What are some physical advantages of quitting smoking? -

Monday, October 8, 2012

What are some physical advantages of quitting smoking? -

After you quit smoking what are some things that well get -better- in your physical appearance and how long after you smoke.
I quit smoking on January 12th of this year. My complexion is 100 times better. I can walk 10 miles without stopping, no problem. Food tastes better. I lost the urge to drink alcohol. After initially putting on a few pounds, I have lost 20 pounds and feel great.

Most importantly, my blood pressure average has dropped by 10 points.

I joined an on-line support group, no drugs, gums, pills, nothing.

one, you live longer
actually, your skin starts looking less yellow... so do your fingertips
Fresher breath, skin appears healther, more energy just general feeling better in your self, its got to be worth it? and it happens pretty soon after, you just have the cravings to beat first, it gets better, stick with it, and just think you will benefit financially as well!!
Well I-m young but 2 weeks and my yellow fingers had gone and i could breathe again and I don-t cough any more
better hair, better teeth, better breath, better skin in general, but it has to do with more moisture contained in your skin to make it look more brilliant and soft and touchable! :) quitting smoking is the best thing someone could do for their appearance
What are some physical advantages of quitting smoking? -