How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -

i need tip to quit smoking the tobaccowithout patches or the nicorette gum
If you are not old enough to buy cigarrettes, someone has to be buying them for you so tell that person not to buy them for you anymore even when you ask and ask. Tell friends that to not let you have a cig no matter how many times you ask. If you stop the source of them, your forced to stop
Find something else to keep your mouth busy. Find a girl that always wants you bad enough that she always keeps your mouth busy, sunflower seeds, hard candy, or anything like that.

-sorry if it seems like im always answering you questions, but it shows me all you your damn questions and I don-t know how to keep them from popping up
Please read this… my first 3 days were awful. Major depression and all. If u can get by the first 3 days and starts counting the days u quit it makes it a ton eaiser. What helped me was keeping in mind the money i was spending on them.A pack a day smoker spends on a national average $3700 a year. If you dont get sick.Please dont smoke save yourself!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to your doctor and ask for help with resourses. There are tons of different ways to do this asside from gum or patches and everyone responds differently to different treatments. Good luck.
i smoked for 12 years until i went to a hypnotist one day and i have never smoked since.that was 10 years ago
throw all your cigarrettes away. clean your house, get rid of the smell of smoke, keep your self occupied to where u ain-t thinkin bout smoking. and about aftr 21 days you won-t be as addicted.
jus STOP get some sunflower seeds or sumthin and chew on those if you feel like you need one it worked for a couple people i know
if stop smoking, then you would probably eat more to replace smoking.
what i found best is just do alot of things to keep your mind of smoking, play a sport or something
put them down!
How to quit smoking cigarrettes? -