I quit smoking 4 months ago and guess what happened? -

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I quit smoking 4 months ago and guess what happened? -

I put on over 30lbs - i have tried everything, starting with starving, then tried an expensive gym membership, have now bought my own stationery bike and am a member of weight watchers. I-ve lost .4lb in the last 4 weeks yipee - now I have just bought kevin trudeau-s weight loss book - please tell me have I just wasted $50.00 or does this work.
it true. you try distract yourself from smoking a cigarette by eating.
You were using smoking for oral gratification and giving up smoking must have increases stress levels and made your weight go up. Since I have not read that book, no comment. If you find it useful, fine, else donate it to a library.
You just wasted $50 for info you can get free on the internet.
firstly, congratulations on giving up smoking - much better for your health!

Secondly, this won-t make you feel any better, but weight loss is pretty simple - just burn off more calories than you take in. I-d suggest doing regular cardio at the gym (say most days, or every other day) to burn calories, and weight training to increase your muscle mass and therefore your metabolic weight (every other day would be good). If you do this for a week or two and you-re not losing weight, eat less Calories and/or do more cardio (upto say 30-45mins per day); repeat until you-re losing 1-2lb/week. And yes, that is easier said than done. This site is good for general advice on exercise/diet -

Thirdly, I-m afraid you-ve wasted 50bucks on the book. Trudeau-s advice is largly stupid, sometimes dangerous - don-t touch with a barge pole. At least you can avoid wasting any more money buy not buying the junk natural -cures- the bloke recommends.
most of the time, quitting smoking makes people gain weight at first, then u gotta start watching ur eating habits, and stick to regular excercises, if u say u spend all this money, expensive membership, etc., then u should do fitness as well as cardio, like running, and/or walking. in this way will also help u get u breathing better faster, specially for a former smoker
I quit smoking and didn-t gain any weight. In fact, I lost about 10 pounds.
I wouldn-t say you wasted your money but I think you should have done your research on quitting smoking. I did and I found that you gain weight when you quit smoking. Trust me your energy wasn-t wasted in quitting. Use the book and keep trying and the weight will come off.
I quit and put on about 40 pounds. My doctor told me I was better off with the extra weight.
I have since lost that weight by taking up a healthy lifestyle. Mountainbiking, ultra running, triathlons and such and I-m in my forties. So just don-t give up and don-t go back to smoking.
Hang in there. I quit smoking and gained 70 pounds in a year using food to substitute for my nicotine addiction. I then made up my mind to lose the weight and I just ate 4 oz of steak and a glass of orange juice everyday for 7 weeks. My doctor was really mad at me. You don-t need to be so drastic. Just watch what you eat and continue to exercise and your metabolism will eventually straighten up. As an incentive put the money you used to spend on cigarettes in a coffee can or even the bank and when you lose the weight you can buy yourself something nice. Keep up the good work. I-m proud of you!
First of all, Congratulations on quitting smoking!

My boss at work quit smoking also yet she did not gain ANY weight.

She told us that she has been following the tips she obtain from this fitness expert on the internet.

I listed the website for you below.

She said to lose weight...you need to burn the fat.

I hope the following website and tips will be helpful to you.

Keep up the good work!
I quit smoking 4 months ago and guess what happened? -