If quitting smoking is so good for you, why make the products so expensive? -

Friday, May 24, 2013

If quitting smoking is so good for you, why make the products so expensive? -

I-m just wondering if anyone out there knows of any products that are really free to help people quit smoking? I-ve spent enough money smoking, I really don-t want to pay to kick the habit too. Please tell me there-s something out there to help people quit for free. Blogs and support groups just don-t work for me.
possible reasons...
1)Because not a lot of people want to quit, so therefore they don-t sell a lot of -quit smoking- products, which is why they are so expensive. ( They have to make money somehow)
2) because they actually work!
3) It-s actually more expensive to smoke...you-re spending however much to quit ONE TIME but you-re spending that $7 bucks or whatever the heck it is about once, maybe even twice a week... for the rest of your life!
Unless you have insurance to cover the cost I don-t know of anything free to help quit. I bet out there somewhere is a group willing to sponser a quiter but you-ll have to be due a miracle to find them.
Depending on where you live many countries and US States have free programmes to provide nicotine replacement therapy or medications. The medication bupropion (Zyban) is generic and may not be very expensive. The other medication, Chantix (varenicline), is far more expensive.

Aside from medications, replacement therapy (patch, gum), cold turkey stopping, or tapering off of cigarettes (which rarely works) there are no other options. The price is worth it is you can stop and if you would be spending money on cigarettes why not try an alternative. Just make sure you make the full commitment if you do use nicotine replacement, if you try to use a lot less than recommended to save money you will likely fail.

Why are the products expensive? Because people will pay the price and companies have a goal to make money, not to help people. All types of drugs are too expensive for many people in The US in particular, that is part of the reason for the health care debate issue.
You may want to try some herbal supplements to help quit smoking. Plantain and Lobelia are two of the most popular herbs used to help wean people off cigarettes. Herbal supplements are a pretty inexpensive solution compared to other marketed products. They are even cheaper if you order them online, but you will usually have to spend $5 for shipping. Nature’s Way and Nature’s Answer are good brands. Price is around $5 -$15 online. For more information on how to quit smoking naturally please go to: www.VitaminGuineaPig.com.

Electronic Cigarettes are also another alternative for smokers. If you go to youtube you will be able to find reviews for electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes will usually run you $60-$150 and $9-15 for refills but will average to be cheaper in the long run if you are a heavy smoker. They do not contain tobacco, have less nicotine than cigarettes, and do not emit harmful smoke. I would encourage you to try the herbal alternatives to see if they work for you.

Also a good Vitamin B complex and Citicoline may help with depression, anxiety, and becoming more focused. Products I like are Jarrow B-Right and Jarrow Citicoline. Jarrow B-Right is around $9 online but Citicoline is more expensive at $18 online.
If quitting smoking is so good for you, why make the products so expensive? -