Hi. I need to quit smoking - promised my girlfriend 10 months ago? -

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hi. I need to quit smoking - promised my girlfriend 10 months ago? -

she is fed-up, will probably leave me - help, I need to quit smoking... mostly for myself

thanks so much
Do yoga of shri ramdevji or Art of living of shri Ravishankar
why does she want you to quit smoking-? because of the smell, your health, the cost? If its the smell camel makes cigarettes that are ash less and don-t really have the smell. If its not that your going to need a lot off baby carrots to have some thing in your mouth. there are patches, gums, even medication that will reduce your want to smoke. Be very careful when you stop to watch you weight , you will eat more do to make up for the smoking hints the baby carrots and or gum.
i used to smoke 35 fags a day then one day i saw an advert about the harm full affects of smoking so i decided too give up for my children and myself. The only way you can give up is to be one hundred percent ready and commit ed too do it. Will power is good just take it one day at a time and be strong you can do it im sure you can. good luck and best wishes.
Wow, talk about pressure!

Start NOW by throwing your cigarettes in the garbage.

Keep a jar by the door. Every time you get an urge to go buy a pack of cigarettes, instead put the money in that jar.

Start keeping a pack of gum with you so you-ll have something to put in your mouth.

Take up a hobby or perhaps a gym membership to keep your mind busy.

Start cleaning the house, top to bottom. You-ll need to get the smell and tar out- and believe me, it is strong.

I used to clean house for people who were heavy smokers. Sometimes I would have to clean their windows three and four times before my cleaning rag would stop coming away brown.

A lot of people don-t like to think about that- but that-s what a smoker is deliberately pulling into their lungs.

Good luck!
giving up is hard. there are many things that will help. gum, nasal spray, patches, tablets, hypnotherapy, inhalers but you need to chat to your pharmacist to see what suits your habit. best of luck with that. also if you stop you will likely gain some weight so be prepared for that.
Hey soon to be non-smoker,
I smoked for thirty three years and the last fifteen I smoked 3 packs a day. I quit May 9,2006. Have not smoked since . COLD TURKEY. Everytime the urge came I told myself the urge will pass.The first week the urges are faster and tough. But after that it becomes a lot easier. This really works.
Good Luck!
Goodluck! You can do it!
stop buying cigs. if you don-t have them you can-t smoke. mind over matter.
Good for u, but the only way quitting will be successful is that u have to want to quit. I quit 10 months ago by using the new drug Chantix. It is prescription only. See your doctor and discuss this method. It worked for me!! I layed them down on the 7th day after starting the medicine. Good Luck!!!
educate yourself. understand that you will always have the temptation to smoke. you can-t beat them so to speak. i recommend welbutrin to help with the start of the quiting process. you like to smoke but remember all the consequences if you do. know that the average person tries to quit a billion times before being successful. dont be hard on yourself if you fail. after three days it is 100% mental and the hardest part. use gum, candy and always recognize hand to mouth habits and the situation you are in. know why you smoke, hot boxing and long drags are different reasons for the moment. sugar rushes and caffiene, i believe, can help with those moments. so join a gym too.
Use some other form of oral fixation like lollipops or gum. Every time you have the urge to smoke, brush your teeth.

I hope you quit.
I quite smoking 8 years ago. Trust me get a new girlfiend it will be 100 times easier.
On a serious note thou their are no short cuts its all will power. Just focus on the positive good rather on ,this is my last cigererte.. Try an not to get to hammered as that will get you started again every time.
Good luck. because it is difficult but not impossible.
nicitine gums, the patch, and they even developed a perscription pill but most important prepare your brain and stick to it. The nicitine withdrawels will disappear faster than the thought or habit of behavior. Replace smoking with staying active when you get a craving. But talk to your Dr. about what product would work best for you, GOOD LUCK !!!! And GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Do it for yourself, not just your girlfriend. The benefits will last a lifetime!!!!!!
get some patchs and some gum and get some guts and will power and do ti
I know people hate when someone suggests that they take medication as a first resort, but I have heard very good things about Chantix if you are truly addicted to nicotine. I am a part-time smoker myself (I will smoke when out, but not in my home, etc.) However, when I went to the doctor to get medication, he told me that social smoking wouldn-t be helped by medication, and I just need to avoid places that I would do it for at least two weeks (and better if longer) such as bars or my brother-s house (where he and his wife smoke).

It-s hard. I quite once in law school for several years, and you never stop wanting them, but it gets easier to not have them over time.

Good luck!
thats not really a question but ill say whats on my mind! i think that shes totally right and you would be the best boy friend to quit for her youre awesome!
go to the doctor theres medicene to help you to stop smoking
and if you love her alot you-ll stop

good luck
Just start chewing gum all the time that always helps it stopped my grandma, girlfriend, and dad stop smoking
Get a big bag of carrots (baby are best) and some cellery (with PB is good). Eat them every time you feel like a cigarette. That will help with the oral component.
As for the rest, drink lots of tea and water, take an asparin to help with headache (or Ibuprofin), exercise and do things to keep you busy for the first two weeks.
Then it will be over, your girlfreind you love won-t leave you, and you won-t die an early death in a hospital, getting your lungs cut out, getting chemo and radiation and choking on blood clots and pieces of your lungs you are couphing up when you are 40!!!!
(PS: Every time you feel like a cigarette she has to give you a *******, that-s the rule).
I went for laser treatment over 2 1/2 years ago and am still off them. I really wanted to stop and have never looked back. Saved a fortune and done loads with the cash. Try the link:


EDIT: Just been reading some of the other replies. Smoking is an ADDICTION and it is NOT that easy to quit. How many of you with the -get some guts- theme are/were smokers? Try telling that to a heroin addict - and apparently nicotine is a worse addiction than THAT!
So quit! I went from almost two packs a day to zip! It takes will power and you might want to have tic tacs or life savers or something to put in your mouth when you want a smoke.

Keep busy! This is very important. Keeping busy and the mind occupied will allow you to help handle the cravings. I just worked seven days a week and kept busy even after work. it did work. Yes the candies are going to cost, but less than smokes (well around here anyways).

It will be hard at times and avoid the bars or where people are smoking for a little while at first. Temptation can be very hard to overcome. But you do need the woillpower to do otherwise it-s not going to work out.

Many go for the patch or nicorette gum or some other aid and for some it helps as it reduces the cravings. Try and see, but force yourself to not light up.

good luck.
Hi. I need to quit smoking - promised my girlfriend 10 months ago? -