How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -

i need tip to quit smoking the tobaccowithout patches or the nicorette gum
If you are not old enough to buy cigarrettes, someone has to be buying them for you so tell that person not to buy them for you anymore even when you ask and ask. Tell friends that to not let you have a cig no matter how many times you ask. If you stop the source of them, your forced to stop
Find something else to keep your mouth busy. Find a girl that always wants you bad enough that she always keeps your mouth busy, sunflower seeds, hard candy, or anything like that.

-sorry if it seems like im always answering you questions, but it shows me all you your damn questions and I don-t know how to keep them from popping up
Please read this… my first 3 days were awful. Major depression and all. If u can get by the first 3 days and starts counting the days u quit it makes it a ton eaiser. What helped me was keeping in mind the money i was spending on them.A pack a day smoker spends on a national average $3700 a year. If you dont get sick.Please dont smoke save yourself!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to your doctor and ask for help with resourses. There are tons of different ways to do this asside from gum or patches and everyone responds differently to different treatments. Good luck.
i smoked for 12 years until i went to a hypnotist one day and i have never smoked since.that was 10 years ago
throw all your cigarrettes away. clean your house, get rid of the smell of smoke, keep your self occupied to where u ain-t thinkin bout smoking. and about aftr 21 days you won-t be as addicted.
jus STOP get some sunflower seeds or sumthin and chew on those if you feel like you need one it worked for a couple people i know
if stop smoking, then you would probably eat more to replace smoking.
what i found best is just do alot of things to keep your mind of smoking, play a sport or something
put them down!
How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -

Ive quit smoking, and read within 1 hr your body starts to repair itself.? -

Ive quit smoking, and read within 1 hr your body starts to repair itself.? -

My concern is that I live with a smoker and am around them constantly should I not expect to get the same benefits. Thanks for any imput. Have a great day!
GREAT FOR YOU!!!my husband, GOD bless his heart, stoped cold turkey New Year-s Eve 1994-The Doctors told him he had a spot on his left lung, he was also burning in his chest and had started to cough in the mornings before his first smoke. with in three months he had quit snoring and coughing, three years later no spot, - best of all no scar either. Also a nice CLEAN kiss. now after fifteen years our house is still smoke free, I have a no smoke sign on both my doors and I enforce it.
Ive quit smoking, and read within 1 hr your body starts to repair itself.? -

Is it difficult or easy to quit smoking cold turkey? -

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Is it difficult or easy to quit smoking cold turkey? -

NO!! and it-s the greatest thing you-ll ever do. Just resign yourself to being a little uncomfortable for a few days, and you will be past the worst of it before you know it. is all about willpower
you have to really want to quit smoking. you can do it and you will be healthier in the long run.
Cold turkey is the only way to go. It isn-t easy, but it-s easiest to quit using that system. When you try to cut down, you-re just kidding yourself, because within a week you-re right back up to where you were. The secret to quitting coldturkey is to give yourself a time limit. I won-t smoke for one hour. At the end of the hour, give yourself a pat on the back, and say, Okay. I know I can quit for an hour, and just to prove it, I-ll go for another hour.
Meanwhile, make sure you have something to keep your hands busy and your mouth busy. Gum, jelly beans, chewing on a cigarette holder or whatever.
Good luck to you!
It-s very difficult, but seems the only surefire way to quit for good.
It was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

I quit smoking 1 year and 5 months ago (wow- I can-t believe it-s been that long) after 25 years of smoking. I have to tell you it was certainly the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. I had tried at least a dozen times before, but somehow this time it stuck!

I also had a challenge with 2 other friends about quitting. They both thought it was going to be harder for me- so each time they smoked, it encouraged me more to keep on going.

I never kept any -emergency- smokes around the house and if it got real bad- I-d go by a pack- sit on the floor and CRY! I-d cry and cry until I finally got up and threw them away. I decided I had to be stronger then the cigarettes!

I also used the patch- exactly according to details and didn-t falter from the plan.

Some people use support groups on line. I ddn-t care for that because I found it had me thinking about smoking more then I wanted to.

I think it took about 3 months (post patch) to get past the crying and longing. It took another 6 months before I could finally say- I-ll never smoke again. When you are going through it, it seems like your life is all blurry and fuzzy and that you will never feel right again. But, it does get better!
Is it difficult or easy to quit smoking cold turkey? -

So i just quit smoking pot and i feel like im getting depressed/anxiety?but im also sick so could it be that? -

Saturday, November 17, 2012

So i just quit smoking pot and i feel like im getting depressed/anxiety?but im also sick so could it be that? -

i smoked daily (2-3 a day) for a good 6 months...and i just stopped without decreasing? the depressed feeling is pretty much me feeling lonely and thinking of how sad it would be without friends or family?
It could be that you quit but still consider marijuana/cannabis is beneficial and pleasurable that means you are unahappy and out of sorts without it and fed up of the rut you find yourself when you do.

Pot does not have terrible physical withdrawal symptoms but when you quit the wrong way it can seem that your life is boring and dreary and that your old friend the weed is the only way you can get through the day.

I am the author of…

If you would like I can send you the ebook free of charge. Just email me.

Yeah that happens especially if you smoked pot everyday, it could be a combination of being sick - not smoking marijuana. Marijuana makes you have a heightened since of... well reality. It tends to make you happy all the time, if you smoked marijuana 2-3 times a day for that long then you were used to feeling like that pretty much all the time. When you abruptly just stop like that then the happy feeling goes away - at first you tend to feel depressed. The feeling should go away - if it gets serious to where it affects your social life or your life in general you should talk to someone about it. But in most cases you will be just fine in a few weeks when you get used to being -sober- all the time.

Good Luck to you.
weed is a natural depressant, you-ll get through it soon. i know how you feel though, i recently stopped as well. good luck with it.
It sounds like you are withdrawing from it. can withdraw from with any drug that has side effects of the CNS. (central nervous system)
Congratulations....I can hear your brain cells celebrating right now!! ; )
You need to smoke pot again. It is a healing of the nations. JAH guide
So i just quit smoking pot and i feel like im getting depressed/anxiety?but im also sick so could it be that? -

Where can i find what happens to ur lungs when u quit smoking?? -

Where can i find what happens to ur lungs when u quit smoking?? -

i am quitting smoking so far so good, no smokes in about 3-4 days , and id like to see what happens to your lungs when u quit.
wonder if i could find anything (illustrated would b cool) online
it will help clear up your lungs and you can breathe much easier and no coughing. but later on in life is when you want it cause it can do damage anyhow but maybe not. you don-t want lung cancer and let me tell you if you have ever seen anyone with lung cancer first of all its very painful and you generally die very seldom does somone make it from this . take care.
Where can i find what happens to ur lungs when u quit smoking?? -

Can your vocal chords and lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

Can your vocal chords and lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

I just recently quit smoking, will I get my breath back? Will my vocal chords go back to normal...or is all the damage permanent? I-ve smoked for 5 years...but again..I quit going on 3 weeks now
if you are still fairly young, I think you have a good chance of your lungs healing after smoking for 5 years. whatever you NOT ever ever go back to smoking is a great thing that you have quit!! Bravo to you!! I hope that your lungs will go back to 100% damage free.

if you really want to know...I would check with your dr. about having a medical scan of your lungs to really see how they are doing.
No one-s will go back to 100%

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yes they will, listen to mariah carey-s voice, she used to smoke before she start to sing pro. and she got her voice back :)
i-m pretty sure they will heal.but you have to never smoke again
I hope so, I-ve been smoking for over 25 yrs.!
Can your vocal chords and lungs heal after you quit smoking? -

Ive finally quit smoking and have a horrible cough. Any suggestions on what to do about this? -

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ive finally quit smoking and have a horrible cough. Any suggestions on what to do about this? -

It has been 5 days since I have stopped
A popular herbal remedy in China is to grate a fresh radish and mix that with two teaspoons of honey in small amount of water and drink the mixture. Radish is a natural expectorant and but honey is a natural antibiotic. It is also rich in proteins, Amino acids vitamins and enzymes.

To start to repair and reverse some of the damage to your lungs, eat foods that are highly alkaline - such as spinach, beets, greens, lima beans, raisins and figs. The vitamins and minerals in these foods will help repair damaged lung tissue.

Vitamin C takes a beating trying to combat the free radicals in your body that are caused by smoking. Even people exposed to secondhand smoke have serious depletion of Vitamin C.

Strawberries and blueberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber. They’re quick and simple finger food, and easily be added to your favorite whole grain cereal oatmeal, or low-fat yogurt. Pink grapefruit, guava are also good sources of vitamin C.

The health improvements continue long after you quit smoking. Your gift at the first anniversary of quitting is that your risk of coronary heart disease becomes half that of what you risked as a smoker.

Make it to your fifth year smoke-free and your risk of stroke is the same as a non-smoker. In ten years, your lungs become stronger and your chances of dying from lung cancer are only half as great as if you continued to smoke.

Yet another benefit - you’ll keep aging signs at bay. The mouth suction that you use to puff on the cigarette is terrible for producing or deepening wrinkles. When you stop smoking, you give those facial muscles a well deserved rest.

Download the free chapters at the following website for more information.

Good luck, I-ve been there.
Congratulations! Keep on going, you-ve come this far! Your lungs are probably just trying to get all that nasty stuff out of their. I would just suck on cough drops, that should help.
she-s right it is just your body getting rid of all the stuff you have in your lungs, you-ll be looking forward to a couple of weeks of coughing up nasty stuff
Menthol flavored candy!
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out
for more remedies and information.
Ive finally quit smoking and have a horrible cough. Any suggestions on what to do about this? -

Why is it that you tend to gain weight when you quit smoking? Even when you are not eating anymore than usual? -

Why is it that you tend to gain weight when you quit smoking? Even when you are not eating anymore than usual? -

I think there are several different reasons, but the two that I-ve heard: -nicotine speeds up your metabolism,- and -smoking is more of an oral fixation than a habit, replaced only by something else to put in your mouth.- Drinks have calories too.... You don-t always have to EAT more, sometimes you DRINK more.... Like a straw replaces a cigarette...
People have this tendency to replace that cigarette that was between their fingers WITH FOOD....then the pounds pile on......
Because nicotine is a stimulant and it increases your metabolism just as a diet pill does.
Smoking stops your hunger x
Why is it that you tend to gain weight when you quit smoking? Even when you are not eating anymore than usual? -

Does anyone know how one can quit smoking? -

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Does anyone know how one can quit smoking? -

i,ve tried everything, but it seems i can-t quit. i even become hysterical i i don-t smoke for three days. i-m also afraid i-ll get fat. please help me
I stopped smoking after 35 years with the help of the site below, it-s the only place that has really helped me cope with the withdrawls and everything else that goes with quiting. Of course, you have to make up your mind to stop first. The site also has a downloadable timer that keeps track of the hours, days, months, money saved, life added by stopping smoking. Good luck.

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 4 hours, 20 minutes and 14 seconds (107 days). I have saved $401.92 by not smoking 2,679 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 2 Days, 7 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 4/7/2006 11:00 AM…

The Defiant One is right. I still smoke, but I know that it-s a waste of my time to quit until I am seriously ready to kick the habit.

If you-re not ready to put it down, and you-re doing it because of the fact that your friends and family are telling you to do so, you are not ready to quit.

As far as the weight gain is concerned, every time you want a smoke, go run outside for a bit, instead of using eating (another hand-to-mouth motion) to comfort you. You-re going to be uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks, and that-s just that.

You may get depressed, and you may not be able to sleep well, but I assure that this is only temporary.

If you are going to quit, you gotta wanna!

I-ve tried everything too .. two things that might work .. I once read a book by Alan Carey .. I think it was just called How to Stop Smoking .. it was not great literature but it talked about the psychological addiction being what keeps us from quitting successfully. At the end of reading that book, I just stopped smoking. Just like that.

Oh but hold on .. that-s not the happy ending .. after two years, I got into an abusive relationship and somehow ended up back on cigarettes and am finding it just as hard as it ever was, to quit.

I have heard that there is an anti-depressant that about 85% of smokers have reported helps them to quit .. apparently it works on the reward system of the brain and reduces the need to light up. It-s called Buproprion Hydrochloride, the brand names are Zyban, Bupron and I think Wellbutrin. I haven-t tried it as yet but am planning to start in about a fortnight.

One of the reasons people get fat after quitting is that we start comfort eating. We replace one emotional crutch with another. But being overweight is any day better than dying of cancer I figure. So if you take steps to counter this you can avoid putting on weight. Find healthy snacks to munch on, drink plenty of water (often what we think is hunger is really thirst did you know?) and begin some regular exercise like going for a daily walk .. that would boost your mood (exercise is a GREAT anti-depressant .. unfortunately I-ve found that when I-m depressed, it-s also the LAST thing I feel like doing!) If you work on your emotions and mood, you-re less likely to overeat or to feel like going back to smoking.

Good luck!
Just quit
I-d like to know how long you-ve been smoking. I-ve been at it almost 40 years and I hate myself for it. I-ve done everything from smoker stoppers, patches, gum, and even being hypnotized All a waste of money. Cold Turkey has to be the only way. One thing that might help is doing the math and seeing how much money your wasting. Good Luck
EVERYTHING in life is a choice. Choose not to smoke.
Lowering stress levels through deep breathing is supposed to help a lot It reduces the stress hormone cortisol. Try breathing in to a count of two and out to a count of four. Do this about ten times. You won-t get fat if you chose to eat right and exercise. Cigarette cravings eventually go away. I know many people who-ve quit and don-t have any desire to smoke anymore. Ask for support. When you want a cigarette ask God to take away your craving. I saw someone on a talk show once who said they did that with a heroin or cocaine addiction and their addiction disappeared miraculously.
There is even more nicotine in cigarettes now days than there were many years ago and that is a very addictive substance. Tell yourself to hold on. It will get out of your system and you will lose the desire to smoke and you are worth the effort!
16 years ago I gave up a 3 pack a day habit....cold turkey....
wasn-t easy but I was ready...never touched another cigarette again....Your mind has to be ready for this task.
And why would you get fat?thats a myth.....
Good luck.

Do not pick up another one and light it.

That would be a good place to start.
I-m going through the same thing right now and you just have to be ready to do it. I did quit for 3 weeks and I chewed alot of gum and drank alot of water when I had urges, but then got into a fight with the b/f and wound up smoking again....I just wasn-t mentally ready to quit yet. I
What is the -everything- you-ve tried? Weaning yourself off them (smoking fewer and fewer over time), the patch, the pill, the gum? You CAN quit but it takes a lot of willpower and self control...

...gaining weight should not be an excuse to not quit smoking...quit because you want to have control over what you put in your won-t gain weight if you don-t overeat...perhaps take up exercise in conjunction with quitting...not only would it help you worry less about weight gain, it would be good for your overall health, AND give you a distraction from the desire to smoke.

Good luck!
It will be hard but you have to keep trying and have your family and friends help you. It is normal for you to feel that way because your body is used to the nicotine. Try using pacthes. They will help. Even if from time to time you smoke, keep trying. Some people take three to four months trying to quit smoking while others take less time than that. So keep at it, pray and get some help. Good luck!
Use self control and go cold Turkey.
I know it sounds corny, but you have to really want to quit. I have been an on-again-off-again smoke for 10 years. I have quit three times. Right now I am smoking, and have been for about 9 months. I use it as a stress relief mechanism, and when my life is stressful, I need the calming effects of nicotine. Eventually I reach a point where the thought of smoking disgusts me, and I just quit.
Of course, if you feel the need to lay off the cigarettes, but can-t quit cold-turkey, you can try nicotine replacement products, like the patch and the gum. Some of my friends have used these with mixed success. I guess it works for some people and not others.
About the getting fat thing, OK yes nicotine does act as an appetite suppressant, but if you watch what you eat and get some exercise you should have nothing to worry about.
Try talking to your doctor about Wellbutrin. It is used to ease tobacco withdrawal symptoms and is very effective. If you are worried about your weight, just figure out a sensible exercise program and avoid processed sugar. The weight should melt!
Two things:

1) Remember, the drive that makes you -need- another cigarette will be completely gone after a week or so, so you do not need to think that the -battle- will go on forever, because it won-t. It is the idea of having to fight cravings forever that makes people give up. Actually, the chemical addiction is cleaned out of your body after three days, so after that, it-s habit force that-s driving you.

2) Habit force is a very powerful thing, so the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one.

As to your fear of getting fat, research has demonstrated that of the people who quit smoking, 1/3 gain weight, 1/3 lose weight, and 1/3 stay the same. It comes down to what habit you replace the smoking with. If you replace smoking with eating ... fat city.

One last point, do NOT use any type of patch, gum, pill or any other nicotene replacement or drug. This just replaces one expensive addiction for another.

when I decided the millionth time to really quit...first I got ready to get ready to quit. I wrote out the pro-s and con-s of smoking and the pro-s and con-s of quitting. Then I wrote out my fears and resentments about having to quit. I put a small piece of paper in the celophane of my pack and kept track by date of how many I smoked a day... Started at a million I think LOL.. I weeded it down to ten a day.. then 7... (made myself write it down).. Then when I quit I was done.. I still had about 5 cigarrettes left. I actually got on my knees and asked God to help me quit and stay quit. I haven-t smoked since. I figured if I got crabby or bitchy (which I did a lot!!) I could apologize later..but that it would pass. Start watching people around you when they are smoking. This one lady was drinking coffee, chewing gum and smoking all at the same time. It was freaking incredible. She-d chew the gum..take a slug of the coffee, take a huge drag of the smoke and blow the smoke right into her coffee cup. EEEWWW. I couldn-t believe it. I would clean out all the ashtrays in your house and only have ONE going at a time. And be HONEST with yourself about how much you really are smoking.. Make a check mark on the paper all day long for every smoke you smoke. Good luck.. Quitting smoking is rough. I found out that the chemical makeup of nicotine is almost exactly the same as heroin.. just missing a circle and a line on one of those moleculor structure maps. That-s why it-s so hard to quit. It-s just as if not more addictive than heroin. It-s the only habit I ever had that I hated the whole time I was doing it.
The only way I could quit was to sit down and chain smoke an entire carton of cigarettes. I literally lit the next cigarette off the last one for almost ten hours straight. Buy the time I was done I didn-t ever want to see, smell, or taste another cigarette ever again.
Does anyone know how one can quit smoking? -

When u quit smoking does your lungs hurt the first day? -

Saturday, November 10, 2012

When u quit smoking does your lungs hurt the first day? -

i havent had a cig in like 12 hours and my lungs are HURTING is this normal?
Once you stop smoking, the influences that dulled pain are removed. Now you are feeling what you should have been feeling before.

Well done for stopping. I hope this might help.

Quitting smoking is a great opportunity to learn about ourselves, as you have already observed.
Congratulate yourself on having the desire to stop - then you are over the worst, but still need to maintain your resolve. It-s just so easy to start thinking that just one won-t hurt, but it does. Just one achieves nothing except feeling the need for another. Whatever you do, don-t have just one. Beware - alcohol will weaken your resolve.
Here-s a few home-brewed tips that might be useful.
It-s not just nicotine addiction - there are 50+ chemicals in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something-, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
We will have a few bouts of feeling or even being short tempered. We must try to bite our lip, and control; ourselves. Recognise the short temper as being the removal of toxins which are trying to find a way out. They went in through the mouth, and they try to get out that way to. We must learn to keep our mouth closed, and force the toxins out the other way.

After we have stopped for a while we will begin to feel that just one wont to any harm.
All that leads to is a desire for just another one. We must guard very strongly against the desire to have just one.
Yes. Lasted about 3? weeks. If it keeps up, see you Dr.
Best wishes on not starting again.
i can-t remember i was too b**chy to remember andthing about the first 3 days...lmao...good luck though, i did it so can you
it is the beginning of nicotine withdrawal. The drug is causing the cravings to worsen. It will ease up in a few days bare with it and
yes..your lungs are going through withdrawl and they are tightening....just bear with it will ease up in a few days....the long term effects are worth it
What I found when I quit smoking some years ago is that I fairly soon developed a cough and started to bring up black tarry stuff. I went to to doc and he told me it-s normal that the tar has the opportunity of loosening and some is coughed back up. This went on for a few weeks.

So possibly this is your lungs reacting to some fresh air! You could also just be developing a cough and cold co incidentally.
yeah its one of the side effects... what it is is the tar and junk lining your lungs starts to cake and then flake off your lungs are very sensitive to that
Are you in a very cold climate ? If you aren-t smoking to warm your lungs, it may be the breathing in of the cold air.

Mine didn-t hurt when I stopped. But I live in a warm climate.
When u quit smoking does your lungs hurt the first day? -

What is the most practical way to quit smoking? Please mind when i say PRACTICAL....? -

What is the most practical way to quit smoking? Please mind when i say PRACTICAL....? -

Over the time i have heard things like: Will Power, Keep non smoking company, spend the day differently? But the most important thing i would like to know.......what should be the thought to encourage oneself for the same.........coz whenever i try to do......i get a fear...........that i am missing something very very important........I would appreciate if you could help me in quitting this habit? I have been smoking since last 10 yrs.....
i really don-t understand why quitting smoking is so difficult for som epeople. maybe it is cos u have nothing to do all day long? or u have some tension cos u re stressed, depresed or unhappy? i had been smoking since i was 15. now i am 37 - one day i decided to quit smoking cos i had some difficulties of breathing at night probably cos of goitre which all smokers have. so i just quitted smoking. just like this. i still smoke like 1 or 2 cigs if i go out and drink, but not always and i dont- have any cravings at all. so it is all in just saying to yourself -i don-t want to smoke any more-. not -i must stop smoking- but -I DON-T WANT TO SMOKE-. this is my tip. good luck. just nmake yourself believe that u don-t want it any more

thou i must add after reading someone suggestions - i have absolutely no health improvement, face improvement or teeth whitening improvement after quitting smoking. i has been 10 months. i don-t feel different at all somehow. but maybe it-s just me
whats stronger, you or the cigarette? I just asked myself if I was strong enough to stop. I found its easier to not do something than to do it. Food started to taste better and I could smell and breathe better only after a few days and smoking didn-t make sense quickly, I feel more confident, cleaner, and healthier because I quit and knowing this I will never smoke cigarettes again. I quit 5 years ago and smoked a pack a day for 5 years. cold turkey with an occasional nicorete about one a day, midday for the first week and lots of sunflower seeds, it gets easier quickly. I told everyone I was quitting and owned up to it and they supported me at I didn-t want to let down my family and friends.
to quit smoking you find the thing other than smoking which you like the most i.e playing games, watching movies..etc and try to give most of your time doing that......i think slowly you will be able to quit smoking....and most imp be with your friends and enjoy life......
Just stop. There is no other easier way. It is impossible to stop in instalments. Say no and feel great about it. Feel happy when your mouth does not stink, your hunger is normal and keep looking at your body everyday - there is a change particularly when you work out. There is a glean on your face when you stop smoking. Watch your face everyday after you quit smoking - there is a shine. Your teeth look great after every brushing when you quite smoking. These are positive aspects to STOP SMOKING. Feeling great being a non-smoker will help you get out of this habit.
do u have a checkbook or check card? think about the politician you can-t stand the most.....everytime you smoke make a monetary donation to him/her. lol. you will quit in a week.
good quistion , first of all u try slowly if you smoke 2 sigrate daily then it is 1 then it is zero it is progress you want to need , sigrate is your habit so u take another habit that chewing gum etc it is also helpful to quit sigrate you kept sigrate and chewing gum in your pocket when u want sigrate u take chewing gum and eat it ok
There are a few things that helped me. One is to figure out how much one cig costs u and every time u have the urge, put aside that much money. Its helpful to see how much you-re saving. Another that may sound kinda goofy but I swear it got me through is I would find gum that opened like a pack of cigs and were the sticks (ex. orbit and dentyne). I think it kinda tricked my mind by doing half the habit. Good luck!!!
What is the most practical way to quit smoking? Please mind when i say PRACTICAL....? -

I quit smoking and now I have heartburn quite frequently? -

I quit smoking and now I have heartburn quite frequently? -

I quit smoking jan. 2 and now I have severe heartburn and it hurts real bad
ironically, a great cure for sudden painful heartburn is a capfull of cigarette ash

its true. im not lying. i have had severe heartburn for awhile. my doctor confirmed that its true after a friend told me about it. i didnt believe it either. i thought it would have the reverse effect.

i quit smoking in Novemeber. i only smoked for 5 years, but it was atleast a pack a day for all 5
Go to the Doctor.
Congrats on quitting!
Okay...change your diet...take some antacid
I quit smoking and now I have heartburn quite frequently? -

How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -

only one way to quit smoking
just quit
in Case u have a cigarette in ur hand while reading this then just throw it and say i quit and don-t lite any more
that-s it, how simple
but it-s not so simple if u have been smoking for a long time
long term smokers need a strong determination to quit, stop with another friend together, take some medical help, have alternate work to do when u get craving for the smoke
do exercise since u will put on weight
eat balanced diet
wish u smoke related disease free life in future
all the best to quit smoking and help others to do so
I quit smoking two weeks ago, but i must admit i had help from my doctor, he gave me a course of tablets called Zyban, and they work, it also takes will power but its better than all those Nicotine replacement therapies out there, But one thing i didn-t do is go to any therapy, groups etc, because in my opinion they wouldn-t of worked for me because i know i am giving up so i don-t need to talk about it and remind myself about smoking, i found distraction worked better. Good luck as i know how difficult it can be.
see a therapist or a doctor. if you are a longtime user, you may need a bit of medical help. cold turkey works but is for the truly determined. you will also have to get over all the things that go along with smoking like the hand position and the social aspect. don-t be afraid to ask a friend, family member or doc for help. understand that you may very well relapse but that that-s ok, you are just getting better and better at dealing with whatever cravings you do have. good luck
i was a chain smoker when i was in teens. I had a wrong notion that smoking helps to think better, it is manly to smoke.This habit continued even after my marriage.. but my wife did not like it. so to cover it, i used some sort of supari , but even then my wife used to find it, and we had some unpleasant quarrels over it. Then we had our first child. one of my neighbor was an elderly man, he advised me not to smoke as i am now a father of a child; this he told me, will create wrong impression on him, and when he grows up , he will also start the same habit. I thought about my son smoking in future and that made me to stop smoking.. i just stopped.. my appetite improved, my relationship with my wife also improved; if you have that WILL TO LEAVE SMOKING HABIT- YOU CAN SURELY DO IT..
Resolve it to day.. that you will never smoke.. and keep it that way.. i am sure you can...
First believe that you have lot of responsibility in this world and you have many things to think do not waste your time on how to stop its not a big deal you do not require it that-s it.

don-t quit
take a stand against political correctness

First, practice deep breathing every time you feel that urge to smoke a cigarette. Make sure to inhale a lung-full of air that you can muster in one breath. Then, let the air escape through your lips slowly. This simple act is a basic form of yoga and can be useful when you are placed in stressful situations that may urge you to light up a cigarette.
Second, it is always advisable to take in a lot of fluid. There-s nothing water can-t heal, goes one famous saying, and it stands true because drinking large amounts of water will aid your body to wash out the nicotine and other toxins that corrupt your body.

Third, write down all the positive things of being a non-smoker. Jotting down these advantages will open your eyes and enlighten your frame of thinking which was primarily clouded with the addiction to smoking. Be sure to read aloud all the good things that you-ve written down. In this way, you get to condition yourself to avoid thinking of going back to your addiction.
Fourth, indulge in simple pleasures. You can try pampering yourself by enjoying a day at a spa to release all the bad vibes and stressful tensions that may serve as impetus to your smoking spree.
How to quit smoking.Please help me.i wanna quit it at all? -

What options are there when it comes to quitting smoking? -

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What options are there when it comes to quitting smoking? -

I would like to help my mom quit. She keeps saying that she will quit soon, but shes been saying that for years. I was thinking about finding out the options and printing them out for

What options are there, and do you know of any tips to go along with those options?
The first step is actually wanting to quit. She needs to want to or nothing will work.
She could try a rubber band on her wrist, everytime she wants a smoke she snaps it and forgets it. Then her mind will start to associate cigs with pain. thats one way i did

you can also find herbal supliments or even fake cigs. The fake one work by tasting like a cig, but no actual nic or smoke. You eventually don-t need it anymore.

then there-s the gum, it-s hard to keep lit though LOL
and the patch, but it tends to rip the skin off your lips LOL
When it all comes down to it, she has to decide that she really does want to quit. It-s about self determination. I quit cold turkey, meaning that I just decided to stop one day. I smoked 2 packs a day when I quit. It-s been over 4 years since I-ve had a smoke.
I tried nicotene patches and gum before, but they didn-t work because I wasn-t ready or willing to commit to my decision.
go -cold turkey- meaning just drop everything and fight the nicotine addiction

go on the patch or chew the nicotine gum
There is a couple newer methods to help quit, I have known a lady that tried a nasal spray she said it really helped her for the taste and cravings of the cigarette and now the newest is a medication a pill called Chantix, the success rate is really high, these are prescription meds,ask your Dr. but you really have to have your mind set on quitting. I used dum-dum suckers so you have the hand to mouth habit covered,if your worried about gaining weight eat baby carrots.good Luck
What options are there when it comes to quitting smoking? -