How did you quit Smoking? -

Friday, May 24, 2013

How did you quit Smoking? -

Most people make many attempts. What was the definitive thought in your head that last time that made it WORK?
I smoked 2 packs of Marlboro Reds a day for years. I quite many, many times. Quitting is easy. Staying Quit is the hard part. The last day I smoked, I was at work in a meeting and I laughed but the sound that came out was not a was a raspy ahshfgsfsdfzzxxas noise. It was revolting and I was mortified. I went to the drug store, bought Commit Lozenges (tried - abused every other product) got on their Support web site and did EXACTLY what they said, following the instructions to the minute. I have been smoke free for 6 years.
I started smoke at age 8.
Winston-s were 35¢ a pack
I quit many, many times, and as the other answerer correctly stated, staying quit was the hard part.

But I had an epiphany! I realized that I always started again after some stressful situation of occurrence and realized that I was trying to wait for a time in my life when there was no stress...but realized that that time would simply never come.

So I chose a period in my life to quit when I was under the greatest stress I-d ever encountered: Locked up in a state penitentiary.
The prison I was in allowed smoking and dipping and I used dip...a tiny little piece in my little that I could easily swallow the juice and not get sick, but get a nice big kick of nicotine.
I dipped for 2 years then quit that cold turkey.

Been nicotine free for 6 years.

PS, I gained 60 lbs - haven-t yet been able to lose it.:--(
How did you quit Smoking? -