I Desperately want to quit smoking, how? Chantix? -

Friday, May 24, 2013

I Desperately want to quit smoking, how? Chantix? -

I desperately want to quit smoking right now and I want to say this is my last pack for good. Ive been taking chantix for a few weeks now just like the instructions said and to be honest I dont think its working. Or I could be wrong,

Is there prehaps something better to quit smoking? Cold Turkey I know but the habit is so hard to break. Any help is appreciated

Everytime you feel the urge to smoke, tell yourself to wait...half an hour, five minutes, one minute...depending on how intense the urge is and how much you smoke. Urges come and go...if you do not act on it immediately, it may subside for a while. Keep busy, distract yourself with things you enjoy that occupy your hands and mind.

I-ve found this to be very helpful in avoiding a number of things I want to do but shouldn-t. Now, if I could just take my own advice about smoking...

Good luck!
nictine gum?
I Desperately want to quit smoking, how? Chantix? -