Did Chantex help you to quit smoking cigarettes?? -

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Did Chantex help you to quit smoking cigarettes?? -

I-ve heard good and bad stories about it.
What was your experience?

-I might have spelled it wrong
Yeah, it was great. (It-s spelled Chantix, BTW). I used it for about six months, twice the normal course. Didn-t quite get me nicotine free in that time, but it got my habit down to the point where I was able to quite successfully a few months later.

It seems in studies to be the most effective stop smoking med.

Negative effects: vivid dreams the whole time I was taking it, and I-d get queasy after I took the pill and had to take medicine for heartburn. It also removed some of my normal inhibitions, forex I-d see something fattening in the supermarket and just buy it. Also, don-t take it if you-ve ever been sucidal or suffered from clinical depression, because it can trigger suicidal ideation in some people. If that happens to you, stop and call your doctor right away. You can probably take Wellbutrin instead.

My doctor tells me he doesn-t prescribe it anymore because of the risks, but I-d say that for most people the risks of Chantix are much lower than the risks of continuing to smoke.
No i had a stroke, which temporarily, (ABOUT SIX WEEKS0, disabled my taste buds, and squelched all my appetites. i automatically lostthe creving for the taste, and the stgroke made any nicotine addiction pale into insignificance.

Luckily for me, it was a stroke of the aschemic variety brought on by nicotine poisoning, lack of oxygen, due to smoking, and physical and mental stress, causedby my participation in a local gang war.

i am now fine, and am in fact in better health, than before the stroke, all due to stopping ciggarettes.

I also used the money saved by stopping cigarettes, fence my property, buy a car, buy insurance, paint my house, and a numerous other things, in the twelve years since i quit smoking.
I have been takin this medication for a couple of days, and it does seem to be working. I have also heard some things about it that scared me however I tried it and it has not given me bad dreams or made me suicidal. You have to be careful though, if you feel depressed or feel like hurting yourself, quit taking it and seek help because alot of people have commited suicide on this drug!!!
Did Chantex help you to quit smoking cigarettes?? -