Okay, Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes what are any good suggestions former smokers have that worked 4 u? -

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Okay, Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes what are any good suggestions former smokers have that worked 4 u? -

Good for you! It-s one of the best things you can do for yourself. Some things that helped me:

Drink lots of water.

Identify -links- to smoking, such as -have a cup of coffee, have a cig- or -have a meal, then have a cig.- Start extending the time for these links. For example, you have to wait 15 minutes after coffee or a meal before you can smoke. Then 30 minutes, and so on.

Find some red (cinnamon) mouthwash, and swish it around your mouth whenever you-re thinking of smoking--kills the taste for one.

Exercise as much as you can, especially doing things that make you out of breath.

Nicotine patches or gum are good, so are the medications like Chantix.

Use every tool you can. I know some former heroin addicts who say quitting cigarettes was tougher than quitting heroin. Think positive, even if it feels silly, and focus on how good you-re going to feel, and how proud of yourself you-ll feel, when you-re a non-smoker!

Good luck!
There are a couple of questions...

do you have trouble quitting?

have you tried quitting before with no luck?

do you constantly crave a cigarette?

if yes to any of these, then you might not ever be able to quit without extreme drugs or a life threatening illness, like cancer. This is because some people have it in their genes to not be able to stop. its genetic. talk to your doctor for some drugs.

If it is easy for you to stop, here are some suggestions,

*try stopping slowly: (long time)
try having the normal amount of cigarettes you normally take and the every day or every other day smoke one less. by the 3rd or 4th week then you will be down to one cigarette a day or even a week and it will be easy to stop.

*Chewing gum:
nicotine gum

*The patch
i don-t really know if it works that well.


there-s a lot of ways to quit smoking. There-s the nicotine patch and or gum. There-s also a medications such as chantix. The best way for me was to just quit cold turkey. You have to just make a commitment to not smoking any more and make a date to stop. You just have to stick with it.
I got a chest infection, and had to have a Chest Ex-ray, which i had to wait 3weeks for , that 3 weeks Makes you reflect on years of smoking, and then whilst you are waiting you start to think of the worse Illness smoke related to smoking, when the XRAY results camre through CLEAR, i thought that was a wake up call , so i went cold turkey and its been 2years now non smoking , it does get better over time ,now i cant stand the smell of cigs ,
I have stopped 3 days ago - using Zyban. The product is very good, you can continue smoking as you are taking it for about two weeks. After two weeks, you find that cigarettes start tasting disgusting and you don-t even crave them as much.

Good Luck!
after a few heart attacks,triple bypass,two stints,i stoped, but for one year was going crazy,.after fourteen months no more cravings.cant stand being around cig smoke at all now.It was the toughest thing i have ever had to do in my 56 years of living.Facing death was the only thing that made me stop.Stupid ME.I tried all the gums, patches and smoked just as many cigs while using that stuff.For the people that stop in two weeks they have know idea what addiction is.
I went for jogs everytime I had a craving.
Stopped me smoking and I got fit.

Nicotine patches and gum are really good too.
Whenever you crave for one, run as fast as you can to get the heart beat up, then the craving goes away.. Also chew gum.
Mmm I-m going to have a ciggy right now - it-s going to be as awesome as the last one.
buy a jigsaw and sit doing that while you watch tv keep your hands busy and avoid situations where you smoke
cut down ur cigerettes by chewin gum!
Okay, Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes what are any good suggestions former smokers have that worked 4 u? -