Tips for getting through the first days of quitting smoking? -

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tips for getting through the first days of quitting smoking? -

-Tis the season for resolutions and I have decided to quit smoking. I started smoking 4 1/2 years ago when I was going through a divorce (talk about crutches!) and I smoke about 6-8 cigarettes per day. I really don-t want to use a patch or pills. Does anyone have any helpful little tips for getting through the first days to calm my nerves and quell my cravings? Thanks in advance for your help and good luck with all your resolutions, too!
Cold turkey can be very tough. Cognitive behavior therapy would suggest that you must replace one activity with another, since the urge will remain for quite awhile. You-ll need to have a plan as to what to do when that urge occurs. It could be chewing gum, a small piece of chocolate or candy, decide to go for a vigorous run, etc. Biochemically speaking, your brain is going to expect to get that stimulation from somewhere. You may want to find ways to elevate your levels of serotonin. If you don-t use a prescription drug, one way to do this is exercise, though it takes several weeks to get your serotonin levels up. Another way is the use of St. John-s Wort which is available as an herbal tea or supplement. But as with any drug, be sure to check with your doctor before adding an herbal supplement to your current medicine regimen.
Well - at least you-re not a heavy smoker so it shouldn-t be as bad. Nonetheless, kicking the habit, as well as the addiction, is a factor.
Now this may sound naff - but a friend of mine gave up smoking recently and took up knitting as a replacement for something to do with her hands. I-m planning on quitting myself within the next few days and am going to go out and buy myself some knitting needles and a big ball of wool - anything that helps!
Best of luck to you!!!!
Remember that you-re in charge - not a handful of rolled up dead leaves.
Tips for getting through the first days of quitting smoking? -