. Sometimes, alcohol helps, but don-t change one addiction for another!
Possibly take up a new hobby or sport to keep you occupied - sport especially, as you need to be fit and clear-headed, and you-ll feel more positive.
u must cut down your cigarette n have some strong menthnol sweet to help u of think of smoking.
take up another drug. like Meth or Crack or even Heroine
Start by stop hanging out with the people who smoke it with you. Or atleast avoid them when they are smoking it. Secondly, start exercising and drinking a good deal of water to get it all out of your system. Goodluck.
dont...... hey hey hey, smoke weed everyday
How about going to an NA meeting. That-s for anyone who has a desire to stop using, not just for hard core drug users. Go and listen, see what you think. Worked for some of my friends.
Just STOP!!!!!
How can i quit smoking marijuana? -

Do lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

Do lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

I started smoking about 4 1/2 months ago, about a pack maybe a pack and a half on average. Every now and then like once every 2-3 weeks id go on a binge of 2-4 cigarettes ones after another. Im about to quit in a couple of days. Hopefully I haven-t done so much damage then again im still only 18
Information for yourself: Everyone has cilia in his/her throat that leads from the lungs to the mouth. You can think of cilia as little fingers that move back and forth, which carry mucus from your lungs to your mouth. Now smoking, can damage these cilia, it basically burns them away. Now why are cilia so important. You ever see people who smoke all the time and you hear them cough, very loudly? Well this is known as the smokers cough. Their cilia no longer work and therefore, they have to cough terribly hard and long to cough up all that mucus. Cilia do a lot for your body. Now people who have destroyed their cilia, have been smoking for many, many years. And once a cilia is killed, it is more than likley that it will not grow back. However, if they are damaged they can recover in time.

So yes, the best thing you can do now is to quit smoking, try to find something else to take your mind off of smokes, and nicatine.

good luck my firned.
Your lungs start to heal immediately after stopping smoking. Good for you. You have started a healthier lifestyle and everything will get better from here on out.
Go to the American Lung Association to find just how quickly things in your body start to heal after smoking.
Good God, dude, stop being so paranoid. You have to smoke heavily for years to get smoking related diseases. Your real problem will be quitting. Don-t put the cart ahead of the horse here. You haven-t tried stopping yet -- there-s a real good chance you-ll still be smoking when you-re 40.
Your health will better and some small lungs can heal, do more exercises and have a good diet, too.
not really.. if you already have a lung complication then even if you quit it dont do anything.. sorry... :(
NO they don-t heal , but I-m sure there-s no damage yet.
Do lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

Has anyone had their cholesterol level increase as a result of quitting smoking? -

Has anyone had their cholesterol level increase as a result of quitting smoking? -

My VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides (up 151 points) increased dramatically after I quit smoking. Now I-m on Zocor to reduce the levels. Has anyone else experienced this?

I also gained 25 lbs. Now working to lose it and finding it harder to get rid of than before I quit.
Hi there,
Congratulations on quitting smoking, I can-t tell you how happy that makes someone in the medical field feel to hear.
It-s not unusual for people to gain weight after quitting smoking, for various reasons. I-ve found that many patients increase snacking and overall calorie intake while they-re in the quitting process to appease the oral fixation that used to be satisfied with a cigarette. If this is what has happened in your case, it follows that your cholesterol levels may have increased too.
Try and make sure your diet now is not too different from what it was when you were a smoker, and make sure you-re cutting back on red meat, fatty foods, and high-salt foods - all of these push up your weight and cholesterol.
Good luck!
You should smoke again, joke:D you should do more exercise to keep every thing in balance:)
Has anyone had their cholesterol level increase as a result of quitting smoking? -

Has anyone used Chantix to quit smoking? -

Has anyone used Chantix to quit smoking? -

If so,Did it work and how did it make you feel?Thanks,I really need to quit.
I-m taking chantix now and have gone from over a pack to 3 a day. i have been on it for a month. I do not feel any different except I sleep better. I followed the directions. I had some strange dreams in the beginning, not bad or scary, just strange. I hope to kick the 3 a day soon, My Dr. and pharmacist both said they had heard of great results with this. look at it this way, it can-t hurt, can help, get the info from the pharmacy and read that first. good luck to you.
also cn try

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try hypnosis. i went from 2 packs to none.
I don-t smoke, but my husband does. When my son was in the hospital for breathing problems the doctor reccomended it very highly. My husband doens-t smoke around the baby or in the house, but they said it came in on his clothes. I-m going to get him to try it. I hope it works, he-s want to quit...kind of.
No! I never smoked! I-m still a child.
Has anyone used Chantix to quit smoking? -