Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Throw the pack that you have away.

--Start chewing gum to replace the urge to smoke

---Get those nicotine replacement gums at the drug store.

--Get a big jar and start putting the money that you would spend on a pack or a carton in that jar.

--Stay away from people who smoke..This is often the hardest and leads to smoking again.

--Go onto the internet and read all about lung cancer and emphezema.

Smoke free for 5 years and lovin- it!
Just stop.. but dont do the spitting thingy.. Thats really really bad for u.. but yahh..
I did cold turkey but that doesn-t work for everyone.
When people want to quit smoking they want to do it as soon as humanly possible. I don-t blame them for this, I was the same. When I was trying to quit smoking I just wanted some -overnight- way out. But unfortunately these never work.

First you need to have a planned strategy, and understand what you are going to do before you just go out and try and quit. This article will help to illustrate some of the important elements you will need as a person to quit smoking with no stress.

A -never give up- spirit, is a significant quality you will need for quitting. Listen, despite what all these -authorities- (who are probably just trying to make a quick buck off you) are trying to tell you. You are going to have cravings. And listen to me when I say this, there is no way to stop them completely without fail.

And that-s why you should have a fighting spirit. If you want to quit smoking and obliterate your nicotine addiction then you need to fight off the cravings to smoke and come out victorious at the other end. Because you will get there! I know so.

The ability to -mastermind- or in other words align with others. Another thing you should learn in your -quit smoking toolbox- is the ability to align with other people who trying to quit grab advice from those who have managed to quit smoking. I recommend this fully, in fact you-d be silly not to, because you-ll all be able to help each other, share ideas and you-ll make meet new people during your quit session!

How do I do this though, you say?? All you have to do is find people, you may already know of them. And if you don-t know of any people who are going through the same thing as you just look online! There are many support forums all over the internet and I think those forums have been responsible for helping thousands of people quit. So check one out!

It-s time to take the leap. Are you going to keep ignorant smoker or will you decide for once in your life to quit and stay smoke-free for the rest of your life. You have two choices, one leads to a great, healthy fun life full of wellbeing? Well I-ll let you get creative with that.
Cold turkey, I tried everything and then one day I just set them down. It ws the only thing that worked, that was over 2 years ago.
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
The best way would be not to smoke anymore, nothing else comes close!
People who dont smoke will say just stop but they dont know what they are talking about. Different ways work for different people. The patch, nicorret you just need to figure out wat works with you. Dont go cold turkey you need to slowly ease urself off of it. I know peopl who then were constantly eating gummy bears and what not to help satisfy there craving lol i guess it worked.
1-You should be determined ti quit and should fix a ay for that.
2-Destroy all what you have and remove lighters and ashtrays from house and work.
3-Do-t think that you are quitting smoking, because this will make you feel that you have lost something
4-Try to be in healthy area where there is no smoke.
5-If you feel like smoking, get something to do or go walking.
Best of luck
Just decide you-re not going to smoke anymore and don-t waver from that decision. I quit smoking four days ago. It is especially hard around my -triggers-: coffee, drinking, hanging out with my friends... but it can be done! I am viewing cigarettes as the enemy. I know that if I have even one cigarette, I am going to have to go through it all again. I-m trying to view it as an honesty issue, I told everyone I was quitting smoking, so if I don-t, that-s a lie, plus a lot of people who know I said I was quitting and didn-t! If I really want one, I just tell myself I can go another hour without one. I-m chewing gum and playing with tape constantly. Good luck! If I can do it, you can too!
You have to be strong minded .

Cold turkey is the best. if you find you miss holding a cigarette get a cinnamon stick to hold it will also make your breath smell nice

The first couple of days you might feel light headed as your lungs are not used to pure oxygen but it goes away.

And then take it one day at a time

good luck
ex smoker
Its up to you. Cold turkey, nicotine patches, the gum, prescription drugs like chantix? You need to figure out what works for you. And Then set a date and go for it. It was the hardest thing I ever did. Smoke free for ALMOST a year. March 14th, 2008 it will be a year.
I had been smoking 4 packs a day for several years when I finally quit.
I LOVED smoking to the very end, but wanted to quit for religious reasons. I had tried quitting before but had always failed, but it was because I was trying to please others.
I LOATHED being told I HAD to quit. The rebel in me kept at it just to spite people, I-m sure.

While on a trip to the middle of nowhere I decided enough was enough. I lit a cigarette and said: -I smoke this as a friend.- After it was gone, I lit another and announced: -I smoke this as an enemy.- I know it-s silly but I -divorced- my habit.
And because I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do I then hybernated.
For almost 2 weeks, I did hardly anything except pray and sleep.
And for the rebel in me, I kept my last pack of smokes. I told myself I could light up any time if I REALLY wanted to. I also made -little goals-. When I went an hour without a smoke, I-d challenge myself to go 2 hours. And when I felt like caving, I-d inhale an unlit cigarette and tell myself I-d be wasting all those victories.
About a week into cold turkey, I bought some patches. I wore them for couple weeks, then quit because I felt like I was cheating.

I slipped three years later. I took that same pack of cigarettes and liked to have died when I inhaled!!! 3 year old Marlboro Menthol 100-s do NOT age well lol. It made me sick enough not to want to do it again :D

But I dream of smoking almost every night and I still love the smell of cigarettes. The only thing that keeps me from starting back up is my religion (I-m one of Jehovah-s Witnesses).

Much success to you. You CAN do it!!
Cold turkey by cutting down slowly by as little as .5-1 cigarette a day
Me and my friends strapped my mum to a chair after taping every anti-smoking commercial on TV and forced her to watch it... Worked a charm.
well the way I made someone stop was making them throw everything away that has to do with smoking.
It works
don-t smoke anymore.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -