How can i quit smoking marijuana? -

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can i quit smoking marijuana? -

Depends whether you currently smoke it heavily or mildly, and whether you smoke it straight or with tobacco (don-t give up both at once, that-s too difficult).
Quitting mild usage is a bit unpleasant, but you get through it - as the other person said, you may have to not see your smoking buddies for a while.
Quitting heavy use is like quitting heavy nicotine use - there-s days of craving, weeks of temptation, months of just plain missing the high. Not meaning to be discouraging, but warning what to expect - there may be nightmares, and depression, as it has been masking your feelings, which will go up and down for a while. Sometimes, alcohol helps, but don-t change one addiction for another!
Possibly take up a new hobby or sport to keep you occupied - sport especially, as you need to be fit and clear-headed, and you-ll feel more positive.
u must cut down your cigarette n have some strong menthnol sweet to help u of think of smoking.
take up another drug. like Meth or Crack or even Heroine
Start by stop hanging out with the people who smoke it with you. Or atleast avoid them when they are smoking it. Secondly, start exercising and drinking a good deal of water to get it all out of your system. Goodluck.
dont...... hey hey hey, smoke weed everyday
How about going to an NA meeting. That-s for anyone who has a desire to stop using, not just for hard core drug users. Go and listen, see what you think. Worked for some of my friends.
Just STOP!!!!!
How can i quit smoking marijuana? -